Consumer reviews and reports on scam companies, bad products and services
Vincent Mazzotta Runway
Vincent Mazzotta Runway Beauty Inc Vip Salon Vincent Mazzotta does not own Runway Magazine or Runway TV. He is a fraud and scammed that lives with his
8th of Apr, 2011 by User377100
Vincent Mazzotta does not own Runway Magazine or Runway TV. He is a fraud and scammed that lives with his parents in phoenix Arizona. He bankrupt his parents and has defrauded several investors into thinking he owns a magazine. He is the secretary for a nail shop called VIP Salon. His company Runway Beauty Inc was set up with a cosmetology liscence in 2006. Vincent Mazzotta has since abandon that. Just look him up with the Arizona State Cosmotolgy board. He has sever complaints from legitimate people. Look VIP salon up under BBB. Vincent Mozzotta also does not pay his staff. Vincent Mazzotta specialty is suing people in a vulnerable position. Avincent Mazzotta finds companies that are established and if they are not trademark protected, he finds people to give him money to get the trademark and the harrases the company to shut down with FAKE cease and deceased. mazzotta has done this to several companies such as Runway Magazine, Runway TV, Catwalk Magazine, Catwalk TV, Runway News. The problem is that their is a loophole he must not be aware of. That loop hole is called " who can show proof of commerce" a trademark is only worth the paper it is on unless you can show proof of commerce. I really feel sorry for a man named James from Los Angeles. Mazzotta has stalked this man and is trying to capitalize off his name. He has used a third party hacking software to mimic a company called Scam Alert, by sending out FRADULANT emails to this mans family, friends and clients. This has been tracked back to a home computer in Arizona called runway beauty CEO PC. Scam alert has no knowledge and never reported James or other victims of mazzzotta in a scam alert. They ask you to call them if you like for confirmation. You can google them or go to who is on go daddy for more info. I will update later with all info to contact them. Mazzotta has hacked into peoples database as well using the contacts of the company he tries to steal and then slanders them until their reputation goes bad. Mazzotta says he is owned by worldwide energies but no such company exsist, this is a shell company. Scammers set these up to make it look like they have a bigger investor to gain other investors but really it's an elaborate scam. Just ask vince who owns runway and the have him blog it from his Twitter so that it is documented. Vincent A Mazzotta also likes to say he was an FBI Agent, Federal Agent, Law enforcement. He claims to have many FBI and seceret service friends. Vincent Mazzotta tells people he is connected to the Mafia. I wonder what his mom and dad who I know Catherine Mazzotta and Vincent Mazzotta SR would say to that. Nole Marin and Vince Mazzotta are in a messy Lawsuit with a man who I won't say his name for a sex crime on a man. Go to or google vince mazzota fraud or nole mar in Vincent mazzota sex crimes. Mazzotta has fooled everyone for a while and had me helping him do this to innocent people and their companies. This man needs to be stopped. He owes many people money and he is a FRAUD! Do not work with Vincent A Mazzotta or Runway Beauty inc. Vincent also lost to a company in the world arbritration case # D20090762 WIPO or just google" Runway Beauty Inc WIPO" RunwayMagazine.Com won this judgement without a problem. The judge said the reason for vincent mazzotta with runway beauty inc losing is because they could not prove they were a magazine before 2008. When they did have a magazine it was called Runway Beauty Magazine. Look at and search it. Mr Magazine gave Vincent Mazzotta horrible reviews, also google Runway Beauty first issuer. Their is a press release released by Runway beauty that their first issue is not out yet. That was in late 2008. Lastly for now, Vincent Mazzotta sends out horrible libel false information. Don't believe the hype. Vincent mazzotta is a fraud! He will take your money . Anyone having background on him please let me know. Lots more to come. Also go to this site is kew word stuffed! This is illegal!
5075 days ago by Ajtb1904
That guy is week chump is who going to be sued into the stone age...all of LA knows that...
5075 days ago by Ajtb1904
This guy is a weak fake wannabee CHUMP who has been hassling my friend for years with this fraud deception and lies. He is going to get sued into the STONE AGE... This information is going worldwide on a cadre of social media sights... Well Done!
5075 days ago by Runway Magazine
Please contact me, He is doing the exact same thing to me. I am in a federal trademark legal law suit with vince mazotta and runway beauty inc. My attorney's would love to speak to you as a witness for our case. Thank You, James
5074 days ago by The Real Runway Magazine
Wow, Vincent Mazzotta, you have been a very busy man. I just googled Vincent Mazzotta and there I found a fraud and scam record on you and Runway Beauty Inc a mile long.
5074 days ago by The Real Runway Magazine
To the author:

Please contact me or put your information on this website so my attorneys can contact you. I just googled Vincent Mazzotta Fraud Scam. WOW!

Vincent Mazzotta is doing this exact same thing to me. He has also impersonated himself as a Federal Agent to myself and staff. We though he really was in the FBI.

We have contacted the FBI as well as

You said he is keyword stuffing his websites. That explains how he stays on top of google when I have way more hits than him. This illegal I think. This also is FRAUD and SCAM to his advertisers.

