Consumer reviews and reports on scam companies, bad products and services
10th of Apr, 2011 by User340455
I received a call today from a lady by the name of Catherine Marrow from a company called US Government Grants Department of Washington, DC. Catherine advised that I was being awarded a federal grant in the amount of $7000.00. She proceeded to ask me for my bank account information in order to deposit the funds into. When I thoroughly questioned her regarding the grant, she advised that she was provide me with her account manager that would be able to answer all of my questions. I provided my savings account number to Catherine. She provided me a transaction identification number for my grant and a phone number of 202-621-0431 and request to speak with Alex Newman (account manager). She also advised that many others will be calling, so if the line go busy to just continue calling until someone picks up the line. I proceeded to call the number as requested, finally a gentleman who identified himself as Alex Newman answered the line. I provided him my transaction number and he advised that he could see my information and that he would release the grant money, however the federal government required that I made a $99.00 donation towards a shelter overseas for those that are less fortunate. Once the $99.00 was wired, then the funds would be released in 20-45 minutes. I proceeded to go to the Western Union location and then called him back to advise that I was there at the location, I then asked if there would be a fee for wiring the money, he apologized for not informing me of the wiring transfer fee prior and advised that there would be a fee of $ 10.00 to wire the $99.00. He provided the information to me, advised that he funds would need to be sent in the first name of Kumar, and the last name Vishal. Alex advised that the Kumar is the personal representative that is responsible for picking up the funds and that if we put the company of the charity on the wire, then the Western Union would charge an additional fee to wire it, in the amount of $45-50.00 . The wire was also going International to India, as he said this is where the federal government required my donation to go. After processing the wire transfer, I provided the MTCN number from the wire transfer receipt, Alex advised that he was calling the bank to get my funds released, and it would only be a few minutes, after, approximately 15-20 minutes he returned and provided me with a transition number of AN7784 and advised that I needed to call right away and ask to speak with Sandra Johnson with the federal bank and provide her the transition number and she will confirm my identity and release the funds, once I called, a lady identified herself as Sandra Johnson and requested my number, I provided the number and she she then advised that she was busy with another customer and requested me to call her back in 2 hours. I then waited a few minutes and called back to ask if there was another representative that could assist me in a shorter time frame. SHe advised that there would not be anyone else to speak with because my account was already assigned to her and I would have to allow her time to finish with her other customer. I then called the number I had for Alex several time and sometimes the line would ring and ring then go busy then other times it would only ring 2 time and then go busy as if someone was ignoring the call, I was never get back in contact with Alex. After 2 hours passed, I called and provided my transition number once again, and she advised that she was preparing to release the funds to me, verified some information with me like my address, phone number, name, birth date, and my age. Sandra then advised that the amount that would be wired into my account would be $8080.00. She advised that I was probably wondering why the amount was different that what was originally told to me about the $7000.00, she advised that the amount was increased to reimburse me for the wire transfer fee of $ 374.00 that had to be paid before the grant money would be released into my account. She advised that the $374.00 could not be deducted from the $8080.00 because the federal government does not allow them to withdraw any money from the amount that was awarded. She asked if I may be able to borrow the money from someone considering they would have the funds back in 20 minutes. I advised that I needed to see what I could do and that I would call back. She then called me moments later to follow up with me to see if I was going to be able to wire the funds to her today or tomorrow. I advised I was not for sure and I would call back. After hanging up the phone, I started doing some investigation, and was unsuccessful locating them on the better business bureau and then I goggled them and found that someone else was also a victim from this same company. I will try to get my money back tomorrow however I doubt it will be possible. I need some help
5051 days ago by Ldm
What was the number? I just received a similar call.
5047 days ago by Am25
I just received also a call today from Annie Johnson, from Grant Department of Washington D.C., she told me that I am granted to receive a $7, 000 from USA Grant Money.She knows my identity, where I live, knows my phone number.She said a lot of things that makes me believe.I ask her if this is really true and she said:yes, clearly and verified my identity.I gave my account savings number for them to deposit the money she is telling.She gave me a confirmation number for the grant money AR341 and she asked me to call Alex Newman, who is the accountant for the processing of money to be deposited on my account.I called Alex Newman and he verified my identity again.He told me to contact my branch bank at first, I told him and after that he asked me to go and pay $99 for the transfering of money to my savings account but I said to him I don't have that money right now.He added:the money won't deposit in your account if you don't go and pay $99 at the Western Union.After that, I called immediately my bank that if somebody will do transaction in my savings account they will not accept it because I have a suspicion on that Grant Money that they are telling.After that conversation I made from Alex Newman and Annie Johnson, I searched the internet and I found out this same report in this section.I hope they won't be successful on tracking my bank account because I did not go yet at the Western Union to pay $99 as they instructed me to do.After I called my bank, they told me that, it is a fraud or scam.I called back Alex Newman and I said everything that it is fraud.I told him that what they are doing is bad.They are playing games, cheating and taking money from bank accounts of people..I hope and pray that they will be caught!
5041 days ago by Esther W
I received a similar call from 234-567-890, whereby the last digit did not appear on my caller ID.
Telling me that I received a grant in the amount of $6, 000.00 of which I would have to bring $200.00 cash to the Western Union facility for them to release my funds. All of the rest of the information was the same as what was mentioned above. The names on this scam was Bill Brown and Jason White.
5038 days ago by MariahR
I was just called with the sam scam, I gave them the number to a card that is not valid. After receiving the confirmation number and Alex Newman number I google him and it sure doesn't surprise me that its a scam!
5011 days ago by Mewayman
I am in the same situation with them now. The person that I am dealing with is James Carter at 202-609-7749 who is the only one that is handling my file. Everytime I made a payment, he would say that the check is in the mail and will rec'd on this day. When the check do not show up, he tells me that I have to pay more money. He says that he is located at 200 Independence, Washington, DC 20201. Everything else is the same as the above statements.

