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Wendy Kazel Attorney at Law, Las Vegas, Nevada
Scumbag, crook, liar and dishonest lawyer
3rd of Apr, 2012 by maxnorilij
Everybody take notice this scumbag liar of an attorney got a protection order against an innocent guy because her feelings got hurt and claimed her stellar reputation as being a liar was damaged, Please everybody that is a subscriber to Familylawblog360 start posting about the lies of of this lawyer she is a real scumbag. This scumbag was not able to dupe Judge Donner, Judge Harter or Judge Steel in district court but was able to use her weight as a lawyer to dupe Judge Tobaisson in Justice Court, My god this crazy lawyer made threats and told district court judges how she bought a gun to use against her clients opponent in a family law case and Judge Tobaisson refused to grant a protection order preventing her from carrying a gun and granted the scumbag liar Wendy Kazel a protection order against an innocent person. Well at least he had the sense to start the process to sue Wendy Kazel for malicious prosecution hope her attorney malpractice insurance premiums are paid up . This scumbag needs to get a life.
4719 days ago by Maxnorilij
Affidavit from a private investigator that claimed the opposing litigant had a Bank Account using a social security number other then his own this was a bold faced lie in her pleadings and Kazel had a release to obtain all records fromn that bank, Kazel violated her duty of care to present the truth at a minimum Kazel should have produced the social security number that was on the account. Kazel knowningly falsified evidence by not supplying this information, Turns out the reason why is the private investigator lied and Kazel knew it rather then to send a letter to the court correcting the fact that in fact all of the records that this bank has shows in fact the social security number on the bank records is the litigants social security number., Kazel had a release and received all records from the ban. her deliberate ommission of the truth that the Defendant did not lie or defraud the bank or the court was not in her clients best interest so instead Kazel continued her lies and claimed the private investigtor information was true. Recently she filed another motion to hold the defendant in contempt of court for failing to provide his bank records, yet in June she asked for the defendant to be held in contempt of court in front of judge Steel saying that the defendant did not produce his bank records, Judge stell did not find the Defendant in contempt in fact she found that the defendant not only signed releases for all of his bank accounts that in fact Kazel had these records almost a year ago where she went line by line the very same bank statments with the defendant at his deposition. Now Judge Mathew Harter is assigned to the case and is the primary Judge Kazel has again filed a motion asking for the defendant to produce his bank records when she already has the bank records and has releases signed by the Defendant for those very same banks. Could it be Wendy Kazel is trying to dupe Judge Mathew Harter sure looks that way. But is Wendy kazel going to be honest with Judge Harter of course not she is trying to paint the picture that the defendant has not produced bank records that he already has while at the same time Kazel is not telling Judge Harter that she has refused to provide her clients bank and credit card statments and that required the Defendant to subpenoa those records from her clients bank. Kazel is asking the judge to find the opposing litigant in contempt of court when she drew up, filed and had her client sign a lien against community property in direct violation of a court injunction and filed this lien with the county recorder in the amount of $50, 000 when Kazel has no Judgment from the court. Now it is time to see if Judge Harter will keep his election platform where he vowed to punish those he caught lying in his court. Attorney Wendy Kazel has lied it is obvious from the dissusions and documents submitted for both arguments on I know the truth the truth is by the evidence presented on the blog written evidence that shows that Wendy Kazel knowingly has lied to the court is attempting to dupe the court, she tried to dupe Judge Jones and Judge Steel to no avail now she is trying to dupe Judge harter I only hope for the Defendants sake Judge Harter sees the true evidence and sanctions Attorney Wendy Kazel for obstructing justice and lying to the court knowingly and I am not a party in this case it is obvious from the pleadings and the evidence submitted on the blog that Wendy Kazel Attorney at Law is a Liar and I hope the Judge Harter turns her over to the Nevada State Bar in Las Vegas to Disbar her for perjury and violations of attorney ethics it is about time the Judges in Las Vegas end the lies being told in Family court and deal with the true facts not smoke and mirrors. Apparently this same lawyer is claiming that the Defendant lied in his deposition on 1 question out of an 8 hour deposition but could it be possible that the Defendant answered exactly what she asked truthfully and it is Kazel that did not like the Answer she received because it did not match her expected response. Is it Wendy Kazel the Attorney or is it Judge Harter that is the one that should be making the determination if the Defedant lied in his deposition to this question, I think it is for Judge Harter to decide because the facts that I see on the blog the Defendant did exactly what any attorney would instruct someone to do at a deposition and that is to answer each question that is asked truthfully, do not expand on the question, do not correct the question asked, do not volunteer information but answer the question as asked by the attorney truthfully and aparently it seems the Defendant did, Kazel did not like his truthful answer so she is trying to dupe the courts and claim the defendant lied. the trier of the facts needs to determine if the question as asked was answered truthfully not Attorney Kazel. The issues here are of great public concern and the public needs to demand that the lies being told by attorneys in Clark County Family Court must stop the majority attorneys tell the truth, Liars like Wendy Kazel of need to be stopped from their lies, false evidence, false allegations without proofs from obstructing justice. Judge Harter during his run for election said he was going to put a stop to the lies in his court. Now is the time for him to keep his campaign practices and weed out the bad apple attorneys that lie in his courtroom to obstruct justice. I am not a litigant in this action I am a concerned citizen that such behavior is tolerated in the Family Court System in Las Vegas and only hope the Judges level the playing field but sanctioning attorneys that lie in court and in pleadings ----- Iknowthetruth.
4719 days ago by Maxnorilij
In my Opinion as protected by my first amendment rights WENDY KAZEL has violated Nevada Revised Statute 22.010 Acts or omissions constituting contempt. The following acts or omissions shall be deemed contempts: Disobedience or resistance to any lawful writ, order, rule or process issued by the court or judge at chambers.

