usa truck |
usa truck multi-million dollar scam artists, Robbery without a gun van buren, Arkansas |
29th of Jun, 2011 by User847313 |
Where do I began. Oh at the beginning of me signing on with this company. My first load, I broke down 2 days later. And had to stay in Colorado for 4 days, with no break down pay. After finally getting on the road things were ok, until i requested my time off, mind you I had been out on the road for 4wks. They kept telling me to send in a Mac 11 (thats a form asking you when you want to be off, but you should'nt have to send this until your returning back to work from time off). So you send that in and they have you under the assumption this request is for the next time off period, So when you ask again about your time off they say you changed it, knowing darn well your expecting to go home that, day or week ect. Next when I did finally get a load home. I had just got paid that friday. The next day I went to get some money off my company card. and all my money was on hold. I called payroll, they told me I had to speak with my dispatch, he had the hold on my check (that I had already worked for). So I called dispatch and he stated it was a mix up. and I wouldnt be able to get my money until Monday- the day I was to return to work. Mon can and went still no money, clld dispatch again, and he said he could put a 150.00 dollars on the card that I could get. These people did this 2 times (holding my money when I went home). When I did return back to the road, the 700.00 and change, had decreased down to like 4 something, talked to dispatched, he made a whole bunch of excuses and lied saying he would take care of the problem. I still dont know if i ever got my money. When I did get home, I had a chance to look a my check stub. Wow I never seen anything like it. It was so confusing and the way they print it out looks just like that, a print out, your deductions, empty miles, loaded miles, and reimbrusments are all printed on the paper more than once, so to confuse you. You dont know exactly whats been taken out, and whats been actually made. So After 6 months of 300.00 dollar checks, and never getting money back for toll tickets, weight scale tickets ect. I decided to quit. The company has a drop yard here in KC, so I told dispatch I woul leave it on the lot. The dispatch, stated (you must dont want to drive anymore) what was that a threat. I felt like I was talking to the mob. or somebody. He asked why did i want to leave, I explained and he said he would gave me all my breakdown pay if I brought the truck back to van buren. which I stated I would cause i didn want him to put abandonment on my driving record. Long story short, I had a family emergency and couldnt take the truck rite back to them. my dispatcher stated dont worry about it, we will put you on leave of absentence, so in the mean time I signed with another co. the Company triied calling them for verification, And they kept hanging up on him leaving him on hold, finally they told him I was still on payroll and could not release the info, until I resigned , so the next day I called them and they kept hanging up on me, I finally called HR and told her I wanted to resigned, and could I fax and written resignation, she stated sure, (this is at 8am) they didnt cll my new employer back until 4pm that day, still asking why! As if they dont know. So I have yet to see if they muddy my name in the trucking industry, although, I never did anything wrong to them. They stole from me, money, miles and time. I felt like I had signed a contract with the devil. Thank God I got away from them. I could write a book about this company, everything they say about this company is true, the complaints that is, and I have just scratched the surface. Oh yea, that hotel is Bad very bad. cencernly not yours USA truck. |
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