Christopher Everard Horny Rob bank fraud, tax fraud, tax evasion, fake college diplomas (in several countries), also involved in relationship scams |
25th of Apr, 2013 by User230172 |
Chris Everard - bank fraud, tax fraud, tax evasion, fake college diplomas (in several countries), also involved in "relationship scams" on the internet and social media sites. Please be on the look out for this particuraly Loathsome character because he is one of the nastiest out there. Chris Everard La Bennague 34450 VIAS Herault France Business address for the Enigma Channel 20 Edgebury Chiselhurst Bromley BR7 6JW United Kingdom From his fraudulent "ENIGMA CHANNEL" which he describes to people as "easy money from people who buy into this s..t" his scams have become more dangerous and more depraved. Chris Everard is presently being investigated for BANK FRAUD, TAX FRAUD and worse. He is presently offering Fake Diplomas at his newly formed www.isescollege.com/ISES/Courses.html CHRIS EVERARD has also skipped out on a rental house in Spain owing a years rent to his Landlord and he's trying to make others respnsible for his DEBT. Everard introduced himself as an "Architect" in Spain to get that beautiful rental house. He stole $1000.00 (U.S. cash) from another individual (willing to testify in court) to use for the deposit on that house. This is just a small glimpse into the life and behavior of Chris Everard. According to that poor Landlord " the house smells so bad it will be MONTHS before I can air it out in order to show it to prospective buyers or renters. " Chris Everard's Tactics - Chris Everard approaches mostly women (but, he has approached some men on occasion) and his favorite method for approach is to ask the person for a favor. On the surface his approach seems harmless. He asks for a simple favor. Some of the favors he asks for are, but are not limited to: • can you find a venue for him to do a film screening or book signing in your city or town? • can you find him a publisher or a public relations person to help him? • can you set up and organize a tour for him in the area you happen to live in (i.e. Greece, Mexico, etc.)? • can you be an admin on his "Feed Your Brain… page"? * can you write an article for his FYB magazine? * can you be a translator for his articles and films? * if you run a radio show, he will ask you for free advertising for HIS websites on your show and website • can you teach a class at his new "college" which he started promoting on Facebook on March 28, 2013 www.isescollege.com/ISES/Courses.html Now, these might seem like simple favors and you might even agree to do these favors for him. But, you will soon be wasting your time, spending many hours (maybe even days and weeks) on doing work for HIM and never receiving any benefit from it except for the empty compliments and flattery. He will compliment you and flatter you. He will tell you you are "so clever, darling", "so brilliant, baby", etc. Meanwhile, he is benefiting from your hard work and energy. If he pays you at all, it will be 6 months or more from the time he asked you the favor. But, most of the time he never pays you for your work! Usually he asks you for a favor, and then he tries to get you involved in some sort of "Financial Scheme" he has concocted to AVOID PAYING TAX - PLEASE be careful. If you are female, then shortly (very quickly) Chris Everard will start with the romance con trick that he is so well versed in. He will make his move very quickly. In the financial and banking industry this is known as a "Relationship Scam." Everard is well versed in this scam as he's been doing it for a while now . He will make his move very quickly and use your strengths and talents to benefit himself and he will use your weaknesses against you if you show any. Chris Everard also has many fake profiles on social media.as of May 2012 some of these are - Horny Rob Rob Allen (2 profiles for rob) Harriet Jones David Robert Jones Adam Blavatski Adam Blavatsky (slight different spelling) Lewis Prothero Simon Blavatski Simon John Dee Archibald Schwartz He will infiltrate your page, blog or website using these fake profiles. If you have some sort of 'business' relationship with Chris Everard, than I suggest you reevaluate any interactions you have with this con artist now - especially if he has suggested one of his "Financial Schemes" - and inform the Police of your dealings with him. Other Tactics are a "Hate List" (yes really!)What normal person tells you to 'block" someone on Facebook? ... and ask yourself why you would block someone that Everard told you to block? This is Chris Everard's "enemies" list. Only a true cult leader would do something such as this. Below are all Chris Everard's own words - ______________________________ "BLOCK THESE WEIRDOS - BY USING ACCOUNT SETTINGS - PRIVACY - SCROLL DOWN TO 'NO ENTRY' SIGN - 'edit block lists' - type or copy in the name of the Satanist/Weirdo/luciferian/witch... Wait for the Profile Pic to appear - CLICK BLOCK* Daniel S. Thompson* Grigori Greum * Sacred-Age Aka-Dissclosure * Asher Erod McCadden * Tyler Clausen * Robin Breeds * Marco Bélanger * Cameron 'Anastasia Beaverhausen' Reeley * Lorna Wilson * Drew Gold * Duncan Roads * Jason Miller * David Anders * Matthew Willdo * Patrick Whyte * Rico Rivera * Robin de Banks * Cathy Orser * Lee Young * Guy Douglas Fix * Tyler Watt * Nathan Bryson * Andy Woolford * Marduk Anunnaki * Debbie N Chan * Colby Lang * David Anders * David Anders* Luke Diesektor * Alan Hawkswood * Commonlyknownas Kate * Magick Jargon * Nauresistance Dotorg * Fulano de Tal * Chris Smith * Madeline Frederick * Paul Butterfield * Rothschild Zionists * Oliva Olivèta * Graham Rico Boston * David Anders * David Anders * Alyne DeWinter * Stuart Mcghie * Marduk Annunaki Dosmildoce * Tom Mastrosimone * Robin Breeds * David Anders * Ivan Dessi' * Andy Monk * David Anders * Colby Lang * Leslie Mitts * Josh Bolen * Ladyo Dw * David Anders * Tototai Mativavarira * Ace Lee * Robert Weiland * David Anders * Chris Freedom Flowers * Catherine Cains * Annie Hasselberg * Chris Freedom Flowers III * Bruno Lelièvre * Kassandra von Orlando * Arlene Pitao * Sonny Burnett * David Anders * Anunaki Marduk * Chris Freedom Flowers II * Leonardo Rotelli * Peter Greenall * Wigan Pete * Fedge 'Dnb' No * Eon Buble * Dissident 'dnb' Feed * Marduk Anunnaki * Cindy Sherman * James Stockstill * Wigan Pete II * New Aeon Saturnine Eugenics * Truebook Satori * Jenny Dixon ALSO BLOCK ANY PROFILE WITH THE NAME " AGAPE INSITORI" or any permutation - or any profile with " TRUTHBOOK" mentioned. Not only is he instruction his victims to block other people but he is also instructing them to slander their characters by giving them labels such as "Satanist/Weirdo/luciferian/witch" etc. This is truly sick and this man needs to be brought to justace and jailed ASAP. |
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