Consumer reviews and reports on scam companies, bad products and services
Fairytale Service and Therapy Dogs Wendy Morris Service & Therapy Trainer stole $10,000 from totally disabled woman Golden Valley, Arizona
24th of Dec, 2011 by User902750
I contracted with Fairtytale Service & Therapy Dogs/Wendy Morris to supply me with a service dog in 6/2010. I was supposed to receive the dog immediately. Ms. Morris agreed to supply the dog to me for half her usual fee if I agreed to be photographed because most disabled people don't want to be in photos; Ms. Morris felt this was a win/win. She needed a truly disabled person for her website & other uses & I desperately needed the service dog since mine of 15 yrs had just died. Ms. Morris claimed to be certified & licensed (she's not), she also said she trained her service dogs for 4 hrs/day/every day. The first dog pulled me to the ground and fractured my amputated leg on a visit. I told Ms. Morris there was something terribly wrong with the dog. She screamed at me & claimed it was me. Of note my 6'2", 220lb son was pulled to the ground by the dog. Finally 2 months later she called & said the dog had pulled her down & it was unsafe to place the dog with me. She promised me another dog immediately. The 2nd dog was coming from California from one of her breeding 'arrangements', her friends took the puppy out to a dog shelter walk for charity & he caught Kennel Cough; finally when he made it to AZ, she only trained him for 1 hr/day/every other day (she admitted it). When I questioned her, (because he refused to do anything I needed him to do). She said she had already 'spent enough time on my dogs!" then she informed me that she really wanted to keep this dog for her new stud dog because the one she had kept was not working out. We argued, then a few weeks later she claimed that my dog was better suited for a child with autism. In the meantime, I had paid over $10,000 including her family vacation to Sea World (she claimed this was for extra training), food, vet bills, grooming, neutering, shots, licenses, service certification, service vest, etc. Ms. Morris has & is REFUSING TO PROVIDE the contractual dog to me. Ms. Morris is refusing to refund ALL of my money to me, refusing to give me a trained dog per the contract & won't accept my calls/e-mails. Now she has filed an article in the Arizona Republic, 12/23/2011 written by Mr. Scott Craven, that she is going to 'give a service dog to a person in need'. I am an above knee amputee, living on disability and extremely part time work! I support a child alone; & have many chronic illnesses. How much more needy can you get? This is a media ploy by Ms. Morris, I will guarantee if this is not the dog that was supposed to come to me, it is someone else she has cheated! Buyer Beware! I desperately need help; I have filed a complaint with the newspaper, all of the news stations in the Phoenix Metropolitan area & The AZ Attorney General's Office. Please people do not do business with this CROOK; she is cruel to her dogs & to her clients! I can prove all of my claims. If you are an attorney willing to work pro bono, I'd love to work with you!!!!
4821 days ago by Jadeetv
This woman is nothing but bad news. She has screwed over a lot of people here in the area. She used to sell horses before she got really into her so called "therapy dogs". She sold horses that had all sorts of health issues without disclosure and I know of many people that have gotten ripped off on their horse purchases. She is coneiving and a liar and a thief. I am one of her victims too while I have not lost as much money as you did I know of people that have lost more then you do. It is disgusting and I am hoping one of these days someone will stop her. Enclosed find some interesting information that a friend of mine was able to obtain

In May 2011, Morris was cited with seven counts by Mohave County for running a non-permitted breeding operation at a residence. (Arizona case number J-801-CR-201100576, State vs. Wendy Elizabeth Morris)

Wendy only this past summer incorporated and got her business license, but the Scam Informer complaint says she made the transaction in 2010 ...

Here's a party that was promised a dog from Morris by August. I don't know if they ever got it (couldn't find any updates), but might be worth tracking them down to follow the story and see if they were happy or not:

Here's another person who is being promised a dog by Morris:

I am hoping to connect with the last gentleman in the last link and let him know about your post here. Good luck to you. I hope you can do something about this woman. I know she does not treat her animals well and they do not get the proper vet care they deserve and she makes dogs disappear that are ill... She needs to be stopped and I hope that you have enough proof to drag her through the court system.
4821 days ago by Love-hate
I know for a fact that this Ms Morris is what you say she is. She has screwed over a lot of people, dog and horse world, and I know of a few of them. She needs to be stopped now. I wish you luck on getting her closed down for good.
4820 days ago by Galxeyd
The person that is posting all of this information has a big vindictive against Wendy Morris and you can not believe anything that is posted here since it is all lies. I have know her for more years than this person and know that she is a very loving and caring person to all of her animals.
4820 days ago by Yogi

