There are a number of issues with this company, specifically not delivering on items purchased, sending a lesser item than the one advertised (I have two open issues with the company as of today that have yet to be addressed) but the reason that I am filing this report is that they retaliate against consumers asserting their rights provided by the credit card issuer.
I was forced to file a dispute with my credit card company after non-delivery of an item (which I finally received and subsequently dropped the dispute) but recently learned that it decided to permanently disable my account as a retaliatory action for filing the dispute which is a sh*ty thing to do. Here's the email from the company:
Landon M., Feb-02 12:30 pm (CST):
Hello, After reviewing your account it appears your account has been permanently disabled due to the fact that a chargeback has been filed with your bank or credit card company against our company. We look forward to working with your bank or credit card company to resolve this issue. Please feel free to contact us with any other questions you may have regarding this issue. Thanks and have a great day. Sincerely,
QuiBids Compliance Department
This action and reply from Quibids speaks volumes about the company and its practices. I have alerted Visa because this is clearly a violation of its agreement. Quibids may assert that it can refuse to do business with anyone at its choosing, but it did more than that; it's discriminating/retaliating against consumers that assert their rights with their credit card issuers.
Quibids did not notify me of this action but took this action unilaterally without notification (apparently there was no intention of refunding my credit balance either). It was only after I was confirming that the flat screen TV that I recently had delivered was not the one advertised in the auction (they switched a 240 Hz model for a 120 Hz model). Is this a mistake or a 'bait and switch'? The longer it takes the company to respond to my inquiry makes it look more like the latter rather than the former.
Also, I am still waiting for delivery of a gift card purchased last month which the company has not responded to my inquiries (last contact was 1/17, no response) so I may be forced to file 2-3 more credit card disputes against this company for these issues.