Consumer reviews and reports on scam companies, bad products and services
weedman winnipeg
someone pass Lorianne a tampon
29th of Feb, 2012 by stick112
Lorianne and the dirty dozen ride oops call again!!!!!!!!!!

Weeedman winnipeg is a scam, harassing people through their card board boxes call centre
which they take down after 3 weeks. They now are hiring only 12 people aka the dirty dozen
run by thier ring leader Lorriann aka aunt flow because she is always cranky as if on the
rag 24/7, 365 days a year.
Is weedman losing business? 3 years ago they were hired 60 people plus through an outside
call centre and 20 of them were french agents the year after that was no more than 25 to 30
through the same call centre run a an ex native con fresh out of prison named Roland Mousseau
and this year only 12 people aka the dirty dozen run by Loriann aka aunt flow a dumb blonde
who dyed her hair black to try to look smarter from their remote office location behind a
strip bar called the pony corral because the strippers do lap dances reverse cowgirl style.
Rumour has it that with every free lawn care treatment customers get 20 free lap dances
That tells you alot about the service and plus there are numerous complaints on line about
weedman scamming people and harassment.
Who wants to pay several thousand dollars when you can go to home depot and buy the spray
cannister can and pesticide and do your own lawn for under $100, and have no annoying tele
marketers harassing you.
Harrassment, you want to talk about harassing people on the phone, poor seniors were telling
the weedman tele marketers that they were going to call the police because of being called
so much.
How good is weedmans tele marketing service? Loriann aka aunt flow and the dirty dozent
were even calling people living in apartment buildings to spray their lawns, and this is
the same Lorianne aka aunt flow who tries to intimidate people during interviews by thinking
she knows everything there is about call centre work.Lorianne aka aunt flow, grass grows outside
in front of homes not in apartment units. What a dumb skank!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can see now why they went from 60 tele marketers down to the dirty dozen.
and did i mention that the hours for the 60 people plus and 30 people plus were 8 hours a day
40 hours a week, now this skank aka aunt flow native wanna be who is really a dumb blonde who
dyed her hair black to look smarter know it all chick, all she is giving is only 4 hours
a day and 20 hours a week, weedman has come a along way going down the drain that is
perhaps they should start a new business roto rooter man, and spray toilets instead of
lawns, im sure that pesticide will unclog any toilet and Loriann aka aunt flow knows how to
get on her hands and knees.

someone pass Lorianne a tampon

4766 days ago by Stick112
Weedman scam lies fraud numbered company deceptive practices dangerous poisons confidence game Ottawa, Ontario
5th of Jan, 2011 by User119002
I worked for weed man. It was the wost experiance I ever had. This company told me that they were 'Weed Man' but legaly was just a numberd company 'Ontario 1234567890' aka Weed Man. The numbers change 2 times per year to avoid getting listed with bbb.

During training I was exposed to extreamly toxic chemicals for 3 hours per evening, as training was done in the chemical storage room. We were told the chemicals were safe, but as it turns out they were not. (They may be safe for laws, but not safe to breath for 3 hours!!!)

My main complaint is not that I was told to lie to people and force them to sign up for services(via phone) that they didn't wan't (as we were taught to lie, to some extent, to all potential consumers during training); but rather that when I quit, the company refused to pay me for training.

The company stated that I signed a paper saying that I would only be paid for training when bonuses were paid 3 months later. I still quit, the working environment was absolutly atrosious, and the supervisors were abusive.

3 months later, no training pay.

2 years later, no training pay.

I now know that what the company did was illegal, and they know it. The company required us to take there training and legally was required to pay us. We cannot waive our rights to receive training pay, since this would put us below minimum wage in some cases, but also for other legal reasons aswell.

Anyway, Weed Man gave me a bad experiance, didn't pay me. And altimately forced me to tell lies until I quit.

