Consumer reviews and reports on scam companies, bad products and services
Elite Fragrance in Federal Way Andrew, Shay, Debbie the SCAMERS... Office Assistant (Full Time) (Renton) SCAM..... Office Assistants are needed for
1st of Nov, 2011 by User952503
In the economy today everyone is trying to make ends meat… Looking for a job is very hard for others and the last thing that they need is for a company to waist there time. BY SCAMMING THEM… from the reviews that I have seen from this job I can REALLY say that everything is true ( Job Scam) Well I was one of them that was almost a victim but ALITTLE to smart for them ( Elite Wholesale distribution perfume ) They are a Scam. I was job searching today and seen an ad on Cragislist for an: Office Assistants Full Time position and It had a number I mean how often do you see a phone number on Cragislist. Well for those that know not often. So I call to schedule a interview and I talked with someone named (Andrew) he told me that he is looking for someone to start on Monday so I said yeah I can come in for an interview today at 3:30pm which it seem like everyone had an interview at the same time but we all went back one by one. So I go back and I had a Interview with this lady(Debbie) that looks like she just got out of JAIL or she was wanted I no she does Drugs because she looks like a METH OR A CRACK Head and everyone that is in the office. Just do to the fact that who has time to sit there and play with people and SCAM… As you guys seen in the other Review the they are all true and we have to get theses guys out of here. This is the Ad on Cragislist that is getting everyone in the door.. Office Assistants are needed for our new branch locations in Seattle, Renton and Federal Way. These positions are Monday through Friday, 9am to 5pm. It's great that you have experience for this position, but it is not required. We will train the right candidates. Office Assistant's responsibilities include greeting customers, scheduling appointments, answering phones, cash handling, bank deposits and ext. Compensation $18-$19hour plus benefits. You must be 18+ years of age to apply for this position and willing to commit to a full time schedule. To schedule an interview call our office at (253) 517-3401. WHY???? What are they getting out of it???
4771 days ago by Zac Philips
I'm not going to get involved in the drama. I'm just going to say that Elite Wholesale Fragrance is an amazing opportunity and a great company to work for.
4771 days ago by Mike L
First of all, Elite Wholesale Fragrance is a supplier of rendition fragrances. They distribute their product line to Independent Business owners and Companies throughout the U.S. Second Elite doesn't ask you to invest any money, it's not a pyramid or multi-level marketing business, there's nothing to purchase, there are no sign-up fees. The only thing required from you is your time and hard work, and you’ll get a chance to work for there company. They are trying to help people who need to make a living, people who have families and are in need. They give back to the community and are such a great company to work for. The owners there are really good people and they want to help people who are struggling in this bad economy. It probably sounds too good to be true, but its NOT. I was always taught "never take financial advice from broke people or advice about what to do with you life or carrier. I know its a little harsh but so true. Why would you take advice from some of these people complaining when they probably are still looking for work, live with there parents, have know money and have nothing better to do then write negative stuff online. Last thing Elite is a great company. Give it a shot than make a decision, no hard feeling. The owners are great people you have to meet them for your self.
4770 days ago by KIMMICHU
4770 days ago by Shawshank
Obviously those two people above are the same people! Unless they are two seperate idiots who spell "a lot" = "allot".
4770 days ago by Shawshank
Haha! Obviously the two comments above is the same person. Unless there are two seperate idiots who spell "a lot" as "allot".
4770 days ago by Shawshank
Well apparently I am an idiot too. I didn't see next page.
Scaminformer 1, me 0.
