Consumer reviews and reports on scam companies, bad products and services
Brian Salle Karen
Brian Salle Karen Salle Islands Duo Yacht Charters Brian Salle, Karen Salle, Islands Duo Yacht Charters, Islands Elite Limousines Owners Of Islands Du
20th of May, 2011 by User448306
Brian Salle and Karen salle are the owners and past owners of several yachts named Islands Duo. They advertise on several websites for people to charter their yachts for impeccable service. Then this con-artist couple accepts large deposits from its victims and never gives them anything in return successfully stealing millions of dollars and nobody reports them! They have been able to keep a low profile and not attract too much attention because they deal in the sex industry and people are embarrassed to go after them for stealing their money. Here is their scam. Brian Salle joins multiple match-making websites using his Florida Real Estate Broker wife Karen Salle as bait because she is an attractive big-busted middle aged blonde. The different match-making websites they join are for swingers ie: couples looking for random sex with strangers aka: wife swapping. They join these websites and infiltrate very quickly making a dating profile that appears to be that of a very fun couple mentioning their big yachts and jets and luxury limousines and tour busses they own and how they love to travel the world. In reality they dont own any jets and have had multiple boats limos and tour busses repossessed and their homes foreclosed on. They dont pay anyone! They set up dates where Karen Salle has random sex with many of the member both men and women. Now the trap is set they begin promoting sex cruises and parties for swingers telling their victims that there will be lots of attractive sexy couples and loads of single girls at the parties and on their swinger sex cruises. The give a very high price for the cruise but tell them that since they are special friends ie: the couple will swap for sex with Brian Salle and Karen Salle then they can have the cruise for half price but they only have to put down a small deposit usually ranging from $350-$750. They take their money and never give them anything in return. The party never happens the cruise never takes place and this scamming con artist couple got to have sex with the victims and take all their money screwing them more ways than one! Theyve gotten away with this for many years because nobody files a complaint because the swinger world is an underground world where many of its members and participants participate very discretely and dont want the world to know their business. This makes it the perfect demographic for Brian and Karen Salle to get victims. People who are afraid to report them because they dont want to end up in the newspapers and have all their friends and family know their swinging hobby over a $350 dispute. So they let it go losing $350 or $500 or $750 so they can keep their private life private. This scam alone made them millions of dollars, but they've really picked it up to a much higher level when they began promoting that they were selling "Fractional Ownership Opportunities". They show you glamourous photos of a big yacht currently in their possession, but also currently in foreclosure and being sought after by the bank. They sell you 1% fractional ownership in this yacht that they don't even own themselves and that is going to be soon taken away from them whenever the seller who held financing on it can locate it and repossess it from them. He takes big deposits from his victim, starting at $10,000-$20,000 and promises them wild orgy parties on their yacht that they are now own a fraction of. They promise to sell only 100 of these fractions with each owner buying just 1%, netting Brian and Karen Salle $2,000,000. That's right, $2 Million Dollars. But in reality, they sell hundreds and hundreds of these fractions and nobody gets any ownership, nobody gets a party, nobody gets anything except for riped off. Meanwhile Brian Salle and Karen Salle continue scamming the world. They have pulled these and other variations of these scam tens of thousands of times stealing millions and millions of dollars. The Florida Attorney General and the FBI have both reported that people have reported the Salles to them, but that everyone is afraid to come forward for fear of having their personal private lives exposed and made public. In addition to these swinger victims they never make any payments on the boats that they scam poor helpless owners into selling them with owner financing. But they dodge having the boat repossessed for a couple years by fleeing all over the country hiding the boat at different marinas where they build up large bills with the marina and many different repair contract workers before skipping out and leaving the marina cheated too. They often delay matters by leading their victims on by giving them bad checks that ultimately bounce but this gives the con artist Salles additional time to scam more people before fleeing the scene of their crimes. It is my hope that with an anonymous forum like scam Report, other victims will feel comfortable enough to tell their stories of horror that Brian Salle and Karen Salle have inflicted on them without fear of retaliation since Brian Salle is an expert at filing law suits against anyone that goes against him. My many thanks go to Ed Magedson for making this forum available to expose these low life, high tech thieves.
4913 days ago by Brandon
It looks like they are at it again! The Dirtbag Duo A.K.A Islands Duo and Scamming Duo, Brian
Thomas Salle, Brian Thomas Spears, Brian Spears Salle, Karen Marie Salle, Karen Marie Hoffman and any other names they’ve used and changed their names to, and from and hide behind, it all continues to catch up with them because a leopard never changes its spots, and neither do these crooks.