Anybody with information on Vincent Mazzotta Crimes, Scams or Fraudulent acts that could help our case please go to http://TheRealRunwayMagazine.Com

5073 days ago by Anonymous

Hi, Everyone this is James, The guy Vince is saying awful things about. I just disregaurd it now. Obviously Vince Mazotta's past has finally caught up with him.

I do not condone this type of attacks, however, It is nice to know people are warning everyone of this monster. This man has put things online and events about my family including my kids that are so disgusting, I cannot repeat. What kind of animal would do things to a family or people for that matter.

By the way Carol Conners was in the real Runway Magazine in 2007 or 08. I just saw him in pictures rubbing elbows with her. Carol Conners and others will be subpoenaed for the Federal Trial. Everything the original Author is saying in the post above is exactly what myself and my family is going through.

This is the first time I have spoke publicly about all of this on advise from my Legal Team. But I have to speak the truth so no one else can be victimized by Runway Beauty Inc and their owner.

Listen I have done some things "drugs" I'm not proud of. But not what vincent has made up about me. Him and his hacking and copy and paste abilities. If you would like to know, you who know me can call me direct or email me and I will answer anything you want to know. Even if a man did half the things that Vince says are true; what kind of man would spread it all over the internet and make up a lie that it came from a company called Scam Alert. Scam Alert knows nothing about me. Please call them yourselves people. I beg of you to find out about Vince Mazotta. We have Forensically Proven that the Scam Alert letter that went out to part of my database that was acquired FRAGRANTLY by "Vince Mazotta" came from Vince Mazotta.
He will be facing criminal charges soon I hope.

I'm reading all of these things about Vince and it is a horrible flashback of want he has put myself and my family through. This man needs serious help and counseling. No Man should get away with this. We have contacted law Enforcement as well as the Federal Bureau of Investigations.

This is one of the criminal complaints we filed with the FBI.

Complaint Information
Internet Crime Complaint Center

Complaint ID: I1104080200199462

Vincent Mazotta is the man who is threatening and harassing me. He is sending out false libel information about myself and my company. He is threatening me and my family. This man has been terrorizing me for over two years now. He has claimed on many sites that he is a federal agent and he is going to put me in prison. Vincent used a third party hacking software to send false and irreparable damage about me, my family and company by making people think it came from a company name called SCAM ALERT. We called Scam Alert and they said they never sent such a thing. We then traced it back to Vincent Mazott's ISD home computer in Arizona. Vincent Mazotta is trying to steal my Company Trademark and we are in a messy trademark lawsuit. He is doing what ever it takes to intimidate myself, family and colleagues. He has somehow hacked into my computer and contacted all of my contacts and personal emails, ie; family and close friends and sent very threatening and libel information. I am constantly receiving threatening phone calls and emails. I have many documents and decelerations to validate my case along with my attorney's Vincent Mazotta is also key word stuffing his websites in order to fraud customers into thinking he has a high ranking on the internet when in fact he does not. please go to and How can you help me and my family? He keeps saying he is 100% Italian and we are going to be dealt with and to watch our backs. Please help...

This is 5 other separate complaints filed with the Better Business Bureau. I'm sure there is more.

Complaint ID 8559781
Better Business Bureau
4428 N. 12th Street
Phoenix, AZ 85014-4585
602-264-1721 | 602-263-0997
5073 days ago by Anonymous
This is the Criminal SEX Charge against Vince Mazota's Business and partner Nole Marin. Here you will find the phone text messages describing this Lude Sex Crime. There is no denying this.

If you have been raped, drugged, molested or sexually harassed by anyone in the modeling business. It's never to late to come forward.

Same-sex sexual harassment: America’s Next Top Problem?
Fri, 11/19/2010 - 09:25 — MorelliRatner

On November 8th 2010, Morelli Ratner PC filed a civil complaint against former America’s Next Top Model judge Nole Marin and Runway Beauty, Inc., for sexual harassment against a young, aspiring male model, Nicholas “Alex” Hammam-Howe. The case illustrates both the on-going problem of the “casting couch” in the fashion industry and the heretofore largely invisible problem of same-sex sexual harassment.

The story has been picked up by the New York Daily News and bloggers across the fashion industry, but coverage thus far has not addressed the pervasiveness of a problem about which most Americans are not even aware. A Newsweek magazine article from earlier this year discusses some of the challenges to effectively dealing with male-on-male sexual harassment in the workplace. Predominant among them may be the common cultural idea of sexual harassment as exclusively a problem of male perpetrators and female victims. As David Grinberg, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission spokesman notes in the article, “While some people may think sexual harassment of male employees is a joke, the issue as real. We are seeing more of it, and such conduct has serious legal consequences for employers.” Indeed, what both male-on-female and male-on-male sexual harassment have in common is the exploitation of power differences in the workplace, for the gratification and self-aggrandizement of the more powerful party. As Krista Gesaman notes in the article, it was only in 1998 that the U.S. Supreme Court recognized that sexual harassment can occur between individuals of the same sex. While Gesaman writes that “between 1992 and 2008, the percentage of sexual-harassment charges filed by men with the EEOC doubled from 8 percent to 16 percent, ” she explains that “It's also possible that same-sex harassment is not on the rise, but that male victims feel more empowered about reporting abuse.” However, the Newsweek article discusses only a limited subset of sexual harassment cases and does not address the problem of quid pro quo sexual harassment, the casting couch problem with which we are here concerned.

