Consumer reviews and reports on scam companies, bad products and services
Craig Thornton
Craig Thornton Inside Out Creations carpentry work scam Mandurah, Australia
4th of Jun, 2011 by User548880
My wife and I hired Craig in March of 2007 in Pittsburgh for some carpentry work (built-in cabinets) based on an ad in craigslist. He took our down payment for 1/2 of the cost of the cabinets, then strung us along with excuses for delays for months. He was a no-show when he finally agreed to install the built in cabinets, then no longer returned our calls or emails. To be clear, he performed no work at all and has failed to refund the deposit money after promising to do so via email multiple times. We filed complaints with Angie's List and the Better Business Bureau, and Craig ignored these attempts to resolve the situation.
5030 days ago by Diane East
This gut must not have a life. This is one side of the story > The guy that reported this has to get a life if he has nothing better to do over less than 800 dollars but to spend his time posting slander. We are going to let our lawyers deal with this ass from I really think there is something in the air there. People just are so small minded and call themselves christians and spiritual but go after someone who was having an illness that put him in the hospital ...all for less than 800 dollars...really they need get a life.
5030 days ago by Diane East
This guy has posted illegal slander and is going to pay big time in court. Craig has had serious health issues at that time, so he was unable to respond over 5 years ago. We have had many people rip us off and we have just considered the Karma. We will let attorneys deal with this ass from Pennsylvania who obviously does not value his time over less than 800 dollars when a guy was in the hospital. Some christian> This is rediculous to write such a report when a guy was ill for less than 800 dollars. You can not post pictures and slander someone on the internet...this is simply a bully from PA with a small part no doubt...who is frustrated with his life that has nothing better to do. Well he will answer in court. ha ha We will have the last laugh and you will end up paying for your ignorance.
5030 days ago by Diane East
Craig has had wonderful clients that have loved his work. He no longer works in this industry, so there is really no point to this slander. Lawyers will file a slander suit and this guy that filed this complaint will end up paying. If he could have just gotten over a guy who did not come thru due to illness. I am guessing Mike has some major anger issues. He is supposedly into YOGA...WOW imagine that Karma. I think we need to post some life issues about this guy so all of his friends find out what a phony he really is and how broke he must be to care about such a small amount of money that was over 5 years ago...let it go man ...move on
5030 days ago by Diane East
Mike what is the deal . Things happen in life and Craig was in the hospital. He could not respond and you can not let this go...what is the problem.

We are hiring an attorney so you remove this Slander. Craig has hundreds of happy clients for whom he went above and beyond. He was very ill at the time. He has move on in life and is healthy abviously like to live in the past like most people from PA maybe it is the lack of sunshine or fun in your life.