Here is some super interesting inside news that we’ve heard from a close friend of one of their kids. We don’t want to say which kid or who the close friend is because we don’t want to ruin the chance of getting more information, but this is what we’ve been told.

It turns out that David Salle and Ashlee Salle aren’t even Brian Salle’s kids. They are Karen Salle’s kids that took Brian Spears’ fake name when he changed his last name from Spears to Salle. The kids all hate Brian Salle, (who doesn’t) and Karen Salle hates him too and was already planning
to leave him long ago but decided to stay when the noose began to tighten around her neck so that he could protect her from all this legal criminal trouble that he helped get her into. Karen threatens to leave him and blames him for everything, and Brian threatens to leave her saying she will have to defend herself against her current arrest charges of organized fraud and passing bad
checks in Flagler County Florida.

So a secret meeting was held:

Karen Salle and her two kids David Salle and Ashlee Salle all had a family meeting without Brian Salle. They have all agreed that if the federal government or any government agencies that are all currently investigating them start getting close to handing down indictments, then the entire family
would all blame everything on Brian Salle and agree to testify against him in a court of law to all save their own skins. Karen Salle was the organizing ringleader of this family meeting and it was all her idea. She even said, “its easy to get a divorce when your husband is in prison, you just fill out a paper and sign your name and your divorced”. So it sounds like she already has her escape plan all figured out. She figures the kids might get off scott free for their involvement in everything, and maybe she will only get probation if she negotiates really hard against the FBI and gives them all the very incriminating evidence and information she has against Brian Salle and agrees to testify against him, which she is very eager to do.

All this information came straight from one of their kid’s best friends, and there is lots more that we learned from this friend too that we will be investigating. It seems that Brian And Karen Salle have filed lawsuits against some of their victims in their attempt to bully and intimidate them into going away. And we were also told about a huge lawsuit involving both Brian Salle and Karen Salle in a small town called Cedar Key Florida where they stole millions and millions of dollars from victims selling them real estate that they didn’t even own. (I guess he got tired of selling Subway sandwich franchises that he didn’t own for hundreds of thousands of dollars, so now Brian Salle decided to graduate to selling million dollar properties that he didn’t own). This ties in to the newspaper article that reported the $4.7 million judgment against each Brian Salle and Karen Salle. Cedar Key does not keep their court records online so I am going to have to make a road trip to discover what this is all about. If anyone in here knows, please put the details in this consumer forum for all of us to see and warn others about it.

It seems that Brian Salle and Karen Salle don’t like all these postings appearing at the top of the front page of all the google, yahoo and bing search engines. That’s killing their crime business because now all their future and potential victims they were planning on screwing out of money,
can google their names and all these damaging reports and postings appear right at the very top of the first page, tipping off their victims to beware and do not do business with this organized crime family.

So now here is their plan to try to fix this and get Brian Salle and Karen Salle and Islands Duo names off the top of the front page of all the google, yahoo and bing search engines: They are creating their own websites with “good news” postings that they write about themselves. What a
joke! Here are their latest websites: – Created May 15, 2011 – Created August 3, 2011 – Created August 6, 2011

What a coincidence, they created their first domain right around the time that everyone started posting their bad experiences with Karen Salle And Brian Salle on all the consumer beware websites.