As for the "Training Pay", you did this to everyone, feel free to rebuttle *ricks.
4766 days ago by Stick112
- Female Tele marketer f-a-r-t-s like an elephant

Weedman Winnipeg Tele Marketer Wendy Suspended For Passing Gas

Girl's Family Says Punishment Too Steep

Winnipeg, Manitoba -- A chubby 300 pound female Weedman tele marketer has been suspended
from work because she intentionally passed gas and refused to stop eating refried
beans and drinking beer in the lunch room, according to Lorianne and Weedman
management. Wendy was also seen bringing to work "balut" by the dozen which is
chicks still inside the egg shell for snacks, we beleive that this is how she won
Ozzie over by sharing her "balut" with Ozzie, later that week co workers said that
they saw Wendy's phone number next to Ozzie's coffee cup, Ozzie being a married man
began playing hard to get and this is when Wendy began passing gas to win him over.
This was the first time we ever seen a black skinny anorexic man from the MTS call
centre in Osbourne turn blue all 6ft and 88 pounds of him.
Lorianne reported that Wendy a veteran short 300 pound tele marketer was suspended from
the Weedman call center under a company rule against disruptive behavior
and eating beans and drinking beer in the lunchroom and eating "balut" grossing out
the other co workers by pulling the whole chicks out of the egg shell before eating them.
Supervisors and co workers said Wendy repeatedly passed gas to make Ozzie laugh, but
instead Ozzie passed out from the stench and collapsed. Emergency paramedics had to be
called in to bring in smelling salt and oxygen mask to revieve Ozzie. Dave, Lorianne's right
hand man who sometimes uses his left in the mean time till the ambulance arrived didn't
hesitate to volunteer with a big fat grin on his face and huge lump in his pants to give
Ozzie mouth to mouth resuscitation with an occasional slip of the tongue.
They said the smell also made it difficult to breathe making the other tele marketers
and co workers turn blue in the face and gasping for air.
Lorianne said that when she heard Wendy f-a-r-t-i-n-g it was music to her ears like a wild
herd of elephants trumping and blowing their trunks.
Wendy's family said their daughter isn't perfect and they're appealing the suspension,
saying the manager Noel went too far with its punishment. Lorianne did say that she enjoyed
the smell of Wendy's passing gas and that it reminded her of being back home on the Reservation
when she lived in tents and everyone used to poop in the corner of the tent.
On the brighter side Lorianne just announced that Wendy will be re-instated for training purposes
and will be allowed to eat all the deep fried beans and drink all the cold beer she wants at
work and that all the Weedman tele markers with less than 12 leads an hour will be sitting next to Wendy
till their production improves.
Smelling salt and oxygen masks will now be supplied in the emergency kit next to the band aids,
which for some strange reason Dave, Lorianne's right hand man who sometimes uses his left has been
going through a box of band aids every other day, Dave claims its from wood splinters chopping
wood on his uncle's farm, but we found out that his uncle sold the farm 10 years ago, we always
wondered what a right hand man who sometimes uses his left does with his right hand.
4765 days ago by Stick112
Kanata Residents Harassed by The Weed Man
Written by Frederick Hidell
Friday, 16 April 2010 09:31

The Weed Man is a lawn care company that boasts "40 years of success through community, experience, and trust, " but, for one Ottawa family, interactions with The Weed Man have not been characterized by excellent service but continual harassment and lies.

"At first we thought it was funny, " admitted Kanata resident Kevin Johns, thinking back on his first few interactions with The Weed Man. "The phone would ring, my wife or I would answer it, and then we'd roll our eyes and say to the other one, 'It's the Weed Man . . . again!'"
"They called us twice in the same night at one point!"

What began as a running joke when the family first moved into their west end home soon lost its humour.

"We told the people on the phone we weren't interested in their company's services, but they continued to call back again and again and again, " says Johns. "They called us twice in the same night at one point!"

Every year, thousands of Canadians raise concerns about receiving unwanted telemarketing calls similar to those by The Weed Man.

In 2006, the federal government passed a law allowing for the creation of a National Do Not Call List (DNCL) that all telemarketers must respect. By placing a cell phone, home phone, and/or fax number on the list, companies making unsolicited marketing or sales calls can no longer contact you.

weed man"I didn't see a need to join the DNCL, " said Johns. "If you tell a telemarketer you aren't interested, most won't call you back; they get the message. The Weed Man is different. I've never experienced this sort of continual long-term harassment in my life."

Johns estimates The Weed Man has called his house at least dozen times in the last year.

