Giving a background of my families past, I was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer last July and my wife, after 8 years of work, got laid off from work 8-9 months prior to me being diagnosed, we had good insurance and carried cobra until the time table ended. At the end of cobra, our heath insurance was 1200.00 a month and was going to 2800.00 to stay with United health Care. We could not afford it. I went online to look for an insurance that would cover us until my wife found a job. I am still working but sometimes it is difficult. I am self employed. I called Ehealthinsurance, online, and they recommended Health option One. EHeath stated this was the best insurance for my condition. Cost was 700-800 a month. They were very aggressive and stated this would pay 60-40% split but without family maximum. I received the information and it is just a bOGUS INSURANCE. In the pamphlet it has medication as a Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3, similar to what my last insurance does except when I called the back of the Pharmacist card to ge a price, they stated that they are only used for discount. No Tiers are used, but HEATH OPTION ONE pamphlet states there is a tier system. Example: I called the 888-633-5080 to ask about the tier and they said they can give the price for me. My medication, not from Kroger, Walgreens, etc., but ordering online was going to cost me 600.00 vs. 90.00 when i got it from the pharmacist and my last insurance company, that dropped me after trying to raise my premium by 300%, UNITED HEATH CARE. HEALTH OPTION ONE will not cover any CT scan, only discount. When they gave me the person to call for Ct scan, the person said in certain words, that I could call without being attached to HEATH OPTION ONE and get the same price from selected places they recommend. Bottom line is EHeathInsurance is pushing this crap for people like myself that need something and no one will insurance because of my cancer. Great world we live in. I just hope one other person reads this before they get suckered into something that is bogus like I did. 1600.00 lost that I don't have. God Bless to people that read this. |