Greyhound |
Greyhound lost/stole my luggage at Washington, Washington DC |
21st of Aug, 2011 by User604464 |
I took a greyhound bus from New York City to Washington DC at 08/20/2011. With me was a suitcase(dark gray, brand: diplomat, one lock on side), which contains my passport, a laptop and some cloth. After I arrived DC, the greyhound failed to find the suitcase on the bus. Also, another gentleman could not find his luggage, either. I described them what my suitcase look like and what are inside the suitcase. Staff in DC called Baltimore Greyhound, and Baltimore said they found the two luggages(mine and anohter guy's) and would send them to DC with tags saying the destination (Washington, DC) by the next bus. At around 1:30 pm 08/22/2011, the other guy got his luggage back and the DC greyhound staff told me they only received one luggage. After that, I rent a car at DC and went to Baltimore Greyhound but failed to find my luggage there. According to the DC staff's word, Baltimore sent TWO luggages for TWO persons to DC. What's more, the buses they used to deliver the luggage only travels between Baltimore and Richmond. I personally checked the unclaimed luggages of greyhound in Baltimore and DC, found nothing. According to the greyhound policy, they will always send a luggage with a destination tag to the destination. It has been more than 48 hours after I arrived DC at 9:00 am 08/20/2011, and before I called the greyhound center in Texas, DC greyhound did not even give me a claim number or something like that. Since the luggage should arrive DC and the truth is another person got his luggage which was shipped with my luggage on 08/22/2011, and only some of the staff at DC knew that I had some valuable things inside the suitcase, and the suitcase cannot always be on a bus. I PERSONALLY think that it was the staff at DC Greyhound who stole my luggage. At least they should admit that either they did not ship my luggage to the right place or one/some from greyhound stole my luggage. (I kindly assume that greyhound can protect the luggages from being taken by other custmores.) |
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