12-09-2011 JIVANNI LUCCI Notification to GOOGLE to INVESTIGATE people or persons Posting False BLOGS |
9th of Dec, 2011 by PORLEY ESQ |
JIVANNI LUCCI 12-09-2011
DEC 9 2011 JIVANNI LUCCI: Enititled to prosecute FLASE Complaint.
Internet Authorities find False Complaint 802931 a direct defamatory Falsified attack: & will be charged with Identity Theft. 136603 is FALSE
Jivanni Lucci is a victim of Identity Theft.
Jivanni Lucci is a VICTIM of a malicious falsified posts and text on the internet. Section 230 Of The Communications Decency Act, these parties or person (s) who are committing these violations will be subject to all penalties for the use of the internet to defame a person. JIVANNI LUCCI is a Victim as, so many others. These internet predators hide behind phony companies, in order to act with “Intent” and “reckless disre12-09-2012 Jivanni Lucci JIVANNI LUCCI Jivanni Lucci Victim of internet predator and identity theft. These internet predators fool the general public, defame a reputable person or persons, such as Jio Lucci in the most malicious way. Reaching out to thousands of people via the internet is their “Tool” to deceive, make false claims, and post so much defamatory content out of the realm of any dispute. (possibly the parties are enduring). It is the most classless, tasteless act of “Malice” to commit slander. Section 44 45 46 and Special section 48 are laws that show these predators on the internet posting malicious texts is slander and the internet authorities will pursue in bringing these parties to justice. They will be prosecuted and penalties set forth by the laws stipulated. Do not respond to these posts, or blogs as it is SPAM. People usually do this to extort, or cause severe personality damage to the general public.
Jivanni Lucci is a Victim : (30th).
By laws of Legal Internet Authority
Parties are ordered to stop
US Section 230 CD Act
UPDATED 12-09-2011
This is absolutely 100% ridicules to constantly trying to battle the internet who disgusting people have nothing to do but try and “bash” a person in Malice. I am appalled at this. Jio Lucci is a total Victim of these internet predators such as so many others that have come forth.
Jason Teller
Legal Advisor
Authorities Notified: GOOGLE ADMINISTRATION Notified
Google helping Jivanni Lucci to have these perpetrators STOP
DO NOT OPEN NEGATIVE POST: 136603 iS FALSE 802931 IDENTITY THEFT posting of a persons personal identification is a violation of the law. |
PEOPLE WHO DO THIS are "dispicible acts of a human being" . Their intent to harm is very bad. I feel sorry for JIVANNI LUCCI and all the others for what they have to go through. Great that GOOGLE is assisting
Perry MD |
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