"Each time, I tell them to never ever call me again, and they assure me that my number has been removed from their list. Then a few weeks later, the phone will ring, and lo and behold, it's The Weed Man, and it starts all over again."
"I've never experienced this sort of continual long-term harassment in my life."

Pushed to his breaking point, Johns called the company himself and asked to speak with a senior manager. He was told all managers were busy and would not be available to speak with him at any point.

"I kept insisting that I speak with a manager, but it was pretty clear that wasn't going to happen, " said Johns, "so I explained the situation to the customer service rep."

To Johns' astonishment, he was informed that the dozen or so telemarketers that had called him over the last twelve months -- at least half of whom had told him his number would be removed -- don't actually have the ability to remove his number from their list.

"So not only have they been harassing my family, they have also been lying to me about removing my number, " says an exasperated Johns.

At no point during the call did the Weed Man headquarters representative apologize for the company's policy of harassment. Johns was, however, assured that this time his number had actually been removed from their call list. But is that really the case?

"I find it hard to believe, " said Johns. "You can only be lied to so many times before you stop believing. It wouldn't surprise me in the least if my phone rings a few weeks from now, and it is a Weed Man representative on the other end of the line."

In the last three years, 175 complaints have been filed against The Weed Man to the Ottawa Better Business Bureau (BBB), and the company has a Ottawa BBB rating of F, on a scale from A+ to F.

To register your number on the National Do Not Call List, go to or call 1-866-580-DNCL (866-580-3625).
4765 days ago by Stick112
September 20, 2010

Beware of Weedman

My parents are presently being harassed by Weedman who have been applying pesticides since May 2010 without authorization - we called the company several times and they keep insisting that a verbal contract was done by phone which is false - Weedman has been pressuring my parents to the point that they have made 1st payment but we are now going to the small court to resolve the issue since they insist that more payments should be done - I will keep you posted.
4765 days ago by Stick112
October 17, 2010

I have never asked for their service.
One day, a kid with weedman shirt came over asked me to help him do a research on our community. Two weeks later, WEEDMAN came and fertilized my lawn. I called them, they said they will cancel the service.But yesterday I received a bill that say i was late pay for their service. I called them, the woman who answer the phone named Sandra was very rude and she threaten me to pay the bill otherwise they will let collection to reduce my credit.

I wonder who can stop WEEDMAN being such a big lier.
4765 days ago by Stick112
November 01, 2010

Stop calling me

I hate them~~ we moved and the next year they continued doing the lawn and now are trying to make us pay for the lawn treatments, I didn't sign anything or tell them to do the lawn. They are crazy! they keep calling all the time and now are threating to put us in collection, time to call a lawyer.
4765 days ago by Stick112
November 01, 2010

Who Can Stop the Weedman's Lies & Fraud?

It started with the cold call..."Hi I can see your house here on Google Earth and I can see you have 1, 000 square feet of lawn...blablabla..."
My property is just over 87, 000 square feet, which I told him, yet the price he quoted remained the same.

I could write a novel from the events that went down this summer with these guys, and in fact I do have it all documented with pictures.
They cannot provide the service they are selling, namely 'weed control'...all they do now is 'spot treatments'...???

First they tried sprinkling this white cornmeal looking stuff called Sarritor, on 1 out of every 1000 weeds. I was told they didn't have enough product, but wait till end of summer we'll have lots.
Then they tried a new product named Fiesta that they could spray.
The first 'spraying' was invoiced but not done, the only way I found out that it was came by way of their collection agency telling me! That's fraud in my humble opinion.

When I called them they sent out a supervisor who took alook around and saw that there was no black Fiesta spots to be found and promised to send the guy back to spray. The truck showed up and promptly parked about 25 feet off the driveway onto the lawn!!! He did about a third of the lot and left. I called, same super comes out, agrees he missed most and promised to send a different guy back. When this new guy shows up, he breaks a garden light, knocks over 3 flower pots (and leaves them), spills Fiesta on the driveway...and left my lawn stained with 16" wide black lines that are still visible.

