28th of Oct, 2011 by User613675 |
MICHAEL OROSCO is a fake millionaire! A Liar! A Thief! A Con Man!! A Broke Man with NO MONEY!!! He Poses behind a fake business name IEXPORTUSA. He defrauded my Company Gold Coast Productions out of $6,000 thru WIRE FRAUD when he never went to Switzerland to pull $1 Million for our Company's new film. Michael Orosco is on the run from Florida, Atlanta and New York. He sleeps in rent a cars!!! He refuses to meet me in New York and pay me my Uncle's money back...New York is where he claims he is at...I advised him to take a picture of himself under a street corner sign anywhere in New York showing the Street Sign...to prove he is really in New York..he refused of course. Even if he didn't he is such a pathelogical liar/conman. While the FBI in New York and Atlanta are doing their job...I have hired a Private investigator to locate Orosco before he scams some one else or hurt someone...His name is Eddie and he will be contacting all of you... Gwen believes he tried to break in her place the other day...she remembers what he looks like from the criminal photo we found on him. That's when I knew I had to step up my efforts. I am hearby offering a $2,500 reward that leads directly to the capture of Michael Orosco. When Mchael Orosco found out a back ground check has been run on him...he called attorney John Tatoian and said the following (See below at end of email)... Dean Jackson ..his partner said he will blow my house up and plant drugs in my car....314-839-3114/314-369-1812. he also told Dean i could use a couple hundred thousand dollars right now...and later asked Dean for a $2,000 loan...Yet Michael had portrayed himself as a millionaire import and export guy...when in fact he is a broke man pulling wire fraud across America to survive. Another WITNESS is A.D. Smith another business associate that never turned good cause Michael Orosco is a Fraud...also he threatened my life to A.D. Smith...443-397-5252 He threatened my life many times to Gwendolyn Fairley Smith My managing partner who put the $6,000 into his acct. on her cell...she had her cell on speaker phone...646-296-4465 / 646-242-4186..he said: IMA MOTHA F*KIN BLACK MAN..THEIR AINT NO GOD IN THE MOTHA F*KIN AIR...U STUPID NEGROES FALL FOR THAT BULLSH*T GOD AND JESUS....I WILL KILL A MOTHA F*KA IF YOU F*K WITH ME..THATS GOES DOUBLE FOR LARRY...JAILS WERE BUILT FOR A MOTHA F*KA LIKE ME! HERE ARE MICHAEL OROSCO'S CURRENT NUMBERS Michael Orosco 954-701-9489 404-975-0355 TIME LINE OF PROCURRING CHECK FOR TRAVEL AND EXPENSES OF MICHAEL OROSCO SENT BY MY MANAGING PARTNER GWENDOLYN FAIRLEY SMITH IN NEW YORK. On 9/30/2011 1. 1:53 am after being informed that M. Orosco would need fund for $6,000 for travel and expenses to procure the $1M in Switzerland, I started working on getting the check. I sent an email, requesting necessary information to facilitate the request. See – email attached. 2. 3:17am – Larry verified that M. Orosco had a contract, sent to him, which stated M. Orosco’s compensation and terms for providing the $1M investment. Larry submitted a check request from business manager. However, it takes time to receive the check, so it was agreed to advance the money from my account in order to expedite getting the funds to M. Orosco, and to facilitate his making the trip immediately.. Larry signed a promissory note on behalf of Gold Coast to provide my reimbursement, of the travel and expense funds, as soon as the check request sent to Larry’s business manager, would be received by him, to reimburse me. See email attached Larry asked if there was a way to get the funds faster, and he would reimburse the person, for the funds when the check request was approved, and received, by him. It was decided and agreed between Larry, and me, in order to expedite getting the funds to M. Orosco, instead of waiting for check request from Larry’s business manager, waiting for check to clear, and then wiring funds to M. Orosco, I would get an official check from my credit union and deposit it directly at a Chase branch. Since M. Orosco’s account was with Chase bank. 3. 9:00 AM - I made arrangements to go to my Credit Union personally in Newark, NJ to expedite 4. 9:00 AM-picked up zip car and travelled to my credit union branch at Newark, NJ, to get official check from bank. 5. 11:15 AM – 11:34 AM – At Alliant Credit Union Branch and procured official check. 6. 11:34 AM – faxed copy of check to my efax account to forward copy to Larry that check was procured. 7. 11:34 AM – left credit union and paid parking lot fee $12.00 to return to NY 8. 