Consumer reviews and reports on scam companies, bad products and services
US Directory
12th of May, 2011 by User545232
This is the letter I wrote to the corporate office of U.S. Directory, To US Directory, Im writing because I have been going through a lot with your customer service and am getting no where!!! Ok, when I set-up services with your company, the girl I spoke with explained some of the things I would get and I said it sounded interesting and I would be billed $5.00 a month and I can set my spending limit and be able to look at the service more once I get the email and access to the account. Well, I never received any emails or publication from your company with my account information or anything. I did see the $5.00 come out my account and I was ok with that but when I saw the $90.00 pending in my acct I was trying to figure out where that was coming from? I called your customer service #1-800-842-1499. I first spoke with Gabriella Id#024, I explained the situation and explained I havent received any phone calls from any customers or anything from the service, she then, went through the account and told me that your company(US Directory) had the wrong email address for me in their system when she went to verify it with me and she told me she would see what she could do to help me with getting the money back. I asked her to cancel the account because I didnt want to deal with any additional fees on me. So, she(Gabriella) said she would cancel the account and she said that the $90fee hasnt posted from their end so because I cancelled the account I wouldnt get charged the $90 fee on my account even though it showed pending on my end in my account. And she said I can call my bank and let them know I will not be charged for the $90. SO, the next day 3/3/11, I check my account and the $90 posted to my account and I was billed a $36nsf fee from my bank which is messing my business account up bc I have schd payments to come out and this wasnt in my financial budget which I do not have the money to cover. I have never been in the negative with my bank until this time. I called back 3/3/11 and spoke with Reive Panaguiton in Florida & Explained the situation. She said she see where Gabriella cancelled the acct but didnt know anything about a refund, so I gave her Gabriellas id#024 and she claimed they dont have id#s they give out first and last names. So, I said well she cancelled my acct so she shld be easy to find, but to no avail(NO ONE, was willing to find Gabriella). SO Reive connected me to a supervisor name: Janderson Saontos who claimed his id#220 Boca Raton, FL. He said there was nothing he could do even though they sent all info the the incorrect email address and the fact I had no access to anything, he was very rude to me over talking me.. etc. So, I asked for his supervisor/mgr, he claimed he was the only highest up and couldnt connect me to anyone else and if he could I would keep getting the same response.(Later to find out he was absolutely right). SO I asked what was his mgrs name & he gave me the name of: Andres Martinez but refused to connect me with him. SO I called back and I spoke with Jian Carlos in Central America who connected me with Sunny Moran who kept muting his phone on and off. I asked if I could speak to Andres Martinez, he was mainly mumbling on the phone and thenwent to muting his phone again, then just put me on hold(SO RUDE). Then next thing I knew I was getting a voicemail, I had no idea where I was transferred to but I left a msg on the vm explaining my situation & explained how I was just transferred w/o notice or knowing where I was transferred to! Then I called back and spoke with Sandy Doon whom when Iasked her where she was located she said Boca Raton,Fl. SO, when I expl my situation and asked for a supervisor she put me on hold then came to the phone and said she cldnt get a supervisor and it keeps going 2vm. I asked her for the supervisor on the floor(bc I used 2work in cust svc so I know how it works!) She claimed that they didnt have floor supv, that she has to call Boca Raton,Fl to get a supervisor on the ph, I asked why did she tell me she was from Boca Raton,FL? Then she said oh no Im from the Phillippeans. Then she tried to get a supervisor again and claimed they wldnt answer so I said well I guess u cant help me and she hurried and rushed me off the phone. Then, I received a phone call from a CSA Agent, Reggie(who claims cant give out his last name, he was a black man and veryyyy rude!!!). his id#222 from Boca Raton, FL. Its amazing everyone else can give out there last names but he cant. So, he called to explain why he cldnt refund me and explained he has the recording of the girl who set up the service with me but dont have and cant get the recording of Gabriellas who stated I wouldnt be charged for the $90, that the cancellation of service stopped the charge. He stated that the girl who set me up on service recorded her call bc they record the most important calls but Gabriella decided not to record her call w/me. I said I used 2work for cust svc and I have never seen where a customer can record their own calls & that wldnt be fair bc they can record whichever call they choose& he also stated that Gabriella was probably trying to tell me to call my bank to dispute the charges bc the agents can say that but they cant say they can reverse the charges and she gave me wrong information & there is nothing they can do about it bc its not recorded & he went on to