Consumer reviews and reports on scam companies, bad products and services or or Don Gillette, Larry M Don Gillette new scam he wanted $400 dollars to join MLM
28th of Aug, 2011 by User255791
Don Gillette and his new scam or just sent me an email and he wanted $400 dollars to join after his online presentation!! I'm a mortgage professional looking for full-time work and I loved the idea but the MLM presentation left a really bad taste in my mouth. After doing a little review and copying and pasting, I found an identical website from and called Westwood on the site. is just a reseller looking to scam upfront money out of hard working professionals. Even after talking to some guy Larry he told me he is the money, obviously that is not the case after I spoke to Westwood and another company CCS. I also found another company online that offers a full 1% of all loans while these sharks are only giving out 50% of the commission while wanting me to send them $400 dollars and $40 dollars a month for a website. And if you google Don Gillette's name you might have a heart attack and I can not find Pro Vantage Group Inc anywhere at all other than some Long Island home address. Stay away folks just another scam to take your money from what looks to be a good solution.
4914 days ago by Mozie1910
So is there a company out there that offers the same lending services to merchants without having to give almost $400 upfront?
4913 days ago by Kjohnson
I would not trust Larry Marcus owner of Approval Warehouse. He has made several misrepresentaions to me about himself, funding, and investors. In my opinion this is nothing more than than that a typical MLM that makes money on upfront fees. He promotes recruitment not product sales which is a red flag. Be Carefull.
4910 days ago by JWBake1982
I have a question, I noticed in the video that the merchant would receive $4, 000 on approximately a $5, 700 loan. From my understanding, giving less than the loan amount to the merchant is a standard practice in the lending industry; however though, this does seem a little low. I was wondering what this percentage typically is? What's the least a merchant would receive on a loan? Does it get better if the loan applicants credit is better? Any information would be helpful, thanks a lot.

4907 days ago by JohnM
Boy...I need to retract some of my statements and I feel really foolish for falling for the companies "cool aid"

The following statement "5th- If paying the $397 is a deterrent, then work for CCS or someone else. (Btw CCS charges anywhere from $299-$399 for a merchant to sign up. Let me know how that works for you.) The $397 was ment to be a deterrent to keep people out who aren't serious. How many free opportunities have you joined that you made any money at all? The $397 is ment to bring people in that have some skin in the game and want to put time and effort into this. " I owe CCS a HUGE apology. After digging into the back ground of the companies and learning a lot more about how Approval Warehouse started and some of the things things that have allowed to continue, I need to retract the above statement.

1st misstatement - CCS does allow a charge of $399 to sign up a merchant. The part that I wasn't aware of is that is can be waived.

2nd misstatement - after a long conversation with the people at CCS, they are very particular about the reps that they bring on. Their main focus is to open accounts NOT on recruiting. The $397 at AW is structured much like Lead Net Pro was and other then getting access to the AW system, I can't seem to figure out what the $397 is for. I have been involved with a couple of other mlm's and when I have ever recruited someone, I never received a commission on the recruitment only if they bought the "product". I can't seem to figure out what the "product" was when I paid my money to AW. If anyone knows, please let me know.

I thought I would post the update and apologize for shooting off at the mouth before I really had all the facts.
4907 days ago by Bc1
You can e-mail me with questions if you are seriously considering this business venture. It is easy to get your $397 joining fee back and my team does have approved merchants for financing, and we are making very good money. I am so grateful a friend of mine showed me this and I signed up. He has made about $2, 000 profit in his first 3 weeks, and you can do the same. The guys above him have made a lot more, up to $25, 000 a month, and that ain't bad for a 2 month old company. That is the advantage of getting paid 2 ways, with the percentage on financing and on the MLM aspect.. [email protected]
4900 days ago by Tjeror11
Hello "bloggers"
I was introduced to approval warehouse by an amazing woman about a month ago. I would say every person i have talked with in my upline has the most level head on their shoulders of any business ive been a part of. I joined as an account exec about 3 weeks ago and have seen nothing but amazing things come from this company. I hear alot of people out there saying "if its a reputable company they wouldn't make you pay to work for them." In a way I can definately understand where you are coming from but on the other side of the coin, no one is telling you that this is for you. not everyone is made for the marketing thing. Im not gonna lie, my parents got into a couple mlm's when I was younger and i got a bad taste in my mouth as well, but im not gonna shut myself off to an opportunity because it has some similar characteristics. To be honest since I joined I have not once tried to get someone else to join under me, Ive done nothing but help merchants. That could be in part because Im not huge on the mlm thing but i do love what approval warehouse is doing for not only the merchants but the customers that are building their credit now because of this program. No one can ever be forced to think any way, no matter what...if you have an open mind than you do...if because you can't afford to get into a program like this than, well, no one is twisting your arm, but again i have seen nothing but great things come from this. If anyone wants more true info from someone that was probably been in the same shoes as you at one time or another please feel free to contact me. Im not gonna try to sell you on it, I'm not even interested in getting a downline, so if you want the cold hard facts from someone that has seen results please call me and leave a message and i will get back with you. (304) 924-1421 and i would be more than happy to answer any questions, or pass along any complaints to the ceo...but if you're on here because you're offended that someone asked you to make a small investment for a great return, just call me and gripe, please dont get in here and ruin the name of a very reputable company. Thanks everyone, have a great day

