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Locke Star Builders - Robert Locke - Con Man-Thief - Patricia Geister Port Aransas
Locke Star Builders - Robert Locke - Con Man-Thief - Patricia Geister Port Aransas
13th of Dec, 2011 by maxnorilij
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This Creep is trying to buy the lumber co in port aransas with the money of Patricia Geister

Locke Star Builders : Robert Locke : Con Man-Thief : Patricia Geister Port Aransas Robert Locke is a thief, pathological liar and a sexual predator. I was remodeling and I was looking for a builder to take over the project and pay me the money I had already put in for remodeling.

I have a lot of work including new floors and a new bathroom. We agreed on a price or 22 thousand dollars. He agreed to get his Investor Patricia Geister of Corpus Christi I agreed that when I had the check I would give the contact info of the Lady who owned the House so they could enter into a new lease purchase.

To make a long story short a day after I gave them the information they called while I was out of town and told me my house was surrounded by police and FBI. I called the local police in Port Aransas and they said this was not true. he did this to try to scare me from coming back to the house. that was on a Saturday. on Monday I went to Port Aransas to collect my things from the house but when I got there the doors were locked and all my things were gone. YUP he robbed my house.

I soon found the check was canceled and they had a new lease with Charolette Zolezzi who was the owner. She Informed me that she had a new lease and I was out. I told her about the check for 22k and my things were stolen and she said It was my problem. I soon found out later that Patricia Geister had offered to buy the house and they both conspired to cut me out of my money and steal my stuff. I showed the lease to the police and I was able to return and now they are locked out and Robert Locke keeps coming over the house and was caught inside by police. I issued a No Trespassing bond on him. this guy is unbelievable. he sexually harassed a girl in town at the lumber company to the point he was forbidden to shop there. Robert Locke has my things in his house and is watching my TV as I write this. I filed a report with the police and I am following up to make sure they arrest this creep. If You want a good Laugh you can read his self made biography here. He is a real Hero from fighting in bars with John Wayne being blamed for the bay of pigs and turning down a contract with the New York Yankees. LOL

I am pasting it to the bottom of this email because he will probably edit or delete it. Pathetic as it is. Star Over Texas LLC 2437 LUZIUS DR corpus Christi Robert Lock Robert Locke Robert Star Locke Star Locke-Star Builders Locke-Star Inc. Star Locke Star Locke Builders P.O. Box 338 Port Aransas, TX 78373 Phone: 361-558-5221 (361) 749-0401 Email: [email protected] Website: STAR LOCKE Born in Indian Territory in 1940 a descendent from a Pioneer and a Choctaw Princess, Star is proud of his heritage. As the son of an U.S. Army Officer, Star spent his childhood traversing the globe. Born to Elma Cross and Norval M. Locke in Ardmore, Oklahoma, Robert Arnold Locke was known as "Bobby" until 1960 when the nick name "Star" was give to him. His parents were both students at Oklahoma University.

While at O.U. Norval was voted captain of the Sooner football team. After his graduation from O.U. in 1939 Norval Locke became a football coach. On December 7, 1941. National Guardsman Lt. Locke was called to Active Duty and saw combat in Germany and was awarded the Silver Star and 2 Bronze Stars. Colonel Norval & Elma Locke now rest in Honored Glory at Ft Sam Houston National Cemetery we miss them so much.

As a young cowboy on his stick horse, young Robert rode the range with Roy and Dale. Wanting to help his father, he mailed his "authentic" Roy Rogers pearl-handle cap gun to his he could "shoot the bad guy, Hitler". Locke wears dad’s combat boots and army cap After victory in Europe, Captain Locke was offered a regular Army commission, promoted to Major, and transferred to work under General Douglas McArthur as part of the "Occupation Forces" in Japan . It was there in the sea of Japan that Bobby Locke first learned unique ocean swimming techniques from Japanese pearl divers. Secrets that would lead to his swimming records later in life. at the sea of Japan 1946 US Military dependents in Japan in early 1946 were under armed guard 24 hours a day and moved locally only with Military escort vehicles and convoys with mounted 50 caliber machine guns. Many die-hard Japanese refused to surrender and were constantly blowing up trains and burning buildings and Ammunition dumps. Young Locke saw the horrors and atrocities can be of evil and As a 6 year old boy in Japan, young Locke saw custom hand made Japanese lamp shades that were of made of human skin. The Japanese Military Commanders prided themselves in having "skin shades" in their homes.