In the case filed against Nole Marin, Alex Hammam-Howe details the methodical manner in which Nole Marin explicitly and repeatedly offered to help launch Mr. Hammam-Howe’s modeling career...if Hammam-Howe would consent to sex. This quid pro quo sexual harassment is illegal but unfortunately all too common.

Here are the facts of the case, as alleged in the complaint:

In approximately September 2007, Hammam-Howe was introduced to Nole Marin. Marin told Hammam-Howe that he would make a great model, and the following month, Marin photographed Hammam-Howe, then arranged for Hammam-Howe to be photographed in his swim suit and underwear by a well-known fashion photographer. That month, October 2007, Marin contacted Hammam-Howe to express his approval of the photographs and asked Hammam-Howe to come to his home so that Marin could take more photographs of Hammam-Howe to show prospective clients. After Hammam-Howe arrived, Marin told him to undress, so that Marin could photograph him in his underwear. According to the complaint, “Defendant NOLE MARIN also commented admiringly about the size of Plaintiff’s penis, remarking: ‘It’s huge.’ ” As the complaint continues,

During the course of this session in approximately October 2007, Defendant NOLE MARIN also repeatedly touched Plaintiff’s torso, waist, hips and thighs, purportedly to enhance his pose for the photograph. Moreover, Defendant NOLE MARIN repeatedly brushed against and fondled Plaintiff’s penis with his fingertips while pretending to adjust him in his underwear. Plaintiff NICHOLAS “ALEX” HAMMAM-HOWE constantly fended Defendant off, informing him: “I can do it myself.”

Defendant NOLE MARIN thereupon reached inside Plaintiff NICHOLAS “ALEX” HAMMAM-HOWE’s underwear and grabbed his penis, announcing: “I just want to suck it!” Plaintiff was shocked and repulsed, and pushed Defendant NOLE MARIN away, shouting: “That is not what I want to do!”

Marin then responded, “It’s a very sexual industry. This industry is all about who you know and what they’ll do for you. That’s just how it is.” Hammam-Howe put his clothes back on and left, and did not hear from Marin again for two-and-a-half years.

In March 2010, Marin texted Hammam-Howe, informing him about a lucrative Armani advertising campaign he could be part of. Beginning with this text, Hammam-Howe continually made clear to Marin that he was interested in the modeling work but not interested in Marin’s sexual overtures. According to the complaint, during a photography session “on or about March 9, 2010, Defendant NOLE MARIN represented that he planned to feature Plaintiff NICHOLAS ‘ALEX’ HAMMAM-HOWE regularly as a model in RUNWAY MAGAZINE, and further represented that he wanted Plaintiff to appear with him on his reality TV shows.” During this session, despite having made clear at the outset his disinterest in Marin sexually, Hammam-Howe again had to fend off Marin’s aggressive unwanted advances and groping. In text message conversations in the days that followed, Hammam-Howe continued to follow-up to see if Marin had submitted the photos on his behalf to Armani, while Marin began again to tell Hammam-Howe that he could only get work if he consented to sexual contact with Marin. The text message electronic paper trail, detailed in the complaint, speaks for itself:

28. On or about March 10, 2010 at 12:41 p.m., Defendant NOLE MARIN texted Plaintiff NICHOLAS “ALEX” HAMMAM-HOWE:

There (sic) lots of guys wanting to model and lots trying
to be with my agency and work with me. I only make the
best and you know that. Your body is great...
Its (sic) a lot of money and fame we are talking!
I’d been (sic) gave it all to you! But you say no
for the 4th time and I should just move on I guess

29. On or about March 10, 2010 at 12:41 p.m., Plaintiff NICHOLAS “ALEX” HAMMAM-HOWE replied:

I understand but as of yesterday u (sic) said u (sic) were
going to send my pictures to armani fragrance, why r (sic)
u (sic) changing your mind?
Say no to what for the fourth time?

30. On or about March 10, 2010 at 12:46 p.m., Defendant NOLE MARIN texted in response:

Hahaha wowo (sic) you dont (sic) get it at all! Yes i (sic)
sent you last night! And 3 guys end of last week! But to
take you to the top its because i (sic) want to. And I asked
you over and over if your (sic) ready like the other (sic) and
you said yes im (sic) totally ready! I see you werent (sic)
like before

31. On or about March 10, 2010 at 12:49 p.m., Plaintiff NICHOLAS “ALEX” HAMMAM-HOWE responded to Defendant NOLE MARIN via text:

So for me to make it to the top with you and your
influence all I need to do is let you give me a
blow job?