I am looking for an attorney that can help me. If you know of anyone, Please contact me at 618-277-6950 & leave message. I want to really get these guys.
5004 days ago by Simple
June 29, 2011 -I just received a telephone call from a lady called herself as Rudy/(middle east accent). She claimed calling from the US Government Grant Washington, indicating that my son was one of the 1600 recipients awarded $6, 000 in Federal Grant.She provided me with the Grant ID# to claim the prize and phone number (202) 407-9094 Finance Dept and to call immediately after I hang up; When I asked from what telephone number she was calling, she didn't know what to say, then hesitated and I heard a pause and couple of telemarketers on the background and herself talking to some one relating that I asked for telephone number, then I realized that something was wrong, but she transferred me to a so call Supervisor named Rozer Davidson, Grant Verification Officer, he stated they were calling from the US Government Grant Dept. 200 Independence Ave, - AAA Bldg. South West, Washington DC 20201. Never provided me with the phone number where they where calling from.
5004 days ago by Santiago90
I got the same call but my phone dropped the call before the guy could ask me anything...when i tried to call back it cam up as an unavalible number...thank goodness for my crappie phone.He told me the resaon for gwtting the money was for not having filed for bankruptcy or having any feidral offence. i was "beeing awarded for being good to the goverment".

the number they called from is 787 525 49693 I know it seems a number to log but that what showed up on my caller ID

hope the goverment dose somthing to chase these people for tring to rip off others and for opsing as goverment officals.
4989 days ago by Kathiehope
I recieved a simular call today. 7/14/11. The caller, female with a very distinct middle eastern accent informed me that she was from the US Federal Government Grant Department and because I was such a good tax paying citizen with no criminal background I was being awarded a $7, 000.00 grant. She gave me another number to call 202-407-9094 for which I would need to give an ID number to that person. I asked her several times why the government would be giving me money when they couldn't pay their bills and were debating on capitol hill about the budget. I also asked her why the government would be giving me free money when they can't pay social security benefits to our citizens. She couldn't give me an answer, but just kept telling me that I could believe her or not.