The Japanese Officers skinned American Marines and had craftsmen make lamp shades out of their skin. The most sought after prized lamps and most valued possession of the Japanese was of a lampshade taken from tattooed skin with the emblem U.S. MARINE CORPS on it! actual photo taken from the plane that dropped it As a child young Locke viewed many life changing sites. Locke is one of the few people alive who actually witnessed with his own two eyes the actual Blast Site, all covered grey ash at "Ground Zero" in Hiroshima 6 months after the it happened. Locke remembers that he and his brother and sister were instructed by Major Locke to "Look at this...LOOK AT THIS AND NEVER EVER FORGET IT AS LONG AS YOU LIVE.

What your eyes are seeing here this day." One such vivid memory is of one wall of what was left of a skeleton of a building on the side of the wall; you could see the perfectly outlined silhouettes of 6 people, a family of Japanese who were obviously walking down the road when the Blast went off. All 4 adults and 2 children were instantly vaporized. The only thing left was the outlines of their bodies welded by the heat branding their human outlines to the wall ! It looked just as if an artist had painted a mural on the wall surrounded by a world of ash-grey fallen out, the result of the incineration of man and material created by the many kilotons Fireball.

This vision and memory of Ground Zero has given Star a deeper understanding of the existence of total evil in the world. Star realizes that sometimes it takes the use of all your weapons to defeat such an evil empire. Star understands that evil exists it today's world also. In Iraq and with these Islam fanatics, this is not new. "We have seen this before in the Kamikazes of Japan. A lesson we all should learn. Next the Army transferred the family back to the states. Bobby attended schools in California, Kansas and Oklahoma. While in High School at Lawton [Ft Sill], Bobby Locke was elected Chaplain of the Future Farmers of America developing a love for the land and for Animal Husbandry.

Transferring again in his Senior year to Europe, Bobby graduated High School in Paris, France . During that summer, he joined a baseball league at USAEUR HQS in Heidelberg, Germany and won the MVP Award for the League and turned down a contract with the New York Yankees to attended the University of Oklahoma at the request of Sooner-Head Coach Bud Wilkinson. Just feeling happy he was on the same field with the real stars, Locke made up for it with hard work and drive. As a Sooner linebacker, Bobby was known as a "sticker" who loved to tackle and intercept balls. While at O.U., Bobby studied in Political Science under such famous professors as, Chinese and Asian- C.I.A. Advisor M. Buchanan PH.D.

While there Locke was elected President of the College Republicans in Norman. As war clouds gathered, Locke voluntarily entered the US Regular Army as a grunt" in his 2nd year at O.U. After Basic Training as a Combat Rifleman at Ft. Dix, New Jersey, Locke received a direct Presidential Nomination by John F. Kennedy to the United States Military Academy. He then was sent to the US Army Military Academy Prep School at Ft Belvoir, Virginia. While at Belvoir, Locke also studied Advanced Standing courses at night in Euro-Geo Politics and N. A.T.O.; at George Washington University. As the Cuban crisis heightened, Locke became aware of and volunteered for a classified mission against Castro. Already recognized as a World Class Swimmer, he volunteered for the operation". Locke was approached and recruited for the Mission by relative Senator John Tower of Texas, Chairman of the Senate Armed Forces Committee.

Pvt Locke left Ft. Belvoir for Jump School at Benning in case the assault should be a night drop. Next on to a Florida beach training with the Navy team preparing for the mission. The decision was made to make the assault by sea at night. Making a free assent from a submarine the team made their way to the beach undercover of darkness. As word of the covert operation leaked to the enemy, Castor's Forces were waiting at midnight as the 6 men hit the beach. Some agency or double-agent must have leaked it to Castro. The operation was "dead on arrival" as the team walked into the trap. As flares lit up the sky, the team encountered small arms, heavy mortar and withering machine gun fire! Retreating back into the water with long underwater strokes, Locke swam into the open sea and 3 days later was picked up by a banana boat out of Haiti. Locke was the sole survivor In similar stressful fashion as Gary Power’s U-2 ordeal being shot down and captured by the Soviet Union and the negative press of that of Col. O. North in July of 1987 when he warned our disbelieving US CONGRESS, of the grave danger from Ben Laden as no one listened. Locke took the heat and the fall to cover up the Castro take-out attempts.

The U.S. Government denied any knowledge of the operation thus refuting the common-knowledge claims that Castro and Kennedy were both trying to assassinate each other. We all know the end result to JFK of these attempts. Senator Tower and JFK were later both murdered. Pvt Locke received his Honorable Discharge returning to civilian life. It was not much later, while hanging around the Mexican border towns, that Robert Locke acquired the nick-name "Star". One night at a Cantina across the Mexico border, Star and couple of cowboys entered the place to have a "few cold ones". As they entered there was a confrontation going on at the counter between the large bald headed 6 ft 3" white manager and a simple Mexican traveler who was trying to get some food to go. Seems that the 150 pound smaller, humble man had a family out side who needed some beans and tacos to quiet the hungry children. As the traveler pleaded with the owner "Please Senor, here is $5...just give us the food it will buy and we will be on our way".