32. On or about March 10, 2010 at 12:52 p.m., Defendant NOLE MARIN texted
his reply: “Yes... But you passed! All good!”

33. On or about March 10, 2010 at 1:24 p.m., Plaintiff NICHOLAS “ALEX” HAMMAM-HOWE texted Defendant NOLE MARIN: “I definitely want the campaign.”

34. On or about March 10, 2010 at 1:28 p.m., Defendant NOLE MARIN responded via text:

Then come now to meet me! And I’ll shoot very
little and do that and by friday you’ll be very happy

Plaintiff declined.

Finally, reads the complaint,

In direct retaliation for Plaintiff’s refusal to submit to Defendant NOLE MARIN’s unwanted sexual advances, Plaintiff’s prospective employment with RUNWAY MAGAZINE and with various advertising campaigns was abruptly terminated.

The complaint lists five causes of action against Marin, including assault, battery, the intentional infliction of emotional distress, and quid pro quo sexual harassment, as defined under New York State and City Human Rights Laws.

The Real Runway is terribly sorry for the inconvenience and confusion this has caused. God Bless...
5073 days ago by The Real Runway Magazine
go to vincent mazzotta scam or fraud on ripoff report, there is a ton of stuff on this guy.. or just googole vincent mazzotta scam or fraud.

Vincent and his web guys have been busy..
5071 days ago by James Buccelli Crime Ring
This entire posting is a false. James Buccelli is a professional con artist with a mile long record.
Anyone who beleives any of this is to stupid to go to the store and by a Runway and read who owns it.
How can a magazine that is in every store I go to be a fake. He is a child like idiot. James Buccelli has stole more money from advertisers by taking money for ads that have nevetr been printed. If your reading this and you beleive it, you are just an idiot.
Take a look at this crimanl record.

I criminal posting lies what a change.

Case Number LACBA284046-02 Filed At Clara Shortridge Foltz Criminal Justice Center
Filing Date 05/25/2005 Limited Jurisdiction
Count Charge Code Charge Description** Disposition Disposition Date
16 530.5(A) PC UNLAW USE PERSONAL IDENT Guilty/Convicted 01/20/2006
17 459 PC BURGLARY Dismissed or Not Prosecuted 01/20/2006
18 496(A) PC RECEIVNG/CONCEAL STOLEN PROPTY Dismissed or Not Prosecuted 01/20/2006
19 496D(A) PC UNLW CONCEL/SELL STOLEN PROPTY Dismissed or Not Prosecuted 01/20/2006
21 11350(A) H&S POSS NARCOTIC CONTROL SUBSTANC Dismissed or Not Prosecuted 01/20/2006
22 11377(A) H&S POSSESS CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE Dismissed or Not Prosecuted 01/20/2006
34 530.5(A) PC UNLAW USE PERSONAL IDENT Guilty/Convicted 01/20/2006
35 487(A) PC GRAND THEFT:PRPRTY OVER $400 Dismissed or Not Prosecuted 01/20/2006
36 459 PC BURGLARY Dismissed or Not Prosecuted 01/20/2006
37 10851(A) VC DRIVING W/O OWNER'S CONSENT Guilty/Convicted 01/20/2006
38 530.5(A) PC UNLAW USE PERSONAL IDENT Guilty/Convicted 01/20/2006
39 459 PC BURGLARY Dismissed or Not Prosecuted 01/20/2006
40 487(A) PC GRAND THEFT:PRPRTY OVER $400 Dismissed or Not Prosecuted 01/20/2006
41 594(A) PC VANDALISM Guilty/Convicted 01/20/2006
48 530.5(A) PC UNLAW USE PERSONAL IDENT Guilty/Convicted 01/20/2006
49 459 PC BURGLARY Dismissed or Not Prosecuted 01/20/2006
50 496(A) PC RECEIVNG/CONCEAL STOLEN PROPTY Dismissed or Not Prosecuted 01/20/2006

Case Number LAVLA062917-01 Filed At Van Nuys Courthouse West
Filing Date 08/28/2009 Limited Jurisdiction
Count Charge Code Charge Description** Disposition Disposition Date

Case Number BHSA055089-02 Filed At Beverly Hills Courthouse
Filing Date 01/19/2005 Limited Jurisdiction
Count Charge Code Charge Description** Disposition Disposition Date
01 496(A) PC RECEIVNG/CONCEAL STOLEN PROPTY Dismissed or Not Prosecuted 03/09/2005
02 496(A) PC RECEIVNG/CONCEAL STOLEN PROPTY Held to Answer 03/09/2005
03 496(A) PC RECEIVNG/CONCEAL STOLEN PROPTY Held to Answer 03/09/2005
04 530.5(D) PC IDENTITY THEFT Held to Answer 03/09/2005
05 496(A) PC RECEIVNG/CONCEAL STOLEN PROPTY Held to Answer 03/09/2005
06 496(A) PC RECEIVNG/CONCEAL STOLEN PROPTY Dismissed or Not Prosecuted 03/09/2005
08 11350(A) H&S POSS NARCOTIC CONTROL SUBSTANC Held to Answer 03/09/2005