Move on. This complaint is from a small minded person over a very small amt of would be different if it were a lot of money, but it was such a small amount...really are you that broke??? Or just an angry very overweight person who has to be right to feel important. Did I hear you teach YOGA what a joke
5028 days ago by Noregrets
I notice that the only person defending Craig's actions are his wife who simply reposts the same argument several times over and belittles the individual who has been victimized. Mental health problems are not an excuse for repeatedly ripping people off, pretending to be someone that you are not, taking advantage of unsuspecting and innocent people, and for simply being a pathological liar. While I am a Christian and do have pity for both you (Diane) and your husband, I know first hand that you are both in need of help if you truthfully think that your actions have been truthful, honest and fair.
5028 days ago by Clamsforthewin
Diane, I'm sorry to inform you and your husband that the internet has turned the world into a small village of sorts. You cannot go around from city to city conducting fraudulent activities and expect to not suffer the consequences. Looky here, I just went to the Horry county public index website and a quick search shows two judgments against both you and Craig for a total of over $3400. Is that enough money to get your attention, or is that still just chump change to you that these people should really just forget about? A tip for you: slander is by definition a false statement. The above statements made by Michael are true and provable so in court. Fortunately, laws protect us in sharing information like this to help make informed decisions in who we do business with. In this case you are the actual bully, trying to scare someone into removing a completely truthful post.
5026 days ago by Snowwhite
If yo do a search on Diane East in Butler, Pa you can see where she has a bad check charge as well in Horry Co. Craig is a pathological liar and Diane is an enabler who covers for him and lies for him as well. Both are shady. Craig has told lies how he was in Australia's version of the Navy Seals and killed people to how his family are millionaires in Australia but he was disowned because he married Diane. The only serious illness he has is that he is crazy!! They are just both upset that people have actually figured out their scam and are informing others to not make the same mistakes they have made...for information I will post the Horry Co PI index directly...
In reading Diane's posts she really is an angry person...A lot different than the meek little nature loving persona she portrays. Funny how she thinks 800$$ isn't a lot of money when her husband was actually borrowing money from people because he said he did't have any. If Craig was ACTUALLY sick Diane, when he was all better why didn't he do the right thing and pay back the money and apologize? Diane your way of thinking is what's wrong with this country, I hope this is not what you are teaching your children...
5026 days ago by Snowwhite
5026 days ago by Diane East
Michael and Anna, I guess there is no way to ask nicely. People do not know the entire story and are making statements that hurt others. Wow go ahead and think what you will because you can't expand a small minded person. Yes I have stood by my husband. I guess in this day that is considered enabling, in my book it is called Love being together forever...whatever comes along. We are in the process of healing. I asked Michael nicely to remove this information and offered to pay him back. That was not acknowledged...funny eh??? Who has ego problems and who can't move on?. You are not protecting anyone, just your ego.
5025 days ago by Michael Fields
Diane, I'm sorry for not responding to your email sooner, but I wanted to talk to a lawyer before responding. I do appreciate the change in tone in your email compared to previous emails and comments on this site. I was just about to have gmail block all emails from the two of you as they were getting so distasteful. There have been so many insults and such thrown around that are completely irrelevant to this situation and discussion. You are very critical of us in not being sympathetic to Craig's medical condition. The reason I was not sympathetic is that he never mentioned this to us. This past week is honestly the first I ever heard that he was in the hospital back then. You can image my thoughts when he stopped returning our calls and we find that he has moved to South Carolina. I do really want to reach a resolution here and move on. You have my name and address. If you send me a check for the $975 owed I will be happy to remove my warning page and comment here that the dispute is resolved (I don't think this site allows for deletion of posts, and I did not actually make this post here directly).
5010 days ago by Able
Craig thornton is a compolsive lier and needs help, he lies so much if think he believes it himself, he told us he buys $25, 000 rings for wife, new cars for his daughters owns a house right on the beach, so why cant he pay his debts, I believe its all lies.We wondered if he really had a wife at all.Do the right thing craig pay up and stop your lies, your a disgrace, you make over $2000 a week, get you wife to sell the car or ring.We are wise to you mister navy seal
5010 days ago by Able
This man craig thornton is quite a guy, he must be the biggest bull shitter in the world, i was'nt surprised at all, i did'nt know he was a carpenter he isnt a scaffolder thats for sure, thinks he is, in the short time i new him i found him to be a stange person.nothing added up at all with this man, i agree with other people he lies constantly, i hope you get your money because he told me who wealthy he was, maybe his wife is tarred with same brush and both need help or a place called prison.I hope you get him and your money.He can't keep this bullshit up for ever, good luck
5006 days ago by Rover
I found this very interesting, some 4or5 months ago i worked with man on a rio tinto mine site in west australia, i to found him to be a lier, i am only young but not stupid.He told me he was a navy seal jn the states and had killed many people and made millions of dollors which he invested in houses and buys cars for his family, it was one lie after another.I hope these people get there money what he has done is wrong and he and she must be stopped.Wake up craig.
4993 days ago by Anonymous
Craig hung himself. Congratulations you win
4991 days ago by Able
I don't think so, i believe he tried, but failed, thats no way for a so called soldier to die, i think he has woken up and its about time.did you make that comment craig, i think so.wake up.
4894 days ago by Able
he even lied about his mother dieing, shame on you loser
4629 days ago by Bill K
I have known Craig personally and have for over 18 years and it troubles me to read the stuff written here. I haven't seen or heard from Craig for over 4 years so I don't know what is happening in his work or personal life. I am hoping that a lot of this stuff is not true, especially about him hanging himself. As for everyone posting here without showing their names, BRAVO! Very tough of you.

I was hoping Craig had got his health issues under control and was happy in work and life. It doesn't look like it from what I read. I can only hope most of this garbage isn't true. Before Craig's first health crisis in 1998, he was an ultra dependable person and worked harder than anyone I knew. He was a good friend. I hope things turn around for him and everyone is made whole.
4002 days ago by Djc
Craig Thornton is a liar, piece of shit. I have never come across a more dishonest person in my life. I hope all the people he ripped of gets there money back. I was his boss up north & all he talked about was how he was a navy seal & that he killed people &'how much he loved his wife & daughters, but in fact he was getting hookers over to the work houses & lying about his mum dying. He is scum & I hope he ends up in jail & you Diane covering for your fucking disgraceful.
4002 days ago by Mountains And Moehills
My name is Arthur Corona.
I call myself an "attorney."
I'm very delusional.
I'm a fat retard, 35 or so years old, and I still don't know my asshole from my mouth-- they both spout shit.
But I do know that I love me some young boys. Uh huh.
I love me them little helpless boys...
Step into my parlour-- or my office, after hours. I'll give you some candy, little boy, if you give me some. Oops, never mind, here come the cops.

So maybe I should start talking about my latest client and his proclivities and ass obsession-- yeah, my latest client is obsessed with activities of the ass. He even screams like a monkey when he's having sex.
Birds of a feather flock together.
So would you like to hear more about this client of mine, Ali?

Well, here's some background on me and my loser law partner, Jennifer Peabody:

La la la land... That's where "Attorney" Arthur Corona lives.
A fat, childish, crying, sniveling, shit head-- oh, and a snitching rat...
Have YOU taken your meds today, fat Arthur?
Hellooooo, Arthur Eater, where are you?
Have you diddled any babies today?

