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W. Allan Jones
W. Allan Jones Check Into Cash Treats his Employees Like Trash Cleveland, Tennessee
14th of Jun, 2011 by User907751
When I Googled W.Allan Jones this morning, I noticed all of these negative articles about him. Well, every word I have seen written about W. Allan Jones and Check Into Cash are entirely true. (Actually, his own staff-written biography seemed to be a little inflated, but I digress). W. Allan Jones of Check Into Cash and Jones Management treats the employees of every little company he owns (Bald Headed Bistro, Village Bake Shop, etc.) like sh!t. It is literally impossible to retain your dignity working for W. Allan Jones of Check Into Cash. When he is not berating you for not being able to read his mind, he walks around crowing that he is the only one that has any brains. Yeah, W. Allan Jones, haven't exactly seen your membership card to MENSA yet. W. Allan Jones is a well-known racist, so if you are a minority in his company you can just forget it as far as advancement or being treated fairly. He is prone to strange fits also -- almost like a four-year-old. It is both strange and hilarious to see W. Allan Jones lose his temper. Picture a balding, rotund, sloppy, crumb-infested hillbilly yelling until he is red in the face, spittle shooting out of his bearded mouth -- over a mistake (someone couldn't read his mind) in some silly e-mail or newsletter he wanted sent out to Clevelanders. So yeah, W. Allan Jones of Check Into Cash and Jones Management -- you such. You're a horrible employer and everyone in town knows it, most are just too scared to say anything. And you get away with it because you constantly give your friend, Senator Bob Corker, contributions so he can defend Check Into Cash and the payday industry in Congress. Sub-human, really
4870 days ago by LOVEMYJOB
When you googled him or when you added to the thousands of blogs and everything else you and your counter part are writing. You sure didn't have a problem every 2 weeks when that direct deposit hit your checking account. Maybe you can get that biscuit and slop it all up, like you always referenced.
4867 days ago by Yesindeed
Agreed with LoveMyJob. It's clear this is written with SEO purposes (who seriously refers to Mr. Jones as W. Allan Jones? Oh, the same two people who keep writing this crap all over the internet) and the terminology and phrasing is the same in every article. Then you post it on your Twitter and FB pages. I also really like my job. here. Get over it and get a life. This is just bizarre and unprofessional that you'd spend all this time on one man. Sounds like you have a serious obsession that you need help for. Feel free to say this to the man's face once in a while instead of hiding behind a computer screen! He's easily accessible to the public.
4865 days ago by RACIST MUCH
@LOVEMYJOB -- I have no idea what you are talking about. Did you even graduate high school? @ Yesindeed -- Who paid you to write your post? If you are an employee of Check Into Cash, Jones Management, or W. Allan Jones, get ready to be fired when your pitiful campaign to defend W. Allan Jones "good name" fails. Because it will. It is going to happen. What is an SEO? I am confused by your comment.

As a black woman, I feel personally insulted by the comments W. Allan Jones made in Gary Rivkin's article, "Portrait of a Subprime Lender." If you have not seen this article, please feel free to Google it.

W. Allan Jones can go by any name he likes: Allan Jones, Allen Jones, W. Allan Jones, or W. Allan Jones -- still doesn't make him any less of a racist pig.

Feel free to respond to my true comments. W. Allan Jones is a racist pig and will never get any other business from me.

For every employee W. Allan Jones pays to write these useless comments, I can show you 100 employees who would need little guidance or persuasion to file a massive class-action lawsuit against W. Allan Jones, Jones Management, and Check Into Cash for sexual harassment, hostile work environment, and discrimination. I hear banjos playing.
4863 days ago by Buffywayside
Gross. W. Allan Jones of Check Into Cash and Jones Management is a sloppy, irrational, disgusting, ignorant piece of hillbilly white trash. I feel sorry that you all are stuck working for him -- it's a shitty job indeed, and I know this first hand.