Case Number XWESA055089-02 Filed At Santa Monica Courthouse
Filing Date 03/09/2005 General Jurisdiction
Count Charge Code Charge Description** Disposition Disposition Date
01 496(A) PC RECEIVNG/CONCEAL STOLEN PROPTY Guilty/Convicted 05/03/2005
02 496(A) PC RECEIVNG/CONCEAL STOLEN PROPTY Dismissed or Not Prosecuted 05/03/2005
03 530.5(D) PC IDENTITY THEFT Guilty/Convicted 05/03/2005
04 496(A) PC RECEIVNG/CONCEAL STOLEN PROPTY Dismissed or Not Prosecuted 05/03/2005
05 11350(A) H&S POSS NARCOTIC CONTROL SUBSTANC Guilty/Convicted 11/03/2006
08 11350(A) H&S POSS NARCOTIC CONTROL SUBSTANC Dismissed or Not Prosecuted 05/03/2005

Case Number BHSA056848-01 Filed At Beverly Hills Courthouse
Filing Date 06/22/2005 Limited Jurisdiction
Count Charge Code Charge Description** Disposition Disposition Date
01 459 PC BURGLARY Held to Answer 09/19/2005
02 459 PC BURGLARY Held to Answer 09/19/2005
03 459 PC BURGLARY Held to Answer 09/19/2005
04 459 PC BURGLARY Held to Answer 09/19/2005

Case Number XWESA056848-01 Filed At Santa Monica Courthouse
Filing Date 09/19/2005 General Jurisdiction
Count Charge Code Charge Description** Disposition Disposition Date
01 459 PC BURGLARY Guilty/Convicted 01/13/2006
02 459 PC BURGLARY Dismissed or Not Prosecuted 11/16/2005
03 459 PC BURGLARY Dismissed or Not Prosecuted 11/16/2005
04 459 PC BURGLARY Dismissed or Not Prosecuted 11/16/2005
05 459 PC BURGLARY Dismissed or Not Prosecuted 11/16/2005
06 530.5(D) PC IDENTITY THEFT Guilty/Convicted 01/13/2006
07 530.5(D) PC IDENTITY THEFT Dismissed or Not Prosecuted 01/13/2006
08 530.5(D) PC IDENTITY THEFT Dismissed or Not Prosecuted 01/13/2006
09 530.5(D) PC IDENTITY THEFT Dismissed or Not Prosecuted 01/13/2006
5071 days ago by Runway Magazine
Thes are all made up by vince mazzotta, wait till you see vincent mazzotta's crime sheet. this is all identity fraud by vince and his hacking team. Vince your going back to jail! haaaaa!!!

5071 days ago by RunwayTV
Vincent Mazzotta has no crime sheet, your a desperate idiot. He has never been to jail.
And by the way this is public record so stop throwing your bull shit comments up you scam.

James your a complete criminal and Judge Anderson has reviewed this and believe me she wasn't impressed, you have no idea how bad this post are going to hurt you in court.

Here is that criminal record again for everyone who missed it the first time.

Anyone who is approached by James Buccelli should simple call the California corporation commission and ask them.

Let us save you some time and here is the number: 1-866-ASK-CORP (1-866-275-2677)

Case Number LACBA284046-02 Filed At Clara Shortridge Foltz Criminal Justice Center
Filing Date 05/25/2005 Limited Jurisdiction
Count Charge Code Charge Description** Disposition Disposition Date
16 530.5(A) PC UNLAW USE PERSONAL IDENT Guilty/Convicted 01/20/2006
17 459 PC BURGLARY Dismissed or Not Prosecuted 01/20/2006
18 496(A) PC RECEIVNG/CONCEAL STOLEN PROPTY Dismissed or Not Prosecuted 01/20/2006
19 496D(A) PC UNLW CONCEL/SELL STOLEN PROPTY Dismissed or Not Prosecuted 01/20/2006
21 11350(A) H&S POSS NARCOTIC CONTROL SUBSTANC Dismissed or Not Prosecuted 01/20/2006
22 11377(A) H&S POSSESS CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE Dismissed or Not Prosecuted 01/20/2006
34 530.5(A) PC UNLAW USE PERSONAL IDENT Guilty/Convicted 01/20/2006
35 487(A) PC GRAND THEFT:PRPRTY OVER $400 Dismissed or Not Prosecuted 01/20/2006
36 459 PC BURGLARY Dismissed or Not Prosecuted 01/20/2006
37 10851(A) VC DRIVING W/O OWNER'S CONSENT Guilty/Convicted 01/20/2006
38 530.5(A) PC UNLAW USE PERSONAL IDENT Guilty/Convicted 01/20/2006
39 459 PC BURGLARY Dismissed or Not Prosecuted 01/20/2006
40 487(A) PC GRAND THEFT:PRPRTY OVER $400 Dismissed or Not Prosecuted 01/20/2006
41 594(A) PC VANDALISM Guilty/Convicted 01/20/2006
48 530.5(A) PC UNLAW USE PERSONAL IDENT Guilty/Convicted 01/20/2006
49 459 PC BURGLARY Dismissed or Not Prosecuted 01/20/2006
50 496(A) PC RECEIVNG/CONCEAL STOLEN PROPTY Dismissed or Not Prosecuted 01/20/2006