I have more weeds now than ever before!!
Ahh, now I see...If you want weeds, call the Weedman.
Next year I'm going to be smart and call the Lawnman!
My bad!
4765 days ago by Stick112
April 21, 2011

Feeling terrible..

I used to work for WeedMan as a CSR in Ottawa. Needless to say, I was only employed there for 2 months before I quit because I realized my job was to withstand the daily frustrated consumer calls. We were instructed to NEVER offer to settle a client invoice, regardless of the situation. I was so stricken with grief for these poor people who had never even signed a contract, agreed to the services or even CONSIDERED the lawn services. My office manager, Amanda Blythe, had no compassion whatsoever for any clients, and sent many of them to collections, forever impacting their credit, without firstly discussing what the client’s issues were.

Despite customers many daily calls to the office requesting to be removed from calling lists and promotional items, we were instructed to still call them and try to get services in the following year!! The never ending call flow of irate customers far surpassed those of satisfied clients. I feel terrible even having participated with this company and I would hope you wouldn’t sign on with them.

Weedman will put forth their best attempt in order to take your money. They will stop at nothing, even destroying your credit, in order to make a dollar. This company is unethical, immoral, unfriendly and by far THE WORST company I have ever worked for.
4765 days ago by Stick112
August 08, 2011

Stay far far away

Service was terrible and now we can not stop them from calling us.
4765 days ago by Stick112
Jack LeFave
February 10, 2012
Votes: -1

* Report abuse
* Report abuse
* Report abuse

I worked there also.

Weedman is a company that actively tells the employees to scam people though they don't call it a scam. We were told to ACTUALLY invoice people who had no contract at all with us. This is highly illegal and against provincial and federal laws but because the Minister is not doing anything to enforce the laws (Weedman is not even following the recent compliance order from the govt) the scamming of innocent Canadians continues.

I left the company in disgust.

However the main reason they continue is because we have a weak government that will not stand up for its citizens. That is the real horror.
4765 days ago by Stick112
Angry Weed Man Toronto... big scam
I ordered Weed Man service last year (should have googled or come here, I know), but before I agreed or signed any documents, they delivered the service... mostly on days when we were at the cottage, so bascially I never even saw anybody came and did the work aside from noticing a Weed Man sign.

I received the bill, I paid in full, despite the fact that there was no improvement at all on my lawns and there was obvious infestation on the newly installed back lawn which I told them not to touch. I admit I am a push over but I also know that I am never gonna have them over again.

Yet, I got a mail yesterday for a Spring Fertilization bill. I called and questioned them for the validity of such a charge. The lady on the phone was a total, telling me that their service is year-to-year, and even though I have never signed any documents, I still had to pay up, and even threatened me for legal action... oh, please!

She told me that before they did the fertilization (which was totally unnecessary because I already have a long time gardener doing the work for me each year and I specifically told them last year that I do not need additional fertilization), they called me... via automated service. And the number she subsequently provided is of course not my number.

The bad service is an issue, but this is obviously a scam issue. Is there any agency here that I can report?
4765 days ago by Stick112
Weed Man Services- The worst ever!! beware!!
My mother had called up the weedman services THREE years ago to get some weed extermination done, and that was the first and last time we ever ordered for the service. But apprantly they have started to bill us out of NOWHERE litteraly, askng us payment the for services they had done "this" summer which we NEVER ordered, because for the past few years, we have been taking care of the weeds ourselves, because we dont want the "bad" chemicals on our lawn, and since we have my little siblings who play on the lawn, we dont want those chemicals around them so US even ordering any servies is out of the question. SO recently they have been calling us, BOTHERING US, asking for the money, we explain to them every time about the situation that we did not order it, etc etc, but they ALWAYS cut me off over the phone they HANG UP ON ME, EXTREAMLY bad services. They wont even listen to what I have to say, and speak really rudely to me. I dont know if ths has been happening to anybody else...but that is my experince, but I am amazed about how they can do this in canada, and I dont know what to do about this situation either..they wont listen to what i have to say, they are almost abusing me for something I have not done...and no, nobody signed any contrat or anything in my household that they can hold us responsible for any "payments" ..we diint even CONTACT them for 3 years ...they probably have some informatiion on my adrese etc from the services we took THREE YEARS AGO ...what B.s
4765 days ago by Stick112
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Signing a contract enters you into a binding agreement. If the vendor does not live up to their agreement you have the right to break the contract but you must do it correctly. You may even be entitled to a refund. Cancelling service over the phone is never a good idea - do it in writing via registered mail. You can find more information about breaking contracts at the Ministry of Consumer Services.

