Consumer reviews and reports on scam companies, bad products and services or or Don Gillette, Larry M Don Gillette new scam he wanted $400 dollars to join MLM
28th of Aug, 2011 by User255791
Don Gillette and his new scam or just sent me an email and he wanted $400 dollars to join after his online presentation!! I'm a mortgage professional looking for full-time work and I loved the idea but the MLM presentation left a really bad taste in my mouth. After doing a little review and copying and pasting, I found an identical website from and called Westwood on the site. is just a reseller looking to scam upfront money out of hard working professionals. Even after talking to some guy Larry he told me he is the money, obviously that is not the case after I spoke to Westwood and another company CCS. I also found another company online that offers a full 1% of all loans while these sharks are only giving out 50% of the commission while wanting me to send them $400 dollars and $40 dollars a month for a website. And if you google Don Gillette's name you might have a heart attack and I can not find Pro Vantage Group Inc anywhere at all other than some Long Island home address. Stay away folks just another scam to take your money from what looks to be a good solution.
4936 days ago by Taajah
I too was contacted and spoke with a representative named Shelly from approval warehouse. I'm own a business consultant firm and this service would have been great for many of my clients. I asked the representative to provide me with a list of companies who were actually issuing loans to their customers. At that time, had a testimonials link with no testimonies.

Of course, I knew that I wouldn't get a response. I was told that they couldn't give out that information due to confidentiality. I don't know of many businesses who would not want consumers to know that they were able to issue these loans. I was promised a call back with more information. That was Friday. This is Tuesday.

Good luck,

Taajah Phenezy
Musical Genius Entertainment
4935 days ago by Janetmarcian
I'm personally very hurt by this kind of slander and judgment by people who are so obviously just trying to discredit good, hard working folks like myself and others . I joined the Approval Warehouse program a little over 3 weeks ago. I too was not initially interested in any kind of Affiliate or Network Marketing business. But I did see some amazing potential in selling the services that the company provides.

I already have many merchants working with me and I have had many loans applied for and funded through Approval Warehouse. And BTW - when someone I knew asked me about what I was doing and I explained the Approval Warehouse opportunity to them, they asked me if they could join. So now, even though I wasn't initially interested, I actually am building my own sales team.

Yes, I paid $397 to join this business. It's been the best investment I've ever made. The support, training and assistance I've received have truly been first class. I do not know Don Gillette, but i do know others in the organization including Larry Marcus, the CEO of the company. I have found him and everyone else I've dealt with to be of the highest integrity.

People seem to always throw accusations and slander at others who are winning. It sounds like jealousy to me. Everyone's got an opinion - but mine is based on the real facts from the inside.

Janet Marcian
4935 days ago by Vandene
I too am very skeptical in regards to the Approval Warehouse "opportunity." I am not a big fan of MLM's in the first place and believe if any company is a real company, they are looking to pay you for your efforts and not ask for upfront money before you even get started.

On the other hand, what better job can there be than giving away money? I absolutely love the concept and would love to work for a company that can do what approval warehouse (also appears to go under the name of CyberPay Warehouse?) says they can do.

Here is what I am wanting to know and would appreciate anyone (that is legit and willing to prove it) that is willing to help me if such an opportunity exists. I would be very interested in knowing more about this you spoke of and if they are doing what Approval or CyberPay Warehouse is doing and you make 1% instead of 1/2 of 1% (and preferrably don't have to "join" with a fee) I would love to get started a.s.a.p. I tried to look it up myself, but get a different site entirely and appears to process payments and much more, but isn't a financing company per say.

I wouldn't even mind doing this at the 1/2 of 1%, but if what you say is true (that approval or cyberpay warehouse is simply reselling the products then they should be more than happy making the 1/2 of 1% that I would be making without charging an upfront $397.00 and I believe an extra $39.95 for a website each month if I understood the webinar I listened in on yesterday.

Is there a way of joining Approval or CyberPay without these upfront fees and do it through someone else's portal or something until you actually make money before being asked to spend it? It was implied by the person that first approach me with it through a craigslist ad in my area of Indianapolis, but he hasn't gotten back with me after I called and let him know I had done some research on the subject.

