Global Community Communications |
Global Community Communications Alliance Minister Ionia Received a very hateful and judgmental email from this organization Tubac, Arizona |
30th of May, 2011 by User367176 |
I inquired of this community as I met someone online who lives there and she seemed nice. So I inquired of the place and told them of my income and situation as they wanted to know more about me. I lived on disability and made a very small income just enough to pay my basic bills. I told them I was looking to move to Arizona. So they sent me a PDF file informing me of the process. $50 application and I have to visit the place first, which they charge $75/day! That is far beyond my ability to pay. I have not had much luck in making money and being able to support myself in world that costs money to make money. This is why I spend my time doing things that don't cost money like reading, meditating, qigong, researching and learning new things. So I became very knowledgeable about spirituality and thought contribution would be to teach or mentor. That was my intention in contacting Global Change Communications Alliance. I told them that I could not afford the money they required to make this happen. From their website they portrayed themselves out to be some great loving, giving, helping community of love and joy, etc. So I get an email requiring all of this money to apply in a very 3D way as in very polarity consciousness fashion. This surprised me. I've been tired of dealing with "policy" everywhere I go and I figured I would be able to deal with humans but no. In the PDF file it say the reason for the $50 (other than HR costs) is to prove your serious. How can people who don't have money prove that they're serious then? That's the second strike for me. I explained my whole situation to them and they suggested to sacrifice marijuana use or other unnecessary things. I told them I have nothing other than food and vitamins to sacrifice. I would have to sacrifice my very health to afford to visit them. So I get this email back (which I'm going to post here in a minute) that basicaly insults me, tells me all about me and my problems, judges me as not having humility (I did tell them that I would not worship their leaders or any book), "Dear Troy, I take the time to write you this last letter of counsel, because you sure are an angry individual. You are angry, again, for the wrong reasons and at the wrong people. God did lead you to us. You know, Troy, you sound like countless other individuals who think the world owes them a living. Yes, you have expenses, and just a little left after your disability check goes into paying those expenses. But God is able, through you, to manifest much more than just your disability check. It's your thinking that blocks this manifestation power. Yes, someday, we all hope there will be a world without money. But right now it is the means of exchange. For instance, we just had to hire a technician from the solid-state logic soundboard at $100/hour to fix it. We had to hire a bulldozer guy at $200/hour to dig some foundations to build houses on for housing people, like you. We have to buy the material. We have tried going in and saying, "Can you give it to us for free?" But Home Depot just doesn't want to hear that. And neither does just about anybody else, no matter how much money they have. The best that they do, ever, is, "OK, we'll give you our nonprofit rates." Which is really only tokenism. We have to pay our mortgages. We have to put gas in our cars. And we even have to pay for the seeds to grow our own food. And the lists goes on. This is the world we live in, Troy. I think BenDameean was giving you a compliment, when he asked if you were working in a band, because the way I read what he wrote, he thought you were good enough. It seems like you take a lot of things the wrong way, Troy, because it is you who is too invested in the dollar, not us. And you are invested in giving $50 or whatever, because you can't manifest it. You depend upon that disability check. And people who depend upon their disability checks, or welfare checks, or whatever, stay on that for the rest of their lives. And Big Brother has them right where he wants them. We see the potential in you. Big Brother doesn't. And Caligastia (or who Christians call the Devil) wants you to continue not to believe in yourself, and to continue to get dis-ease in your body. You have not learned the principle of reciprocation. Jesus didn't just want the tithe, He wanted His disciples to give Him everything. When they did, God gave them faith and supplied all their needs. And I don't think you have given God everything yet. You may think you have, but you haven't manifested even enough blessings from God to manifest income above your disability check. There are many people who have disabilities and are able to earn thousands of dollars, even hundreds of thousands of dollars, and not ever receive a disability check. Like I said, Big Brother has you exactly where he wants you. So say what you want about us, but we have a rehabilitation program that has helped hundreds of teenagers and young adults for more than 40 years now. Gabriel of Urantia had to learn the same principles that I'm trying to teach you to have this manifestation power to help others. If you have no money to help yourself, how can you help others? The words that you write in books are useless unless you yourself are an example of both godly virtue and material blessings that God gives, as a proof of that godly virtue. We have given scholarships to many students like yourself. But you failed the test of humility and were too quick to want to support us by