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Flexcard Hybrid Program
Flexcard Hybrid Program Visa Card Flexcard, Flexcard Visa, Flexcard Prepaid Visa DO NOT GET AN UNSECURED VISA FROM THIS COMPANY Internet
2nd of Aug, 2011 by User261109
First of all, this company has no verifiable information anywhere on the web, so I was skeptical and worried at first but I figured maybe I wasn't searching correctly. Whenever you search for them, you only get info from or some other bad credit card offers website. This company is bogus and needs to be stopped! Also, their customer support runs from 9am to 5pm (not 24/7 customer service) so why wasn't I more careful? I received the suggestion to apply for a prepaid debit card with Flexcard Hybrid Program Prepaid Visa from This is a total scam. Somehow, the suggesting website says this company is good for rebuilding your credit. Thats total crap. From the moment you try to apply they have pop ups everytime you click ok, finished, done, or apply. There's one after the other after the other. They won't allow you to get through to the end of the application without applying for a cash advance of up to $1500. You have no choice but to give them your routing & account numbers in order to process the card. Also, in order to receive this prepaid card, you must also receive an unsecured credit line of up to $10K to an online bookstore, calling themselves Who's gonna buy $10K worth of books & ebooks that nobody reads. They have no popular books you want to read or anything of interest. Just old outdated books that no one would even go to the library to check out. I applied for this card and gave them $39, then it says "to double your credit amount, click here to pay just $25 more." So I did and wham....they took my money in less time it took me to blink. That's a whopping $64 in order to receive a card that you have to put your own funds on (that you can just get from walmart or any drug store / corner store for $3-$5), and another card for some ebooks and old books that nobody wants. Immediately after applying, I called them at (5610 921-2600 to request my money be refunded ASAP!!! The person who answered the phone is at home and you can tell. This is not a company.... these people are in a house and only 2 of them answer the phone. A lady and a man, and the man's name is Jason. They told me that my money will be refunded back to my card within 5-7 business days (stressing business days twice) and that I did not need a confirmation number or email confirmation. We'll see if they refund my money and I will post whether they do or don't by August 12th 2011. The woman was yawning and still had her morning "just waking up" voice. I was totally amazed at this scam and she didn't even care to hear why I wanted my money back. She just told me that the card for the $5K approved credit line is for buying things. When I asked her who would want $5K worth of books, she just said she'll refund my money but the way the conversation went, I think I may have to go through some hell in order to receive my money back from this scam "company" that's running out of a house with a kid in the background. They are located in Delray Beach, Florida.... and I guess since they saw that I was in Fort Lauderdale, Florida (not too far from them---only 1 city away), they rushed to tell me that they would be refunding my money because I can easily track them with the police here. If you would like to receive a credit card and you have averaged to poor credit, do not use this company. HSBC Orchard Bank is the best company to go through aside from Citi Bank and Capital One. These banks also report monthly to the top 3 credit bureaus for you. Orchard Bank will give you a credit line of at least $320 as long as you pay your $19 application fee up front. If you dont qualify for the unsecured $320 credit limit and they suggest a secured credit card, keep trying. Somehow their site suggested it to me after 2 attempts at the prequalifying stage. Also, I have a friend who did prequalify for a secured card from Orchard Bank MasterCard and while she waited for her instructions in the mail, they actually sent her a card with a $300 limit on it instead and she did not have to put up the initial $200 or $300 secured funds. Orchard Bank & Capital One are just the best when it comes to bad credit card offers when trying to rebuild your credit. Again..... DO NOT APPLY FOR THE FLEXCARD HYBRID PROGRAM VISA CARD OR ANYTHING ELSE THAT FLEXCARD HAS TO OFFER. THEY DO HAVE COMPLAINTS WITH THE BBB AS WELL SO CHECK IT OUT.
4949 days ago by Anonymous
This slanderous post was written by a woman who's first name is Crystal. To protect her identity we will leave her last name blank. Our website clearly states that we are a 3 in 1 product, which includes a GPR Visa, an unsecured line of credit that can be used at our online store and a cash advance all in one.

Our 3500 SF office, which Crystal is more than welcome to come to, is located in Delray Beach Florida in the Bank United building, not a home address. Additionally, we never force anyone to purchase our product by any means.

It is our understanding that this customer misunderstood what she was attempting to purchase and we promptly refunded her minutes after she finished our application. Customer service is our number one priority. Additionally, when we attempted to contact Crystal on the phone number she provided to us to discuss this matter, the number was disconnected. Seems odd that a person applying for credit would use a false number if her motives were honest.
