Consumer reviews and reports on scam companies, bad products and services
Universal web consulting
Universal web consulting Universal web corp UWC will take you to the cleaners with promises of riches. Throw your money their way but dont expect much
18th of Apr, 2011 by User563557
Universal web consulting is a scam company that take your money and give you very little in return. They start you off with a $1.95 website that is paid for on your credit card. Then they will call you, Universal web consulting will suck you in with claims of earning money and lots of it. They will tell you that they have the secret and will help you every step of the way with one on one unlimited consultation. The truth is you get one hour a month of one on one consultation if your lucky. The fact is they are too busy to care about who you are or whether your online business will work for you. Universal web consulting sales people become uncontactable soon after they have your money. I was told I can replace my income and pay off my debts with this business. They tell you they are selling you a training package however you get little training and little direction. I spent a fortune and would like to warn you of their tricks. They offer a website with templates and an Amazon commission affiliate account. This makes you no money because why would anyone buy from you on your amateur estore. Just as you realise you are not selling anything and something needs to be done. Another sales person phones you they have a solution for you and that is to give them more money and they will set you up with drop shipping suppliers and high profit selling. Universal web consulting make it sound so good and so easy the light bulb goes off and you think thats it I need this to succeed. Then you realize they do not have enough trainers to train you so you get people who read off training cards and give you a couple of suppliers at a time. The problem is most of these suppliers are not very good and you will not reply to you. Once again UWC is not to be found. The only way you will learn is to teach yourself by research and reading. Their training packages start at $2500 and go up to $5000 for 12 months unlimited one on one consultation. Then the second package is high profit and how to sell on ebay. For $4000 this is a couple of emails telling you to open an account and start selling. There is no training this is a blatant lie Universal web consulting will not make you money they will show you how they make money. On top of that they will take $30 a month for website hosting but they will not tell you about it so whatever you do, do not give them your credit card detail. Please be warned.
4648 days ago by Mallu
"WOW" Wow Wow all the guys here are just like me who had been trapped in the shit hands of this stupid SCAM.Of God's grace I didn't really lose a lot of money. The fact that really made me to re-think was that the guy called me kept on bringing down the money lower until 400 SGD. Something smelled bad to me. So I just told him I will get back to him after discussing with my wife. He kept on pushing me like hell. I just said Sorry, will call him back tomorrow. Now that I have these comments from you all, really thankful for sharing your experience. All those who lost their money don't worry about it. Just take it as you have invested it for some learning for your life that don't trust any scam without checking through. Even I had that investment too, but not in a great scale. Many thanks to you guys. No worries guys, money can still be made as long as we are live and healthy. Winners never give up, but losers do.
4616 days ago by Lesleygayel
All the above happened to me also. I never thought to see if they were legit or not as they seemed to be very helpful UNTIL I wanted help with my website. My husband googled them and found all the scam reports and cancelled our credit card. Unfortunately we've already been taken for $6000 plus (a couple of months of web hosting). I feel ashamed that I fell for it as at first I was sceptical until they were so helpful. I wish I had gone with my gut feeling. Please research ANY Money Making thing that you are interested in and remember that they don't care about you, only getting their own money. You are better off researching from start how to make money through blogging or you tube or similar. I'm going to look into this.
4596 days ago by Xtnamooi
this online uwccorp was advertised on facebook and cos it was just 1.95usd, i did sign up last june, i gave the log in to my cousin who is doin an online jobs like SEO, thinking this might help her, since then i signed up i really didnt use it and today (after 3 months of signing up) i checked on my bank statement, (i dont really check on my bank statement) i was getting debited 29.99USD on my card for 3 months with the same account details as with the 1.95USD i paid for the sign up membership whatever. called the bank and no choice but to cancel the card and wait for another week to get the new one or take half day from work and go to the bank to get a new card. such a trouble with these scammers! too much time and effort to do to stop them!