On September 8, 2011, Wendy Kazel violated the court injunction and placed a lien on the opposing sides residence for $50, 000. her, nor her client was awarded a judgment for any sum of money. Wendy Kazel is in Contempt of Court for recording the lien for her client and violated a Court injunction issued on 12/30/2011 The pertinent portion of the Joint Preliminary Injunction which states that both parties are prohibited from: Transferring, encumbering, concealing, selling or otherwise disposing of any of your joint, common or community property except in the usual course of business or for the necessities of life, without the written consent of the parties or the permission of the court. In My Opinion Wendy Kazel Attorney at Law is a Scumbag, Lying, Scamming, Con Artist Attorney that has no respect for the Orders of the Court and Cleary has willfully violated and assisted and allowed her client to violate a Court Order, My Question to Wendy Kazel the Liar, Scumbag, Dishonest Lawyer where is the copy of the $50, 000 Judgement that you were awarded. It does not seem to be in the Court Record.
4719 days ago by Maxnorilij
This Lawyer said that the opposing litigant came into the lobby of her office and made a scene, that he threathened her, that he banged his fist on her desk and that he threw papers at her, and that he refused to leave her office and she had to threathen to call security, Wendy Kazel put this in a pleading to attempt to bias a judge against the opposing side. The truth is that the opposing side went to her office in his car with his attorney for a Court Ordered Settlement Conference. In that Order it said that the parties were to be available. That at no time did the opposing litigant have any physical contact with Liar Lawyer Wendy Kazel. The opposing litigant was never out of the site of his attorney who was there at the settlement conference with him. Kazel claimed there was a scene in her lobby made by the opposing litigant, Again this is an outright Lie made by Liar Attorney Wendy Kazel (The term Liar is used because based on these true facts in my opinion Wendy Kazel is a no good Liar) The opposing litigant made no scene in her lobby, in a matter of fact bot the opposing litigant and his attorney were having a pleasent conversations with Kazel's secratary before Kazel came into her lobby to escort the parties into her office. When the parties were in Wendy Kazel office she postured she was not going to conduct a settlement conference with the opposing litigant present. The opposing litigant said to the Liar Wendy Kazel "I have a right to be here at my settlement conference". The opposing side lawyer told the Lying Scumbag Wendy Kazel to call the judges clerk. "the judges clerk said on the speaker phone, that there was no Order from the Court preventing the clients from being at the settlement conference and the Order cleary said that the clients were to be available;. So the opposing litigant was there and available, why should the scumbag Liar Wendy Kazel care if he was there. He sat in a chair, He never touched Kazels desk, He never said anything, his attorney did all of the talking. Then Wendy Kazel received a call from her IT person she kept the opposing litigant and his attorney sitting in her office, waiting for over 20 minutes. When the liar Wendy Kazel got off the phone she told the opposing litigant's lawyer and her client to leave or she was going to call security and have them thrown out of her office'. They got up out of their chairs and left, They never said anything to attorney Kazel, no one ever touched her, her desk, nor did anyone throw papers at her, they informed the Judge Cynthia Dianne Steel the next day in Court, and the Judge said since Ms Kazel would not cooperate by holding a settlement conference it would count as the defendants 2.34 Discovery conference, so the opposing side could file a Motion to Compell the Liar Kazel to have her client Maria G. Jaramillo produce the discovery that she had failed to produce. Liar Kazel at that hearing that happened the bery next day never told Judge Cynthia Steel that the opposing litigant made a scene in her lobby, threw papers at her or banged on her desk, or threathened her. Liar Kazel just told the Judge that the opposing side was present and that she did not want him present at any settlement conference. What gives the scumbag Kazel the right to decide who appears at a settlement conference that is for the judge to decide. In my Opinion