Green Media |
Green Media Medical Direct Green Media Medical Network Scam artists, Credit Card theft, Overcharging, Not providing Service, BAD COMPANY, Criminals, R |
4th of Apr, 2011 by User316259 |
This Advertising company is apparently based in Vancouver, British Columbia, but the office in question is in Calgary, Alberta. This company has TV screens set up in Medical Offices and they use the screens to run constant advertising for their customers. First they start by spamming your email or phone # with their 'special' promotion of .10-.20 cents per screen, per view. Sounds like a good rate right??? Read on...... Once they have you sign a 6 month contract, and they have obtained your Credit Card information, they put MULTIPLE charges through on the card. The contract you sign states that they will charge your credit card on a monthly basis for the next 6 months. What actually happens is that they charge your credit card 2-4 times per month with the initial monthly billing. The only way to stop them from charging your card too much, is by completely closing your credit card account. Green Media, Medical Network Calgary, illegally charged my credit card 4 times the amount that the contract I signed states they were allowed. Also, beware of your credit card company....the rule in place for cancelling a credit card is that the 'account' actually remains open for the 're-curring' monthly charges that your credit card has been charged in the past. It is not fair to the consumer, and Green Media, Medical Direct in Calgary seems familiar with this loophole and are using it to SCAM their customers out of as much money as possible. Don't let it happen to you!!!! Use a REPUTABLE Ad agency......Green Media Calgary is a SCAM!!!!
Yes this company came to my clinic wanting me to put a tv in my location for 'free' and run my ads plus other ads as well as health and nature content. They were paying the tv lease for the first 6 months then they supposedly 'almost went under' and now I"m paying almost $400 per month for this useless tv. Nobody ever gets back to me when I call or email, they recently gave my 2 'subsidy' cheques in the amount of $50 each, both of which bounced!
Does anyone know if there is any recourse??? |
AHAH thats hilarious - Jazzy Jeff |
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