At that the owner became even more irritated. "I told you must wait ...we are very busy now ...later...later", he snarled. At that point the hungry wife and kids entered the restaurant, confused as to why it was taking so long for the easy order. She walked directly up to the man and wanted to know the delay. "Why we cant buy $5 worth of food?" she asked The owner then lost it, the man put his hands on her and told her to leave "You're causing a scene, get out of my place!" he demanded. The lady was obviously 5 or 6 months pregnant and she tripped and fell. THAT DID IT! Locke grabbed the owner by the shoulder, swung him around, and placed a Hay-Maker right on his mouth!!! This was not just a "punch" this one came up from the floor!!! Locke reached down deep and brought this "lick" up from the ground with all the might he possessed! Caught totally by surprise, the owner was sent flying across the room, landing on top of a table occupied by customers. . Knocked-Out Cold! The man slid the length of the table his limp body taking all the plates, glasses of beer, dishes of hot sauce and tortillas with him! The customers had just received 8 steaming enchilada plates and pitchers of beer and drinks were now covered with the mess! As Locke turned to see what damage he had done, he realized he had ruined all the customers clothes. But worse; he recognized 4 of the customers. There sat, covered in food, 4 attractive Hispanic ladies, Big John Hamilton, Happy Shayhand, Slim Pickens, and sitting at the end of the table with enchiladas, all the food and dripping beer off his chest.. sat John Wayne !

The Duke At that point Locke knew his life was over! Everyone in the place froze in time! Not a sound could be heard as all eyes turned toward the Duke to see what he was going to do. Seconds seem like hours as the Duke rose slowly from his chair to his full overpowering height and stature silently wiping the mixture of enchiladas, tacos, hot sauce, tortillas and beer from his clothes and his lap! John Wayne's eyes surveying the wreckage that he was standing in, his steely eyes fixed on Bobby. Such a look from the Duke could chill a man's soul and Locke felt his knees go weak. He could see himself flying across the room. Then, in what seemed like a lifetime, John Wayne spoke...

The duke turned slowly to Slim and grinned and said... "Well Slim, I guess there is still a Star over Texas". A real American ! At his words the Mexican on lookers began to chant "estrella" "estrella" as the room broke out in applause for both John Wayne and the new "Star". The rest is history. This was abandoned house in the ghetto Locke gutted out the rot, new foundation, installed new floor joist, jacked up the roof and by sweat and hard work turned it into a new home for a working family. Moving back to the water and beach he loves, Locke moved to N. Padre Island Texas and started his cow and horse ranch. He continued to rehab neighborhoods while building affordable housing for working people.

Active in construction and ranching in the next 25 years Locke entered a race for the Congress. The district included San Antonio went West to the Mexican border for the US Congress in the Texas 21st District. Star Locke’s ideas and programs got the attention of Ronald Reagan and did received Reagan's Personal Endorsement as being "the type of individual that is needed in government" and President Reagan said "I am proud to indorse your candidacy for the United States Congress". “Star Locke you are the type of conservative America needs" Locke won only the Primary race and was abandoned by the elite liberals of the Republican Party as they blasted him in the press over his Cuban invasion assault. Being a man of the working people who could not be bought did not fit into their plans for a “global economy" and exporting of jobs. Once again in 1991 when war clouds loomed with Iraq and, Star answered the call. In a true Texan and in the tradition of Dave Crockett style, Star volunteered for Desert Storm. As a Freedom Fighter bound for Saudi, Star got as far as Paris before hostilities broke out. Recognizing a need existed in Paris and gaining National media acclaim across Europe, Star was an inspiration to many US Marine and Military & Civilian Personnel in Europe and at the US . Embassy.

When the Embassy learned that Locke had Volunteered and paid for his own plane ticket to join the fight, one US Marine Sgt. Embassy Guard came to Attention and snapping a salute, was quoted as saying "YOU INSPIRE THE HELL OUT OF US, SIR"! In Paris - Teaming up with an Israeli Veteran Colonel, Star was publicly supporting the operation and assuring the Israelis in Europe of the solid US commitment to them. The message that the Israelis need not enter the war was well publicized and received. Locke gained tremendous experiences while dealing with the Saudis and came to realize that they are the real threat to our security. Talking and dealing with Saudis in their Embassy in Paris taught Locke that they look at Americans like a alligator looks at a their next meal. They despise us so much they will not even allow a Christian tourist to visit their country.