We have been having a wonderful time with Yogi, currently 10 months old. She has become a part of our school family and is loved by both staff and students at my elementary school. She can spend the day in my art room keeping kids on track and quiet, and loves to pick up a marker or crayon that drops on the floor. She visits in our library and does a reading program for those students who want to practice their reading or feel too shy to read to people. She visits the nurse's office and is available for hugs for a child who gets hurt or doesn't feel well. She works in the morning parking lot and greets students and parents for the morning. She spends time with our psychologist, behavior specialist, and special ed teachers and is there for hugs when a child is sad, angry, or lonely. She has taught the students about how to treat animals and has eased the fear of many children who haven't been comfortable around dogs. You can see photos of her working in the library.

I have grown up with dogs all my life and I can truly say, Yogi is an amazing young dog. She is so loving and has a gift for compassion far beyond most animals. She is a wonderful therapy dog but also a wonderful member of our family. She not only works at our school, but she has had therapy visits to retirement homes and private homes of hospice patients. We take Yogi to a local dog park to keep her socialized with other dogs and exercise. But she is only interested in socializing with the humans and spends her time visiting them rather than playing with other dogs!

Thank you for our wonderful, beautiful girl. She is such a gift to us and others.

Marian Meadows

Glendale, AZ
4820 days ago by Yogi
22 September 2011

I received my service dog, Micah, on August 19, 2011 from Wendy Morris the owner/operator/trainer of Fairytale Service Dogs. I made two visits to her facility prior to taking custody of Micah. There were countless emails, phone calls, and videos posted so that I could follow Micahs’ progress. I selected Wendy and Micah after interviewing half a dozen providers and found that Wendy was the most compassionate about the patient and the dog placement, her training is above reproach, communication was greater than I had anticipated.

Micah is a puppy still, however; he is better trained and behaved than any other service dog I see at the VA hospital in Phoenix Arizona. Micah can assist me in restaurants without demonstrating inappropriate behaviors, he plays well with my other dogs, interacts with my family excellently. Most importantly Micah is able to identify when I am in medical distress and retrieve my medication from a location easy for him to access. When I ride public transportation he is able to board and ride better than some other people. Micah will pick things up for me to prevent my necessity to bend over due to my spinal reconstruction.

I would highly recommend Wendy Morris, Fairytale Service Dogs, and any animal she trains. If you should need any further information and have any other questions Wendy may provide my contact information.