4942 days ago by Pennilessprophet
in defense of Crystal, I have read the contents of your website and it is very misleading. the wording leads the person to believe that he or she will be receiving a regular Visa Card with $1500 line of credit. never mentions that it is to your online store!! that my friend is misleading and makes you a dishonest company and your only purpose is to rip people off. All your company is doing is exploiting the fact that our economy is bad and a lot of Americans are out of work and are facing financial hardship and rather your company helping them all your doing is taking advantage of their situation and ripping them off!! you should be ashamed of yourself but I know your not and only care for yourself. you are not the only one out there taking advantage of Americans facing financial hardship. your are one of millions that are out there doing it. I only hope that the people that visit your website have the common sense to do their due diligence search the web and read about what your company is doing. thank god i found this website before I let you steal my money!!! I have noted your website and will post it all over the net and inform the authorities to really look in to your business practices. anyone else wants to comment me write me at [email protected]
4942 days ago by Blades
Yeah. We applied for this card and paid $69 thinking we would get a line of credit like a normal credit card. But then when applying we saw one pop-up ad after another and then we got one asking for routing and bank account numbers to apply for a $1500 cash advance. We just closed the window. We called the company asking for a refund and they hung up upon mentioning it. Sent us an email to apply for a refund. Hopefully they refund us without any problems. The charge on the debit card is in the amount of $69
4937 days ago by RayNtampabay
I had my credit card information entered and was just about to hit submit. I had a weird gut feeling this might be to good to be true and went to do a google search. I am so glad I did. I found this site warning me!! I went back to there page in a hurry and erased all my credit card info!!!

Ray in Tampa Bay
4929 days ago by Rkelley951
i to have ben scamed by flex car they charged me $69.00 for the card they miss lead you to think it is a normal card with a $1500.00 balance ... but its not they give your info to a ton of payday lone places that want to loan you $1500 and have it sent to your card so then i finaly get a card in the mail and it is prepayed only and its not even there card it is a free pre payed visa card from a totaly diffrent company they used my info to sign up for this other companys card and have it sent to my house but used there email adress for the card witch is [email protected].. dont get scamed by these people i am in the prosses of trying to get my money back but it looks like i will need to open a fraud cas to get it what this company does is not legal they dont have a company they simply use your info to sign up for a free pre payed card and then charg you for it what scumm !! i will be geting my money back if i need to buy a plane ticket and beat it out of them so be it this is theft plane and simple and i dont tolerate it at any cost even 5 dollers gets delt with so in short be carfull and dont trust anyone one the net check everything verry closley and if it sounds to good to be true it usaly is and there is some shady pice off chrap behinde it flex car i am not joking i want my fliping money back you scumm
4924 days ago by Blades
Ended up calling the company for a refund. They hung up and never did. Had to end up calling my credit card company to reverse the charge $69 by I put it on my card and paid for this to help somebody out with their credit. Got the card in the mail from a totally different company Turns out that they charged $69 to enter your information into which is free to get. A total bait and switch.
4920 days ago by Bladers
4918 days ago by Missmrb01
Thank goodness I googled this company I was about to give them $69 of money that was hard earned for some bs not in the position to just give money away.Thanks everyone for you stories you definitely saved me a headache.
4918 days ago by Cheapnikefreeruns sale best nike free shoes online! air kukini, Nike Free shoes, Nike Free 7.0, Nike Free Running, Nike Free 5.0, Nike Free 3.0, Nike Luarglide+2, Nike Lunarglide shoes, All our Nike Free Shoes 100% Original, 180 days return Privacy, Are The Most Hotsell On USA, UK, Canada, France, Greece, Spain, Australia, And So On Take Paypal and Credit Card! Free Shipping For All Order Now!
4908 days ago by SmartGirl
You guys are all crazy. I read over everything I was signing up for before I got the card. It specifically says it's a prepaid card and the whole purpose of the line of credit is to build your credit. It's not so that you have another line of credit that you're not going to pay back. Nothing is free. If you are looking to legitimately build your credit, this program has worked great for me. I think it's wrong that you blame the company for you not reading what you are signing up for.
4906 days ago by Lulu22
lol it is misleading! It says that the line of credit is for their "retail" store. Which is technically right I suppose but what they don't tell you is that the "retail" store is E-BOOKS ONLY it isn't even a physical product. PLUS the e-books on their website only come in 4 catagories such as Cooking e-books, and how-to e-books. The cost of the e-books are like $55+. Who is really going to pay that much money for an electronic book that tells you how to install a shower head or whatever. There aren't any books of intrest such as novels. They will also bribe you into DOUBLING your line of credit for an additional $29. So that puts you at almost $5000 in credit. Who is going to buy $5000 worth of cooking and how-to E-BOOKS? Or any money at all? And, how does this build your credit? They never reported to any of the credit bureaus for me. So basically it feels like I got cheated out of $100. I did call a few times to get a refund. I was nice and pleasant. Simply stated I wasn't interested in the products the store had to sell and would like a refund. The gal I spoke with was nice and said she would send me an email to request a refund. I waited until the next day and never got anything. I then called again and spoke with someone else who admitted that the email was never sent and sent the email right away. He was also nice. I did get the email and filled out the form. I am not sure how many days the refund process takes but still have not received the refund. I hope to have my money back and learn from this experience.