Then when several people continued posting their horrible experiences and the truth continued to get out about Karen Salle and Brian Salle, and the momentum continued to build placing them on the very top of the first page of all the search engines like google, yahoo and bing, so Brian and
Karen Salle created more websites titled and
in August within three days of each other.

It is believed that this is the purpose of each: was created to lure prospective victims to them. They use the international real estate company name Engel and Volkers Florida Keys on with Karen’s phone number (305) 390-0537. People looking for expensive luxury million dollar homes and yachts will contact Karen Salle who will set them up with Brian Salle to scam them out of their money by
getting them to invest in one of his phantom real estate deals or Subway sandwich franchise sales or yacht fractional ownerships or luxury yacht charters or any one of a multitude of scams that they’ve run over the years and continue to run successfully stealing millions and millions of dollars from innocent victims. was created by Brian Salle and Karen Salle to try to help them spread favorable propaganda about Karen Salle. What a joke! You know that you are extremely pathetic when the only person in the world that has anything at all nice to say about Karen Salle is Karen Salle and Brian Salle when they are trying to spread fantasy propaganda in order to hide Karen Salle’s disgusting reputation by hiding all the bad publicity on the Internet by making lots of postings that will push their Karen Salle websites to the top of the first page of the google, yahoo and bing search engines and push all these postings on these consumer websites down to the back pages. Nice try but it won’t work! As long as all their victims continue to post their experiences in these consumer forums and share their horror stories about how Brian Salle and Karen Salle scammed them, then that will continue to keep this vital information at the top of page one on all the google, yahoo and bing search engines. Look at this bunch of pointless garbage they posted on their website. They are trying to align themselves with reputable companies like Giant
Food to make it look like Karen Salle had something to do with the company and its success:

Karen Salle Career Begins With Giant
Food, Inc.

In 1936 N.M. Cohen and Samuel Lehrman found Giant Food Inc. and open Washington, DC’s first supermarket. In the 1950’s the Company sets a standard for supermarkets by adding automatic doors, mechanized checkouts, and open display cases for meat and frozen foods.

Early on in 1970 Giant hires the industry’s first consumer advocate, Esther Peterson, and works with government and industry to develop and test consumer programs, including unit pricing and nutrition labeling. In 1977 Joseph Danzansky becomes chairman as N.M. Cohen becomes honorary chairman, and Izzy Cohen takes over as president.

Karen Salle Joins The Family

After her graduation in 1977 Karen Salle becomes a member of the Giant Food Inc family. Hired as cashier Karen M .Salle, at the age of 18 quickly demonstrated her skill in sales and ease with the
customers. For over 18 years she worked in various management departments and received numerous awards for customer service and valued the many friendships developed with both customers and fellow employees.

In 1995 Izzy Cohen passed away and the 1224 Corporation gains control of the company. With the passing of Mr. Cohan and many company changes, Karen Salle retired in 1996 and moved to Florida with her two children David Salle and Ashlee Salle.


Here “numerous awards” were really nothing more than getting “employee of the month” when she was a cashier. And her “retirement” is said to really be when she got fired for theft as a cashier and then later for embezzlement when she worked in the office.

And her other website was also created by Brian Salle to create fantasy propaganda about Karen Salle. Hey, if nobody else has anything nice to say about you, then get your husband to make up fake stuff about you. She worked at this condominium property many years ago but now created this website so she could brag about her fake accomplishments on a website that looked like it wasn’t owned by them. But records show the Nassau Bahamas company that owns this domain traces directly back to Brian and Karen Salle. It’s also rumored that they keep some of their millions of dollars of stolen money in the Bahamas and many other different Caribbean countries. So they create this fake website on August 6th and then just 4 days later the administrator of the website creates a glorified article about all the Home Owners Associations Karen Salle has sat on and how she is such a wonderful representative. Go read it for yourself and see what I mean. What a bunch of garbage, this is all their own words. And it’s the only comment by the administrator of the website and it’s on the main landing page of the website. How stupid are they? This doesn’t even look real at all to anyone.

