Hughes Network Systems |
Hughes Network Systems, LLC false advertising, cost of upgrade and broadband lie, tech scam, fraudulent insurance, false information Germantown , Mar |
1st of Dec, 2010 by User308847 |
Hughesnet Flyer stated the cost was $49.00 a month and 50 times faster than dial up. After tax and the $6.00 insurance fee, the cost was approximately $59.00. A couple of days after we were connected, I could not get on the internet. Called tech support and they could solve it, then gave me a number to call who knew more about the problem. I called the number and they said they could not fix it either, that they were going to send someone out, which would cost $29.95. I told them that we have insurance, they said, "The cost would originally be $99. and with insurance it only costs $29.95." They failed to let us know that when we purchased the service. They said it would be 2 days before they could get here, so I hung up. I then unplugged the router for awhile, plugged it back in and walla - it worked. A couple of weeks later I tried to get online, but I was blocked, so I called the company and they said because of my downloads, they must charge an additional fee of $5.00, but I could get 1 free. So I did. A couple of weeks later, again I was blocked, so I had to pay the additional $5.00. They failed to tell me they charged for a certain amount of downloads when I agreed to their service. They said an upgrade would allow for more downloads. Since their internet connection was soooooooo slow, we decided to upgrade. I called the company and they said it would be an additional $20.00 and the speed would be equal to DSL. I wanted to be assured so I stated, "my monthly cost will be $79.00 then, right!" They said yes. I asked again, "My total bill per month will be $79, right?" They said "that's correct, the bill will be $79 per month". So we upgraded. We waited and waited for faster internet, but it didn't come. Well, may a little bit because my husband said, "can you see a difference?" I said, "I think I can, but I'm not sure". It was hardly noticeable...And we were stuck. Then the bill came, $100.03 a month. I called the company, to no avail. They just argued. We want to cancel, but the cancellation fee is $400.00 if we cancel before 2 years is up...Regardless if their service is bad or the cost is not what they said. Last night I could not get on the internet. I tried again this morning but could not, so I called Hughesnet. I talked to one tech, got disconnected, called again and there was a 10 minuet waiting period. Hung up, called a little bit later, the wait was only 5 minuets. A lady answered and said there was nothing she could do and gave me a number, the number that charges $5.00. I hung up, decided to unplug the modem, plugged it back in and I was on the internet. I then went into hughesnet to see where I could complain about their tech service, but they do not have a complaint department. So I searched on Google and I found tons of other complaints. We want out of their contract but they say we must pay $400 if we do so before the 2 year period is up. I hope someone can look into this company, because they are hurting a lot of people with their lies and scams. And they have caused us a lot of aggravation and more money than we would have paid for their service, if they would have been honest and up front. |
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