Freedom Wealth Group |
Freedom Wealth Group Tactic Trading deception scam lies misleading false statements Pleasant Grove, Utah |
15th of Sep, 2011 by User944008 |
I had some mild success with Freedom Wealth Group (now Tactic Trading), but my real success didnt come until I started to learn more about the trading markets. The more I learned, the less I used their indicators and the more success I had. If you really want to become a Day Trader, steer clear of Freedom Wealth Group, Tactic Trading, or whatever other name they come up with. All they are is a MLM with what seems like an attractive product, yes I was duped into believing in the product at first. Just do your research, don’t waste your money, you can get the exact same results and very similar indicators for free with just about ANY trading plateform out there. I hate to see anyone get scammed and sucked into wasting their money which is why I am speaking out now. Garrett Holt, the owner of the So. Cal region, just cares about recruiting for his MLM business and sends out completely bogus results, lies, and misleading results to keep the recruiting scam going. |
I totally agree. I was one of their original territory owners. I actually took them to court to have the contract voided so as to distance mysef from the pump and dump MLM they are running. At my email, [email protected] I will telll you the whole story. I have not yet decided to post the court proceedings that showed they are not honest about the program when they recruit. It is primarily an MLM. Other sites make you a trader. I will show you results of positive trading not what they do. I will also give you the results of Judge Truman's verdict. Because I am currently in law school I thought that my initial contract law was enough but the judge gave them the benefit of the doubt on a couple points so though I was successful in getting their counter suit thrown out and the balance of the contract of several thousnad dollars nulllified I was not reimbursed any money. I really believe their MLM is just a pyramid. |
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