Case Number LAVLA062917-01 Filed At Van Nuys Courthouse West
Filing Date 08/28/2009 Limited Jurisdiction
Count Charge Code Charge Description** Disposition Disposition Date

Case Number BHSA055089-02 Filed At Beverly Hills Courthouse
Filing Date 01/19/2005 Limited Jurisdiction
Count Charge Code Charge Description** Disposition Disposition Date
01 496(A) PC RECEIVNG/CONCEAL STOLEN PROPTY Dismissed or Not Prosecuted 03/09/2005
02 496(A) PC RECEIVNG/CONCEAL STOLEN PROPTY Held to Answer 03/09/2005
03 496(A) PC RECEIVNG/CONCEAL STOLEN PROPTY Held to Answer 03/09/2005
04 530.5(D) PC IDENTITY THEFT Held to Answer 03/09/2005
05 496(A) PC RECEIVNG/CONCEAL STOLEN PROPTY Held to Answer 03/09/2005
06 496(A) PC RECEIVNG/CONCEAL STOLEN PROPTY Dismissed or Not Prosecuted 03/09/2005
08 11350(A) H&S POSS NARCOTIC CONTROL SUBSTANC Held to Answer 03/09/2005

Case Number XWESA055089-02 Filed At Santa Monica Courthouse
Filing Date 03/09/2005 General Jurisdiction
Count Charge Code Charge Description** Disposition Disposition Date
01 496(A) PC RECEIVNG/CONCEAL STOLEN PROPTY Guilty/Convicted 05/03/2005
02 496(A) PC RECEIVNG/CONCEAL STOLEN PROPTY Dismissed or Not Prosecuted 05/03/2005
03 530.5(D) PC IDENTITY THEFT Guilty/Convicted 05/03/2005
04 496(A) PC RECEIVNG/CONCEAL STOLEN PROPTY Dismissed or Not Prosecuted 05/03/2005
05 11350(A) H&S POSS NARCOTIC CONTROL SUBSTANC Guilty/Convicted 11/03/2006
08 11350(A) H&S POSS NARCOTIC CONTROL SUBSTANC Dismissed or Not Prosecuted 05/03/2005

Case Number BHSA056848-01 Filed At Beverly Hills Courthouse
Filing Date 06/22/2005 Limited Jurisdiction
Count Charge Code Charge Description** Disposition Disposition Date
01 459 PC BURGLARY Held to Answer 09/19/2005
02 459 PC BURGLARY Held to Answer 09/19/2005
03 459 PC BURGLARY Held to Answer 09/19/2005
04 459 PC BURGLARY Held to Answer 09/19/2005

Case Number XWESA056848-01 Filed At Santa Monica Courthouse
Filing Date 09/19/2005 General Jurisdiction
Count Charge Code Charge Description** Disposition Disposition Date
01 459 PC BURGLARY Guilty/Convicted 01/13/2006
02 459 PC BURGLARY Dismissed or Not Prosecuted 11/16/2005
03 459 PC BURGLARY Dismissed or Not Prosecuted 11/16/2005
04 459 PC BURGLARY Dismissed or Not Prosecuted 11/16/2005
05 459 PC BURGLARY Dismissed or Not Prosecuted 11/16/2005
06 530.5(D) PC IDENTITY THEFT Guilty/Convicted 01/13/2006
07 530.5(D) PC IDENTITY THEFT Dismissed or Not Prosecuted 01/13/2006
08 530.5(D) PC IDENTITY THEFT Dismissed or Not Prosecuted 01/13/2006
09 530.5(D) PC IDENTITY THEFT Dismissed or Not Prosecuted 01/13/2006
5070 days ago by Runway Magazine
5070 days ago by Runway Magazine
Vincent Mazotta is the man who is threatening and harassing me. He is sending out false libel information about myself and my company. He is threatening me and my family. This man has been terrorizing me for over two years now. He has claimed on many sites that he is a federal agent and he is going to put me in prison. Vincent used a third party hacking software to send false and irreparable damage about me, my family and company by making people think it came from a company name called SCAM ALERT. We called Scam Alert and they said they never sent such a thing. We then traced it back to Vincent Mazott's ISD home computer in Arizona. Vincent Mazotta is trying to steal my Company Trademark and we are in a messy trademark lawsuit. He is doing what ever it takes to intimidate myself, family and colleagues. He has somehow hacked into my computer and contacted all of my contacts and personal emails, ie; family and close friends and sent very threatening and libel information. I am constantly receiving threatening phone calls and emails. I have many documents and decelerations to validate my case along with my attorney's Vincent Mazotta is also key word stuffing his websites in order to fraud customers into thinking he has a high ranking on the internet when in fact he does not. please go to and How can you help me and my family? He keeps saying he is 100% Italian and we are going to be dealt with and to watch our backs. Please help...