4770 days ago by SNWFLKE6

4770 days ago by SNWFLKE6
4770 days ago by Ihatelies
First off, TAYLOR & COMPANY have been posting ad's on craigslist, changing their phone numbers ever since so many people have found out its a scam. They are being investigated, and after i contacted my lawyer, i am in the process of suing them for the money that was taken out of my account, because i did not recieve a refund, also for the PAID training, along with some other things that they will be taken into court.. I never said anything racist. You are a scam company that tries to steal money from people because none of you are smart enough to actually own a company thats legit. I do not do drugs, and the police said something very different. PLEASE, LETS ALL GET TOGETHER AND STOP THIS TERRIBLE "COMPANY". i will be seeing you in court Andrew, Debbie, Bret, and Taylor. THIS IS NOT THE LAST TIME YOU WILL HEAR FROM ME.
4770 days ago by Violetfire
Isn't if ironic that the ONLY PEOPLE who are sticking up for Taylor & Company {AKA: Elite and most likely AKA: KISMET} are the people who are involved in the SCAM!!!
I could have written the same thing LRenton4 wrote. They DID cash my check for $10.00 for a background check. They did tell us all, at least forty people in that small room, that we'd be assistants or managers, they DID tell us that we were not salespeople and that they were hiring salespeople, they did tell us the fragrances were the GENUINE ARTICLE. I asked them that if I went to Macy's or Nordstrom's and bought a fragrance, for example, "Euphoria" by Calvin Klein, that the fragrance that Taylor & Company was selling would LOOK EXACTLY THE SAME, HAVE THE SAME NAME, and BE THE EXACT SAME PRODUCT and Andrew said YES IT WOULD! They LIED. When one gal in our group sold over 80 bottles that one night (when they promised us fragrance at their cost of $25/bottle) they have charged more than $2, 000.00 to her credit card. They gave her five bottles of perfume --knockoffs!-- and one bottle wasn't even in the cellophane wrapper and the box was fairly old looking and a bit damaged. Then DEBBIE said over and over again to this lady and I that they, and I quote, "bought the recipes for all the fragrances and manufacture their own versions because they can't sell them with the same names as the real ones cuz they are owned by those people." When the gal who sold more than 80 bottles tried to get the rest of the order they refused. Now they refuse to answer her calls (caller ID you know) and she finally resorted to texting this pipsqueak "Andrew" guy on his cellphone (he won't answer her voice calls anymore) (his cell is 206-465-6878) and she demanded her money back and said she was consulting an attorney. He simply texted back to her that he, "doesn't like to be threatened.". REALLY?! LOL. Well, the general public does NOT like to be CHEATED or STOLEN FROM as YOU ALL AT "Taylor & Co." aka: Elite aka: Kismet ARE DOING!
Yes, there are complaints about companies like MacDonald's, Macy's, Nordstrom, Starbucks... sure there are COMPLAINTS! BUT NO ONE IS SAYING THAT THEY ARE SCAMMING PEOPLE, THAT THEY DO NOT TRULY EXIST AS THEY PORTRAY! OF COURSE, some people will experience something they deem negative about ANY company, the difference is, THOSE COMPANIES ARE NOT IN THE BUSINESS OF RIPPING OFF THEIR CUSTOMERS, Taylor & Company's WHOLE reason for existence is to rip people off!
When I point-blank asked Andrew in the group meetings, "How Long Has Taylor & Company been in business?", he said, "I've been in this business for three years."
When I looked into it, Taylor & Company obtained their business license on Nov. 30th, 2010, CERTAINLY NOT three years ago. Oh, and in case you didn't know, ANYONE can get a business license! I've gotten them in the past. My parent's have one for their business. ANYONE can get one. That does NOT make them legitimate or moral or principaled.
DO NOT HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH TAYLOR & COMPANY, ELITE FRAGRANCES, OR KISMET. They are one and the same, interchangeable as their 'need' determines. Their websites come and go. They change their ads here and there... but the ONLY business they are in is the business of STEALING from good people, most of whom desperately need a job.
As for the people, I did meet some 22yo girl in jeans and a tshirt who claimed to be "Taylor" and was there for around 5 minutes and the left to "go to her other job"`!!! HA HA HA! If this place can pay assistance $16-19 an hour as their various ads say, then why do any of them need ANOTHER JOB?!?!?!?! Because they need to pay their rent! They're scamming everyone!
