Bella Homes Llc Daniel David Delpiano Multi level marketing Scam Rip you off- rip you off Scottsdale Arizona |
14th of Dec, 2011 by User918232 |
Bella Bella Bella Homes Llc. Where should I begin. How about how your company entices people to join your MLM. Promises of helping home owners and big commissions for representatives. That's the hook, now the truth. If you are so naive to believe these snake oil salesman, then you deserve to be scammed. I will not throw wild accusations, I will let the facts speak for themselves. Please protect yourself and do your own research, however here is the company lineup. Bella Homes Llc. President and CEO Mr. Mark Diamond Look him up under Mark and Terry Diamond and enjoy the States point of view on these two. Mr. Daniel David Delpiano Please google and have fun with all the Georgia and Florida State photographs. Mr. Sunil Wadhwa O.K. Ready check out State of California Cease and Disist Order dated December 8, 2004 for his company Positive Return Inc. Then go to his most recent fun, State of California where he lost his case and was threatened by the Judge that if he continues this practice he will be labeled Vixtious litigant, which basically means that you will not be allowed in Federal or State courts again due to frivolous lawsuits. Mr. Rick Walsh Sales scam extraordinaire, this guy is currently working three MLM's names. Sisel International, Bella Homes Llc. The home loan hero. Mr. Ron and Jody Courtney Many very unhappy people know these two, they were senior directors at the company Eiro Research another MLM. All the reps for Eiro Research woke up to find that the Courtney family had left town and all the money was gone. ROIunlimited.com another MLM going to town, watch-out. Beware the site scam.com. Seems like a cover site. I know people who have worked with this company, they will submit a deal only to be denied, after all the work of putting it together. Why Answer, the company has no intention of performing the stated service, just sit back and collect dues. Let me ask you, do you really think a band of MLM'ers are really gonna take on Wall St? Here is the thing, most judges are elected, who finances their campaigns, yes Wall St. So this little band of, whatever they are, will continue down the road like they have there entire professional path to the next unexpectating group of good hard working decent Americans. What will be left in their wake is disappointment, people getting ripped off of there hard earned money and broken dreams when you have to tell a homeowner they were turned down with no reason given. Yours truly Sad Panda |
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