This is 5 other separate complaints filed with the Better Business Bureau. I'm sure there is more.

Complaint ID 8559781
Better Business Bureau
4428 N. 12th Street
Phoenix, AZ 85014-4585
602-264-1721 | 602-263-0997
5070 days ago by Runway Magazine

Hi, Everyone this is James, The guy Vince is saying awful things about. I just disregaurd it now. Obviously Vince Mazotta's past has finally caught up with him.

I do not condone this type of attacks, however, It is nice to know people are warning everyone of this monster. This man has put things online and events about my family including my kids that are so disgusting, I cannot repeat. What kind of animal would do things to a family or people for that matter.

By the way Carol Conners was in the real Runway Magazine in 2007 or 08. I just saw him in pictures rubbing elbows with her. Carol Conners and others will be subpoenaed for the Federal Trial. Everything the original Author is saying in the post above is exactly what myself and my family is going through.

This is the first time I have spoke publicly about all of this on advise from my Legal Team. But I have to speak the truth so no one else can be victimized by Runway Beauty Inc and their owner.

Listen I have done some things "drugs" I'm not proud of. But not what vincent has made up about me. Him and his hacking and copy and paste abilities. If you would like to know, you who know me can call me direct or email me and I will answer anything you want to know. Even if a man did half the things that Vince says are true; what kind of man would spread it all over the internet and make up a lie that it came from a company called Scam Alert. Scam Alert knows nothing about me. Please call them yourselves people. I beg of you to find out about Vince Mazotta. We have Forensically Proven that the Scam Alert letter that went out to part of my database that was acquired FRAGRANTLY by "Vince Mazotta" came from Vince Mazotta.
He will be facing criminal charges soon I hope.

I'm reading all of these things about Vince and it is a horrible flashback of want he has put myself and my family through. This man needs serious help and counseling. No Man should get away with this. We have contacted law Enforcement as well as the Federal Bureau of Investigations.

This is one of the criminal complaints we filed with the FBI.

Complaint Information
Internet Crime Complaint Center

Complaint ID: I1104080200199462
5056 days ago by Julie56
#3 Owner of Company
Vincent A Mazzotta's Crime Sheet
AUTHOR: James - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Sunday, April 24, 2011

Name:  Mazzotta A. Vincent
Case Number  LAX4SM03467-01 Filed Paradise Valley Courthouse
Filing Date 07/21/2004 Limited Jurisdiction  
Count Charge Code Charge Description** Disposition Disposition Date
01 14601.1(A) VC DRIVING WITH SUSPENDED LICENSE Guilty/Convicted 05/05/2005
02 22350 VC UNSAFE SPEED Guilty/Convicted 05/05/2005
03 16028(A) VC NO PROOF OF CAR INSURANCE Guilty/Convicted 05/05/2005

Name:  Mazzotta A. Vincent 
Case Number  LAV8VY02171-01 Filed At Barstow Courthouse
Filing Date 05/07/2008 Limited Jurisdiction  
Count Charge Code Charge Description** Disposition Disposition Date
01 22103 VC U-TURN IN RESDNCE DISTRCT/200' Dismissed or Not Prosecuted 02/06/2009
02 14601.1(A) VC DRIVING WITH SUSPENDED LICENSE Dismissed or Not Prosecuted 02/06/2009
03 12500(A) VC UNLICENSED DRIVER Guilty/Convicted 06/17/2008

Name:  Mazzotta A. Vincent

Case Number  LAV8VY02171-01 Filed At Philadelphia Courthouse
Filing Date 05/07/2008 Limited Jurisdiction  
Count Charge Code Charge Description** Disposition Disposition Date
01 22103 VC U-TURN IN RESDNCE DISTRCT/200' Dismissed or Not Prosecuted 02/06/2009
02 14601.1(A) VC DRIVING WITH SUSPENDED LICENSE Dismissed or Not Prosecuted 02/06/2009
03 12500(A) VC UNLICENSED DRIVER Guilty/Convicted 06/17/2008

