Consumer reviews and reports on scam companies, bad products and services
Fox Field Creative Foxfield Creative, LLC at Did not refund payment Douglasville, Georgia
4th of Jan, 2012 by User181894
This is the cost of doing business with people you consider your friends. Please people don’t let money change you, always remember where you came from and stay grounded. I am deeply upset that my former friend Calvin Miller of decided to steal from my company and not on one but several occasions admitted to not being able to complete the task he was hired for and offered to refund
our money. After we’d thought we reach a conclusion Calvin Miller of decided to send us an email pawning is off on someone else and telling us he’s NOT PLANNING ON REFUNDING OUR MONEY. This is sad and very hard for me to say or do but Calvin Miller is no longer a friend of our family and is not to be trusted. Please see read the correspondence below. On Jan 3, 2012, at 11:15 PM, wrote: Calvin - - I never received the email you said you sent. The site has a lot Of issues but they can be fixed if we work together. My question to you is can you do this and what is the time frame? We cannot have the site looking the way it does for to long actually I want it done by next week. As for rebuilding the site that can be done in the sandbox that is what it is there for you can play in it make the site perfect then put it back up. Please re-introduce me to Renata since I did not receive the Initial email I will send her a complete list of things that need to be done to the site. Then you and her can let me know if it is something the foxfieldagency can handle. If it is not then I need to go another route. I am planning a meet and greet in March! I still need the flyer for that so things are moving but my site is a MESS and at a standstill!!!!! Janal Hi Janal, This week is hectic for the team at Foxfield and into next week as well. I attempted to squeeze work in this week for APM but there really is no time on my end this week. And like you said even after pushing other projects to the side to work on APM the site still looks a mess. The time spent on APM is much more than anticipated. It is never a question of
whether we can do it or not, whether we can use Joomla, or JomSocial ( I think it keeps coming to that question) it's a question of-- has Foxfield been compensated for the level of work that needs to take place to get this site up and running. **To rebuild the entire site in the Sandbox was not the quote. **Creating a Splash page with and email form was not in the quote **The quote was for CSS Styling and Support. I find myself in the backend moving modules and wondering why advertisements were set too large for the space causing other elements to shift. If a space is 600px wide
and you put a 900px advertisement there it will overlap and cause pushing. I have to find these ads, sort them etc. This is much more than styling the pages. I can accept responsibility for quoting APM in the wrong price. Had I known what work would go into it, APM would have been quoted more in the $1200.00 to $2500.00 range. However I quoted it lower and underestimated what would take place. I am willing to refund half the money as you suggested so that you can do a reset of the elements and when the next
project arises that is from the ground up..Foxfield Creative can then do a full quote for a full website. We can do the flyer for the Meet and Greet in March in 48 hrs after 50% deposit and I can have Renata send you a formal quote for that which will amount to about $75.00. Just let her know the sizes and whether you want the flyer to be sophisticated, sexual, etc. I apologize for all the confusion that you must be coming into and sending you the refund will hopefully make up for the confusion and allow you to take the money and get Harley reset the JomSocial or whatever it was. It seems as if Harley has been in the backend for a long time. Since it began. There are themes, and old copies of themes. The pages pull from 4 different stylesheets. I organize my pages from only 1 stylesheet. It's things like that-- that prolong me coming BEHIND Harley. I quoted APM for assisting Harley but it's turned into all me rebuilding the site from the ground. This is not covered in the $600.00 paid earlier. I enjoy working with you two as will Renata in future projects, but this particular price was quoted low on my part and I do not expect you to send more money on this project because You have come into this project already feeling taken advantage of. So I will refund you 50% of the price today, and hope that this will be seen as my best attempt of resolving
this huge misunderstanding. I will introduce you to Renata in the email following this one. CJ Miller Creative Director [email protected] 1.800.939.1549 On Jan 4, 2012, at 2:07 PM, wrote: Hi Calvin, Please send what ever files you are sending to James H. he needs to see the files before he can give me a quote. Hopefully you can do this today!!! if not please let me know when I am really trying to finish APM. Sorry if I seem to be rushing I know you have other projects and I am trying to get out of your hair ASAP!!