4896 days ago by Investigator Man
Why can't they just exclude the $400.00. I just don't understand why I have to pay to go and work for someone???? When I ask some of the reps how many deals they have closed they tell me that they have just started, so they are not able to give me a true answer. Any of you reps out there that are backing up Approval Warehouse why don't you put write your contact info so I can call you and ask you for some of the merchants you have as clients.

I have a background as an investigator and I have seen my share of people get burned by scandalous people who promise the world and deliver nothing but grief after they have taken their money. I challenge any of you are reps for Approval Warehouse to make up a e-mail so we can communicate with you and ask you questions.

Investigator in California
4896 days ago by Cuban7775
Listen! I think it would be fair to say that all of you are looking for an opportunity that can change your lives...There were many comments made about the startup fees attached to approval Warehouse. AW is not hiring employees, however, they are giving ENTREPRENUERS the opportunity to startup a wonderful business at minimal startup capital and training. Whether, you are looking to be a real-estate agent, mortgage lender, franchisee or any other number of professional agents...there are a fee involved. Too many of you are employee minded, and that's ok, just dont misrepersent opportunities for others. I have checked out all of these companies that are mentioned herein, and they are all operational and provide simular products and services. I always say go directly to the source, they will give you the answers you need to make an informed decision. And if it is not for you, dont knock it. You mislead others in their decision process.

Thank you,
4894 days ago by Tjeror11
to all you nay sayers out there
I have been with approval warehouse for a little over a month now and I have seen nothing but good things. there are alot of companies out there that finance merchants but nothing like we do at approval warehouse. I think that there are alot of people that are simply turned off to the idea that it is an mlm. I just wanna say this: when someone says mutli level marketing, the very next phrase that comes to mind naturally is pyramid scam. Well, let's break down what a pyramid scam is... A pyramid scam is a business that only runs on the principle that when someone signs up under someone else they get paid. there is no product or service behind it therefor when there is no one else to sign up the pyramid colapses and everyone is pissed off. Multi level marketing is not the same thing as pramid scam and neither is aproval warehouse. The company could run perfectly fine without ever signing anyone else up as an account executive... And that's because it does provide a service, it provides an excellent service. It gives businesses something that helps them greatly in the economy we are in today. So to all of you that don't like it because they asked you to pay your way one is twisting your arm, but if you do want to get involved with something that can make you AND the merchant a very lucrative, then go for it. I get tired of typing anything into google and always seeing that there is someone out there saying it's a scam when it clearly isn't. If you type in Lowes they even found a way to make that look like a scam. I guess all im saying is, if you're not the multi level marketing kind of person than by all means do what makes you sleep easier, but for those of you that really are just posting on here because you're unsure and you just want to see what others have to say in response, please stop soiling the name of a very reputable company especially when you're only doing it because you don't think its fair that you can't afford to get in. I see that alot too. If anyone would like serious first hand answers to any questions you have about the company please feel free to contact me. 607 259 7105...At the very least call me and gripe about how much you hate these kinds of businesses but like i said, there's no reason to soil the name of a company that is doing such great things. Thanks and have a great day