Ksykes is getting upset and flaming folks but he's right to a point, keep your calm and have a human conversation with customer service. If it doesn't work out as you feel it should then cancel your service and engage the BBB and the Ministry. If you have a valid complaint and a business is ripping people off, don't just give up - pursue the complaint with the ministry and do your part to protect others from being scammed.

I found the service from weedman to be fine overall but had a problem when it came to cancellation. My customer service experience was not good - they failed to cancel my account and billed me further and are now insisting I pay or have it go to collection (a common theme it seems). Once I resolve this issue (using the avenues noted above) I will not be using the weedman service in future.
4765 days ago by Stick112
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Weedman called me early in the year and asked me to sign up to their annual summer service. Their trick is to get you to agree to accept receipt of the early payment invoice, which really means you’re accepting the start of a contract between the two of you.
I told the telemarketer that I would not be accepting they're services if I didn't have a quote first, and that receiving a quote would not mean that I was agreeing to receive their services. They are not the only ones that take care of lawns!
The telemarketer, Rob, gave me the indication that if the “Early Payment” invoice wasn’t paid, that there would not be any contract between us. Payment = Contract.
The last week in April Weedman showed up to our house and applied the first treatment in their program, and proceeded to bill me $90 + for the service. I find it funny that the service employee treated the lawn even with a competitor’s sign sticking out at the curb, clearly indicating the property had already been treated. I called them May 2, telling them I had not agreed to any service commitments. They cancelled the service, and I heard nothing from them for about 3 weeks, at which point I started receiving calls to pay the outstanding invoice or they would send my file to collections.
I received another call on May 17th indicating that my account was past due and that I needed to pay it. I told the young lady that I had not agreed to the service, that it had been cancelled, and that I was not going to pay the invoice. She argued that I did have a contract which started in February, and had agreed to the terms. She stated that they had the original conversation from February recorded proving my acceptance. I told her to get me a copy of the recording because I knew I had said, “I I’m not agreeing to sign up for service and only agreeing to receive a quote for review”. She said that I would receive a call with the info. I never heard back from her again or from Weedman until June 1, when a message on my answering machine told me I needed to clear up the invoice ASAP to avoid collections.
I don’t really care about the whole collections thing, but figured it might make it more difficult to renew my mortgage in July.
Do not deal with these guys. I paid the invoice not because they were calling, but so I wouldn't potentially have any problems renewing my mortgage.
Check out the post by a former Weedman employee in Kanata (bottom of the page), and others.
4765 days ago by Stick112
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Weedman called me early in the year and asked me to sign up to their annual summer service. Their trick is to get you to agree to accept receipt of the early payment invoice, which really means you’re accepting the start of a contract between the two of you.
I told the telemarketer that I would not be accepting they're services if I didn't have a quote first, and that receiving a quote would not mean that I was agreeing to receive their services. They are not the only ones that take care of lawns!
The telemarketer, Rob, gave me the indication that if the “Early Payment” invoice wasn’t paid, that there would not be any contract between us. Payment = Contract.
The last week in April Weedman showed up to our house and applied the first treatment in their program, and proceeded to bill me $90 + for the service. I find it funny that the service employee treated the lawn even with a competitor’s sign sticking out at the curb, clearly indicating the property had already been treated. I called them May 2, telling them I had not agreed to any service commitments. They cancelled the service, and I heard nothing from them for about 3 weeks, at which point I started receiving calls to pay the outstanding invoice or they would send my file to collections.
I received another call on May 17th indicating that my account was past due and that I needed to pay it. I told the young lady that I had not agreed to the service, that it had been cancelled, and that I was not going to pay the invoice. She argued that I did have a contract which started in February, and had agreed to the terms. She stated that they had the original conversation from February recorded proving my acceptance. I told her to get me a copy of the recording because I knew I had said, “I I’m not agreeing to sign up for service and only agreeing to receive a quote for review”. She said that I would receive a call with the info. I never heard back from her again or from Weedman until June 1, when a message on my answering machine told me I needed to clear up the invoice ASAP to avoid collections.