Janal ok i can do it by this evening don't forget to let me know where i can send the refund should i do it to (removed)? CJ Miller Creative Director [email protected] 1.800.939.1549 On Jan 5, 2012, at 12:25 PM, wrote: Thank you Calvin! You can send the refund to (removed). Janal If you want me to do the custom pages the way James H. Wants them I can't give a refund because I would then be doing the work. The refund means I would be finished with it. I will respond to the other email trail with you and James H. in detail this afternoon. CJ Miller Creative Director [email protected] 1.800.939.1549 On Jan 5, 2012, at 12:35 PM, (removed).wrote: Can you please call me NOW! Why oh Why do you fight the structure? After the call you are still going to have to email me what was said… Call the 1800 number and Renata will be able to email me anything you don't want to type out. I have done the phone thing and it doesn't work as well. Information is lost, there is no paper trail. It's not as efficient and it takes time on the call where no one is doing anything. We can schedule a group call and conference everyone in tomorrow at a certain time tomorrow if you would like; just figure out when James H is free and let Renata know when to
schedule it. That will be the best way. Otherwise if you need something immediately just email me here so i can see it and do it. CJ Miller Creative Director [email protected] 1.800.939.1549 On Jan 5, 2012, at 2:36 PM, (removed).wrote: I dont fight structure! I am trying to get some. Don't worry about the call I just wanted to make sure you got James H. what he needed. Did you process the refund remember it goes to (removed). Janal I got James what was completed before the refund. James wants something else. He wants more. I haven't done more. I have stopped. You have to choose between refund or me doing more for what James is asking for. What I am going to have which is 325.00 is for what is done now. To do what James H is asking for would be the rest, so there wouldn't be a refund. Thats what I'm saying. No refund means James H. has to use what I sent to him last night. CJ Miller Creative Director [email protected] 1.800.939.1549 At this point we are waiting for our refund as promised and we get this email: Subject: APM From: "Calvin Miller" Date: Thu, January 5, 2012 7:55 pm To: (removed). -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (removed)., The Foxfield Team altered it's course at (removed).request to deal with issues with the backend despite repeated advice given to him to have his developer (James H.) correct the template and accept files from Foxfield Creative's designer to use in the stylesheets. These hours were not spent doing the custom looks of all the pages and instead were spent
working on the backend which was not the project offered. Nonetheless in an attempt to provide outstanding customer service this was allowed. Regardless of how the time was spent, it was on APM's behalf. The original offer was made from Foxfield Creative to part on the project with a 50% refund. This refund was not an admission of guilt.
Foxfield Creative strongly feels that it has gone above and beyond in this relationship to provide a service, but due to the lack of organization and unprofessional behavior of APM it felt that it would be best to part
ways on the APM project. Details on lack of organization and unprofessional behavior: APM not making full deposits to initiate working process as detailed in the proposal agreed to. APM requiring numerous PayPal requests over a period of a week in order to send the appropriate amounts. APM correspondence through emails of an unfounded argumentative nature. APM time requirements through email, phone, text, to all members of staff on non-working hours which where outside the scope of project APM attempts to attribute funds meant for Foxfield Creative to another developer on the grounds of unavailability, which is a term outside the scope of the proposal. APM request to have Foxfield Creative work outside the scope of the original proposed project on repeated occasions. 12 hr spent on backend correcting broken templates at $75.00/hr. 24 hr spent on conceptualizing the APM design used for home page and can be then drawn from to build internal pages. $70.00/hr. Because of these reasons Foxfield Creative, LLC will not issue a refund to APM for service. Foxfield Creative is no longer willing to incur a loss for the time, money, and service put in to the APM. It is not being compensated for it's time, the unprofessional treatment or the custom design that was sent to APM's developer to use as a template. **The design has been emailed to your web team as an editable file and can not be returned to our company. Foxfield Creative has spent at least an 2 hours combined discussing the negotiations of the refund situation which is more time spent on APM that will not be paid for. Please submit to our office a formal proposal to Customer Service at Foxfield Creative, LLC at P.O. Box 843, Douglasville, GA 30133 detailing why APM feels that it should receive a partial or full refund for service and you will receive a response within 30 days with our decision.
