Yellow page Directory |
Yellow page Directory How $15 turned into a $600 bill Internet |
27th of Apr, 2011 by User596116 |
I recieved a slip in the mail from "yellow pages" saying that they would advertise my small business in their directory. It also stated that my business would be listed in Bold Face Text for $15 (additional charge). Sounded pretty good. So I approved it and put it in the mail. Keep in mind that the only info that Yellow pages had on that little slip that they sent me was my company name, address, and phone#. The only thing that it required was a signature verifing that all my company info was correct. So ofcourse I was expecting a future phone call from one of their associates so they could get my payment info, geo-targeting info, what I wanted the ad to say, etc. Well about 4 months later I did recieve a phone call from a LAWYER ! saying I owed Yellow pages over $500. The lawyers motive was pretty much "Lets make a deal and get this settled." Now keep in mind that Yellow Pages never called me or sent me a bill. Now all of the sudden Im being turned over to a lawyers office for collections. The lawyer even said in so many words that the Yellow pages business practices were kinda unfair and unprofessional. He also said that Yellow pages had me listed Nationwide instead of around my geographical location.( I run an in-home TV repair service company). Daaa! Then the lawyer faxed me over some papers to look at so I could cancell the advertisement if I didnt want to continue with Yellow pages services. What I noticed was even more amazing. Yellow pages had my company name listed in an entirely different category than what I was supposed to be listed in. I was supposed to be listed in the "Radio, Television & Electronic Stores" category, but instead they had me listed in the "Camping Equipment-Renting" category. No wonder I never got any customer calls from Yellow pages. Gee - What were they thinking? I never signed any contracts with yellow pages, never agreed to or signed any "Terms and Conditions" clause; and there was no break down of how they charged me (monthly, weekly, etc.). Just a big Bill! I see a future Law suit against this so called advertising giant. My theory is; more and more people are using the internet and also know how to advertise themselves using things like google adwords, SEO marketing, Sponsored links, etc. So in order to keep up Yellow Pages will have to pretty much sucker people into their little trap using those small mailings like the one I got. |
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