Locke learned that Saudi Arabia is a pure dictatorship by a ruling family which includes Ben laden. The Saudis refuse to issue Locke a visas saying that they don't want Americans to pollute their pure minds with our infidel ideas." Locke learned Islam well and now understands their motives. While in Paris, Locke witnessed the riots and chaos caused when European countries surrender and give in to the terror of Islam and their secret plans for world domination. . Following his return to Texas, Star became even more convinced of his call to serve. Star returned to Construction and moved to N. Padre Island in 1999 and began to re-build his Construction business and a working ranch on the beach.

To celebrate the D-Day landing [ 6 June 44 ] of US Forces on Normandy beach in France, on June 6, 2003 Locke hoping to draw attention the priceless cost that was paid that day by U.S. Military Forces and to have young people stop and think TO REMEMBER --- LEST WE FORGET, Locke staged a Honor Swim. The event was a 5 mile swim in the Gulf of Mexico to the beach on Padre Island-with no rescue boat in the water. This was to draw attention to the sacrifices of the courageous men who hit that beach on that day. Thousands Americans rest there to this day at the cemetery just above the beach. LOCKE gets a well done" hug from D-Day Survivor Col. Rizitto Col.Rizitto explains the real battle on D-Day Col James Rizitto (ret) D-Day Survivor-- greeted Star as he came ashore. When asked about D-Day, Col. Rizitto explained how it was on that day, "realizing we probably were going to our deaths, most of us meet with a Chaplain and took the last rites." Col. Rizitto remembers that "for more than 100 yards off the beach the sea ran red with American Blood". Where do we find such Men? Do we have that type of Courage today? Do we deserve such Sacrifice? Since 1969, Star has made it his duty to create jobs and contribute to the improvement of his neighborhoods; one job at a time; one lot at a time; one home at a time.

A carpenter himself focusing his efforts inside the inner city, Star has rehabbed many boarded-up houses in the ghetto and the barrio and rebuilt them for the Affordable Housing market. Finding that Affordable Housing for young families is a major problem in Texas, Star dives in and attacks the rot. Locke operates a small Construction business and ranches out of love for the land and animals. Star has strong beliefs in God and agrees with Washington. George Washington wrote that, " should we want our liberty secure and freedom to endure, we must “acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, obey his will, be grateful for his benefits, and humbly implore his protection and favors." A newly Baptized catholic, Star is now a also a member of the Knights of Columbus and also and also serves as Minister of Communion at Church.

In 2005 Locke is put off his life-long dream of ranching and breeding cows /horses, to run for Governor of Texas. After watching the steady loss of citizen personal liberties and abuse of private property by Rick Perry and the National Republican party, Locke decided to take them on. Governor Perry is building a 600 mile super highway Trans-Texas Corridor dividing Texas in half. This monster is to be 1/2 mile across consisting of vehicle lanes, utility line lanes, railroad track lanes for commuter trains and freight trains for foreign imported containers, oil pipe lines and who know what next. This is done with the support of NAFTA driven international Consortium's which gives the construction and control of the road over to a foreign entity. Reminds us all of the deal BUSH had going to sell American Ports. Governor Rick Perry is taking tax payers dollars to build this monster toll road which swallows up private property including 120 year old ranches and farms by the use of EMINENT DOMAIN and thus he confiscates their land by the state. NAFTA and its buddies are doing this to the benefit Corporations reaping windfall profits by operating in Mexico without the burden of Environmental Laws or Minimum Wages demanded by US Laws.

During the race for Governor of Texas there was never one debate by the Republican Party or one discussion of these issues. My primary race was totally ignored and Perry who was not even in the state when the primary election took place. The General election votes were split among 1 Democratic and 2 Independent opponents with Perry retaining the office with barely 39% of the vote. Government by confiscation for the rich and powerful now rule in Texas. During the race for governor of TEXAS, Star came to realize just how deep the greed, corruption and rot has spread within the Republican Party. They now want one world government and international business now dictates their American policy

The Republican party is not conservative any longer. Special interest and fat cats now dictate to the republican leaders. After the election, Star realized that the Illegal Alien problem was out of hand and no one had/has an answer. Remembering his grandmother advise of :..."do not judge a man till you walk a mile in his moccasin" star moved to Mexico and walked miles in their moccasin. Locke realized that we need to know the "why" of a problem before we can make a recommendation as to a "cure". Star spent the next 14 months with his boots on the ground in Mexico- living among the Mexican people and looking for facts. October 07 Locke crossed back across the Mexican border to the valley of So. Texas to compile his research for THE REPORT. [see OPERATIONS WET BACK"] Locke now realized that Immigration issue involves the National Security of the United States of America . God’s Speed Locke AMEN

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