Consumer reviews and reports on scam companies, bad products and services
High Energy Marketing
High Energy Marketing Solutions DNS Auto Glass (FRAUDS) Greenville, South Carolina
24th of Apr, 2011 by User697692
If this bogus company calls you for a job interview... RUN! They claim to be a "Premier" marketing/advertising company, but that is sooooooooooooooooooooooooo far from the truth. The truth is is that ALL they want is for people to walk around from one subdivision to the next to sell windshields for a company called DNS Auto Glass. After doing a short bit of research, I discovered that DNS Auto Glass used to be called Coast to Coast Auto Glass. This bogus company advertises employments on many different internet employment sites, such as Career Builders, Monster, and Indeed. All of their ads are totally and 100% pure deceptive in nature. They advertise for management, athletes, and restaurants, but in all reality, everyone starts out at the lowest possible level regardless of how much experience you have. They tell you about how much money you can make, feed you a line of BS about owning your own office, and many other things to get you to stick around, and in the meantime, you basically starve. They tell you that their management program is designed to be around 9 months long, but then they will boast about how they feel you can do this within a few short months. Just sell and make the upper management money while your own paycheck is pathetic. You will only get paid commission, but they want, DEMAND, that you work from early morning till way past 8 at night, six days a week. I have heard a couple of people from this bogus company brag about their future with the company, but then, less than 2 weeks later, they QUIT!
If I can save one person from even talking with these morons, then I will have done my job! I have taken the time to visit my neighbors and warned them about their shady sales tactics and the glass shop they claim to represent. This company, High Energy Marketing Solutions is a far, far cry from being anything close to a legitimate marketing/advertising company. Also, on the invoice of DNS Auto Glass, their sales people are "taught" to point out the list of alleged corporate offices. However, with the truth being told, none, not ONE of those offices exist! That alone should warn you about just how shady this company is, not to mention, DNS Auto Glass too. From start to finish, this entire thing is nothing more than a big fat SCAM!
Do yourself and others a huge, huge favor and warn everyone you know about High Energy Marketing Solutions and the glass shop they claim to represent, DNS Auto Glass. From the very first moment they speak with you, just remember, they are ALL nothing more than a bunch of LIARS! Don't take this as me being just a disgruntled employee. Check the internet yourself, research Coast to Coast Auto Glass and DNS Auto Glass. They are one in the very same!
5050 days ago by Frank102
this is all bs for one i work for hi energy and this got just couldnt cut it with the company. i know for a fact this company is everything they say everything they told me has been true and further more dns bought coast to coast and i myself have a bunch of satisfied customer
4980 days ago by Rep92
Truth be told, there are alot of people that walk into the door of hi- energy marketing and never come back the next day because they couldn't handle it. Further more, there are alot of people that stay for a month and don't make the cut. You can obviously see that the complaint above was filed from one of these two types of people. Hi-energy marketing is not an easy job by any means, but everything they say is 100% true. Myself, (a current employee) can attest to that by saying that i've worked extremely hard and i am starting to see the truth in the money to be made and the oppotunity laid before me. The only thing is that nothing at this business is given to you. You make your own success and you've got to work hard at it... Now in the meantime, you are building some awesome relationships with your co-workers. Basically they become family. My boss is like my little brother. lol We have a team bowling night, dinner and movie night, and alot of random out-to-eats after work inwhich the boss takes care of everything. its an amazing job hands down and i look forward to being there everyday. ...DNS Auto Glass? An amazing company! I've never had an unsatisfied customer although i have had a cancellation or two because of the comment above. Now i think i speak for eveyone at Hi-Energy when i say lets maintain #1 office in the nation for the 4th week in a Row! JUICE!!!
4971 days ago by MattBailey
I own an auto glass company in Spartanburg SC. I was approached at my house by a salesperson from DNS. Of course, being in auto glass, I am sympathetic to using new and unique sales tactics so I listened to his pitch. The salesperson went on to point out tiny dings in my windshield that nearly every windshield has, and told me I needed a new one. My windshield was only about a year old, and this guy was obviously going to try to sell me regardless of what my windshield looked like. My impression is that they pretty much try to sell anyone who breathes and has full coverage insurance that they NEED a windshield. This is unethical and illegal. Also, insurance fraud is a federal crime, so all their employees should be worried about repercussions they could face due to their complicity.