Christina D. Wilder MBA Sgt. U.S. Army Veteran
4820 days ago by Yogi
Hi James, Liberty, Max, Katie and Jim...My Mom and Dad wanted me to e-mail you ( yes, I am a tech savvy smart dog ) and apologize for a tardy response to your great offer to send us pet rocks...we would be honored to have your art would be very, very special to us guys are very very awesome too. We are excited for you to be expecting Odie in August...what a fun and amazing experience it will be for you all ... Wendy is wonderful... a fabulous, compassionate trainer !! I am a therapy dog and have been with my new family 3 1/2 weeks...I have adjusted well as have my folks Clyde and Ruth...they can be trying at times, but they are doing better...they tell me that we will be going to hospitals and schools to visit children and adults to help them feel happier... sounds like a nice thing to do ... I know I will do a good job. I was born 10/22/2010...Odie is my half brother...he is very handsome !!! You all take good care now ...we will have fun enjoying and sharing your experience... Hannah, Ruth and Clyde
4820 days ago by Yogi
Dear Fairy Godmother, I am one year old today and wanted to check in with you to say Hi on this special day. I want you to know that I am very happy and am loved soooooooooooooooo much !! I am a very good and polite friend...everyone says so. I have been socialized a great deal this summer...I go for walks, go to restaurants where I am very well behaved, I go to the Airport and am perfect ( though I have not flown yet ), go for boat rides, play alot and really enjoy people. When we go back to Phoenix we are going to work with the Banner Health system and learn how to visit patients in the hospital...Ruth found out after calling the hospitals in Kalispell that there was not much opportunity for that here. Speaking of going back to Phoenix, we drive back to the valley in early Nov. and would love to take you out to lunch at the Cracker Barrel and visit with you on Nov 11th...let us know if that would work for you...would be great to see you...Love Hannah
4820 days ago by Yogi
Let me start off saying that Lucy is the most amazing, beautiful, and well behaved dog! When I first saw her I cried because she was so beautiful. She is my best friend and follows me everywhere I go. She is so well behaved with no shedding that my mom let's her sleep in my bed. She stays in one spot the whole night and cuddles with me in the morning. When we went to petsmart, she was the best dog who walked next to me the whole time. Lucy truthfully does everything you promised she would. Thank you so much for training my best friend. I love Lucy so much!
4820 days ago by Yogi
To Fairy Tail Service Dogs,
In my freshman year of high school I was raped by two boys in the FFA barn. I didn’t proceed to tell any body until two weeks later. I hadnt told any body because a group of girls who knew about it aproched me and told me if I was to tell anybody about what had happened to me that they were going to leave me on the side of the road dead. I was in fear for my life. So as my mom and I were talking I told her. she took me to the school resource officer and we reported it that day. Being that it was too weeks nothing was found. My mom and I decided to start to go to counseling. My counsler thought it would be a good idea too take a service dog to school with me. So we found Wendy at Fairy Tail Service Dogs. She had a purebread german shepard that she wasn’t going to sell but I really liked her and though she could become a great service dog for me because the reputation that these kind of dogs have. So she thought it over and we bought her from Wendy. Wendy has been training her for emotional purposes for me. She is trained to crawl in my lap when im sad or up set. If one of the boys or any of the girls try to come up to me and say something zena is trained to stand in front of me and protect me from any one. She is trained to go into public places and protect me. Zena has helped me reassure my self when I go out. I thank Wendy for the wonderful work she has done. Zena is a wonderful working dog. My family and I think she has done a fantastic job in trainning service dogs. Thank you Wendy. Now I can feel safe again.
Giana DeMaria
4820 days ago by Yogi
We have had our “Odie” for 2 months and it has been wonderful. She is currently 9 months old and has become a wonderful fit to the family; we have to keep reminding ourselves that she is only a puppy because of her calm temper. Odie has been trained to be a mobility Dog for our 10 year old Daughter with CP. It has been a lot of responsibility for Libby to learn the importance of working with Odie, we have to remind her that Odie is not a “magic dog” and that they need to learn how to work together as a team. Odie has currently been assisting Libby by helping pull her Manual Wheel chair while in school. Odie spends 3 ½ hours every day at school with Libby. It has been the first time all the kids in school know her names and say hi to her every day and of course Odie gets plenty of “HI Odie” every day. The biggest change we have seen is that Libby has become stronger talking to strangers about her dog, and at school she is known as the girl with the dog vs. the girl in the wheel chair. Libby has also become stronger at telling people that they cannot pet her dog when she is working and has been receiving respect. Socially and emotionally our family has seen nothing but positive results from having Odie in our Family.
> Katie Waechter
4820 days ago by Yogi
Ryder and I have travled to many places.He has had to brace me a couple of times when I am unsteady.
He is a hard worker and an awsome companion. Thank you for all your hard work !
Danellia Brothers .
4820 days ago by Yogi
Subject: puppypicutes for you
HI, We are really enjoying our puppy. We could not love her any more that we do. She can sit, paw, stay. down, stay heel, and more importantly she loves me the most!!! Sharon
4820 days ago by Yogi
We are here in Prescott with Bentley and Levi.. (Diana is in Phoenix with Bella!)...

We are so madly in love with these dogs!! Please let me know if your phone accepts pictures and I will text you some pictures...

we have many!!
Bentley and Levi are sleeping right now here by us and they always lay up against each other..if not on top of each other. They

run and play alot throughout the day...and Bentley has taken the big brother role ie: tonight on our walk..he had the attitude...

"follow me little one, I have done this before and I know where to go"...and there goes Levi...right beside him. Soooo...cute!!

I just wanted you to know how much they have added to our lives and I know the same goes for Bella and Diana.

Little Levi is a sweetheart and he gets many kisses and hugs throughout the does Bentley and Bella!!

I just wanted to say thank you for these adorable puppies...for training them and for your service.

Stay in touch.Monica (and Geoff!)
4820 days ago by Yogi
Thought I’d give you an update on wonderful Joey. As of today he has

> completely mastered the dog door and goes out completely on his own and does

> his business!!! We are so proud!! The boys love walking him every evening

> and he seems to enjoy it also. Cameron does a great job of controlling

> him. Larry even walked him today off leash and he stayed right with him.

> WE still have to do quite abit of work on” down”. The only issue we have

> is him jumping up on visitors. He doesn’t do it to us, just others...

> so we are going to have to work on that. But thought you’d like to know

> how he is doing. His surgery pain seems to be over because there is lots

> of running and chasing and fetching going on

He is so calm and loving. He sleeps at

> my feet most of the day or anytime I move... there he is!!! Surprisingly

> he and Carter spend a lot of time together. Hope he won't get jealous when

> Brainy gets here. It is going to be interesting to see how this all plays

> out. Joey really loves his door and the independence it allows. It is so

> funny watching him use it. We get laughing so hard with his antics. I

> can't imagine what he'll be like as he "matures". I'll try and send pixs.

