BCAPL Juan De Fuca Pool League Rules are Rules except when they're not Henderson, Nevada |
25th of Jan, 2011 by |
I would like to start a class action against a pool league that is unable to obey its own rules both sanctioning and playing. With home offices in Las Vegas, NV this organization has over 60,000 active members at last count. They charge league members a $15.00 annual fee and non-playing members a $25.00 annual fee. That puts the annual gross income of this league at in excess of $900,000.00. On the internet they advertise that their leagueis made up of smaller leagues each containing in excess if 6 teams each with a minimum of 4 players per team in a league of at least 30 players. They have leagues all over the Pacific Northwest and the United States and possible the world.Those are minimums, they can grow way beyond that and do. Now I know of at least one local league that has only 24 playing members playing 4 man teams with5 teams in it. Each year since 2007 this league operator has issued a set of playing rules that on their internet site is stated that these Official Rules will govern ALL play in local, state, regional or national play. Those two statements one made by the chief referee the other by the CEO refer to all games played in league play, no exceptions! They, however, are making exceptions to the smaller league operator to play games by rules that are not included in their own playing rule book. They are ruining the consistency of the game foreveryone one who plays in more than one league. They are required to remember the different set of rules for the same game at each location. Now I'm out a considerable number of hours in dealing with these league people and researching rules and reading E-Mails from peoplewho are very disinterested, set in their ways, indifferent and very confident that they are not required to obey their own rules, they do not recognize that they are committing fraud on their website violating an implied contract and advertising falsely. Can You help me.
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