The bottom line is, I would love to have a job like this if a legitimate one exists and if someone can help me get ahold of this company spoken about in the post I am referencing, I would be very grateful or if someone is willing to help me get started with Approval or CyberPay without an upfront cost and is willing to disclose enough proof to allow me to get over my skepticism, I would be grateful as well because I know I could do great finding companies to help with their financing, but have no interested in getting scammed.

You can reach me at 317-412-6115 if you have information that can truly help me get started without a bunch of b.s. and/or hype. Please don't waste my time if you aren't able to prove exactly what you say.


4929 days ago by Veraprintz
CyberPay Warehouse and Approval Warehouse is the same company if you look at the site. I have spoken with a Hay at Select Payments and her email address is [email protected]. Good luck.
4929 days ago by The Watcher
Veraprintz - Actually, we just called and spoke with the people at CyberPay Warehouse because we are interested in the concept. Cyberpay Warehouse is NOT the same company as Approval Warehouse! Your post is NOT correct.

CyberPay Warehouse does NOT charge any upfront fees and they are NOT MLM. They are a merchant services company.

They appear to be simply offering financing to merchant's customers (a single product among their merchant processing solutions?) and do NOT charge any fees upfront. They also do not charge any sign up fees or the like as is claimed here other companies are alleged to be doing. Call them and ask for yourself. I really have no idea why anyone would post false and misleading speculation when all you have to do is pick up the phone and call to verify. Welcome to the wild world of the internet I guess.

NOT sure where you have gotten your information from but I like to call and verify things myself (which I did) before I post them on the internet.



Anthony Wilson
4927 days ago by Jballen
I have been working for AW for 12 wks and have boarded more than 9 merchants with only 1 cancellation due to the economic fit of their product. The rest of my merchants are thoroughly satisfied.

JB Allen
4925 days ago by Barryedmonds
Those of you that are offended about the MLM component of the Approval Warehouse Opportunity, should not make the assumption that for some reason AW is a scam as it is not. You're Showing your lack of knowledge of the network marketing model. There are many... thousands of fine Network marketing companies through out the world, and all of them had a Start up period, when their name was not common knowledge. The likes of Amway, Prepaid Legal, Avon, all fine companies, that at one point people made similar accusations of being a scam. Well the Many satisfied customers, and representatives of those and thousands of other Network marketing companies prove that making hasty judgments without the facts is irresponsible. Now that you can pretty much post anything online instantly about a person or company without being held accountable is one of the flaws of the internet. I guess my point is Unless you're 100% positive, before you make accusations you can not back up...You should probably err on the side of just not saying anything. Companies have been, and people have been sued for such irresponsible actions.