4885 days ago by Jengrn73
ive been waiting for a refund from this place for a month i called them today and they said that a check was mailed on oct. 12 its now oct 20, im really getting worried that ive been scammed, i ordered the 69$ plus 29$ more for 10, 000 $ line of credit at their retail store (e-book store).if i dont get my money back i will report this as fraud.if any one has any sugestion on who i can report tis to please e-mail me at, [email protected]
4879 days ago by Anonymous
Thanks to everyone that took the time to post a comment regarding this company. Your reviews helped me to not become another scammed consumer!
4874 days ago by Teetower80
well to the ones defending this company they are a fraud even on your defense that its a credit rebuilder..i paid the 2 fees to help build my credit and they didnt list what the credit line was for/e books lol/ but the fact is even as a credit builder they have to report that line of credit to the 3 majors, and i waited over 2 mnths they never posted they ran me around so many times it was crazy, and then referred me to email there reporting department.i did so guess what the run i called experian and trans union they told me if this company did report it 2 months in a row as they had told me that the 5000$ credit line would show in there system..guess what it didnt and there fraud department at both were familiar with them and they are being stopped because i went threw the right channels, , the flex card people stated it takes 60 days to reflect on the report and this can be true with some companies but i went straight to the bureas and they said it would of showed up in there system even if it wasnt on there report because as the trans fraud investigator said if they reported it twice they would be seeing a new established creditlinetay away these guys are fraudsters
4871 days ago by Anonymous
I have been trying for over one month to get money back. Every phone I have used they have block. I'm fixing to get pissed
4865 days ago by Efm911
Yes this goes to show you that anyone with a good sales pitch and web design experience can make thousands! Hey we all should try this...cant beat them join them! LOL JK! I hate scammers I was about to put in my information and descided to google it. Good thing I did they wanted $69 from me just like everyone else on here and I like the way the "company" actually replied above...haha good job not sounding professional at all haha google is your worst nightmare. F U scammers! FLEXCARD PROGRAM IS A SCAM anything too good to be true is...a scam!
4863 days ago by Rules
i was on flex card program site i look it over several times and nowhere on there does it say it is a prepaid card nor does it say the line of credit is for there store here is the link what am i missing i even called them and asked is this a regular visa card i can make hotel reservations with and airline tickets and there will be 1000 dollars worth of credit avalible when i recieve the card i was told yes thank goodnes i recorded the call myself whether or not i can legally use that if needed i am not sure. i told my son i ould take him to see his great grand mum with the money for thanksgiving holiday if this turns out to be anything but what i was told i will go straight to a lawyer with the recording and i will show the site i am pretty sure the site i am seeing doesn't say their online store or prepaid. i can assure anyone if i have to tell my son our plans are changed because of ascamming company i will not stop till they are out of business. if anyone see in this site above link where it says prepaid or their onlive store please tell me where it is at. thanks...
4862 days ago by Ahatch
I would like to thank everyone who took the time to post a comment about this bogus credit card company. I also started to apply, I was at the point when they tell you your line of credit, and decided to look into the terms and fees. For some reason, the fee and the info provided up to this point did not sit well with me. These are tough times and $69 is a lot of money for some including me, right now. So after clicking on the link to view the terms and fees, it lead me to another page that stated it could only be viewed by a mobile device, so, I took out my smartphone, typed in the e-mail address so I could check out the fees. It's important to mention I still was having an uneasy feeling althrough this process...anyway from my phone it states the information was not available, and could not be viewe. So...I decided to google search information about the card, that was initially brought to my attention as a credit card for people with poor-bad credit. I am so glad and eternally grateful to you all for posting your comments, because if I had not investigated a little further, I would have been scammed also. This company should be ashamed of themselves. I hope they realize...what a man soweth...that shall he reap." Thanks again everyone!!!
4862 days ago by Wyrd4life
I almost got sucked in too but I was like the person who got a weird feeling in their gut. I then Googled "flex card visa program" and found this site right away. I'm glad I did. I've been bitten so many times so maybe I'm learning a thing or two. Thanks everyone who posted!
4860 days ago by Annonymous12
i signed up for this couple days ago. im praying that this is real and legit. maybe i should have google them first. i was also told its a regular creditcard but i card with draw from atm..when he said that it sound fishy but i still went along anyway. now you guys have me thinking. we will see when i get the card. will keep u guys posted.

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