tell me that if I would have did it by credit card it wldve been easier to refund the money back to me but bc I did it by account(check) they have no way to refund the money to me. After conversation I told him I was recording him on the call and he was like thats fine you can record me and I reiterated what he said about the agents recording their own calls, then he start saying he didnt say that, he didnt say agents record their own calls but that not all calls are recorded, I said u just said agents record their own calls and he stated im sorry you thought I said that but I didnt say that(so I dont know if he started recording his call from that point bc I said I was recording him??) When I brought up about the fact that I wouldve gotten a refund if I did by a credit card than by checking account I would be able to get a refund??(reiterating what he was saying). Then, he said I was just making a point but in your situation you cant a refund. ((Ok, why wld you make that point to me if Im not getting one anyway??????)) Then, I asked for the corporate phone number he gave me #800-842-1499, the same customer service number!!! Now you see what I have to deal w/ with these agents? Which I had much work to do and to take out my time to deal with this and the runaround w/these agents and supervisors!! I have waisted a work day on the phone being frustrated and pushed off and told anything by these agents which I have much work to makeup and waisting time to write this letter when I shld be able to speak to someone to resolve my issue!! I hope that you can help resolve my issue and refund my $90 back if not I need to speak to a CEO, Corporate Headquarters! I feel something has to be done and someone needs to talk to Gabriella! No one has stated they would contact her at all. I have asked several times to other agents and to Reggie to contact her but no one would do that. I feel that should not be a policy of a company to allow agents to get away with saying things thats not true and if they said it then it should be granted to the customer and correct the issue and deal with the agent. So, I feel every customer service shld be the same way and when dealing with other cust svc they do their business the same way. I ask for your help(US Directory) in resolving my issue. I would prefer to be contacted by phone or email. Once contacted I would like to have a contact name & number to call someone back incase I miss the call and it is taken to my voicemail box. (After I wrote this letter: I received an email from US Directory saying:Sent: Tue, March 8, 2011 5:07:29 PM Subject: RE: Your Billing Dispute 03/08/2011 Dear Ms. Sherita King RE: Billing Dispute We received your letter requesting a refund for the service charge of $90.00. We have completed a review of you are account including the sales call and customer service calls. The cost of the plan you were on was $5.00 per month plus $.25 cent per reference. A reference is every time your sponsor listing is viewed in either or any of the other search engines/directories we work with. There is a limit for references which is your daily cap it starts at $3.00 per day and can be increased to $10.00 per day. You are provided access to change the limit to suit your needs by logging into you merchant account at or calling customer service. The $90.00 fee you were charged was for your references you received during the month you were active. You received a total of 459 actual references but because of your daily cap, which was set at $3.00 per day, your charge could not exceed the amount of 360 references which equaled $90.00. If you receive less than your daily cap then what ever total of references you receive would simply be multiplied by $.25 cents. For example 250 references would total $62.50. We provide access to keep track of how many references you are receiving this information is updated daily and can be viewed by logging into your merchant account as well and you can even print out your invoices for your business records. Your account was activated on 01/24/2011 and your new billing cycle began on 02/24/2011. Your monthly $5.00 maintenance fee would occur about every 24th of the month and your references charge is submitted for processing at the end of every 30 day cycle. Once a payment is submitted for processing there is no way to cancel that charge. When you called on 03/02/2011 and requested to cancel your service with us your payment of $90.00 was already in processing at that time and canceling the service does not cancel that process. We understand you are very upset that you were told differently by one of our customer service representatives and we will make sure that representative receives coaching on the subject. We have also reviewed the sales call and have determined the sale was indeed valid. The sales representative did properly disclose the price of the service and explained about the references and also answered your questions regarding the service and pricing. Unfortunately we will not be able to honor your request for a refund in this case. The $90.00 fee was for advertisement services already rendered. What will not be charged are any remaining references received from 02/24/2011 to 03/02/2011 which was a total of 116 references x .25 cents = $29.00. These references have been waived. Attached to this email is the screen shot of your traffic report page and billing page for your records. If you have any further questions or concerns please feel free to call our 24/7 customer service department. Customer Support Dept