Please state whether you would like your response by mail or email. Regards, CJ Miller Creative Director [email protected] 1.800.939.1549 This is facebook correspondence between Calvin Miller and my husband. James calvin i sent the info via emal. i go back to work soon, when are you going to dedicate some time to my project so i can be sure to be available? Calvin Miller I been dedicating time. It's just a mixed up backend. I spent all last night just figuring out what was what. This is very overly complicated. The way its set up I will be asking James where stuff is forever. JomSocial has it's templates but
he isn't' using them he is importing the template so that he doesn't alter the original I suppose. What I may end up doing is taking u up on the sandbox idea and redoing it from scratch. Then we can just replace EVERYTHING. This is such
a waste of time. I feel like I'm trying to fix a car that should just be replaced. And I'm mostly free all day today. Just working product shoot from 12-3 then back on computer. Calvin Miller Might have found another way..the top banner ad is now missing as well. I KNOW i didn't mess with that one. James (removed).ask him wheres the ad that went above the login for " Adam and Eve" he will know what your talking
about. I told you this guy sucked he F*KING DRIVES ME CRAZY!!!!!! Calvin Miller LOL. man I'm dying over here. I aint never. You must be my true friend lol. I'm going out to do the product shoot early so i will be back earlier. i figured out some stuff.
I'm gonna see if i can't go thru it more carefully. James Man you got that s*t looking even more jacked up then that f*k monkey James H. Dude wth im over here about to kill someone!!!!!!!!!!! I AINT MAKING NO MONEY I told ya'll we should have just sandboxed it I want to kill this motherf*ker! dude just tell me you can fix it and this sh*t will be over soon! Im about to have a conniption Calvin Miller What are you talking about. Let me look now. Ok I saw where the Cam was missing that is replaced. you probably can't have me and james having access at the same time. I don't know if he is altering things, he may not be..but You are going to have to decide pretty much how you want to go forward. If I'm supposed to be taking it over I may want to change hosts backend and all kinds of stuff to make it work the right way, but you fight me on that kind of stuff constantly. Another thing you can do is just let me pass
the graphics to Harley and he can put them up as he sees fit. But i have to do it my way all the way or we can do it his way. but i can't make my way his way.
Nothing is moving along that way at all. Just getting worse and worse as we power struggle. He has things set the way he wants and the site is functioning under him right now but not functioning for me the way I need it to. So maybe
you want to keep things the same and I send him the graphics as he needs or asks for them. James Calvin...I dont want to change host because webair is giving me a good deal finally. I've already told James that you have full control so do whatever it is you need to do but we need to stay live! Besides switching servers because we cant, what do you need? The backend I believe the software we use, "jomsocial" only works with that jomla admin panel? Heres what I think. You should tell JamesH.
what you want to do ask him is it possible because he actually knows this software then go from there. In the meantime the banner is mising that goes next to the logo and have you found the ad code that goes above the login?