4894 days ago by Tjeror89
to all you nay sayers out there
I have been with approval warehouse for a little over a month now and I have seen nothing but good things. there are alot of companies out there that finance merchants but nothing like we do at approval warehouse. I think that there are alot of people that are simply turned off to the idea that it is an mlm. I just wanna say this: when someone says mutli level marketing, the very next phrase that comes to mind naturally is pyramid scam. Well, let's break down what a pyramid scam is... A pyramid scam is a business that only runs on the principle that when someone signs up under someone else they get paid. there is no product or service behind it therefor when there is no one else to sign up the pyramid colapses and everyone is pissed off. Multi level marketing is not the same thing as pramid scam and neither is aproval warehouse. The company could run perfectly fine without ever signing anyone else up as an account executive... And that's because it does provide a service, it provides an excellent service. It gives businesses something that helps them greatly in the economy we are in today. So to all of you that don't like it because they asked you to pay your way one is twisting your arm, but if you do want to get involved with something that can make you AND the merchant a very lucrative, then go for it. I get tired of typing anything into google and always seeing that there is someone out there saying it's a scam when it clearly isn't. If you type in Lowes they even found a way to make that look like a scam. I guess all im saying is, if you're not the multi level marketing kind of person than by all means do what makes you sleep easier, but for those of you that really are just posting on here because you're unsure and you just want to see what others have to say in response, please stop soiling the name of a very reputable company especially when you're only doing it because you don't think its fair that you can't afford to get in. I see that alot too. If anyone would like serious first hand answers to any questions you have about the company please feel free to contact me. 607 259 7105...At the very least call me and gripe about how much you hate these kinds of businesses but like i said, there's no reason to soil the name of a company that is doing such great things. Thanks and have a great day

4894 days ago by Tjeror89
to all you nay sayers out there
I have been with approval warehouse for a little over a month now and I have seen nothing but good things. there are alot of companies out there that finance merchants but nothing like we do at approval warehouse. I think that there are alot of people that are simply turned off to the idea that it is an mlm. I just wanna say this: when someone says mutli level marketing, the very next phrase that comes to mind naturally is pyramid scam. Well, let's break down what a pyramid scam is... A pyramid scam is a business that only runs on the principle that when someone signs up under someone else they get paid. there is no product or service behind it therefor when there is no one else to sign up the pyramid colapses and everyone is pissed off. Multi level marketing is not the same thing as pramid scam and neither is aproval warehouse. The company could run perfectly fine without ever signing anyone else up as an account executive... And that's because it does provide a service, it provides an excellent service. It gives businesses something that helps them greatly in the economy we are in today. So to all of you that don't like it because they asked you to pay your way one is twisting your arm, but if you do want to get involved with something that can make you AND the merchant a very lucrative, then go for it. I get tired of typing anything into google and always seeing that there is someone out there saying it's a scam when it clearly isn't. If you type in Lowes they even found a way to make that look like a scam. I guess all im saying is, if you're not the multi level marketing kind of person than by all means do what makes you sleep easier, but for those of you that really are just posting on here because you're unsure and you just want to see what others have to say in response, please stop soiling the name of a very reputable company especially when you're only doing it because you don't think its fair that you can't afford to get in. I see that alot too. If anyone would like serious first hand answers to any questions you have about the company please feel free to contact me. 607 259 7105...At the very least call me and gripe about how much you hate these kinds of businesses but like i said, there's no reason to soil the name of a company that is doing such great things. Thanks and have a great day

4894 days ago by Tjeror89
to all you nay sayers out there
I have been with approval warehouse for a little over a month now and I have seen nothing but good things. there are alot of companies out there that finance merchants but nothing like we do at approval warehouse. I think that there are alot of people that are simply turned off to the idea that it is an mlm. I just wanna say this: when someone says mutli level marketing, the very next phrase that comes to mind naturally is pyramid scam. Well, let's break down what a pyramid scam is... A pyramid scam is a business that only runs on the principle that when someone signs up under someone else they get paid. there is no product or service behind it therefor when there is no one else to sign up the pyramid colapses and everyone is pissed off. Multi level marketing is not the same thing as pramid scam and neither is aproval warehouse. The company could run perfectly fine without ever signing anyone else up as an account executive... And that's because it does provide a service, it provides an excellent service. It gives businesses something that helps them greatly in the economy we are in today. So to all of you that don't like it because they asked you to pay your way one is twisting your arm, but if you do want to get involved with something that can make you AND the merchant a very lucrative, then go for it. I get tired of typing anything into google and always seeing that there is someone out there saying it's a scam when it clearly isn't. If you type in Lowes they even found a way to make that look like a scam. I guess all im saying is, if you're not the multi level marketing kind of person than by all means do what makes you sleep easier, but for those of you that really are just posting on here because you're unsure and you just want to see what others have to say in response, please stop soiling the name of a very reputable company especially when you're only doing it because you don't think its fair that you can't afford to get in. I see that alot too. If anyone would like serious first hand answers to any questions you have about the company please feel free to contact me. 607 259 7105...At the very least call me and gripe about how much you hate these kinds of businesses but like i said, there's no reason to soil the name of a company that is doing such great things. Thanks and have a great day