Name:  Mazzotta A. Vincent   
Case Number  LACBA284046-02 Philadelphia Courthouse
Filing Date 05/25/2005 Limited Jurisdiction  
Count Charge Code Charge Description** Disposition Disposition Date
16 530.5(A) PC UNLAW USE PERSONAL IDENT Guilty/Convicted 01/20/2006
17 459 PC BURGLARY Dismissed or Not Prosecuted 01/20/2006
18 496(A) PC RECEIVNG/CONCEAL STOLEN PROPTY Dismissed or Not Prosecuted 01/20/2006
19 496D(A) PC UNLW CONCEL/SELL STOLEN PROPTY Dismissed or Not Prosecuted 01/20/2006
21 11350(A) H&S POSS NARCOTIC CONTROL SUBSTANC Dismissed or Not Prosecuted 01/20/2006
22 11377(A) H&S POSSESS CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE Dismissed or Not Prosecuted 01/20/2006
34 530.5(A) PC UNLAW USE PERSONAL IDENT Guilty/Convicted 01/20/2006
35 487(A) PC GRAND THEFT:PRPRTY OVER $400 Dismissed or Not Prosecuted 01/20/2006
36 459 PC BURGLARY Dismissed or Not Prosecuted 01/20/2006
37 10851(A) VC DRIVING W/O OWNER'S CONSENT Guilty/Convicted 01/20/2006
38 530.5(A) PC UNLAW USE PERSONAL IDENT Guilty/Convicted 01/20/2006
39 459 PC BURGLARY Dismissed or Not Prosecuted 01/20/2006
40 487(A) PC GRAND THEFT:PRPRTY OVER $400 Dismissed or Not Prosecuted 01/20/2006
41 594(A) PC VANDALISM Guilty/Convicted 01/20/2006
48 530.5(A) PC UNLAW USE PERSONAL IDENT Guilty/Convicted 01/20/2006
49 459 PC BURGLARY Dismissed or Not Prosecuted 01/20/2006
50 496(A) PC RECEIVNG/CONCEAL STOLEN PROPTY Dismissed or Not Prosecuted 01/20/2006

Name:  Mazzotta A. Vincent  
Case Number  LAVLA062917-01 Filed At Phoenix Courthouse
Filing Date 08/28/2009 Limited Jurisdiction  
Count Charge Code Charge Description** Disposition Disposition Date

Name:  Mazzotta A. Vincent
Case Number  BHSA055089-02 Filed At Phoenix Courthouse 
Filing Date 01/19/2005 Limited Jurisdiction  
Count Charge Code Charge Description** Disposition Disposition Date
01 496(A) PC RECEIVNG/CONCEAL STOLEN PROPTY Dismissed or Not Prosecuted 03/09/2005
02 496(A) PC RECEIVNG/CONCEAL STOLEN PROPTY Held to Answer 03/09/2005
03 496(A) PC RECEIVNG/CONCEAL STOLEN PROPTY Held to Answer 03/09/2005
04 530.5(D) PC IDENTITY THEFT Held to Answer 03/09/2005
05 496(A) PC RECEIVNG/CONCEAL STOLEN PROPTY Held to Answer 03/09/2005
06 496(A) PC RECEIVNG/CONCEAL STOLEN PROPTY Dismissed or Not Prosecuted 03/09/2005
08 11350(A) H&S POSS NARCOTIC CONTROL SUBSTANC Held to Answer 03/09/2005

Name:  Mazzotta A. Vincent
Case Number  XWESA055089-02 Filed At Phoenix Courthouse 
Filing Date 03/09/2005 General Jurisdiction  
Count Charge Code Charge Description** Disposition Disposition Date
01 496(A) PC RECEIVNG/CONCEAL STOLEN PROPTY Guilty/Convicted 05/03/2005
02 496(A) PC RECEIVNG/CONCEAL STOLEN PROPTY Dismissed or Not Prosecuted 05/03/2005
03 530.5(D) PC IDENTITY THEFT Guilty/Convicted 05/03/2005
04 496(A) PC RECEIVNG/CONCEAL STOLEN PROPTY Dismissed or Not Prosecuted 05/03/2005
05 11350(A) H&S POSS NARCOTIC CONTROL SUBSTANC Guilty/Convicted 11/03/2006
08 11350(A) H&S POSS NARCOTIC CONTROL SUBSTANC Dismissed or Not Prosecuted 05/03/2005

Name:  Mazzotta A. Vincent  
Case Number  BHSA056848-01 Filed At Phoenix Courthouse 
Filing Date 06/22/2005 Limited Jurisdiction  
Count Charge Code Charge Description** Disposition Disposition Date
01 459 PC BURGLARY Held to Answer 09/19/2005
02 459 PC BURGLARY Held to Answer 09/19/2005
03 459 PC BURGLARY Held to Answer 09/19/2005
04 459 PC BURGLARY Held to Answer 09/19/2005

Name:  Mazzotta A. Vincent
Case Number  XWESA056848-01 Filed At Phoenix Courthouse
Filing Date 09/19/2005 General Jurisdiction  
Count Charge Code Charge Description** Disposition Disposition Date
01 459 PC BURGLARY Guilty/Convicted 01/13/2006
02 459 PC BURGLARY Dismissed or Not Prosecuted 11/16/2005
03 459 PC BURGLARY Dismissed or Not Prosecuted 11/16/2005
04 459 PC BURGLARY Dismissed or Not Prosecuted 11/16/2005
05 459 PC BURGLARY Dismissed or Not Prosecuted 11/16/2005
06 530.5(D) PC IDENTITY THEFT Guilty/Convicted 01/13/2006
07 530.5(D) PC IDENTITY THEFT Dismissed or Not Prosecuted 01/13/2006
08 530.5(D) PC IDENTITY THEFT Dismissed or Not Prosecuted 01/13/2006
09 530.5(D) PC IDENTITY THEFT Dismissed or Not Prosecuted 01/13/2006

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