I called the number, gave the ID number WG1029 she gave me and the person on the other end of the phone, another middle eastern accent male asked for my cell phone number. When I refused and told him I do not have a cell he asked for my home number. I then asked him who he was, why he needed that information and could I speak with his supervisor. He then hung up.

The Number that was on my caller ID was strange. V0715013227003.

I will be following up with my local government department to report this call. I hope that someone in our REAL Government offices will investigate and put these fraudulent people out of business.
4952 days ago by Jcarranza
On Friday, August 19, I received a call from a Mr. Mathew Smith from a telephone number 202-407-9059 who said he was calling from the Federal Grants Department, in Washington, D.C. He said that after conducting a demographic survey in the City and State, I had been selected to receive a $7, 000 grant from the Government for paying taxes on time, having no criminal record, and not ever filing for bankrupcy. He gave me a grant approval # WZ1015. When he called, he addressed me by my first and last name. He said that in order to receive the money from the Government, I had to go to Western Union to send a money transfer of $195 to the name of Ellen Shores, in India. When questioned, he gave me a rationale for which I was sending the money to India and not the USA. He also said that the $195 I was sending was a security deposit to ascertain my identity. While I was in Western Union sending the money transfer, I was on the phone with a Mr. Andrew Simon at all times. Mr. Simon instructed me to check in the money transfer form the box indicating "Money in Minutes", which meant that when I tried to cancel the transaction five minutes later calling Western Union, the money had already been cashed. Mr. Mathew and Mr. Smith spoke English with an Indian accent. The telephone number from which they called has a Washington D.C. area code. The money, as indicated above was sent to India.