This still doesn't detract from the facts -- @Yesindeed -- I assume your real name is probably not Yesindeed. Care to disclose your identity? I didn't think so. So Yesindeed, you keep hiding behind your computer screen -- dumbass.

@LOVEMYJOB -- Fuck you. Slop whatever you want up with a biscuit, I don't give a shit. Thanks for giving me credit for referencing thousands of blogs. Seriously, I would have to be like ten people at least to accomplish this task. Is it possible, LOVEMYJOB, that W. Allan Jones, Check Into Cash, and Jones Management both sucks and pisses people off? Oh no, this is all the work of one evil person. Get a life. Plus, go fuck yourself.
4862 days ago by Fallenangel
The best way I can think of to stop W. Allan Jones of Check Into Cash from being so awful and treating people so poorly is to ask our elected senator, Senator Bob Corker, to stop supporting W. Allan Jones and Check Into Cash in Congress. I mean, is Senator Bob Corker even aware of the type of person he is supporting or does he just not care?

Does Senator Bob Corker know that W. Allan Jones is a quoted racist? Does Senator Bob Corker know that W. Allan Jones continually violates workplace laws?

I would think that it would be beneath Senator Corker's dignity to associate with a mess like W. Allan Jones. To tell Senator Corker to stop supporting W. Allan Jones and Check Into Cash, call him at this number: 423-756-2757 or write to him here: U.S. Senator Bob Corker, 185 Dirksen Senate Office Building, Washington, D.C., 20510 or go to Senator Corker's website at
4860 days ago by Nevergivingup
Well. I love all of the attention this issue is getting, truly. Very refreshing. W. Allan Jones is a complete arrogant fool. I hate watching him strut around tiny Cleveland, Tennessee, as if he owns the place. He is so greedy and corrupt. How is he getting away with this?

W. Allan Jones loves to brag about his "good friend, " paid political mouthpiece Senator Bob Corker. To hear W. Allan Jones tell it, they are practically brothers. Seriously, Bob Corker? Being friends with W. Allan Jones of Check Into Cash and Jones Management both demeans you and destroys your credibility. Senator Bob Corker, please do a better job of picking your friends in the future.

And W. Allan Jones? You keep doing the wrong thing at the wrong place at the wrong time. When will you ever get it?
4853 days ago by Doughball
W. Allan Jones is indeed disgusting. Check Into Cash to be audited. Google W. Allan Jones of Check Into Cash to see exactly what I am talking about. Hundreds and hundreds of "interesting" posts, articles, and comments about W. Allan Jones and Check Into Cash. Also Google Bob Corker if you're interested. He gets the credit for sponsoring W. Allan "Jabba the Hutt" Jones. If you live in Tennessee, write to Senator Bob Corker and tell him this is not okay.
4840 days ago by LOVEMYJOB
Wow looks like someone ran out of words and all those bad things to say, or maybe that individual is trying to figure out hmmmmmmm how to pay those court costs...We all love it, Facebook gone their Linkedin account vanished, gees where do we go from here????? i guess since i dont have a high school education ohhhhhh how is that college degree working out for you now?
4835 days ago by Hahahahaha
And by the way, Dee michelle, I told you not to f@ck with me. Had to tap into your 401k to pay your lawyer, huh????? i wish I cared... You really got spanked in court Friday! How are things working out for you and your family in Kansas city Missouri with no job and no money???????? Tell your wife and my kids I said hi...
4829 days ago by Doughball
Stop W. Allan Jones and Check Into Cash from victimizing the poor by cutting off their source of funding. If you don't think Check Into Cash is a fair company, write to their major lender, Bank of America, and tell him this is not okay. Here is the contact information for Bank of America CEO:

Mr. Kenneth D. Lewis
100 N. Tryon Street.
Mail Code NC-1-007-18-01
Charlotte, NC 28255

And W. Allan Jones of Check Into Cash -- you are a vile, racist pig.
4823 days ago by Laverne
Check Into Cash needs to be reorganized for sure. Better yet, why not just clean the place out completely and start all over, it would definitely be cheaper. Don't worry, you really won't be losing any talent. Check Into Cash, W. Allan Jones, and Jones Management are definitely the lowest of the low -- a major hornet's nest of cut-throat bottom feeders.