even paying the $50 Application Fee. Again, it is you who is hung up over money, because yes, you can't manifest it. And you're not even willing to try to show us you believe in us. You want everything on your terms, and your terms, quite frankly, are not as godly as you think they are. Minister Ionia, Office of Admissions of Divine Administration "This email was in response to my email which stated, "You said you don't want anyone here that is resentful of your policies and procedures. Why would anyone be resentful if your community is truly operating in a godly way? Let me ask you something. Part of divinity is virtue. One of virtues is fairness. Is it fair to charge someone money that they don't have and preach to them about sacrifice and all this 'you can do it' pep talk whilst at the same you're telling me that you're not willing to take your own advice and become a hypocrite? You might say Troy thinks we're spiritual enough because we're charging money. Not true. Nothing wrong with charging money. Charging money to a poor man who have it. That's not divine. If you want me to prove that I'm serious enough to sacrifice my own life for you to take me seriously I can only say that is prove that you do not take god seriously. Your organization is more than likely a religious organization worshiping a book vs. god and I disagree with that. I'm a servant to god only. I don't serve books, the bible, the piranas, the Vedic texts, Buddhist sutras, or the urantia book. They're guides only. Every book is flawed as words can always be interpreted in a self-serving way. So that 'religious' stench I smell has made me turn off to your so-call 'divine' order. It's disappointing to have watched so much of your website videos of Gabriel preaching about free this and free that but the first thing I can when inquiring is a 3D application. Nothing godly. So I retract my interest and will find my destiny else ware where divinity is paramount where people can learn from everyone and not in some sort of religious hierarchy. Leaders, subleaders, subordinates, the followers is a worldly organization based on the dimensional structure of consciousness. The new age will be governed by consciousnes itself and not some religious order." Apparently people who don't submit themselves to the leaders and hierarchy are not humble enough I guess. I've learned how the universe is created. It works in dimensional expresssions from the one source which everyone calls god. God created mind. From mind came emotions. From emotions came energy (the ether), and from the ether can physical matter. It's mostly all fractal in nature. So any religious order is a worldly organization of people who represent these dimensions as a self-appointed 'order' or group of people who think they're godly because they operate like god. This has been the basis for any religion and every worldly organization everywhere. In a religious order the ego is god because you can't see it. The leaders are ego preaching love but not embodying it (not saying they are 100% evil or anything like that but only with regard to the order). The eldership in this case is the emotional dimension. Facilitators are the ether and the rest of the followers are the physical matter. That is what makes up a religious order and it always comes from ego. In the new age in the new world will not have any "orders" at all because it will be governed by consciousness itself. The order thinks its god and coincidentally the ego also thinks it is god. They can preach all they want about love and giving, and free this and free that as they do in the videos on their site but in reality they are a business. They don't sacrifice. They're a 501 charity so they give other people's money away. They're not sacrificing. It's just a job, a business, with god as its mission and ego as it's operating policy, obviously. They complain that they are being called a cult, which I feel they have earned that name. If you're not a cult then drop the "order" and simply operate with love equally with all members with a council vs. leaders. As of right now they have contradicted their own preaching to me. It's blasphemy to call themselves divine. To reject people who want nothing of the order but to love and contribute is a good sign of a cult organization. Maybe they could open their eyes and figure out why people are calling them a cult. It's quite obvious. My intention here is to expose them for what they are by their own hypocritical words and actions. |
As there was no money sent to us by Troy, we do not understand how this could be designated a rip-off, by either Troy or It seems like anybody who disagrees with any policy of any organization can post anything on and that then causes it to be posted on This is not freedom of speech; it's downright misrepresentation and distortion of facts.
Troy simply did not want to follow our procedures. We do not want people just coming to join us. We have found out (with more than two decades of experience) that this hardly ever works out, and if people come and bring everything with them and close down their living situation and it doesn't work out, they have nowhere to go back to. So we take precautions for their benefit. We most likely would have given him a scholarship for the Resident Visitor stay and his room, board, & tuition for schooling, had he not been so vehement about paying our $50 Admissions Application Request. This application is overviewed by many administrative personalities and Elders, and much time is given to every applicant's application for the initial $50 request.
Minister Ionia
Office of Admissions |
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