Matt Bailey
4948 days ago by Tammy123
THANK YOU for the warning! am sincerely looking for employment and was just called for an "interview" from this company for tomorrow. I'm sure everyone who applies gets qualified, is accepted for an interview, and is hired from the sounds of it. The woman told me that they just moved offices yesterday and therefore there is not a sign out front of the building. (suspicious) I specifically asked her if it was a direct sales, multi-level-marketing, cold-call, door to door sales, or initial investment position. We both laughed when I told her I didn't want to waste either of our time if it is anything like Kirby or Rainbow vacuum sales. She flat out lied to me and confirmed my interview for tomorrow. If I had fallen for this, I would have wasted my time, not to mention gas money, and been very mad. False advertisement and fraud are not in my future! Thank goodness for internet searches!!

4947 days ago by Truth101
I work at hi- energy and truth be told it is a scam you're not allowed to have business cards or anything that identifies you as a legitimate business. You're told that there is damage everywhere find it, to sign up pits but when you call into the insurance company say its chunks of glass missing out of your windshield instead of calling it what it is sand pitting which is fraud. They don't have any shop in the upstate and 1156 bowman road is just a buildng they use as an address its not a shop in Charleston. They moved to a building with no sign ( suspicious ) they aren't a preferred shop nt because oc the warranty or the fact that they have high quality glass think about those would make them a preferred shop they are not because of all the bogus damage they report payroll is sketchy you don't get paid for some of th installs then they lie and say you never turned in tracking sheets just to make it look legit you have no personal time at all work ends @130 am. And you're not evn working then its not as glamorous as they try to make it take it from me I know I still work there and about to quit.
4941 days ago by Tickleit
i work at hi-energy as well...and am actually hunting down a new job..FAST! it is a scam...big time. what they say is true...however, i don't work til 130am...but i'm in a different branch. i have not been with the company long...and in the beginning they shove rainbows and skittles up your ass...make you sound like it's the best job ever! however, it is, in fact, one of the worst. sure the people are fun...and it's nice to take a smoke break whenever you need to...but i'd gladly trade that in for a company that will actually make sure i get money! they "garauntee" that you will make no less than 250 a week...that everybody makes at least 300 a week...some even 1200...when, in all actuality, you don't see a fucking dime! basically, the whole gimic is to make you work your ass off for free while the "owners" sit fat and happy in their office. granted, i do like my bosses...they're great...and i do like the people i work with. but, the job is just a huge bag of shit. don't let them sucker you in with their promises of cupcakes and ponys :)
4934 days ago by Singlemomof1
I was called for an interview with this company. Thank God something told me to look them up since I have NEVER heard of them nor do I have ANY experince in marketing or sales. I am so glad I found these comments because I am a single mother that is truly in need of a real job to take care of my son. I am glad I did not waste my time with this interview. Thank you so much for speaking up.
4934 days ago by Rideordieguy
Thanks to all who posted here...ya'll just saved me from wasting my afternoon "interviewing" although I am really pissed cause i scheduled this interview for today and missed THE FIRST DAY OF DEER SEASON FOR NOTHING. These people sent me an email that said the hiring mgr reviewed my resume and wanted to schedule an interview with me...I NEVER SENT MY RESUME TO THEM! ...these people are liers and I'm going to be a no show today because of what I just read above. here is the new information BECAUSE THEY ARE WORKING A DIFFERENT ADDRESS YET AGAIN:

HiEnergy Marketing Solutions, INC.
2320 East North Street
Suite JJ
Greenville, SC 29607
P: (864) 283-0648

SCUMBAGS didnt even know their address yesterday cause they probably just moved and gave me 2 different addresses. The one above is the one that was corrected and the one that I am supposed to be interviewing at today. Fuck them.. My suggestion is the you effing run if you ever run into these people, I got caught up in the garbage when I was young and the company got me to work for free and use my money for gas for almost 3 weeks before I quit and I never saw a penny from them.

Heres the first email you will get (again, I never sent them a resume):

HiEnergy Marketing Solutions, INC.
2323 East North St.
Suite JJ
Greenville, SC 29607
P: (864) 283-0648


We have reviewed your resume, and we are definitely interested in learning more about you and how you might fit in with our company's long term goals, expansion plans, or internship programs. We feel that your skills and interest match the openings we are currently looking to fill, and we think that you could potentially be an asset to our company.

H.E.M.S. specializes in providing the consulting and advertising for Fortune 500 companies across the country. Our company holds itself to the highest standards, only working with industry’s leaders who also share our values. Due to this growing demand we have plans to open up three to five more offices in the next year, and currently we are in the final stages of completing our first round interviews.

I believe that you are a strong candidate for our marketing team, and would like the chance to discuss this opportunity further with you. The next step in the process will be to discuss a potential interview with one of the hiring managers.

