Wednesday, August 17 2011, 63 days to date from last insemination, 65 days from second, and 69 from the first insemination. I called Americana and spoke with Brandi, Vet tech, and informed her if she doesn't deliver Tonite, that I'll bring her in on Thursday August 18, 2011 for a C section. I was placed on hold and when Brandi returned to the phone she stated that Dr. Wood did not want to do a C section this early. Dr Wood said he would be willing to do another x ray and vaginal examination. At this point my dog still isn't in any distress and contractions Have not started yet, so I told them I'll call back after her contractions start. Thursday August 18, 2011, My dogs contractions begin around 8 pm. She never began to start pushing until Friday 19, 2011 around 10am. I gave her until 3:00pm, and had enough. Despite Dr. Woods professional opinion, we could tell she couldn't pass her puppies naturally. My concerns were for her safety at this point, and I rushed her in. Dr. Wood took an X Ray, and discovered that a puppy was stuck in her birth canal. Dr. Wood explained he will administer oxytocin to create contractions for her to push the puppy out. He read a vet dictionary page on administering the drug, and He told me it states 1 shot every 30 mins. (It wasn't until later I researched that it should not be administered more than twice, and if still unsuccessful, perform a C section. ----Here is a link you can read more about this, and there are so many places to read on this subject. ( Regrettably Dr. Woods administered four shots of oxytocin in 1hr and 30 minutes. My dog was able to push out 3 dogs on her own, after two shots of oxytocin. The fourth puppy was breech (feet first). He tried to go inside of her vagina and pull it out. He explained it was out of it's sac. He did this for an hr. I can barely hold back tears reliving this panic of my 8 year old son, and wife watching this doctor forcefully go inside of her with his hands, than metal forceps. Dr. Woods explained he wanted to give her a rest after she delivered the fourth and he was gna send me home with her, And 2 More shots of Oxytocin !!!!!! He even explained where to administer it, in between the muscle fibers. I finally had enough and insisted on a C section. Needless to say, she delivered 3 pups vaginally, 1 in C section, and 4 died. Dr. Woods refused to even be compassionate about what happened. He even said he was crazy to even have a conversation with me at 10:00 on a Friday night. After I questioned him about dosage and recommended dosages of the oxytocin, he instructed his wife to called the cops. I researched the drug when the C section was taking place, more than 2 doses of Oxytocin turns contractions into constriction. Think Boa Constrictor! Those poor puppies were suffocated in the uterus. DR. WOOD IS DANGEROUS AND SHOULD NOT BE TRUSTED! IF YOU LOVE YOUR PETS AS FAMILY MEMBERS, STAY AWAY FROM AMERICANA ANIMAL HOSPITAL IN GREENSBORO NC. THEY ARE LOCATED AT: 2007 North Church Street Greensboro NC 27405 |