I don’t really care about the whole collections thing, but figured it might make it more difficult to renew my mortgage in July.
Do not deal with these guys. I paid the invoice not because they were calling, but so I wouldn't potentially have any problems renewing my mortgage.
Check out the post by a former Weedman employee in Kanata (bottom of the page), and others.
4765 days ago by Stick112
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I made the mistake of prepaying $2500.00 for services that to this day have not commenced. Emailing, calling, leaving messages, no response. I will be posting signs on my multiple locations indicating this is the result of the work by weed man. Maybe the blanket of weeds will get some attention
4765 days ago by Stick112
WEED MAN June 10, 2011
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I HAD TO PUT HALF A STAR.. BUT THEY DESERVE NOTHING...NEVER USE WEEDMAN!!! I was just scammed, a representative called me last winter and asked me permission to send information but i never replied since i was not interrested. Well 6 months later they show up unannounced and now they expect me to pay!!! I called them twice to complaint but they keep saying they have proof on a taping of my discussion with the representative and i had agreed to the service. i asked to hear what i had said and of course they will not let me... they are rude, unprofessionnal and if you type WEEDMAN you will read many many people who have had the same experience. I will pursue this to the Ministry of consummer services.. they should be put out of business... if you get a phone call from them.. hang up and dont say a word!!!
4765 days ago by Stick112
By: JAY445
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Do not trust anything you hear from Weed Man Sales or service. When we were deciding on which lawn care service to hire this summer we picked Weed Man because the sales representative told us that if the weeds were not dying that all we had to do was call their office and an inspector would be out within 24 hours. (not true) As well, we were told that they would begin the weed control service right away (we hired them in mid April and they did not apply weed control until May 16th, and that was only after I threatened to cancel their service after multiple calls wondering when they would start. ) After the first application - that did not work - an inspector came out, looked over the job and agreed that it needed to be treated again. He promised that it would be done by yesterday (which was 3 days after his inspection) . When I got home yesterday) it was clear they had not done the job so I called the nasty customer service person who finally let me speak to the office manager. She was unbelievably rude and told me that the reason I had weeds was because my lawn was not thick enough. SHE'S NEVER BEEN TO MY HOUSE. I never had weeds last year!! and all my neighbours are weed free because they were smart and went with a competitor. We fertilize and seed our lawn on a regular basis.
She finally said "what can we do to solve this?" I said I wanted service yesterday and she said "impossible" but that she would send someone today - Saturday, but that would only be weather pending. Another lame attempt to drag this service out over a long weekend ultimately not doing the work until mid to late next week!
How can the competition still get the work done in the same weather conditions??
4765 days ago by Stick112


I had to call and yell at Weedman Hamilton yesterday because when they came my wife didn't answer the door, as a result the person only did the front yard. Called to inquire as why I was being charged for both front and back and they told me it was done and offered to send a Senior Technician out to "Analyze my grass" to see if it was done properly. Told them not to bother, just give the long weekend and I'll call back if I still have Weeds in the backyard. I'm one of those people who got burned by them last year and reluctantly agreed over the phone to sign up again. Really not happy with their service!!! Will cancel at weeks end if I still have weeds. Good to know I'm not alone.
4765 days ago by Stick112
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I was fully prepared to give Weedman a shot and bought their Spring lawn care package (fertilization, weed control and lawn analysis) through a wagjag promotion for $139 (60-70% discount). They came out and gave me a quote for spring weed control $265 and fertilization $63, but I had already paid for that through WagJag. Then they tried to tell me my lawn is larger than 6000 sq feet- which it is not. Even if it was my price should not be more than double. then they tried to tell me the coupon was for "spot" weed control and they quoted me on a full spray. Nonsense there was nowhere on the quote for spot control. They also quoted me on treatments for the rest of the season, which is fair. My issue is 1. they aren't willing to provide the service that they sold to me and or 2. If the service is not what they said it is they are misleading the public with their advertising.

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