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CTU ONLINE - AIU ONLINE - CEC ONLINE SCHOOLS CTU Online Education Is Inferior Hoffman Estates Internet
6th of Apr, 2009 by User835071
I have read a lot of the positive things ex-students and current students have said about CTU online on here. The fact of the matter is that anyone who has been dumb enough to enroll at CTU online will ofcourse try their best to justify their decision and their waste of time and money...because no one likes to feel like they got ripped off but let's face it- they did. Ripped off not necessarily of the benefits they can, in some situations, attain by having a paper that says "XYZ has earned a Master's degree"...but ripped-off of an actual education. I have also heard the "I worked so hard", "It's so tough, tougher than any other school" and blah blah crap. Face it- CTU online is a second chance, open enrollment school. The people that go to school there haven't been the most successful in their past, for the most part and it is only expected that they might consider school work with minimal effort, extremely hard. I have looked at Master's degree assignments and projects that every student's final grades are based off of and they're just like the assignments I got on a daily basis at my ivy league university in my undergrad. In addition to that, I had 20 page research papers, mandatory internships, research work with teachers, exams, final exams and thesis papers that I had to write- even in my undergrad. I just refuse to believe that the course work completed at CTU online is equivalent to what I have learned in my 4 years of undergraduate school and 2 years of graduate school. My next door neighbor is one of the million Directors of Admission at CTU online and has been in that position for about 3 years. She has JUST finished earning her Associate's degree and her daughter is an Admission's advisor who did not ever even go to college, just high school. These are the people who are advocates of the importance of higher education? Ridiculous. I know I have a legitimate degree and even though many employers see the difference and many don't...I still know I actually have a true education because isn't that really the point? Not just to get a job or earn $60,000 instead of $35,000, it is to be open minded, knowledgeable and educated? I mean buying a degree to earn money is so shameful. I decided to go to the CTU online website and chat with an Admissions Advisor. I had to dumb myself down and pretend to want to go to CTU but here's how the conversation went...(think it's made up? go on the site and do it yourself! You'll get the same answers, just perhaps better service because most of them will do close to anything to get an enrollment to keep their jobs)
I changed their names to protect their identities ;) Good Luck and thanks for reading! Welcome to online chat at Colorado Technical University. An Admissions Advisor will be with you shortly.
You are now chatting with 'ABC'
ABC: Hello and thank you for contacting Colorado Technical University Online. How may I assist you today?
Sara: Hello
Sara: Can I please chat with an advisor?
ABC: To better assist you what program are you interested in Sara?
ABC: Hello?
Sara: im here
Sara: I was looking to do a masters degree
ABC: Great! What is your highest level of education?
Sara: bachelors
ABC: YOu have not spoken to an advisor before. COrrect?
Sara: no
ABC: *You
Sara: i called in once but had to go
ABC: Okay I can have an advisor contact you now by phone. What is your full name, email and phone number Sara?
Sara: I cannot talk on the phone, I want to chat with an advisor if possible
ABC: I will be right with you.
Sara: ok
ABC: I still need your email and phone number Sara.
Sara: I will give my info once I know more
ABC: So you don't want an advisor to call you?
ABC: Do you want the number to call an advisor?
Sara: no I would like to chat with them
Sara: I am at work right now
Sara: i have the number
ABC: Ok. Let me transfer your chat.
Sara: okk
ABC: just a moment.
Please wait while I transfer the chat to 'XYZ'.
You are now chatting with 'XYZ'
Sara: hello
XYZ: Hello and thank you for contacting Colorado Technical University Online. How may I assist you today?
Sara: I just wanted some quick information about the masters program at CTU
XYZ: Ok, Which area of master's program are you looking into?
Sara: Business i think
Sara: HR
XYZ: Ok, When were you interested in starting your education?
Sara: maybe sometime at the end of the year
Sara: I am looking at a few schools and I want to make the right decision
XYZ: Ok, Have look into our program details and the cost?
XYZ: * You
Sara: I looked at the slideshow
Sara: and yes I did see the cost and details b
XYZ: Is there anything else I can help you with today?
Sara: but i wanted to just ask
Sara: what are the requirements to be admitted to the masters program?
XYZ: First requirement is to have a completed bachelor degree.
XYZ: Do you have completed bachelor's degree?
Sara: yes
Sara: i did mine from University of wisconsin
XYZ: Ok, Where did you completed your bachelor's from?