1-800-842-1499 When I got this email I was mad even more bc it was like the didn't hear all that I wrote in my letter. Now they are telling me what type of service I got from them. But no one called me through them and when I asked customers how they hear from me it wasn't through them!!! I barely even got calls and they are trying to say I had that many reference?? Well this is what I wrote back to them in email: US DIRECTORY, I AM NOT HAPPY AT ALL AND CAN CARELESS ABOUT THE PRINTSCREEN SHOTS YOU GAVE ME BECAUSE I DIDN'T GET AN OPPORTUNITY TO GO INTO MY ACCOUNT TO BE ABLE TO SEE OR MAKE ANY CHANGES THAT I WANTED TO. I DID'T GET ANY PHONE CALLS FROM THESE PEOPLE WHO VIEWED MY ACCOUNT SO I FEEL I GAINED NOTHING FROM THIS. AND FOR YOU ALL TO SAY OH YOU CAN'T DO ANYTHING BECAUSE A REP TOLD ME I WOULDN'T BE BILLED FOR THE CHARGES THAT IT WOULD BE REVERSED BACK TO MY ACCT ALL YOU CAN DO IS SPEAK WITH HER ABOUT THE MATTER. BUT YOUR AGENT THAT I TOLD I WAS RECORDING TOLD ME IF I WOULD'VE DONE IT BY CREDIT CARD THEN IT WOULD'VE BEEN EASIER FOR YOU ALL TO CREDIT ME BACK BUT BECAUSE I DID IT WITH THE ACCT THAT IT CAN'T BE DONE. I HATE THE FACT THAT I THOUGHT I WAS WRITING CORPORATE JUST TO FIND OUT IM WRITING RIGHT BACK TO CUSTOMER SERVICE WHOM CAN CARELESS ABOUT WHAT I BEEN THROUGH AND MY SITUATION!! I NEED THE CORPORATE NUMBER FOR USDIRECTORY A CEO OR SOMETHING I DON'T WANT TO DEAL WITH CUSTOMER SERVICE BY PHONE OR EMAIL. AND WHOEVER WROTE ME DIDN'T DISCLOSE THEIR NAME WHICH IS VERY DIRESPECTFUL!!!!!! SO I KNOW BECAUSE YOU ARE CUSTOMER SERVICE YOU CAN CARELESS ALSO AND CAN'T DO NOTHING FOR ME. AS I EXPLAINED IN DETAIL IN MY LETTER MOST OF THE THINGS I SAID YOU DID NOT ADDRESS ESPECIALLY HOW THE GUY TREATED ME WHEN HE CALLED ME!! IF I DON'T GET A CORP NUMBER, EMAIL, AND/OR ADDRESS AND CONTACT NAME. I WILL BE BLOGGING ABOUT YOU TO ALL!! EXPLAINING HOW YOUR COMPANY IS A scam AND DON'T CARE FOR IT'S PEOPLE AND HOW THEY ARE TREATED AND REPORT YOU TO THE RIP OF REPORT. ALSO, IF YOU CAN'T DO ANYTHING THEN WHY WAS I TOLD BY YOUR MGR OF YOUR COMPANY TO FILE A DISPUTE WITH MY BANK AND DISPUTE THE CHARGES AND TOLD ME THATS WHAT THE FIRST AGENT WAS TRYING TO TELL ME. BUT IF YOU DONT HAVE HER RECORDING THEN HOW YOU GONNA ASSUME SHE WAS TRYING TO SAY THAT. I HEARD HER CLEAR AND SHE SAID THE CHARGES WOULD BE REVERSED BECAUSE YOUR COMPANY DID NOT EMAIL ME MY ACCOUNT INFO AND IT WAS YOUR COMPANY FAULT THAT YOU HAD THE WRONG EMAIL ADDRESS AND SHE SAID IT WOULDN'T CHARGE THE ACCOUNT BECAUSE I CANCELLED IT. SO THAT'S NOT MY FAULT FOR FALSE INFO AND IT'S NOT MY FAULT YOU HAD THE WRONG EMAIL ADDRESS. AND IF ANYONE WANTS TO RESPOND BACK THEN BE MAN/WOMAN ENOUGH TO CALL ME IN A RESPECTFUL MANNER AND ADDRESS MY CONCERN AT (number). Well after this point I lost the contact name of the person who did call me back and he was the only nicest person and he listened to me and sounded concern and said he will research and see if he can refund my money. He stated he would call me back the next day. So I waited for him to call me back and didn't hear from his so I called and was finally transferred to his ext and left a msg because he gave me his ext before we got the phone when I previously talked to him. He called me back and said that they reviewed Gabriella's call(which everyone claimed they didnt have it recorded) But he said they did hear her say that I will not be charged the $90 but his boss wouldn't do the refund and he apologized for the inconvenience. I asked what was his name and he was the person referenced above but I never had the chance to talk to him by the name of Andres Martinez(he has the nastiest attitude EVER!!!) he transferred me to his voicmail which he said he would do and gave me Mr. Martinez ext. I left a msg and received a call back and explained everything to him. He even confirmed what Reggie said about if I did it with a credit card it would have been easier to credit back and he said they did listen to Gabriella's call but because the sales agent to signed me up said everything correct on her call then I wont be credited. I explained how I received nothing from them where I can go into my account and check out anything bc they had the wrong email address and I haven't received any calls from it...etc. He stating nothing he can do. We was on the phone for a long time and he was so determined not to help me. I asked for someone over him. He said there is no one else. He is the last stop. I asked him who cuts his checks he said the bank. He said probably banks own the company everyone else would be HR etc. So it was like I was at a dead end and I was tired of fighting. I was drained. My bank couldn't do anything because it was a transaction from a company I gave permission to with the $5.00 and said I have to deal w/US Directory or file a complaint through the news or something. But after talking to him he hung up the phone on me and I was going to call back but I was just tired of the whole thing. I was a smaller business at that time which I am still a small business but my business is moving more smoothly w/o them and I am now writing this report because I dont want them to think they got away with what they did to me. We small businesses are trying to get on our feet and dont need companies bullying us by taking all our money and running us out of business. Especially when they are no help at all!!!

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