> tomorrow. We are taking Joey in to be microchipped tomorrow so that will

> be his first outing!!
4820 days ago by Yogi
Hi Wendy, Moses is doing great! He’s a little timid with new things, but that’s expected. He is responding very well to our commands, and trying very hard to do what we tell him to do, but it’s confusing with both Hayley and me telling him what he should do. So now only Hayley gives the commands, and he is very impressive! Also, when I, or my son try to hold him and cuddle him he gets hyper and doesn’t want to cuddle. When Hayley holds him, he molds himself into her, and is perfectly calm, and would lay on her chest all day. This could not be better for us! Hayley is so content, happy, and feels so important! And Moses is so content to be with her. This is exactly what I was hoping for, and it has been a life changer for Hayley! He’s potty training really well, and a delightful, fun dog. He’s perfect in the crate, and hasn’t done anything annoying or destructive. Could it get any better than this? Hayley wants me to tell you, “Thank you for my puppy. I love him.” And I want to thank you, Wendy, for training such a great puppy for us. He couldn’t be better. I cannot thank you enough. Sandi
4820 days ago by Yogi
Wendy - it has been a while and I just want to let you know that Bella is doing well. This week I have all three puppies and it
has been a mad house with everyone chasing each other. I will be sending more pictures of her soon. She is a wonderful dog.
Thanks so much for all you did with her.

God's Blessings and Peace to you and your family.
4820 days ago by Yogi
Everyone I know wants to keep Gracie! She slept thru the night. She's going potty outside. She's gentle with the kids. Gracie is taking a nap because she went to the park with seven kids and then to an outdoor mall. She's very social and the kids loved showing her off. Even a lady at the mall wanted to keep her! All the kids learned the commands and she's listening fairly well. I will admit that she's a bit of a pig with the food! We'll have to be careful about that! I'll send you some pictures next week. Thanks so much for such a great addition to our family!
4820 days ago by Yogi
Sorry it took me so long to reply all four of us had the stomach flu, yes you can add the photos and my email to your site Nala is doing soo well and learns fast ... sweeping the floor is much more fun now that she attacks the broom lol
4820 days ago by Yogi
Our puppy, Charlie, is now 4 months old- and the most mild-mannered dog. We joke that he is like a little old man trapped in a puppy-dog body.
Charlie is already 35 lbs and our vet believes he will be about 90 lbs when full grown. he is Black with a little bit of gold peeking through- this coloring is similar to his father's (dad was a black goldendoodle, Mom is a pure bred Golden). Charlie is 3/4 Golden retriever and only 1/4 poodle- That being said, I can tell you that he doesn't shed AT ALL. Not a hair. It is truly amazing.
Wendy has extremely clean facilities and really takes good care of her puppies. You can tell she really loves what she does. I don't know much more about her, but can completely vouch for her as a breeder.
I received Charlie at only 6 weeks, so we did not experience the training program that I know Wendy offers. I have attached a couple of photos of Charlie from about a month ago. Please feel free to email me back with any additional questions.
4820 days ago by Yogi

I am so soory it took this long for an update I have been busy. Sampson is doing very well, we love him very much! He is quite smart and VERY sweet!! the day that we got him he was a little timid but he snapped out of that very quickly. We have our cat Delilah and at first she hated him but now they are pretty good buddies. He is GREAT with the other dogs in the neighborhood he loves them all! He is also very good with kids of all ages even little 8 month old babies... He jsut loves everyone Sam has not met a stranger yet!

He is learning very fast! after about 2 or so weeks of having him he got potty training down we still are working with him but he goes to the back door everytime, but when he goes and barks at the door he means NOW we learned that the hard way. He is kennnel trained, everytime we go out and at night he goes in there, He actually likes it when he is tired at night he lays by it until we put him in it. He is also now a master and sitting, any time someone has a treat, or toy, or food or anything he wants he sits at there feet. He also knows to lay down and we are working on Stay and Speak. He is doing very well.

He is a very good playful little fellow he LOVES treats and bones (no rawhides yet.) He also loves his toys he will play tug-a-war or hide and seek or chase or anything you will play with him for hours. He loves being out side and he gets into everything. So we give him a bath about once a week and he is ok with them he likes to splash in the water.

He is just an amazing dog! Thank you so much! I will be sure to send more updates soon! I have attached some pictures so you can see them. Have a geat day!


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