The following day, Mr. Simon called again to tell me that they had received the $195, that they wanted to give me the Grant from the Government for which I had been selected, but order to do so I had to pay $400 for the taxes. When I told him I was not giving him anymore money, he lowered the tax amount to $100. I told him that I wanted the money I had already sent back and I was going to report the issue to the police, which I did. In the police preccinct, I was told that I had been a victim of "a scam" and there was nothing they could do about it. They did not even take a written report of the incident.
4939 days ago by Beabea
I just wonder how people can live with thmeselves after scamming people out of their monies. I too fell for this scam about the grant from the Government and was taken for monies. I first talked with a lady named Sophia, then she transferred me to her Branch Manager, Mr. Harry Jones (202-407-7177) and was told that I had to send monies to show good faith and as a donation to Delhi India. I wired the monies to them, and then was contacted by Jacqueline Smith (646-651-4673) claiming that she was from the Federal Bank of New York and that she had been assigned my file and case for the grant, and I had to wire $375 as a security deposit, but I would be getting it back as soon as they sent the money to my bank account. I should have known better, but I was in a position of thinking what I could do to help my brother who suffered a massive stroke and he has needs that no one seems to be able to help us with. The whole thign was supposed to take place, but the $7000 grant is a definite NO for anyone who gets one of these calls. I guess that I should have been more conscious of what I was doing, but I was just thinking with my heart and not my head, that I could help build a ramp and other things to assist with taking care of my brother is in dire needs at present time. Then yesterday I was contacted by the supposedly Finance Manager from the US Government grant department and was asked to send in more monies. By now a light bulb was supposed to go off in my head, but not this time, and i feel for it hook line and sinker. The man was supposed to be Peter Smith (202-609-7749 @ ext. 197), I urge anyone who gets calls like this to please go to Google and put in the phone number given to see if it legitimate or not, cause i did not check it out until after i had made the transactions and then it was to late. I filed a claim with Western Union, but he had already picked up the money and was off the phone after giving me some crap about him having to talk with his supervisor David Green in Washington DC who was aware of the transaction. PLEASE be cautious in all your internet dealings, and I pray that the government will crack down on these scammers and send them back to where ever they come from. Some of them had eastern accents, and some of them talked just like you and I. It is a lesson that i regret that I have learned in my old age, but it is one that I will not forget until the day that I leave this earth. Now I will question everyone that calls and say that they are representing the government, and especially will know though everyone is not in the scamming business, there are wolves out there that don't care about you or me. Next stop is to let my attorney general know about this scam and also my local police dept. God bless all of you.
4933 days ago by Static
SCAM! The Government does not outsource to India, yet. They all have Indian accents and the one man told me to call him back in the parking lot of the Western Union? They called me before but this time I figured I would see what they know.
4912 days ago by Mcshawn1972
Last night I received a call from a woman named Shelly who said she was calling from the US Gov't Dept.
I also have been found to have been paying my taxes (I AM FORTUNATE ENOUGH NOT TO PAY TAXES ON MY DISABILITY INCOME!) and haven't had any criminal record. she wouldn't give me a number to call her back, but gave me the # 202-407-9217. There I was to speak to a Mr. Mathew Smith.
same "RAP" from him. He wanted me to immediately go to the KWIKSTOP STORE and gave me there address and phone#. he kept insisting on an early time for me to be there since i refused to go last night. I gave a later morning time that he finally agreed to. My clue to searching for this info is that the phone # that they found me at is not listed under my name and never was. Normally I wouldn't even have answered this phone except for some unusual accounts that I was waiting to hear from someone special that was missing!! My THANKS to everyone that has commented in this area. I don't have a spare penny from my monthly check that I receive. I will however report this to gov't officials in the area. something has to be done.
4898 days ago by Waawaa75
On wednesday i was washing my hair in the salon and i received a call from a woman saying that i was choosen to receive a grant from the government for 7000.00 . The funny thing is that am going back to school and this is the first time i applied for a school loan so i thought this call had something to do with my school. the next day she told me to call this lady and she would assist me with my funding of my grant. The first thing i thought was scam but the number on my caller id was from D.C. Now the next day i tried to call and i didnt get no one .i work at not so i googled scams for governmet grants from D.C. this website came up so as of today i will be closing my accounts and starting over. I dont know who they received my information in the first place. But I do know that nothing stays in the dark. My name is Juanita. I live in New York. Trust me they will get caught. Am so sorry for anyone that was a victim. My god bless you.
4896 days ago by Anonymous
Thank you so much for speaking out !
I just got this call now and she knew all my information but thankfully I did not give her any bank info.
This is crazy ! I did not know people where that desperate for money !
4893 days ago by Skydive
I got a call from Washington DC grant dept. spoke to Steve Parker. While talking to him I can hear people talking at the background. The office sounds busy. I can hardly understand Steve cause of his accent. He said I was granted $7, 000.00 for US grant. He ask me to call this number (360) 369-4375 to release my funds. Exactly what the report said, they want $250.00 direct deposit to them before they can release my $7.000.00. I said I don't have that much money, you can keep my $7, 000.00 if you want. Told them if the US grant dept. is giving me money why ask money from me for $250.00. That's doesn't make sense. THIS IS A SCAM. Be careful with this kind of people. Do not give your information.
4892 days ago by SHAY1
4889 days ago by Nrlinda
i should've looked it up first cus i lost alot of money on this day 21st Oct... i was convinced with the same story end up losing $2, 000 dollars out of my pocket. Right now i feel like the dumpest person in the world. I hope there's a way i could bring that money back. Somebody please tell me there's a way
4874 days ago by Faylove08
I got the same exact call but from a unknown # and the guy on the phone told me to call 206-317-1466 and give the approval # he gave me and to speak with someone named Rachael. I spoke with Rachael and she told me I would have to find the nearest Western Union and I would have to pay a $200 dollar fee to recieve my $7000.00 grant money. I kept asking her how did I qualify and why was "I" being called. She said that because I have no debt and I was in good standing on my credit cards that I have been selected. Thats when I knew this had to be a scam because I have never owned a credit card in my life.
4874 days ago by BelindaK
Wow! That is some reading. Thanks for sharing the warning.
4868 days ago by Russisntasucker
Same song and dance from 610-857-3530. I told them to hold on a minute and they finally hung up after about 10 minutes.

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