It’s been posted on many websites that Brian Salle and Karen Salle use threats and intimidation to scare their victims into leaving them alone and letting Brian and Karen Salle get away with their thefts and dirty deeds by threatening their victims with big lawsuits. Their belief is that even though their lawsuit is frivolous and completely without merit and that they don’t stand a ghost of a chance of winning, it still does a good job of scaring and intimidating their victims. So many of their victims just give up and go away letting Brian Salle and Karen Salle once again get away with stealing and victimizing another innocent hard working nice person.

So I encourage everyone to not give up the fight. Don’t let this crime family win. They have cheated so many people and stolen millions and millions of dollars from so many innocent people that we must stand united to stop them from their own personal crime wave.
4913 days ago by Brandon
It looks like they are at it again! The Dirtbag Duo A.K.A Islands Duo and Scamming Duo, Brian
Thomas Salle, Brian Thomas Spears, Brian Spears Salle, Karen Marie Salle, Karen Marie Hoffman and any other names they’ve used and changed their names to, and from and hide behind, it all continues to catch up with them because a leopard never changes its spots, and neither do these crooks.

Here is some super interesting inside news that we’ve heard from a close friend of one of their kids. We don’t want to say which kid or who the close friend is because we don’t want to ruin the chance of getting more information, but this is what we’ve been told.

It turns out that David Salle and Ashlee Salle aren’t even Brian Salle’s kids. They are Karen Salle’s kids that took Brian Spears’ fake name when he changed his last name from Spears to Salle. The kids all hate Brian Salle, (who doesn’t) and Karen Salle hates him too and was already planning
to leave him long ago but decided to stay when the noose began to tighten around her neck so that he could protect her from all this legal criminal trouble that he helped get her into. Karen threatens to leave him and blames him for everything, and Brian threatens to leave her saying she will have to defend herself against her current arrest charges of organized fraud and passing bad
checks in Flagler County Florida.

So a secret meeting was held:

Karen Salle and her two kids David Salle and Ashlee Salle all had a family meeting without Brian Salle. They have all agreed that if the federal government or any government agencies that are all currently investigating them start getting close to handing down indictments, then the entire family
would all blame everything on Brian Salle and agree to testify against him in a court of law to all save their own skins. Karen Salle was the organizing ringleader of this family meeting and it was all her idea. She even said, “its easy to get a divorce when your husband is in prison, you just fill out a paper and sign your name and your divorced”. So it sounds like she already has her escape plan all figured out. She figures the kids might get off scott free for their involvement in everything, and maybe she will only get probation if she negotiates really hard against the FBI and gives them all the very incriminating evidence and information she has against Brian Salle and agrees to testify against him, which she is very eager to do.

All this information came straight from one of their kid’s best friends, and there is lots more that we learned from this friend too that we will be investigating. It seems that Brian And Karen Salle have filed lawsuits against some of their victims in their attempt to bully and intimidate them into going away. And we were also told about a huge lawsuit involving both Brian Salle and Karen Salle in a small town called Cedar Key Florida where they stole millions and millions of dollars from victims selling them real estate that they didn’t even own. (I guess he got tired of selling Subway sandwich franchises that he didn’t own for hundreds of thousands of dollars, so now Brian Salle decided to graduate to selling million dollar properties that he didn’t own). This ties in to the newspaper article that reported the $4.7 million judgment against each Brian Salle and Karen Salle. Cedar Key does not keep their court records online so I am going to have to make a road trip to discover what this is all about. If anyone in here knows, please put the details in this consumer forum for all of us to see and warn others about it.

It seems that Brian Salle and Karen Salle don’t like all these postings appearing at the top of the front page of all the google, yahoo and bing search engines. That’s killing their crime business because now all their future and potential victims they were planning on screwing out of money,
can google their names and all these damaging reports and postings appear right at the very top of the first page, tipping off their victims to beware and do not do business with this organized crime family.