Sara: U of Wisconsin
XYZ: Ok, When did you completed it?
Sara: i completed it in 2006
Sara: but my GPA was pretty low
Sara: I applied to a ground campus too and they told me it was very low. 2.2
XYZ: Ok, Sara. What kind of work do you do now?
Sara: is that going to be an issue?
Sara: I work at a grocery store
XYZ: Not really.
XYZ: Why do you like to attend online school?
Sara: oh ... there are no GPA requirements?
Sara: it would be easier to work
XYZ: Under our master's program student are required to only maintain there GPA of 3.00 or above. Sara: yeah but there is no admission requirement for a certain GPA right?
XYZ: To apply for our master's program student must hold completed bachelor's degree from an accredited school.
Sara: good...
XYZ: Ok, Sara.
Sara: so is there a test I'd have to take?"
Sara: what about the recommendation letters from professors and such
Sara: i heard it was hard to get in to grad school
XYZ: Sara. In order to become a student with Colorado Technical University Online, you must complete an online application for admission, and participate in a personal telephone interview first, before I can present your completed application to the acceptance meeting for final approval.
Sara: that's alright... I just want to be sure this is the right choice for me and then I will get tha done
XYZ: Is there anything else I can help you with today?
Sara: yeah
Sara: I just want to know how is the online degree compared to a degree from a university that has all those admission requirements. Are the degrees equally valued?
XYZ: This is the online division of our physical campus.
XYZ: Sara. Have you did any online classes before?
Sara: yeah but it just seems like the other school had so many loop holes to jump through to even be considered for admission
Sara: yes i have taken one class through my undergrad
XYZ: Colorado Technical University Online is accredited by The Higher Learning Commission
Sara: How will I know if I have the ability to succeed with the masters course load? since there is no entrance test or GPA requirements. Do u think I can do it?
Sara: what kind of exams are there and how many in each class/?
XYZ: Online learning allows you to study whenever and wherever it is most convenient for you. This provides a great deal of flexibility to people with complicated schedules and demanding careers. Getting your degree online involves interaction with instructors and classmates online, rather than attending class on a traditional campus. Online courses are delivered entirely online via the Internet; you will complete all of your work using a computer.
Sara: How will I know if I am prepared enough to succeed with the masters course load? since there is no entrance test or GPA requirements. Do u think I can do it? Sara: what kind of exams are there and how many in each class/?
XYZ: Sara. Have you look at our sideshow completely?
Sara: yeah i looked at it already
XYZ: Each session here is only 5 1/2 weeks long.
XYZ: Under the master program you are only going to be taking one class per session.
Sara: yeah but what aHow will I know if I am smart enough to succeed with the masters course load? since there is no GPA requirement and what kind of exams are there and how many in each class/?
Sara: im worried about exams
Sara: even though they're important
XYZ: Its a project base program.
Sara: so no exams?
Sara: that;s amazing
XYZ: Look under the slide # 5 for details.
Sara: I was told it's all going to be so hard to get in and all these exams
Sara: yeah i saw that i just thought there would be exams and all in addition
Sara: and papers? how long will they be?
Sara: does it involve extensive writing?
XYZ: All of your assignments will be provided to you first., before your session start.
Sara: okay that;s good
XYZ: Yes, you will writing project.
XYZ: *Have
Sara: on average though how many page papers are expected of us because I have a hard time writing them but I can write a few pages or so... just not 8 page papers
Sara: I just want to know what I am getting in to
XYZ: Sara. it will be much easier if we can talk over the phone.
Sara: I am at work right now and I can't talk on the phone but I will call in later. maybe i can apply for the summer semester
Sara: there is one right?
XYZ: Yes.
Sara: good
Sara: have u attended CTU?
XYZ: Please provide your full name, phone number, and e-mail address. Also if possible, provide an alternate number for contact. So I can better assist you.
Sara: did u attend or know anyone that attended CTU?
Sara: I will give u my info once I am 100 percent sure
Sara: so do u know anyone that went to CTU?
XYZ: Yes.
XYZ: Sara. Please feel free to inquiry more about CTU Online when you are ready.
Sara: can u ask them what was the longest paper they wrote
Sara: I am trying to get an idea about the assignments
XYZ: Ok, when you contact me I will have that information for you.
XYZ: Have a great day!
