Klaus Towing |
Klaus Towing Illegally towed my car then dented my hood, cracked my bumper, broke my radio Colorado Springs, Colorado |
6th of Sep, 2011 by User816271 |
My HOA said that my car was considered "stored" because they don't see me drive it and had it towed. It was towed by klaus towing. My car had valid tags, insurance, registration, and was fully working. I drove it at least once a week. After several calls to Associa and being rudely told oh well pay them I made a BBB report. Associa changed their tone when their corporate office started to get involved with the BBB. Associa conducted an investigation and went door to door asking my neighbors if I actually drive the car and they all told them I did. By Associa's own rules the car has to be inoperable or have expired tags and neither were true for my car. Associa had Klaus towing release my car for being illegally towed. When Klaus towing found out he was so mad he dented my hood so bad it made the paint chip off, broke my bumper in 2 spots (not sure if he did it during tow or when he found out I was not going to pay), and he ripped the faceplate off my less than 6 month old radio. when confronted with the damage Mr Klaus laughed at me saying you better have a video or you can't prove anything. I told him that I proved my car was illegally towed and I would prove he damaged my car in small claims if needed. Mr Klaus told me he had already ordered the title for my car and he told me he was out of a bunch of money for the towing of my car. It looked like he had tried to take the radio out of my car because if was pulled out and not locked into place like normal. I guess from all the poor reviews and terrible customer service he can not afford his own radio without stealing one. Mr Klaus followed me to my car yelling, screaming, and threatening me. I honestly felt as though he would have taken a swing at me if I had not got in the car. On the way out of the parking lot he spat on my window. The way he conducted himself, there is no doubt in my mind he is capable of damaging a persons car to try and get back at them.
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