So now here is their plan to try to fix this and get Brian Salle and Karen Salle and Islands Duo names off the top of the front page of all the google, yahoo and bing search engines: They are creating their own websites with “good news” postings that they write about themselves. What a
joke! Here are their latest websites: – Created May 15, 2011 – Created August 3, 2011 – Created August 6, 2011

What a coincidence, they created their first domain right around the time that everyone started posting their bad experiences with Karen Salle And Brian Salle on all the consumer beware websites.

Then when several people continued posting their horrible experiences and the truth continued to get out about Karen Salle and Brian Salle, and the momentum continued to build placing them on the very top of the first page of all the search engines like google, yahoo and bing, so Brian and
Karen Salle created more websites titled and
in August within three days of each other.

It is believed that this is the purpose of each: was created to lure prospective victims to them. They use the international real estate company name Engel and Volkers Florida Keys on with Karen’s phone number (305) 390-0537. People looking for expensive luxury million dollar homes and yachts will contact Karen Salle who will set them up with Brian Salle to scam them out of their money by
getting them to invest in one of his phantom real estate deals or Subway sandwich franchise sales or yacht fractional ownerships or luxury yacht charters or any one of a multitude of scams that they’ve run over the years and continue to run successfully stealing millions and millions of dollars from innocent victims.
4913 days ago by Brandon
Brian Salle,,, (305) 390-0537 Engel and Volkers Florida Keys, Key West Yacht Charters, Islands Duo, Brian Thomas Spears Salle, David Salle, Ashlee Salle Organized Crime

It looks like they are at it again! The Dirtbag Duo A.K.A Islands Duo and Scamming Duo, BrianThomas Salle, Brian Thomas Spears, Brian Spears Salle, Karen Marie Salle, Karen Marie Hoffman and any other names they’ve used and changed their names to, and from and hide behind, it all continues to catch up with them because a leopard never changes its spots, and neither do these crooks.

Here is some super interesting inside news that we’ve heard from a close friend of one of their kids. We don’t want to say which kid or who the close friend is because we don’t want to ruin the chance of getting more information, but this is what we’ve been told.

It turns out that David Salle and Ashlee Salle aren’t even Brian Salle’s kids. They are Karen Salle’s kids that took Brian Spears’ fake name when he changed his last name from Spears to Salle. The kids all hate Brian Salle, (who doesn’t) and Karen Salle hates him too and was already planning to leave him long ago but decided to stay when the noose began to tighten around her neck so that he could protect her from all this legal criminal trouble that he helped get her into. Karen threatens to leave him and blames him for everything, and Brian threatens to leave her saying she will have to defend herself against her current arrest charges of organized fraud and passing bad checks in Flagler County Florida.

So a secret meeting was held:

Karen Salle and her two kids David Salle and Ashlee Salle all had a family meeting without Brian Salle. They have all agreed that if the federal government or any government agencies that are all currently investigating them start getting close to handing down indictments, then the entire family would all blame everything on Brian Salle and agree to testify against him in a court of law to all save their own skins. Karen Salle was the organizing ringleader of this family meeting and it was all her idea. She even said, “its easy to get a divorce when your husband is in prison, you just fill out a paper and sign your name and your divorced”. So it sounds like she already has her escape plan all figured out. She figures the kids might get off scott free for their involvement in everything, and maybe she will only get probation if she negotiates really hard against the FBI and gives them all the very incriminating evidence and information she has against Brian Salle and agrees to testify against him, which she is very eager to do.

All this information came straight from one of their kid’s best friends, and there is lots more that we learned from this friend too that we will be investigating. It seems that Brian And Karen Salle have filed lawsuits against some of their victims in their attempt to bully and intimidate them into going away. And we were also told about a huge lawsuit involving both Brian Salle and Karen Salle in a small town called Cedar Key Florida where they stole millions and millions of dollars from victims selling them real estate that they didn’t even own. (I guess he got tired of selling Subway sandwich franchises that he didn’t own for hundreds of thousands of dollars, so now Brian Salle decided to graduate to selling million dollar properties that he didn’t own). This ties in to the newspaper article that reported the $4.7 million judgment against each Brian Salle and Karen Salle. Cedar Key does not keep their court records online so I am going to have to make a road trip to discover what this is all about. If anyone in here knows, please put the details in this consumer forum for all of us to see and warn others about it.

