Eppi Card |
Eppi Card EppiCard makes Eppic Mistake....... Internet |
16th of May, 2011 by User583951 |
I have filed Unemployment Compensation with the state of Pennsylvania. The state sent me this debit card, and NO terms and conditions with it. Like many things with the sate of PA, I had to wait 6 months to get my benefits. No big deal. I'm happy now that I got my benefits. But what I'm not happy about is that the debit card company, EppiCard, has gouged me $84.76 in fees and inquiries. When I called into the toll free number, I had to play the numbers game. You know what that's like, press 1 for this 2 for that, 3 for this, etc. Finally when I got the option of speaking with a live representative, I was in cue for 1 hour and 29 minutes. I checked the time on my cellular phone for the call. Sure, the 1 hour and 29 minutes also included the numbers game as well, but the majority of it was the hold cue for waiting for a representative. Finally when a customer service rep. came on the phone, I heard a "sigh, this is (name) how can I help you". I knew at this point, this was going to be a battle from the start. This was not a very welcoming greeting, and I knew that the company had a reputation for poor customer service anyway. The first thing this woman asked for was my social security number, my card number, my date of birth, andf then my physical street address. I asked if there anything else I could give to show my identity and not all of this information. The woman then came off with a very shrude and ill-tempored remark, "Sir, this is the only way we can verify your information. I don't make the rules sir. If you want my assistance, you're going to have to give me this information". I was like, ok?! I proceeded to give this information out, and asked why the $84.76 was taken out of my account. She then said, "(Sigh) Sir, this is because of transactions and inquiries you have made for your balance. Everytime you called into the toll free number, you were charged an inquiry fee" "This is bulls**t", I exclaimed! She then said, "I don't have to put up with that kind of language sir. This is your first warning. I can disconnect with you if you continue to use this kind of language" I appologized and told her that I understood that the company she must have worked for is doing alot to make customers upset due to the long hold, and the frustrated tone she had with me. I told her that my dispute was not with her, but with why I was being charged these transactions. She then got really bitter towards me, "Sir it was in your terms and conditions. If you read them over, you would know that you get 5 free inquiries, and the rest are charged for checking your balance" I then informed her that I was sent this card from the state, and there was no terms and conditions sent with this card, and if there was anything she could do for this one time, and in the future, I would know not to call in anymore. Still, even snippier, almost yelling at me, "Sir, I don't make the rules. You were charged for these inquiries and there is nothing I can do about it. You're just going to have to deal with it". I then asked to speak to a supervisor, and she hung up on me! I feel that this example of customer service is why the economy is in the state it is in. If people can act like this as customer service reps, and the company they work for can allow then to act this way, then we are heading for more of a worse economy disaster. This company should not be allowed to treat people this way, and should train their employees to treat customers WAY better than this. My worry is that this woman has all my personal information still. She has my SSN, my DOB, my street address, AND my card number. Who's to say she's going to go ona spending spree with my information now. I'm very nervous now! |
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