Please contact us so that we can schedule as soon as possible at 864-283-0648. We’re trying to fill these positions fast and they won’t be around for long due to the high response we’ve had.

I hope to hear from you soon!


Jessica Honea
HR Manager

heres the second one ( note the address correction):

[email protected] to me

HiEnergy Marketing Solutions, INC.
2320 East North Street
Suite JJ
Greenville, SC 29607
P: (864) 283-0648

Dear ********,

We've received your resume and I had the chance to review it with the Hiring Manager. I tried calling you but was unable to reach you.

Please contact me directly at, (864) 283-0648, as soon as you can so we can touch base.


Jessica Honea
HR Manager
4933 days ago by FSUgirl21
I just got off the phone with Jessica. When I called, Tabitha answered the phone and my voicemail said to ask for Jessica. To be honest, I had just gotten out of the shower and listened to the voicemail of the missed call I had. Unfortunately, I eagerly returned the call immediately because I have been searching and searching and searching for a better job than the waitressing one I have now, and I'm sure many know how tiring that is. I set up an interview, but directly afterward, I got a feeling that this was going to be another situation like Vector Marketing- a pyrmiad type scheme. Sure enough, I was right after looking all of this up. I'm glad I got some confirmation on here about this because it would have sucked to drive to Greenville, endure an interview, then hurry home to make it to my evening shift at the restaurant. Why can't people just contact me about honest jobs? Well, my search will continue...and I will be a no show to that interview.
4930 days ago by Karennchucktown
Please watch this video and you will be able to make your own intelligent decision regarding this company and who they represent.
4880 days ago by Anonymous
FYI, I just received a similar email, and apparently, Jessica Honea is no longer employed there, but the aforementioned Tabbatha is. Fortunately, I was immediately supicious because of the sense of urgency she attempted to instill. At this point, I should be begging her for a job, not her trying to sell me.

2320 East North St.
Suite JJ
Greenville, SC 29607
P: (864) 283-0648

Hi Kerryanne,

We have reviewed your resume, and we are definitely interested in learning more about you and how you might fit in with our company's long term goals, expansion plans, or internship programs. We feel that your skills and interest match the openings we are currently looking to fill, and we think that you could potentially be an asset to our company.

H.E.M.S. specializes in providing the consulting and advertising for Fortune 500 companies across the country. Our company holds itself to the highest standards, only working with industry’s leaders who also share our values. Due to this growing demand we have plans to open up three to five more offices in the next year, and currently we are in the final stages of completing our first round interviews.

I believe that you are a strong candidate for our marketing team, and would like the chance to discuss this opportunity further with you. The next step in the process will be to discuss a potential interview with one of the hiring managers.

Please contact us so that we can discuss scheduling a possible interview at 864-283-0648. We’re trying to fill these positions fast and they won’t be around for long due to the high response we’ve had.

I hope to hear from you soon!


Tabbatha Stokes
HR Manager
4842 days ago by Ziffel
Well, Tabbatha and Jessica must not have made the cut as HR manager. The email I got today was signed by HR manager "Shebba Goss." What a dreadful name.

Thanks for the heads-up on these scammers. If it was 30 years ago they'd be pushing aluminum siding or magazine subscriptions.
4823 days ago by None 1
I was contacted by Patricia Charvet from human resources at the exact Greenville SC address listed in two previous complaints above. I should have thought something was up when I tried to call her and immediately got a voice mail but when she called me back it was from an out of state area code. Then she proceeded to tell me the interview would be at the local Greenville office but it listed her as being in that office. She also just rattled off several jobs that they are hiring for but didn't tell me which one they were interviewing me for and she asked if I would be interested in any of those positions not one specifically. I am canceling my interview. I'm not wasting my time on that crap.
2320 E North Street
Suite JJ
Greenville, SC 29607
P: 864.325.8823
4779 days ago by Afb1293
Heres the 2 emails I got. No thanks. Agree that it seems like a scam.

2320 East North St.
Suite JJ
Greenville, SC 29607
P: 864-283-0648

Hi Aaron,

I appreciate your interest in H.E.M.S. After reviewing your resume, I would like to have the chance to review it with you because you may be a good fit for one of our open positions. We were hoping to speak with you to discuss what our company has to offer. There were a couple of questions we wanted to ask, as well as possibly schedule an interview where you can sit down with the Director to discuss the position further. We do try to contact all potential candidates within the first few days we receive their resume, but please feel free to call the office directly or respond via email.

