Wal-Mart Arthur Gladue Price Verifier was my job-Arthur Gladue Store Manager-was required by an agreement with federal government to focus solely on |
28th of Nov, 2011 by User163934 |
I worked for wal-mart for twelve years. I was terminated from my position as price verifier six months ago unfairly and as retaliation for my efforts to turn in Arthur Gladue for unethical behavior.I had turned him into assistant manager William Moore because Arthur had me call the trailer company we hired annually as storage extra for our abundance of holiday merchandise and let them know that the trailers were empty and they needed to be picked up.You or anyone can call their trailer provider and ask them if they have a record of this. I soon foun d out that the trailers were not empty-in fact they were all full-so I called the trailer company anfd asked them if they give permission for their customers to continue use of the trailers without being charged for them and the man i spoke with said absolutely not-so i told him to start charging us again because they are full. I spoke with Bill and told him to investigate.A week later he told me that in his investigation he found out the trailer company only has one driver and they cannot get to pick-ups as quickly as they need to so wal-mart should actually be charging the trailer company rent for the storage of their trailers. After that i was written up for ridiculous issues including one that was an incident from five years previous and i have proof of two of the e-mails i got written up for. I was required as a price verifier to focus solely on my job for 40 hours and have a back-up fully trained and engrossed in the program-i e-mailed mgm't about it several times onky to be told if any questions from Don Bell who is in charge of compliance just to tell him Blanca is my back-up.I was required to go on register-i worked in cash office-manager-customer service-i dedicated twelve years of my life to this company and they fired me-terminated wrongfully-for gross misconduct-integrity issues-they claimed i stole 100 bucks from a register i was working on but a week later-no arrest-no prosecution-they have ruined my life-and Steve Markey wants nothing to do with getting rid of Arthur Gladue because poway store 1700 is one of the most profitable stores. I have no more retirement-no job-no money-and I stand to be homeless with that 14 year old after giving Wal-Mart 12 years of my life
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