4894 days ago by Anonymous
Hey Mr 2 cent's I was also a wholesale rep for 15 years in the mortgage business for a top lender. So to all the mortgage people looking at this you are all making it more that it is... Is 400.00 to much to own a business REALLY... I think your just to Lazy and have a Question for everthing I can tell from your post your where not very good as a wholesale rep I made over a million dollars as a rep... Did u... And to let you know this company is real and I am making five figures a month so get off the internet and the couch put down the chips and soda AND GET A LIFE>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
4894 days ago by Guagsh
I am an agent for a merchant account service provider and was never asked for money to become an agent and part of the reason is the company makes a small percentage of the business I bring to them along with all the other agents such as myself. In regards to AW, I assume they make money the same way so why charge $397 and a recurring monthly fee. All MLM's or network marketing companies do this out of greed, and that is the reason why most of these companies don't last because of high attrition rates. Also, the upfront and ongoing costs tells me that their product or service is not superior and/or a reseller, hence all the costs. I've been in MLM's and network marketing before and they all ultimately dissolve and file BK. By then, the CEO, CFO, etc... made their millions from people like us and laugh all the way to the bank only to open another company to start the same process all over again. Luckily, I found a legitimate company out there who offers special consumer finance programs. Like me, do your online homework and you too may find info on this company or other legitimate companies that offer this type of programs.
4894 days ago by Guagsh
I am an agent for a merchant account service provider and was never asked for money to become an agent and part of the reason is the company makes a small percentage of the business I bring to them along with all the other agents such as myself. In regards to AW, I assume they make money the same way so why charge $397 and a recurring monthly fee. All MLM's or network marketing companies do this out of greed, and that is the reason why most of these companies don't last because of high attrition rates. Also, the upfront and ongoing costs tells me that their product or service is not superior and/or a reseller, hence all the costs. I've been in MLM's and network marketing before and they all ultimately dissolve and file BK. By then, the CEO, CFO, etc... made their millions from people like us and laugh all the way to the bank only to open another company to start the same process all over again. Luckily, I found a legitimate company out there who offers special consumer finance programs. Like me, do your online homework and you too may find info on this company or other legitimate companies that offer this type of programs.
4893 days ago by Loanguyfred
I am an approval Warehouse Senior Account executive. The business is legitimate and is providing a very good opportunity to sales professionals who are williing to work. Who cares what Don Gillette has done in the past. Anyone in sales or business has had a dissatisfied customer from time to time.

The opportunity is not only as good as any out there, but Approval Warehouse offers more than any other. I did my research. The service and support of the company are exemplary, and I have never come across a more professional company.

I am glad I signed on with Approval Warehouse, I don't regret having paid $397 for the opportunity to sign on. I couldn't buy a franchise for $25, 000 that would give me the earning opportunity I have here. Nobody's paying me to write this and it annoys me that people are so quick to jump to conclusions without having all the information.

