Wonder Marketing |
Wonder Marketing Leather CPR If you want to work for free and not get paid, contact Wonder Marketing Los Angeles, California |
15th of Aug, 2011 by User729186 |
You sign a contract to perform a merchandising job and don't get paid. The company is available while you're doing the job, but miraculously disappear when it's time for a paycheck. Do Not work for Wonder Marketing or Leather CPR. They don't even have a website. |
GO TO THE LABOR BOARD CITE LABOR LAW 206.5 I worked for wonder marketing doing Carpet and Leather CPR Roadshows in Sams. I did 5 roadshows and was paid for 4. When Wonder Marketing was finished doing roadshows in Sacramento on August 21, 2011 they refused to pay me or return my texts or phone calls. I went into Sams and asked what I could do to try and collect for this last roadshow I competed 8/21/11. Management told me to go to the BBB and the Labor Board. The BBB could not help, however the labor board worked for me. I was paid today for the last roadshow I completed and I want everyone of you who did honest work for this company to know what happened at the labor board. The deputy at the labor board called Wonder Marketing and explained that because a person signs a piece of paper agreeing to do a job as a independent contractor, does not necessarly make them an independant contractor. The labor deputy said according to California Labor law 206.5 we are not independant contractors. She looked over Wonder Marketings required daily checklist and told me that because of the way they have us account for our time we are technically employees of the company. As the deputy, wonder marketing and I were on the conference call at the labor board the representative at wonder marketing argued that I was an independant contractor and they even recruited me off of NARMS website and admitted I had done the work and not been paid. She did not seem to mind if she sounded like a crook, she was just thinking she was arguing her way around not paying me. The labor board gave me other options as well because they ask 11 questions to confirm if you are an employee of a company and wonder markings own paperwork confirms 8 of the questions as a yes and that makes us employees. If they had not paid me what they owed me they were automatically going to a hearing with fines of up to 432$ and 24$ per day for up to 30 days. It is best to fill out the online labor board complaint as an employee, technically we are employees. Go GET THEM and Kindest Regards! Sharon |
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