It seems that Brian Salle and Karen Salle don’t like all these postings appearing at the top of the front page of all the google, yahoo and bing search engines. That’s killing their crime business because now all their future and potential victims they were planning on screwing out of money, can google their names and all these damaging reports and postings appear right at the very top of the first page, tipping off their victims to beware and do not do business with this organized crime family.

So now here is their plan to try to fix this and get Brian Salle and Karen Salle and Islands Duo names off the top of the front page of all the google, yahoo and bing search engines: They are creating their own websites with “good news” postings that they write about themselves. What a joke! Here are their latest websites: – Created May 15, 2011 – Created August 3, 2011 – Created August 6, 2011

What a coincidence, they created their first domain right around the time that everyone started posting their bad experiences with Karen Salle And Brian Salle on all the consumer beware websites.

Then when several people continued posting their horrible experiences and the truth continued to get out about Karen Salle and Brian Salle, and the momentum continued to build placing them on the very top of the first page of all the search engines like google, yahoo and bing, so Brian and Karen Salle created more websites titled and in August within three days of each other.

It is believed that this is the purpose of each: was created to lure prospective victims to them. They use the international real estate company name Engel and Volkers Florida Keys on with Karen’s phone number (305) 390-0537. People looking for expensive luxury million dollar homes and yachts will contact Karen Salle who will set them up with Brian Salle to scam them out of their money by getting them to invest in one of his phantom real estate deals or Subway sandwich franchise sales or yacht fractional ownerships or luxury yacht charters or any one of a multitude of scams that they’ve run over the years and continue to run successfully stealing millions and millions of dollars from innocent victims. was created by Brian Salle and Karen Salle to try to help them spread favorable propaganda about Karen Salle. What a joke! You know that you are extremely pathetic when the only person in the world that has anything at all nice to say about Karen Salle is Karen Salle and Brian Salle when they are trying to spread fantasy propaganda in order to hide Karen Salle’s disgusting reputation by hiding all the bad publicity on the Internet by making lots of postings that will push their Karen Salle websites to the top of the first page of the google, yahoo and bing search engines and push all these postings on these consumer websites down to the back pages. Nice try but it won’t work! As long as all their victims continue to post their experiences in these consumer forums and share their horror stories about how Brian Salle and Karen Salle scammed them, then that will continue to keep this vital information at the top of page one on all the google, yahoo and bing search engines. Look at this bunch of pointless garbage they posted on their website. They are trying to align themselves with reputable companies like Giant Food to make it look like Karen Salle had something to do with the company and its success:

Karen Salle Career Begins With Giant Food, Inc.

In 1936 N.M. Cohen and Samuel Lehrman found Giant Food Inc. and open Washington, DC’s first supermarket. In the 1950’s the Company sets a standard for supermarkets by adding automatic doors, mechanized checkouts, and open display cases for meat and frozen foods.

Early on in 1970 Giant hires the industry’s first consumer advocate, Esther Peterson, and works with government and industry to develop and test consumer programs, including unit pricing and nutrition labeling. In 1977 Joseph Danzansky becomes chairman as N.M. Cohen becomes honorary chairman, and Izzy Cohen takes over as president.

Karen Salle Joins The Family

After her graduation in 1977 Karen Salle becomes a member of the Giant Food Inc family. Hired as cashier Karen M .Salle, at the age of 18 quickly demonstrated her skill in sales and ease with the customers. For over 18 years she worked in various management departments and received numerous awards for customer service and valued the many friendships developed with both customers and fellow employees.

In 1995 Izzy Cohen passed away and the 1224 Corporation gains control of the company. With the passing of Mr. Cohan and many company changes, Karen Salle retired in 1996 and moved to Florida with her two children David Salle and Ashlee Salle.