Sara: I actually have some more questions
Sara: Can I speak to someone else if you're in a hurry?
XYZ: Sara, You can ask more question I thought we were done.
Sara: no I want to know about the course work
Sara: i had a low GPA in my undergrad and I wanna know if i can do i
Sara: it
XYZ: As I have provide you admissions requirement before.
Sara: i have an idea about the projects because I saw them on the slideshow
Sara: yeah but those are requirements to be admitted not to succeed
XYZ: Sara. You can also see our course catalog for course lay out for each program. Sara: i saw the projects and those look okay, what kind of papers are expected of us? research papers or just interpretive papers and such
XYZ: Thank you for waiting. I'll be with you in just a moment.
Sara: ik
Sara: ok
XYZ: There are three primary area you will be covering under the program individual project and group project and discussion board.
Sara: oh so here are no papers as such just little assignments that is much more relieving
XYZ: You can also see samples on our slide # 5.
Sara: so when people tell me how hard their masters programs are with 12 page research papers and such... their degrees are still considered equal to the ones we get with u right?
Sara: since the expectations are so high in those programs I hope they are not viewed as superior to the online program.
Sara: I like the way CTU is set up, I just had a different idea of grad school... just a lot more challenging
XYZ: Sara. Master program is challenging in the way that you have to maintain CGP. XYZ: CGPA
XYZ: We archive everything Online learning allows you to study whenever and wherever it is most convenient for you. This provides a great deal of flexibility to people with complicated schedules and demanding careers. Getting your degree online involves interaction with instructors and classmates online, rather than attending class on a traditional campus. Online courses are delivered entirely online via the Internet; you will complete all of your work using a computer.
Sara: and I want to do the program i just want to be sure that since it doesnt seem hard to get in to and there are no tests or major requirements for admission and there are no exams and research thesis and such , I mean it won't be all that hard to maintain a 3.0 with the group discussions and projects- I dont want to be disadvantaged with my degree.
XYZ: Sara. You are getting a regionally accredited degree.
Sara: I know...
Sara: I'm just thinking what if my friend's degree is more valued
XYZ: Duration for most of our degree program are 15 months providing you don't fail any classes or delay any sessions. XYZ: You can go to school 245/7. If you miss a online lecture it will be archived for you to listen to when it is more convenient.
Sara: since she does so much work and reads all these books and works with her professors on their research in writing books and is going to present a 20 page thesis at the end.
Sara: I think it's great and conventient but can u assure me that the quality of education is the same?
XYZ: It all depends on your classes.
Sara: the quality of education depends on what class I take?
Sara: how will I know which ones to take?
XYZ: CTU Online provides you real world deliverable.
Sara: that I know and that is why it is the only online school im looking at
Sara: I have a few ground schools in mind
XYZ: CTU Online provide three different master's online.
Sara: i know but are you sure that the education on a ground campus is the same quality of education I will get at CTU?
XYZ: CTU Online may accept transfer credits; they will be evaluated upon acceptance to the University.
Sara: i dont have any transfer credits. I never said anything about credits??
XYZ: Ok, Sara.
Sara: I am willing to apply
Sara: I just have to be sure that this is a good program
XYZ: Ok, Sara.
XYZ: I look forward to reading your application and speaking with you soon.
XYZ: Sara. Do you or any of your family members have any military background?
Sara: I will look at that more and then I will call u... one more thing. Do u think that the online education at CTU is just as good as the stuff my friend is learning and doing on a ground campus?
XYZ: Please feel free to inquiry more about CTU Online when you are ready.
Sara: military
Sara: I just want your opinion
Sara: Do u think that the online education at CTU is just as good as the stuff my friend is learning and doing on a ground campus?
Sara: where did u get your degree?
XYZ: Yes.
Sara: did u go to CTU too?
XYZ: When I was attending school online school did existed
XYZ: *Not
Sara: oh okay.
XYZ: In mean time I'm going to email your username and password along with admissions link in shortly.
Sara: ok
XYZ: Ok, Sara.
XYZ: Our next after will be in July 5TH, 2009.
Sara: ok that is good
XYZ: * Session.
Sara: i have some time
XYZ: You are welcome.
XYZ: Thank you for chatting with Colorado Technical University Online. We hope it has been a great experience. Please take a moment to fill out the exit survey after you close out of the chat window.
Sara: thanks sToRm
hoffman estates, Illinois

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