This concerns the management of Missouri State Extended Unemployment insurance benefits, which are supposed to be paid after the claimant physicallysubmits the weekly claim form to the claims office via US Mail. Just have a back up plan (I guess eat bark off of trees and live in your car)because you can't depend on them to pay you! Yes the money belongs to you, yes you worked for it, yes you have to have it to eat and try to keep a roof over your head, nonetheless, about every other week expect them to have some excuse to try to weasel out of paying you yourlegitimate, already approved claims! This outfit lists five telephone numbers on their web site. All five have consistentlynot workedall day every day since at least September 2010. If you call your congressional representative and ask them to call the Division of Employment Security and tell someone there to please call you, you still won't have any luck. Division of Employment personnel will also ignore congressional representatives' requests to call citizens.Hence when you don't get paid yet again because of some lame excuse from themsuch as, We never got your claim form" "Oopsie,we forgot to put your form in the stack to be processed""You didn't sign in the right place"it isn't possible to talk to anyone to try to try to straighten out the problem. If two weeks lapsewith them avoiding your phone calls they don't pay you at all.
Given the state of Missouri's current financial deficit, Missouri citizens need to join forces and insist upon not paying salaries for state employees whokeep their phones off the hook when part of their jobs is to answer them, who physically endanger the lives of citizens by repeatedly denying them such things as their grocery funds, housing funds, funds to keep the utilities on, ect. by withholding the citizens ?paychecks to try to save the state a few dollars, and whoarehorribly hostileto citizens who only want to ask why they didn't get their paycheck. For everyMissouri Division of Employment Security employee who is unwilling to do their job, I am sure at least ten other candidates would love to have the job and would do it better.