Debbie also said we'd be paid for training at the end of training at "around $10-12 an hour". WTF?
Professionals don't talk about getting drunk or sex antics. Professional companies don't ask their employees to pay for "EVENTS" and REQUIRE they put on an event in order to complete training... all at the "employees" expense. They told us to "use our own resources, friends, and families to host these events".
Something fishy? You bet! It STINKS TO HIGH HEAVEN and they will all go to Hell for it.
4769 days ago by Ronan
Thank you to all the people who posted about this SCAM. Hopefully, you have saved a ton of other people from going through this heartache.

Like so many others, I also went to my first interview for an "Office Assistant" and was told I would be called back for a second interview. However, red flags were flying from the moment I drove up to the building. First, they had signs posted in the windows that said something like "Success Center"...or "Success ????" something cheesy like that. Second, when you walk into a "WHOLESALE FRAGRANCE" company, you should not smell a musty moldy smell...not a pleasant smell at all and I was worried that when I left I would leave stinking of mold. Third, when I was in the lobby and the "Office Assistant" was answering the phone she would not identify the company unless someone ask what the company name was...why? Fourth, when I met Debbie and we started talking about business, it was clear they had no idea what they were doing or how to run a quality business. When I ask what the percentage of growth was from last year she said "I think they went from 350K to 650K"...not a clear answer and she did not know what the % of growth was. A manager should know their business. When I ask what the target % of growth was for 2012...her answer was opening another X number of branches in the area. Any business person would see right through this crap but a young adult that does have great experience would not even know to ask these kinds of questions. Clearly, if they can't or won't answer your questions about the business and sales they are not on the up and up.

Also, I just want to say, there are way too many postings and complaints here for this company NOT to be a scam. A legitimante company WILL PAY YOU for training if the intent is to hire you. They will NEVER ASK YOU TO PAY for a background check. They will hand out business cards (with the company name on it) and their office will be professional (won't smell and look moldy). Don't give them any money and if you did ask them for a copy of your background check or proof that they ran it. If they did run a background check, they should be able to give you a copy of the receipt that reflects your name on it from the company doing the background check. If they can not provide proof...I would ask for my money back and contact the police. (By the way, the background checks I ran cost more than $10)

I will not comment on the looks of people because that has nothing to do with the fact that this is truly a SCAM!!! Working for FREE is only making someone else rich and if you are not collecting a paycheck (even during training) you are wasting your time. For those of us seriously looking for a job Taylor & Co has not only wasted my time but should be ashamed of what they are doing. Anyone associated with this company or the one in Tacoma (and other similar companies in this area) should immediately find a reputable company to work are better than this...and I would not want to put this company or any of the associated companies like Kismit on my me, word is out and it is only going to you really want to be associated with scamming good people? What a thing to add to your for thought!