Barry Edmonds
4924 days ago by Michael Richards
I have been in mortgage banking and commercial finance for over 15 years. I too was presented the Approval Warehouse "opportunity". Although I feel the product is excellent, I had several reservations about AW. 1) No financial product should be structured as an MLM. The same thing was attempted by companies like NewKey Home lending in the mortgage sector...It cheapens the entire industry, which has already taken enough of a hit when everyone and their brother jumped into mortgages during the heyday and made those of us who were actually knowledgeable of our products and the market, look like used car sales people. Assuming that anyone that pays to join the MLM is qualified to represent financial products, especially consumer financial products, is ludicrous.
2) The recruiter I spoke with could not answer my basic questions about the product, underwriting, had no idea what ysp was etc. He obviously had no banking experience and kept going back to his rehearsed line about "it's all done by algorithms" And, when I directly asked if this was an MLM, his reply was "Absolutely not. This is a Wall St. pay model just like the insurance companies uses"...please. He finally sent me the compensation model, which is most definitely an MLM. Other than reasonable costs to get involved with a business (state licensing, background check) no one should have to pay to sell for a company. Think mortgages, real estate, financial planners etc. All require licensing and background checks, but no companies charge you to come on board with them.
3) MW is simply a reseller of SelectPay. While SelectPay does offer an excellent product, I think they should reevaluate their business decision to let an MLM "white label" and then promote their product. In the long run, it will tarnish the companies legitimacy and create a loss of business due to merchant's being wary of getting involved with any financing structure as an MLM. Would BofA, Citibank or Wells Fargo let brokers "white label" their products and then go and recruit unqualified people to rep it? Certainly not. This is the banking industry people, it's regulated for a reason. There are already several complaints filed against companies marketing financial products through MLM methods and, hopefully, regulation against this will be passed very soon.
3) When googling MW, I came across a Don Gillete, who is a "marketing agent" for them and already has several other scam reports against him. Also, I came across Brooks Bruno, who is not with MW, but rather with CCS..another "white label" reseller of Select Pay. He also has several scam reports against him including "Loan Modifications"...about the sleaziest business to arise from the fall of the housing market and collapse of the mortgage industry.
IMHO, SelectPay should focus on building their own brand name for an excellent product through legitimate avenues. i.e.-bring on reps or sales teams that actually promote the SelectPay product under the SelectPay name. With all this "white labeling" and lack of consistency in training, no restriction on the number of reps brought on, Select Pay will end up having the same merchants called on multiple times, under several different product names and of course, with no centralized training or support, these same merchants will be given, at best different information, if not completely inaccurate information from all these unsupervised independents out there. Eventually having the same effect as the MLM... lack of confidence in the integrity in the company and product itself.
4924 days ago by Michael Richards
Also, Veraprintz is correct...CyberPay Warehouse is the same company as Approval Warehouse. Look at the bottom of their website and you will see "Provantage"...the same parent company as Approval Warehouse.
SelectPay, get it together...all these white labels and multilevels of the same companies is going to destroy your reputation. That would a shame when your product is actually excellent in today's too stringent lending environment and too-slow-to-recover economy.
4923 days ago by Broker401
If a company is legit and reputable they should be more than happy to provide references of happy customers. I was ready to sign up but wanted references. They gave me the same"client confidentiality" line and said they couldn't give any names. REALLY? I went to Google and did some research and wala..the truth came out. Do your homework people. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
Michael Richards, your post is right on the money and I thank you for stating it so clearly.
4920 days ago by Viceroy
For the so-called "expert" who said financial products are not marketed under MLM because it "cheapens" must not have heard of Primerica, which essentially follows the Avon model of marketing many financial services. Whether I agree with it or not is immaterial, it has been done, successfully, for decades.

I also think holding up Citibank, BOFA and the other top 5 banks as models of ethics.

As for "cheapening the industry"...I'm pretty sure financial services, especially that paragon of class and ethics, the mortgage industry, has done a great job of cheapening themselves, as well as playing a big hand in bringing down an entire economy.

Not to say select pay or AW is flawless..but please, lets' get off our high horse and get real.
4920 days ago by Bladers
me 2
4919 days ago by PANZARELLA
is there one bizznes out there that has actually used or is using approval warehouse; PLEASE -LET ME KNOW
4916 days ago by Sylviajw
My husband and I joined Approval Warehouse about 30 days ago. We have signed up several large home improvement companies who are happily using our service. At first I was not crazy about the idea of an MLM either. To me an MLM always focuses on signing up other people and NOT the product or service. However, this is a unique model -- a REAL service with an MLM wrapped around it.

One of my concerns was the same expressed in these posts -- that every Tom, Dick and Harry would be out there calling on merchants without skills or training. However, because Approval Warehouse provides us with good tools such as the merchant demo so that a merchant can view the system prior to signing up, the merchant is totally informed and understands the program and can make an educated decision.

We consider the upfront fee an very small investment to have a viable business that is already making us money. I love the team building aspect of the business, also. However, it is not a get-rich-quick scheme at all. It takes a lot of hard work, just like any real business. However, we are providing a very valuable service to merchants and to their customers while building a residual income. It's a win-win-win.
4915 days ago by Don P
I thought about joining long and hard, at the I joined. I had been out of work for over 16 months with hundreds of resumes and no responses.