Here “numerous awards” were really nothing more than getting “employee of the month” when she was a cashier. And her “retirement” is said to really be when she got fired for theft as a cashier and then later for embezzlement when she worked in the office.

And her other website was also created by Brian Salle to create fantasy propaganda about Karen Salle. Hey, if nobody else has anything nice to say about you, then get your husband to make up fake stuff about you. She worked at this condominium property many years ago but now created this website so she could brag about her fake accomplishments on a website that looked like it wasn’t owned by them. But records show the Nassau Bahamas company that owns this domain traces directly back to Brian and Karen Salle. It’s also rumored that they keep some of their millions of dollars of stolen money in the Bahamas and many other different Caribbean countries. So they create this fake website on August 6th and then just 4 days later the administrator of the website creates a glorified article about all the Home Owners Associations Karen Salle has sat on and how she is such a wonderful representative. Go read it for yourself and see what I mean. What a bunch of garbage, this is all their own words. And it’s the only comment by the administrator of the website and it’s on the main landing page of the website. How stupid are they? This doesn’t even look real at all to anyone.

It’s been posted on many websites that Brian Salle and Karen Salle use threats and intimidation to scare their victims into leaving them alone and letting Brian and Karen Salle get away with their thefts and dirty deeds by threatening their victims with big lawsuits. Their belief is that even though their lawsuit is frivolous and completely without merit and that they don’t stand a ghost of a chance of winning, it still does a good job of scaring and intimidating their victims. So many of their victims just give up and go away letting Brian Salle and Karen Salle once again get away with stealing and victimizing another innocent hard working nice person.

So I encourage everyone to not give up the fight. Don’t let this crime family win. They have cheated so many people and stolen millions and millions of dollars from so many innocent people that we must stand united to stop them from their own personal crime wave.
4899 days ago by Anonymous
I am devastated. I am broke because I have to pay 7 of my friends back their share of a cruise that never was.
4864 days ago by ISPYbigeye
Sounds just about correct! Fractional ownership my ass...and they asked the cleaning girl to be the primary signer on their account.
4864 days ago by ISPYbigeye
4790 days ago by Brandon

This is a very serious warning:

When you go to you MUST have a strong Anti-Virus Trojan Blocker software installed on your computer. Because visiting the Brian Salle and Karen Salle's website will instantly download a software to your computer. A good Anti-Virus software will detect these nasty Trojans that are designed to infiltrate your computer, accessing all your private information that you've accessed using your computer, such as:

All Your Passwords
All Your Bank Account Numbers, Savings accounts, Checking accounts, Wiring accounts, ALL of them.
All Your Email address accounts and their passwords.
All Your PayPal accounts and their passwords.
All Your eBay accounts and their passwords.
All Your Amazon accounts and their passwords.
All Your business and personal email addresses.

That means if you've typed it on your computer, if you allow Brian Salle and Karen Salle to download a Trojan virus to your computer, you have just given them complete and unlimeted access to everything you've ever typed on your computer and used your computer for. EVERYTHING!

You will notice when you visit Brian Salle's website at if you have a good anti-virus software protecting your computer, a window will pop up warning you that the website is trying to download and install an executable file to your computer. An "executable file" is a computer program. If you don't want Brian Salle and Karen Salle having access to all your information, then besure to click the box saying to NOT allow their software to be downloaded to your computer.
4601 days ago by Keywester
Now using the name Brian Soleil
4601 days ago by Keywester
Now using the name Brian Soleil
3545 days ago by LegalNotice
Please take notice that Brian T. Salle and Karen M. Salle (“Plaintiffs”) filed an action in the Circuit Court of the Fifteenth Judicial Circuit of Palm Beach County, Florida – Brian T. Salle and Karen M. Salle v. Marine Logistics Group, LLC – due to allegedly false and disparaging statements published concerning them on various websites, including on Please contact Plaintiff’s counsel at [email protected] if you have any questions.

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