Email James and cc' me so we're all in the loop moving forward but Cal I really really need this up. Calvin Miller No I haven't found the code that goes above the login. And the banner is missing as well. If James knows where it is and you need it up now you should probably just tell james to put it back if you need it up. yes JomSocial only works with Joomla. Who chose Joomla? Who chose JomSocial? And I don't need to change the host, Whether thats a good deal or not Webair offers is a matter of opinion. To get this fixed quick i would say tell james to put the ad back since he knows
exactly where it is. and then cc us on where it was. that way we don't lose any more precious moments with it being down. And yes live is good to stay as well I agree. Calvin Miller Tell James to put the thing up again since he knows exactly where it is James Okay I did. Calvin Miller Ok! James Calvin, Are you trying to figure out this software and jomla as we go along, if so why dont you just type up what your plans were and email James the design template etc... so he can load it. This soaftware saved me roughly 10,000 its a good software but if your not familiar with it everything will seem Greek. What do you wan to do? James Because from my stand point your getting frustrated, I'm definitely frustrated when things aren't moving. I paid you $650 for a logo and black background i cant be throwing out money like that and have a site jacked up with two programmers
butting heads.... Can you achieve what you set out to do or do we need to keep James around.If you go into webair and ask them to back up the whole site in a sandbox they will do it for you for free and you can play in that??? You just
got to tell me what you want to do I have tons of support bra. Calvin Miller
I am familiar with it. thats not the issue. the issue is i care too much. you are right. i will send james the template. I think that was the original plan anyway. No worries I will send him over the stuff by this evening! James
Calvin this is what James H. wrote me today: I'll need to erase everything he has done and start from scratch( most likely). I'd basically restore it (the white background set up I had right before he started) and then build the new template on a test bed. I am almost finished with TG and that needs to come first. So I could do it right after. Latest end of next week. I would need him to send me PSD files (layered VERY IMPORTANT) with clear descriptive sections, or separated into
files for each page. Also, a snapshot (jpeg/png) of what it should look like when its finished. Like a conceptual finished product. Once I have those I can give you quote on how much it would cost to do the work. I'd need a down payment to start. 25-40%. If changes are made as we go then the price will change. I'd need all the files before we start to give a price, and to get it done before the next semester starts. If he deleted ad modules, and you want them back, then I can't guarantee I can retore those without doing a
database restore( Might be able to). That would mean turning the clock backwards (would delete new users, videos, pics, uploads, updates, etc...anything a user can do basically). But you need to tell me what and where, before the quote or price will change. I've done this before with another designer and it works well if he has good photoshop organization. Coding and
slicing is still the most timely aspect of doing the template. Send me those files and I can get you a quote asap. Also give you an idea how long it would take. I need the money
since I am inbetween semesters this is my only chance to make it, so I will try to finish both TG and this quickly. Otherwise, I have other projects that I will work on. My semester starts the 23rd so I have enough time if you can get me everything before then end of next week. Let me know soon. Best,
James PS did they update the server yet? Let me know when they do so I can test it and add some modifications to optimize the software. James
Now you and i need to talk about a
refunded amount that i will need you to send James H being that he's picking
up where you left off. In the original quote for the logo and background it
was $150 or somewhere around there. You can forward the rest to James H. (removed).thats
his paypal. James
Calvin, What are you doing James H. has been waiting around for the files/payment and you said you were sending
the stuff over two days ago. This isnt going to work bra either your too busy or whatever but I'm losing time and money now and I dont roll like this. You need to get back to me and let me know whats going on I dont have time for this. I will just stay with James and let you practice on another site in a sandbox because as I've stated I want to drop James but I cant if you dont understand this program. I have three sites that will be runing off this software High Mary Jane, Quick Firms and of course APM you have to know this shit or else I have to find someone else. Not ding what you say your going to
do is not cool bra. Calvin Miller
ok. refer to your quote packet for the services u paid for. that is all. good luck with your projects! James
what are you talking about?
calvin, you havent done what you said
you were going to do for $650 and you havent sent James the files you said you were going to send him.
we need to talk refund bra
whast are you doing man this is my income?
so calvin you are going to f*k me out of my money and jack up my site? This is how you roll?
Bra you nee to man the f*k up... I am going by shit you told me. you said you were sending the files over to JH
so he can fix what you have fucked up...dude I paid you to do this but you cant getthe job done you dont thing that warrants a partial refund???
think Calvin Miller
Ok now that i am calm. James
wha is wrong with you? Calvin Miller
you asked me to make your site better. yet you keep old infrastructure in place that defeats that purpose. i can not argue about this with you anymore.
you win. keep it exactly how it is.
slow playing videos and everything. that is on you.
regarding the 650. James
calvin answer me this...." can you fix this mess?" be honest because I want to get rid of James but you dont seem to understand the importance of the time frame I am under. Calvin Miller
It was already stated that I would create a custom look for James. It will be created. But to assume that no
work was done because you don't SEE it on the page is a poor assessment. Work and hours where put in. Mostly needless work if you would listen to me and take my advice. But you chose not to ultimately. And you would rather have a
patched up site than a seamless one. Calvin Miller
That is your choice but my time was spent doing more than the quote stated which was NOT to build a site James
Calvin.... WHAT DO YOU WANT TO DO? Calvin Miller
but to do custom graphics. My time was wasted and as you feel your money has been. We are both at a loss in this
one. I will send over graphics to your designer however as originally planned before i decided to go the 'extra mile' and do more
i was wrong for this. I shouldn't have done more than the quote suggested. Gives you false expectations.
