I am 17 years old, one of the younger people in my college (UK) at the moment as my birthday is in June. My friends are in a similar situation but we born in August, therefore we all thought it would be a good idea to get some fake ID as all of our other friends are turning 18 this year, meaning they will be allowed into clubs to buy alcohol etc. Obviously if the title has been read, you will probably be thinking 'Oh it's his own fault, should have waited until he was 18', but this was not possible, as I have just turned 17. To the report; I came across this website (www.UK-ID.com) in order to see what kind of products were on offer. As soon as I saw the website, I thought that the products looked excellent. My friends agreed, so they decided to give me £30 each in order to buy their Fake ID. The company asked for a funny payment method, 'PaySafeCard', I thought this was slightly suspicious as Credit Cards or Debit Cards were not accepted.However, I pursued into getting the correct payment method and all of the relative information needed from my friends. I placed my order for 5 Fake ID cards on Friday 23rd September (Exactly 1 Week ago), and I had no confirmation order, or any support e-mails to explain where my product was. Two more of my friends decided they wanted to purchase a Fake ID, so I bought the PIN codes for 'PaySafeCard' and I again, uploaded all of the relative information, then I finally found sense. After sending endless e-mails to the company, I managed to start finding out information about its reputation, such as other fraudulent review websites who knowingly gave fake positive reviews about scamming websites (underground-review.com/F_ID.html), and other unhappy customers who had not yet received any goods. Luckily I have just managed to secure £60 worth of 'PaySafeCard' pins by putting a password on them, preventing a possible £210 loss (Or gain in the companies' perspective), however now we have 'just' been scammed £150 instead, to which I am absolutely devastated about, as these are my closest friends who had trusted me to get these ID's for them. Admittedly, we should have looked up and researched about this company more, however with false review websites, this made researching a challenge, and due to all of the other competing scamming fake ID websites, it became impossible to tell the real from the fraudulent. Obviously as I have taken part in illegal activity, I have no option but to work another 5 hours in my part time job to save up for the money that I have lost, as I will be unable to get any legal help due to the products that I had purchased. I am just wondering if there could be ANY possible method in order to get my money, and my friends' money back, and perhaps any action against the company, as we are all petrified that we will be victims of Identity theft also. Obviously, I am completely distraught on everyone's behalf, and any possible outcome would be a fantastic help. |