English International Distillers O2 Sparkling Vodka SCAM COMPANY NOT REAL COMPANY BE AWARE Coatbridge. Lanarkshire, Internet |
28th of Dec, 2011 by User431260 |
This is a warning to any company considering distributing O2 Sparkling Vodka. O2 vodka is run by a devious character that uses different identities to try and build repor with your liquor import company. If you do some research you will find that in fact this company will try and sell wholesale liquor to you, then scam you into further orders without fullfilling any of their promises. This company claims to have a specialty brand that is very high quality, in reality their product is poor quality and nearly un-saleable commercially. There is no product support or branding/marketing support offered by this supplier. I approached O2 vodka recently to inquire about distributing their product in Sweden. After receiving a relatively basic and meaningless response from "Simon Roberts" I decided that I should definitely do some thorough research on the product before beginning import and distribution in Sweden. I was able to find "distributors" in the USA, Canada, and India...but no importers in Europe that I could find. I asked Simon for information on some of the European distributors so that I could contact them and speak with them about their experience with the product, and the next thing I know I get the following email: "[email protected] via srs.bis7.eu.blackberry.com Your arer the one whp approacjhed us. !ut you are very ruder, no manners, and because you own research isanadequate - suggest you learn to do better research. !ut soince you are quite incompetent I would doubt you could represent our product adequately. Simon Sent using BlackBerry® from Orange" I decided prior to this email to contact the 3 distributors I could find on the internet and I was able to get a hold of 2 of them, both in North America. Without going into great depth, both relationships have failed and are now non-existent. From what I hear the actual O2 contact name is Philip Maitland. One of the importers actually experienced a full on scam from this supplier where he contacted them from a random email requesting huge amounts of vodka for a wedding, he tried to confirm the quantities and at the same time was pushing very hard to get a purchase order from the agent. This scam information was very interesting to me, I am just glad I did some research before importing this product. The American importers for O2 had a similar experience a few years ago and are still working to get rid of their product. The first words out of the mouth of the American importer when I mentioned O2 was "I dont want to hear the words O2 ever again"! BE CAREFUL, WHILE THIS SUPPLIER WILL FILL YOUR ORDER REQUESTS HE IS NOT INTERESTED IN BUILDING A PROPER BRAND, ONLY IN SOLICITING 1 OR 2 LARGE ORDERS AND THEN ENDING THE RELATIONSHIP. I hope this helps, CV Sweden. |
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