The graphics will be sent to your designer to do what he/she feels like doing with them. But my advice still is
to get a better host a better backend. I have experience with Joomla long ago and have since moved on to better applications. I suggest you do the same. James
why dont you shut the site down put up a maintence in progress and work it from there. what my beef is, is that
you dont let me know whats going on all i see is osme jacked up sh*t
Calvin can jomsocial run on anything
see this is the sh*t you dont tell me, your not explaining sh*t Calvin Miller
As with all business some matches are made in heaven and some are not.
Files will be sent within 72 hrs for your designer to sort out. James
dude have you read anything i just typed?
hello... James
hello... see this is the sh*t im talking about ya ass just disapers in the middle of our conversations and i dont hear back from you for days after you say your going to do something.
Calvin, I told you that I am SICK of James H. due to the fact he is a fuck up and he doesnt respond well via
email, but yet you do the same thing. Instead of being mad you need to understand where I'm coming from. Know this, I will not leave webair I have too much vested in them. Now if you can make jomsocial run on another platform
other than jomla then fine but you never answered my question can that be
done, because to my understanding it cant????? James
Also, we need better communications and can you really put my shit back together because right now you seem
frustrated and James is in one ear saying you are fucking up. so thats my shoes I want to lock him out but you aint telling me shit as we go along.
Dude are you there??? You are being a little b*ch right now I need you to put yourself in my shoes and aswer my
questions! Understad that IF you can do this I will lock James H out oday but if it cant be done I am F*KED because I cant go back to him after locking him out!
calvin when you send james the files be sure to send him $250 i believe thats more than fair. James
If you need support or different admin panels for this site all you have to do is login to webair and tell
them what you need. You are not showing me anything. As I've stated if you are sending James H. the files his paypal is (removed).be sure and sen him $250 so we can conclude this business transaction. Janal
will be in contact with you. Calvin Miller
Ok thanks James! James
My wife just wrote you an Renata an email and cc'd me on it. Whats you stand on my refund or you completing the
pages for the $350? If this is not something you can do send my full refund of $650 so that I can hire James to complete my site. I am down losing money and have affiliates on hold because of you I dont think you understand how PISSED I am right now! Calvin - - I spoke with James W. the contract states that you would be doing the web site. You have not done the web site
that warrants a complete refund of the entire $650. What I am now asking you to do for $350 is give the correct files for ALL pages of the web site to James H. and send us back $300.00. OR You can keep ALL of your files and refund the entire $650 and we will proceed like this never happened. Janal Calvin Miller
Your site was messed up before I got to it. I have a email of trail of you admitting to this if you are having
memory loss as to how bad your site was before I began this project. Also the advice that I gave you regarding getting your site running that you did not heed. You are putting it all on me and that is not fair at all. I have sent Janal my official response on this matter. James
Blood, we need to talk. I don't think you understand how I conduct business I think we are about to venture off
path as far as our friendship goes.
Calvin, my wife just told me now you are NOT sending us our $300 refund is that correct?
Calvin, I want you to think about what you are saying to ME I really want you to think about what you just did
to MY FAMILY and our TRUST in YOU as a friend!
Calvin I dont plan on waiting for a
response I REALLY hate for us to come to this. I want you to do whats right point blank. My wife vouched for you as a man and as a man I allowed you into my home around my family considered you as an extended family member I am
asking you to send my $300 refund to (removed).tonight and walk away from this with a relationship that can be healed. If you dont and if you leave my site, my money maker WRECKED like it is and walk away with my $650 I WILL NOT FORGIVE
YOU and Calvin we are more than enemies. James
Bra, I have emails on top of emails saying that you are refunding our money then i have an email saying that if
you send James H. all the files as he's requested you want refund our money and lastly my wife got an email saying you decided not to refund anything. I need clarification so that I know whats my next move. are you sending my $300
refund CALVIN?
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