based on these true facts WENDY KAZEL is a liar, and a scumbag and violated Attorney ethics by making up an untrue story and putting that into court pleadings that she was threathened and attacked in her office by the opposing litigant who was present with his attorny that can verify the Wendy Kazel lied about the entire incident:. the Nevada State Bar should take away her license to practice law since in my personal opionion attorney Wendy Kazel is a lying scumbag;. Wendy kazel client has domestic violence convictions and uses multiple names MARIA G:. JARAMILLO aka Irma C Jaramillo aka Irma Cruz Jaramillo aka Maria Jaramillo Gonzalez aka Maria I Jaramillo aka Maria Irma Cruz Jaramillo. What makes Wendy Kazel a pathetic Liar and a scumbag that she made up the entire story weeks later after a new judge was assigned to the case, in order to twist facts arounf to make it appear the opposing litigant was violent towards her. Wendy Kazel is a scumbag for doing this, she knew the opposing side did not make a scene in her lobby, that he did not pound on her desk, that he did not throw papers at her, and that he did nothing wrong. Wendy Kazel will do anything possible to lie to attempt to have a judge become bias toward the opposing litigant because she needs to over come the fact that it is her client that has multiple domestic violence convictions and that her client Maria Jaramillio has am aaresst history for Battery with a deadly weapon. In my personal opion Wendy Kazel is a lying Scumbag Attorney and that the public has a right to know when an Attorney like Wendy Kazel is exposed as a liar. Too bad the Nevada State Bar does not care. When a Lwayer lies it is called Puffering and is okay if a litigant gets caught lying in court it is called perjury and they could go to jail. So the public needs to know that Wendy Kazel Attorney at Law based on these facts and my personal opinnion is a lying scumbag and should be disbarred. Lawyers like her that are dishonest and cheats should never be allowed to practice law and gice honest lawyers a bad name. Maybe it is just because Wendy Kazel has no evidence to present at tial and her lack of experience as a trial attorney makes her believe the best way to practice law is by being a "bomber", But you can tell she must be incompetant because most attorneys in Las Vegas never heard of her and she only has 3 active clients when real Las Vegas divorce attorneys have many more client. I could go on and on with the facts in this case that I have personal knowledge to the show that Wendy Kazel will lie for her client. But in the end it is going to be Wendy kazels client that stands there with noting left but Wendy kazel's big fat bill for Attorney Fees because ever experienced Divorce attorney knows the day of the "Bomber" are over. It is a waste of time and money for everybody involved to litigate till there is nothing left.
4719 days ago by Maxnorilij

On 12/30/2009 a Joint Preliminary Injunction was recorded against Wendy Kazel's Client and Wendy Kazel was the Lawyer that asked for this Injunction that said at any time prior to the entry of a decree of divorce or final judgment and upon the request of either party in a family relations proceeding, a preliminary injunction will be issued by the clerk against both parties to the action enjoining them and their officers, agents, servants, employees or a person in active concert or participation with them from Transferring, encumbering, concealing, selling or otherwise disposing of any of the joint, common or community property of the parties or any property which is the subject of a claim of community interest, except in the usual course of business or for the necessities of life, without the written consent of the parties or the permission of the court.


THEN THE SCUMBAG SCAMMER WENDY KAZEL ON 08/30/2011 Without permission of the Court on 8/30/2011 Wendy kazel prepares, has her client Maria G. Jaramillo sign a $50, 000 lien to encumber community property in total disregard for the court and violated the Court Injunction, In my Opinion Wendy Kazel an Attorney feels that Court Orders do not apply to her clients and she has no problem instucting them and assisting her clients to violate Court Orders.

In my Opinion Wendy Kazel is a Scumbag and a dishonest lawyer for aiding and allowing her client to disregard and violate a Court Injunctive Order without obtaining permission of the Court.

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