Fred L. I'll be happy to answer any questions at [email protected]
4892 days ago by Larry Marcus Scam
Hello y name is Larry B. Marcus my friends, associates and other unsuspecting fools I defraud call me Mayhem. I am a professional thief but prefer to be called a smooth talking con man. Wait until I tell you about the latest scam I pulled off. The ones I am currently working on look promising enough to be even bigger... than last one. I made off with millions of dollars from unsuspecting homeowner in foreclosure. My front was The Home Equity Loss Prevention Group. Look it up on Linked I am listed as Vice President. It is great! My wife Bonnie Pisetzner-Marcus is here!/profile.php?id=582416101 Her and I are still spending that cash….lmao. Right here and here Here I am again as a professional speaker attempting to rip big business. This one doesn’t work out so well…….Hey you can’t succeed all of the time. Trust me the others scams make up for this one.
So I have this new scam running on you tube called the approval warehouse.
This time I am going after tiny people who think they are entrepreneurs. Another group of fools. Right here look,
Oh and I forgot to tell you that the last bunch of suckers let me walk away with their cash after I sold them this story on how The New York State Attorney General shut me down……..Ho ho I am about to piss my pants.
Oh did I mention I have another scam running too, it is called lifeline911 It is right here just read this story I made up…….Am I good or what?
Well thought I would come clean….cause I am dirty real dirty!
4892 days ago by Turby
The comments and slander here are riduculous. I have been in the financial services industry for 25 years. I have held Life and Health Licenses. Securities Licensed in 8 states, and a mortgage broker. I joined AW about 3 weeks ago. It has gone amazingly well. The MLM component is part of AW and the sign up fee and technology fee are meant to keep out the whimpy and those looking for something for nothing. AW has a great platform. perform at the top of their game and give people a real opportunity to help business, consumers and themselves. This is a real resiual income opportunity.

For all the loan officers who are starving these days we pay a 1% loan origination on all merchant fundings monthly. We pay 1/2 point override on the direct recruits you bring into the company on their loan volume. Do the math. Set up 20 merchants each lending 50k per month = $1 million month in fundings. = 10k per month to you in commissions. Build a team of 10 people doing the exact same thing =$10mill monthly fundings at 1/2 point override= $50k per month in residual. Combined you could earn 60k per month in income to you. The market is huge, Businesses need our product, Reps need to have an unlimited income opportuinity and the company provides great training and support. In the residiential lending world Loan Officers get paid once on a loan. with AW you get paid monthly on all new loan volume.

I have worked on commissison my entire life with no guarantee of any income. It is the only way I would ever work. Do you want to be in control of your financial life or are you better suited to be an Employee of someone else. If you do then AW is not for you. If you have the ability to be in charge of your life, write your own ticket, want to help people and business and are a self starter then this may be somehting you look into. You can make great income at AW, You are not requried to recruit anyone and if you understand leverage you will build an agency just like I did in my Financial services career for over 25 years and generate override income as well as personal income. I can tell you the ONLY people who don't like leverage and overrides are people that have never received them.

If you wish to contact me for details please do so by visiting my facebook page at you can message me there.
4891 days ago by Sylviajw
My husband and I joined Approval Warehouse almost 2 months ago. We are signing up merchants. The service is real and legitimate. I view this as a sales career and not a get-rich-quick opportunity. It takes hard work and time to build the residual income from our loan portfolio. But we are building it! And our merchants are happy.
I can understand that one would be skeptical if the company will not provide a list of happy customers. I asked one of my larger accounts how she would feel if I gave her name out as a referral and she asked that I not do that. She simply does not have the time to respond to all the calls she would get. Does that make this a scam? Hardly. I understand her desire for privacy.
As for the MLM aspect - This is really unique. What a concept! Who would ever have thought of offering a real service/sales job within a MLM model and putting many out of work Americans to work! The MLM part does NOT take away from the fact that there is a real service to merchants. But, if you want to be a direct sales person for the company, you have the opportunity to do just that and not spend your time recruiting.
Scam? Hardly. Approval Warehouse is a consortium of many entities. Approval Warehouse is the marketing arm that happens to have a MLM business model. The funding sources include many investors, hedge funds, private equity money, etc. For a loan to take place in any given state, that lending source MUST be licensed. Come on folks – have you heard of the Frank Dodd Act??? We are in one of the most highly regulated environments in relation to banking and lending that this country has ever seen. Do you think that consumer financing can take place without complying with licensing and very stringent regulations? Approval Warehouse is licensed in 50 states.
This is the best opportunity I have ever found and believe me, I have tried them all! If you want to talk with me personally, email me at this address and I will respond to you: [email protected].
4891 days ago by SAGI
Please show us the Banking License issued by the NJ Banking and Insurance Commission. They have never heard of you.

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