12:59 pm – returned thru Holland tunnel paid toll 7.50, to cross Holland Tunnel back to NY to go to Chase bank by 3:00 pm to deposit the official check into M. Orosco account 9. 2:30 pm – arrived at Woodhaven 84-01 Jamaica Ave Woodhaven, NY 11421, 718-847-1700 and deposited the official. I was at the teller’s window and asked if the official check would clear right away. The teller informed me it takes 1-2 business days for the check to clear. While I was at the teller’s window I called M. Orosco and informed him, that even though an official check the bank’s policy said it would not be ready until Tuesday, with a Friday deposit. He informed me that he would call his banker to try to expedite clearance of the official check, as he wanted to leave by Tuesday, the coming week. 10. Please note that during the time of procuring the check from the credit union and until and during the time I deposited the check, M. Orosco was constantly calling me, as to the status of the check deposit. 11. 2:37 pm – the check was deposited; I informed M. Orosco the check was deposited and he took it from there. Michael orosco's threatening email...See below -----Original Message----- From: [email protected]; To: larry flash jenkins Sent: Wed, Oct 19, 2011 12:16 pm Subject: Fwd: GWEN AND YOUR PUNK ASS WILL GO TO JAIL NOT ME!!! YOU'RE GONNA DIE NIGGA!!! Fuck you and Gwen!!! If i go to jail CAUSE OF U niggaaaa....everyday I stay in there is gonna cost u a quart of blood when i c u and Gwen! Ur punk Asses r mine!!!! F*K YO UNCLES $6,000 AND F*K U!!! AND I AIN'T NO F*KING THIEF!!!!! JENKINS YOU ARE A DEAD MAN!!!! A DEAD MAN!!! IF I GET ARRESTED BECAUSE OF ALL YOUR BULLSH*T TO THE FEDS!!! I'M CUMIN AFTER YOU AND WILL BLOW YOU AND GWEN'S MOTHA F*KIN HEAD OFF!!!! IF I GET ARRESTED FIRST WHEN I GET OUT I KILL YA LARRY JENKINS!!!! SEE YOU WHEN U LEAST EXPECT IT!!! WATCH YOUR BACK NIGGA !!! IM CUMIN FOR YO ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEAH YEAH I CONNED AND LIED FOR YO MOTHA F*KIN $6,000!!! CATCH ME IF YOU CAN!!! I'M GONNA F*K U UP!!!! U HEAR ME!!!! I PUT TWO OF MY CRIP BOYS OUT FOR YO ASS TOO!!! YOU TALKING ALL THAT SH*T THAT I DON'T SIGN NOTHING AND SEND EMAILS...WHERE HER IS ONE NOW MOTHA F*KA!!!..I AIN'T GONNA RUN AND HIDE NIGGAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!! U F*KED UP GIVEN ME YOUR MONEY NIGGA!!! YO LIFE FOR YO $6,000!!!! U MADE YO ON GRAVE NIGGA!!!! TELL YO OLD ASS UNCLE TO FIND ME IF HE CAN!!! I WARNED YO ASS!!!! MOTHA F*KA!!! SO BEWARE NIGGA!!! I'MA SMOKE YO ASS WHEN I C U!!! I RATHER DO TIME FOR KILLING YO ASS!!!! SINCE I DON'T BELIEVE IN GOD NOR JESUS...I KILL FOR RECREATION DUDE!!!! GOING STR8 TO HELL WITH ME LOSER!!! MOTHA F*KA!!! MICHAEL OROSCO 954-701-9489 404-975-0355 SEE I SIGNED IT NIGGA!! YOU DON'T KNOW SH*TT!!! I GOT YO MONEY...HA HA HA!!!! See email below the day before I got him the $6,000 -----Original Message----- From: Michael Orosco To: 'larry flash jenkins' Sent: Thu, Sep 29, 2011 6:31 pm Subject: RE: Michael Orosco bank acct info for $6,000 Hello Larry, I was able to speak with John tonight and got a much better understanding of how this project is going to happen. I hope that there will be no regrets about this capital venture that I am about to embark upon. Here is my info to my bank for you to put the $6,000 for my travel to Switzerland to retrieve your $1 Million for your film. Chase: Iexportusa Corporation Account # 958077067. Thank You. Michael Orosco. CEO. Iexportusa Corporation. Office: 404-975-0356 X 1001 Fax: 973-488-7992 Cell : 954-701-9489 www.iexportusa.com [email protected] Please think GREEN before printing this email. SKYPE: michaelo1023 This message, together with any attachments, is sent by IEXPORTUSA CORPORATION and is intended only for the addressee. It may contain information, which is legally privileged, confidential and exempt from disclosure. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution, use, or any action or reliance on this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this e-mail or fax in error, please notify the sender by telephone or return e-mail and delete or destroy this message, along with any attachments HIS LATEST THREAT ON MY LIFE. -----Original Message----- From: michael orosco To: larry flash jenkins Sent: Sat, Oct 29, 2011 7:16 pm Subject: Fwd: REWARD FOR THE TIP ON WHEREABOUT OF MICHAEL OROSCO Jenkins u a dead man!!!!!! U better kill urself befo I do!! Tell the FBI that!!! tell ur Uncle that!!! tell ur Private eye that!!!! Im a black man that cant be killed nor caught!!! Niggaaaaa!!! That f*kin Gwen is a dead woman too!! F*k all ya'll!!! Ask God to save ur ass from my raft!! |
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