4769 days ago by TravisTanner
I'm the kind of person who listens to both side of things and also a person who gives people chances...i feel we live and learn from our mistakes and its nice for others to warn us about companies but to say things in a disrespectful way and slamming each other is nt solving problems it just causes more. I work hard and put my all into work and personal life and if i do get scammed its a lesson i will learn on my own and i me ive learned allot about sales and pubic speaking going to elite and I'm thankful for that but i feel people who say this is a scam should not stay in the class to bring everyone to their level but what you talk about outside the company is on you. i would not go into someones home and be disrespectful that is just childish. people make mistakes but how we correct those mistakes is what matters. i want my own business and ill bust my butt work hard each day to get it...i wont sit around and complain about not making sales to move up...sales is cut throat at any place you go. i hear the complaints from others but what solutions are being brought? people need to think about how to fix a problem not add to it. this is just my opinion. have a goodnight
4769 days ago by TravisTanner
It seems to me that someone literally has too much time on their hands. It sounds like complaining is their hobby. It’s very professional of you to curse and say the “F” word especially when you’re trying to prove a false point. With that attitude and word choice, does it seem that you’re a assistant in training? Or qualify to be a assistant? Stating that you are an “employee” of the company listed above. It’s strange and funny how people make assumptions, lies and come up with false information about the owners, Andrew and Taylor just to prove their story. You cannot believe everything you read online, especially when it’s coming from some one who only worked at the company for two days. Even McDonalds, Burger King, Macys, and ALL the other major companies are listed on scam reports. Anyone can post anything on Scam Informer and get away with, but it’s not fair to the companies who works really hard to establish their business, get it up and going, and get their reputation tarnish by an unsatisfied person who made it their number one priority in life to talk negative about that company. Move on with your life. Cursing and stooping down to someone’s low level to present a rebuttal is not something that any employee or the owners of the company will do. If you don’t believe that it’s a legit business, you can always check them on business registration. We have one uptight ex staff member who left because they are unhappy with life and tons of staff who believe in the business and make it as a career. Andrew and Taylor always said that this business is not for everyone, they don’t force you to stay. The doors are always at the same spot and feel free to leave. No hard feelings. Or stay and we’ll welcome you with open arms. Scam Informer is a serious matter, if you’re sitting on your computer, waiting for a rebuttal, so that you can turn this into a blog, you should think real hard as to whom you are as a person.
4769 days ago by GreatCompany
Ok ok ok people I'm thinking that its time to move along with all the "Oh this company is horrible its a scam, they don't know what there talking about!" blah blah blah. In reality anyone that is complaining, you could sit down and be talking to them and they would say well I didn't go to the second interview. Or well It sounded like a scam (meaning I don't really know but I'm going to make drama cause that's all I'm good at.) Are you going to sit there and listen to someone who has NO CLUE because they didn't even go through training for the position anyhow? You know this world is just coming to a halt because NOBODY wants to work for there positions anymore. Everyone just wants to be given everything cause that's what this world is coming to. Do you really think that if we were to sit here and just "pull people of the streets" and say here you go do whatever you want. Do you think that's a good business? uhh I'm thinking NO. But oh wait that's NOT what elite does they really are legit. Taylor and Andrew are some of the best people that I have met, they are business oriented, honest and will do anything to help anyone at anytime. Now if you think your really big enough person to sit there and say that that is not how people should be you should really get your priorities straight.
4769 days ago by CodyAsh12
First off, let me introduce myself. My name is Cody Ash and I am an Assistant for Elite Wholesale Fragrance In Kent Washington. When I first started I answered the ad just like everyone else. But unlike the other people that I started with, I stuck with it and I am now an Assistant. Before I started I was in the military, I left the military and had no plan in life. I was broke going from job to job to job until finally I answered the ad, Andrew did my first interview and he gave me the opportunity of a lifetime. People who blow out in their first or second week obviously didn't understand the business. They give anyone, no matter what race, color, gender, or age the same opportunity they gave me. Like I said I went through training in Federal Way and I got the freedom to move to the location of my choice. Any person with a brain can look at all these negative letters and see that some people just are not cut out for this business and have way to much time on there hands. I mean there are so many companies out there with negative feed back but does that mean you will not shop there? Everyone at Elite has the exact same equal opportunity. All it takes to complete training is working hard, dedication, and a little blind faith. I have allot of respect for Andrew and Taylor. They are great people and unbelievable company owners. When an opportunity like this comes your way it isn't about what someone else did or does for you but what you do with the opportunity yourself.