I had researched hundreds of network businesses, but this one was different. Glad I did, the best investment I have made.
4915 days ago by Brad C
I am also considering this opportunity, but I am a bit skeptical. I was doing wholesale mortgage lending and worked for a lender that said they would approve mortgages loans down to a 580 fico, but it was rare if anyone under a 680 got approved. Has anyone actually had merchants submit financing deals for customers with sub 680 fico scores and get them approved? Also, how long did it take it you to make back your initial investment? What is a realistic monthly income projection for the 1st 3 months, 6 months, 1 year? Any HONEST feedback would be greatly appreciated!.
4915 days ago by Taajah
I had another rep call me a few weeks ago. As soon as I told him about the post that I had found, he got defensive and claimed he would surely not give me references. Wow.

A lot of reps are saying that they have signed up multiple business accounts and these companies are financing their clients, but the names of these businesses continue to remain elusive. As a business consultant, I have never, ever seen a successful business who refuses to give references.

This isn't the medical field where confidentiality applies. If a business is offering great financing options, they would want people to know. If Approval Warehouse wants reps to give them $397, they should at least have a few business that they can use as references.

I personally would love to offer this program to my customers, but until legitimacy is proven, I can't do so. MLM without an end product is a ponzi scheme, not a legitimate MLM opportunity. I'm surely not opposed to legitimate MLM opportunities with end projects.

If someone can give verifiable, references of businesses who are financing their customers with Approval Warehouse, then my humble apology will be rendered. Thanks.
4914 days ago by Gaillynnmo
Wow, I keep hoping this is a real opportunity. I see the need and would be willing to put in the work to build a large merchant book. Never been into MLM. I see the real income in selling the product. But I have concerns. According to the webinar, the company is licensed in all 50 states...under what name? I can't find any record.

I agree with others that the MLM model does cheapen the industry. Anyone with $400 is selling the product. I would prefer to be seen as an elite sales force, offering a valuable product in this challenging economic environment.

Please, if there is anyone out there working with or for this company, please leave a phone number or email address. Would love to chat.
4914 days ago by JohnM
After reading all this, I thought I would throw my $.02 cents in.

1st- The CyberPay warehouse home page is down now. After a little more searching, it turns out that the website was by an Affiliatent through ProVantage Group NOT a division. Huge difference and that was stated on the CyberPay website. (it looks like someone recreated the website from the approval warehouse website)

2nd- Van, I ran some ads in Indy area, but I don't remember us ever speaking. Let alone receiving a call from you saying you had more questions. (Maybe it wasn't me) I did get an email from you, but after email you back I never heard anything more.

3rd- Brad, to answer your questions is a little difficult in that how can anyone predict how much you can make? Will you be recruiting or just selling to merchants? I can tell you that just setting up accounts, it could take a one month or it may take 3 months to start seeing money. That's because it takes time to get merchants setup and start funding loans.

4th- I have no idea how Selectpayments and approval warehouse are connected. And why would I care who is funding the loans? After 7 years in the Wholesale Mortgage business with the last 2 being Deutsche Bank, I can honestly tell you there were dozens of companies reselling Deutsche Banks Alt A product as their own. Why would anyone care at the end of the day who is selling to loans? Just to be clear, Wells Fargo, CITI and BofA all white labeled their loan products! Every single Alt A lender (when there was such a thing) out there or any Mortgage Banker is essentially selling a white label loan.

5th- If paying the $397 is a deterrent, then work for CCS or someone else. (Btw CCS charges anywhere from $299-$399 for a merchant to sign up. Let me know how that works for you.) The $397 was ment to be a deterrent to keep people out who aren't serious. How many free opportunities have you joined that you made any money at all? The $397 is ment to bring people in that have some skin in the game and want to put time and effort into this.

Thats my rant for now.

4914 days ago by JohnM

Approval Warehouse as I understand it, is the marketing arm for 6-7 companies that hold licensing in all 50 states. Provantage group (approval warehouse) is the marketing arm for the different products.

If you want to talk about it email me at [email protected] (this is not my main email account since I really don't want to be spammed.) and I will send you my contact info. I would be happy to answer any questions you have assuming I know the answers.


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