Attorney Jennifer Peabody and Attorney Arthur Corona (SBN 233821) are SCAM attorneys. Attorney Arthur Corona is corrupt, unethical attorney whom scams people out of their hard-earned money and causes nothing but misery. Attorney Arthur Corona is an unskilled lawyer who cannot properly defend his clients and, instead, forces them to accept plea bargains and go to prison, eventhough most of them are innocent.

Their filthy little "law firm" is at:
617 South Olive Street
Suite 810
Los Angeles, California 90012


The following are the different names they go by:
Attorney Arthur Corona
Attorney Jennifer Peabody
Corona and Peabody Attorney At Law
Corona and Peabody Attorneys At Law
Corona and Peabody
Arthur Corona Attorney
Jennifer Peabody Attorney

Arthur Corona is from the firm: Corona and Peabody, in Los Angeles, California. His SBN is 233821. Beware of Arthur Corona, for he is very unstable and violent. He has been known to become enraged at any given moment and viciously assault clients who do not give in to his unreasonable demands. Attorney Jennifer Peabody and Attorney Arthur Corona have caused several clients to end up in the emergency room. They have also been investigated for sexual harassment and sexual assault of another female client's 9-year old child.

My wife and I hired this law firm of Corona and Peabody in the year 2009 and they stole our life savings. ...At that time, we did know about their criminal activities and long history of degrading, repulsive acts.

... Do NOT hire these attorneys. They will take your retainer and then never do any work for you. They is rude, dishonest, unethical, nasty, difficult, will never answer phone calls after you have paid them, and they are extremely violent and unstable.

Furthermore, attorney Arthur Corona does many illegal things and loses cases. He is so unethical, that he cheats clients out of their retainer money, threatens his clients and the people that he files against, and resorts to other illegal tactics in order to cheat the courts, and any other system.

Attorney Arthur Corona and his law partner, Attorney Jennifer Peabody, also have been involved in the rape of young, autistic boys and other helpless children. These people are disgusting.

Do NOT hire these jerks who call themselves "attorneys." They are child molesters in disguise.

It's a terrible shame that these two bullies, who are cowards and can never stand up for themselves, like to prey on young, helpless, and innocent children, and destroy their lives.
They're too cowardly to stand up to any adults and, in fact, will run away and avoid adults, but they then go and pick on and rape and molest small, young, innocent children.

Note that Attorney Arthur Corona and his partner, Attorney Jennifer Peabody, are currently under investigation by several law enforcement agencies for tax evasion and a host of other crimes.

Beware, for these 2 attorneys are under investigation for many instances of fraud and identity theft against former clients.


Attorney Arthur Corona (SBN 233821) is a SCAM attorney. Attorney Arthur Corona is corrupt, unethical attorney whom scams people out of their hard-earned money and causes nothing but misery. Attorney Arthur Corona is an unskilled lawyer who cannot properly defend his clients and, instead, forces them to accept plea bargains and go to prison, eventhough most of them are innocent.

Arthur Corona is from the firm: Corona and Peabody, in Los Angeles, California. His SBN is 233821.Beware of Arthur Corona, for he is very unstable and violent. He has been known to become enraged at any given moment and viciously assault clients who do not give in to his unreasonable demands. He has cause several clients to end up in the emergency room. He has also been charged with sexual harassment and sexual assault of another female client.

My wife and I hired this law firm of Corona and Peabody in the year 2009 and they stole our life savings. Do NOT hire this attorney. He will take your retainer and then never do any work for you. He is rude, dishonest, unethical, nasty, difficult, will never answer phone calls after you have paid him, and he is extremely violent and unstable.

Furthermore, he does many illegal things and loses cases. He is so unethical, that he cheats clients out of their retainer money, threatens his clients and the people that he files against, and resorts to other illegal tactics in order to cheat the courts, and any other system.

Attorney Arthur Corona and his law partner, Attorney Jennifer Peabody, also have been involved in the rape of young, autistic boys and other helpless children. These people are very insane and unstable. Do get involved with this crazy lawyer.

Note that Attorney Arthur Corona and his partner, Attorney Jennifer Peabody, are currently under investigation by several law enforcement agencies for tax evasion and a host of other crimes. Beware, for these 2 attorneys are under investigation for many instances of fraud and identity theft against their own former clients.
It's convenient to call out the wrong person and blame that person for your own misdeeds, Arthur Corona and Jennifer Peabody, but your still guilty of misdeeds. And falsely accusing someone else and talking about thirty counts of this and that and lying about them being so-called suicidal and name- calling won't help you.
Address ME, I'm the one posting these TRUE reports about you. St addressing and name-calling the wrong person. That person has nothing to do with this. That person isn't posting about you. I'm posting about you. Try and stop me. You can name- call that other individual all you want, but I'll continue to post about you. See, it's easy for me, because you don't know ME and you can't name-call and slander me. So I'll keep posting and posting, long after you stop crying like the fat loser cowards that you are.
Cowards like you molest children and scam clients.
But people like me will make you miserable.
Wanna know who I am?
Bet you do.
Served ya.

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