The "corporate" climate at W. Allan Jones' Check Into Cash would make an excellent movie -- anyone see "Horrible Bosses"? That movie was hilarious, but if they had talked to me first, it would be even funnier. Maybe they will make a "Horrible Bossses 2" featuring pompous, preening jackass W. Allan Jones of Check Into Cash, Cleveland, Tennessee's "sparkling jewel".

W. Allan Jones is a ginormous dickhead! Please, do yourself a favor and check out the Bald Headed Bistro (the crumbling, out-of-date, bitter restaurant W. Allan Jones created) and see if W. Allan Jones of Check Into Cash might grace you with his presence. You can't miss him -- he will be the one with a giant "scotch slurpee" in a red plastic cup bellowing orders and maybe even firing people for not showing him enough deference.

There is a space in front of the Bald Headed Bistro that is reserved for W. Allan Jones of Check Into Cash at all times in case he decides to get into one of his luxury cars -- you can't miss it, W. Allan Jones' reserved space is better than a handicap space -- sorry, you'll have to use a wheelchair ramp elsewhere. Just a rich hillbilly with no manners, no clue, no sense, and a huge pot belly.

Can you say yuck?
4819 days ago by LOVEMYJOB
Can you say yuck? That sounds about like a 3 year old...Mommy Mommy some man has more money than me and i cannot stand it. It is okay my little boy, that man earned his money and deserves everything he has. Now you go back to your room and just maybe one day you will actually have money by working hard and being honest...Not, we all know that will never happen
4817 days ago by FiredUp
So "LOVEMYJOB" you are pretty petty, malicious and vicious. A perfect employee for Alan Jones!
4814 days ago by Doughball2
W. Allan Jones, owner of payday lending company Check Into Cash, is a complete tool. Every once in awhile he leaves his tacky mansion and wanders into the company, barking unclear orders at people and flying into a rage when he is misunderstood. He is almost always misunderstood because he is so unclear. He is always twitchy and disheveled. And always, no matter if it is first thing in the morning or later in the day, he has a stain or crumbs somewhere on his person.

After an apparently unsuccessful liposuction surgery, his pants are still too tight so he always has to leave the top button unbuttoned, cleverly concealed by his straining, frayed belt. Oh, and ladies beware: if you have boobs, cleavage, or any hint of a cleavage he will stare at it openly and for a long time. You will feel like you need to take a shower after being subjected to him.
4812 days ago by Anonymous
4812 days ago by LOVEMYJOB
pretty petty, malicious and vicious, give me a break.Did you say boobs are these the bought oversized ones or the natural ones. Okay we all know these are the bought ones since your self esteem sucks. You might want to think about lowering the psi in those things a little or i hope to goodness you are not making payments on those things. What do you tell your kids when you cannot make your boob payment ? Kids i am sorry but the economy is costing us an arm a leg and my left boob? The more i think about it, i may just become a boob repo man sounds pretty cool.
i can see it now, honey we only have 130 more payments and the boobs are mine. With rates at all time lows maybe you can refinance the boobs. Come one come all boobs at a all time low or better yet buy one get 2 free for future use! Lets see you loose your bought boobs and your husband Denzel Washington has no balls sounds like a happy family. Oh wait i think i just threw up a little in my mouth. Gotta go now i have my realtor on the phone we are house shopping and we are scheduled to look at a house Wednesday.
4810 days ago by FiredUp
Hey "LoveMyJob", put away the liquor before posting, You sound like an alcoholic twit. And, we all know who you are - a big ole KISS ASS!

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