I can be reached at the office Monday through Friday, from 10:00am to 5:00pm. We look forward to hearing from you and enjoy the rest of your day!


Shantell Reisinger

2320 East North Street
Suite JJ
Greenville, SC 29607
P: 864.283.0648

Dear Aaron,

We've received your resume and I had the chance to review it with the Hiring Manager. I tried calling you but was unable to reach you.

Please contact me directly at, 864-283-0648 as soon as you can so we can touch base.


Shantell Reisinger
Office: 864-283-0648
HR Assistant
4691 days ago by Emich07
Thank goodness for the internet!! Thank you to all..I am so broke and looking for a job but not willing to risk this..Glad I saw this and thanks to those who posted the letter. I got the same one (see below)! I've been scammed before by a marketing company on craigslist that was brand new with no reviews so I took it hook line and broke!!! Glad everyone posted..Thank you very much!

2320 East North St.
Suite JJ
Greenville, SC 29607
P: 864-283-0648


I appreciate your interest in H.E.M.S. After reviewing your resume, I would like to have the chance to review it with you because you may be a good fit for one of our open positions. We were hoping to speak with you to discuss what our company has to offer. There were a couple of questions we wanted to ask, as well as possibly schedule an interview where you can sit down with the the owner of our company to discuss the position further. We do try to contact all potential candidates within the first few days we receive their resume, please feel free to call the office directly or respond via email.

I can be reached at the office Monday through Friday, from 10:00am to 5:00pm. We look forward to hearing from you and enjoy the rest of your day!


Marlisa Grove
HR Assistant

Shantell Reisinger
HR Manager
EXT: 11
4685 days ago by Savedbythecomplaints
Well I had an interview scheduled for tomorrow and I will NOT be wasting my time, nor theirs nor my gas money.
4629 days ago by Scbeachboy
Same crap. I didn't apply with this company I applied for a job with a different company. It seems they are setting up more job offers just under different names. This is what I received this morning.
2320 East North St.
Suite JJ
Greenville, SC 29607
P: 864-283-0648
Hi xxxx,
I appreciate your interest in H.E.M.S. After reviewing your resume, I would like to have the chance to review it with you because you may be a good fit for our Sales position. We were hoping to speak with you to discuss what our company has to offer. There were a couple of questions we wanted to ask, as well as possibly schedule an interview where you can sit down with Andrew Deal the ownwer of our company to discuss the position further. We do try to contact all potential candidates within the first few days we receive their resume, please feel free to call the office directly or respond via email. Also please note that we are located in Greenville, SC and we are looking to set up a next day interview with you.

I can be reached at the office Monday through Friday, from 10:00am to 5:00pm. We look forward to hearing from you and enjoy the rest of your day!

We do not do any phone interviews or interviews over the computer. You have to come in to your first interview with Mr. Deal

Porche Dominguez
HR Assistant

*note the wrong web page address under Website:
Then shorty after this I received this:
2320 East North Street
Suite JJ
Greenville, SC 29607
P: 864.283.0648
Dear xxxx,

We've received your resume and Mr. Deal the owner of the company had a chance to review your information that you sent to our company. I tried calling you but was unable to reach you.

Please contact me directly at, 864-283-0648 as soon as you can so we can touch base.


Porche Dominguez
HR Assistant

Shantell Reisinger
HR Manager
Office: 864-283-0648


Thanks for the heads up. Companies need to realize we can research them too. The YouTube video was a nice add by another responder.
4576 days ago by Edm
Wow...thank you...just got a call from them this morning. I asked her what positions that they had open and she said oh, we have 2 positions...when you come in for your interview we will cover the openings and the pay. She also said that i would receive an e-mail with directions to their location. I have not received them.

Thanks again...I would hate to waste anyones time and with the cost of gas prices...
4561 days ago by Running9212012
Hi Guys,
They are at it again. I knew something was up when I got 3 emails regarding the status of my application. I went to the interview before reading this website. I notice that the building was in an area that does not reap like you are working for Fortune 500 companies. The paint on the walls were not done professionally. If you have so much money, why not? There were stains on the carpet. Not a sign of money. His office was in the front of the office. I have never been on an interview as to where you can hear another person being interviewed. This place reaped of FALSEHOOD. I hope this will help someone else, so that their time will not be wasted. 9-21-2012
4404 days ago by Willis G
I got the same emails just like above. Went to the first interview. I knew something was up cause of the building they were in. Then He wanted me to come back for a second interview for two hours. Something told me to do more research and I found this. So glad I did. 2-26-13

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