4769 days ago by AmazingOpportunity
First of all, Elite Wholesale Fragrance is a supplier of rendition fragrances. They distribute their product line to Independent Business owners and Companies throughout the U.S. Second Elite doesn't ask you to invest any money, it's not a pyramid or multi-level marketing business, there's nothing to purchase, there are no sign-up fees. The only thing required from you is your time and hard work, and you’ll get a chance to work for there company. They are trying to help people who need to make a living, people who have families and are in need. They give back to the community and are such a great company to work for. The owners there are really good people and they want to help people who are struggling in this bad economy. It probably sounds too good to be true, but its NOT. I was always taught "never take financial advice from broke people or advice about what to do with you life or carrier. I know its a little harsh but so true. Why would you take advice from some of these people complaining when they probably are still looking for work, live with there parents, have know money and have nothing better to do then write negative stuff online. Last thing Elite is a great company. Give it a shot than make a decision, no hard feeling. The owners are great people you have to meet them for your self.
4769 days ago by GreatBusiness
Scam Informer is a great tool or website that everyone can use to hear about people's claim towards a company. But it shouldn't be use in a negative way. That is true that you should be able to voice your opinion, but the lack of education you know and assumptions you make can affect everyone. Elite Wholesale Fragrance, LLC might not be right for you, but that doesn't mean that its not right for someone else. Huge corporation and other companies all have something negative about them. ALL companies can not be in business to please everyone, or else they will go out of business. The funny part is, anyone can write any thing online. All I am trying to say is that ELITE is a great company to work for. I know that they ask a lot out of an employee, but I have no issue exceeding their expectations. And this is my opinion.

4769 days ago by GreatBusiness
Elite Wholesale Fragrance, LLC is a great company..
4769 days ago by ThePlaceToWork
I'm the kind of person who listens to both side of things and also a person who gives people chances...i feel we live and learn from our mistakes and its nice for others to warn us about companies but to say things in a disrespectful way and slamming each other is nt solving problems it just causes more.

i work hard and put my all into work and personal life and if i do get scammed its a lesson i will learn on my own and i me ive learned allot about sales and pubic speaking going to elite and I'm thankful for that but i feel people who say this is a scam should not stay in the class to bring everyone to their level but what you talk about outside the company is on you. i would not go into someones home and be disrespectful that is just childish. people make mistakes but how we correct those mistakes is what matters. i want my own business and ill bust my butt work hard each day to get it...i wont sit around and complain about not making sales to move up...sales is cut throat at any place you go. i hear the complaints from others but what solutions are being brought? people need to think about how to fix a problem not add to it. this is just my opinion. have a goodnight
4769 days ago by ThePlaceToWork
I Was Also Here
Lets first talk about the girl who states she had over 200 taken from her account. Not true the company has a receipt and bank ledgers to prove that only $75 was taken from the account for the 3 perfumes she ordered. Next thing the girl came in that day and caused a huge seen. She was swearing up and down, name calling and kicking and screaming like a child. The funny thing is she has know idea that the whole thing was caught on type and it was reviewed by the Federal Way Police. She demanded a refund and was given a refund for the full amount and an extra $10 for her troubles. When the police showed up she was escorted off the property and told not to come back or she would be arrested. Elite Wholesale Fragrance has prof of this hole incident, case number from the police, receipts, bank ledgers and video footage. What was stated above is in no way true. This girl is just trying to bring down Elite Wholesale Fragrance by making up story's and lies. Some people just do not have any time on there hands. There are people in this world who are homeless and starving. The crappy thing about these negative reports is Andrew and Taylor are great people and give back to the community more than any one i have ever seen. They donate allot of money to charities and work to make this world a better place. They are trying to help unemployed people find work and create a living for themselves. They worked hard to get were they are now. If you ever meet them you can tell right off the bat they are great people. They don't board up the doors, if you feel that the company is not right for you than no hard feelings. People just need to grow up and stop being lazy. You have to work hard for things in life not everyone had a silver spoon shoved up there you know what as a kid.
Anyways Elite Wholesale Fragrance is a great company and the owners are amazing people. It takes longer then 2 days in training to think you know everything about the business lol. It took them years to get it up and running.

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