4585 days ago by KissedOffKiwi
I am an at home mum, I have a 2yr old and a 4 and a half year old autistic ADHD son also, I just wanted to help my family make a little extra money as I cannot work out of the home. I too was fooled into parting with money I didn't have, I took out an overdraft to pay these people because of the promises of making money online...I am not a stupid person but feel like a real idiot about now knowing that I will never see ANY return on my investment, just yesterday I received a call from Luiza from UWC wanting to "upsell" the training so that my website started making money, another $4000 NZD thankyou very much...I don't think so, why would I throw good money after bad knowing that my initial investment hasn't made a cent? I can't believe I was duped by these people, and many others just like myself. Whe you are told by them that "It is in their interests to make you suceed"...bear this in mind, they don't give a damn if you suceed or not, only the hot little commission they get for sucking you in. My wesite looks OK, I have had hundreds of visitors and clicks...not a cent made???? Someone's making money and it sure isn't me. You can check my website at and judge for yourself. I even set up a facebbok page under the same name, so any comments can be left here. I am absolutely heartbroken that there are people out there that will willingly rip you off even knowing your current circumstances aren't good, they knew all about mine and said they really wanted to "help"...well, they have..."helped" themselves to my money...
Kissed Off Kiwi
4581 days ago by KissedOffKiwi
OK...update on the issues raised in my last post. I have received much legal advice on the subject from a lawyer who specialises in the internet "misrepresentation" field. He is champing at the bit to take this case on as he feels there is a case to answer, from the initial advert on facebook stating "make XXX amount of dollars working part time from home"...etc know how it goes. If you are looking at this now, it is likely you have already parted with your money, and if it's been more than 3 days since your payment you can kiss it goodbye, your credit card company will not refute the payment because the company have provided "a service", which is true. READ ALL the terms and conditions, they make no guarantees that you will make any money, keep and save all your correspondence with them, print off all your receipts and if you have the technology, record your sessions/conversations, I did, only so that I could go over my training sessions, I didn't think I'd have to fall back on them as evidence.

You can negotiate with UWC to downgrade your package and you may see some money back, in fact, I have 1/3 of my intial investment back plus an upgrade on my training package. I see it this way... if nothing else, I will gain a skillset that may be helpful to me in the future, so I will make the best out of a bad situation and take advantage of the training on offer. I may not make a cent, I am doubtful that I ever will...HOWEVER...I will return and post my findings at the conclusion of my "training" in November 2012 and let you all know the final should be interesting, one way or the other...stay tuned!!!
4575 days ago by Dupedsurplus
Hi Kissed Off Kiwi,
I hope you're winning the battle.
I also was duped. Specially the wave of calls you get to pay more for nothing.
What credit card did you use?, some company's may be more vigilant than others.
I'm working on mine currently.
4567 days ago by Roatanjane
I just handed over $1000 to both Luiza and Ryan Murray after the initial $500. And yes, I heard that inner voice, and my daughter ordered a shower curtain they weren, t able to ship to Canada. That was my 1st order, which gave me a worse feeling. I even looked on my acccounts page and wondered why I was unable to see any sign of her order. Yes, they prey on the desperate. And yes, right off the phone as soon as deal is closed! Ryan Murray, was practically intimidating me saying, :whenever you say< but< I hear {lacking trust!) He said things like >sure, facebook and twittering accounts but what do you have for sale if you don, t purchase what `I am offering you< So I felt railroaded, was fighting back the tears from his aggressiveness, and then he says: Ill phone back in a month to see how it s going. I had even told him how strapped I am, that Im using my visa to make my payments: he replied, that on $1000 that, s $10 per month. { I gave my power and my money over to him!!! He even said>you cannot pay yr visa with yr visa! I never have been so desperate to be doing that, I tell myself this is why I went along with him. Its been 5 hours. Maybe if I tell my credit card people they can...What, take my card away, so the bit I have left before I, m maxed will be in the banks hands, and I, ll be hungry, like I am now...gawd I feel so dumb!
4036 days ago by Nkmsd
Exactly true. I agree with every one here just cancelled my website but have already lost my £340. These people make it sound very fascinating and don't give you a chance to think, try to rip you off of all the money you have already leaving you behind with a stupid website which will be good for nothing. I think these schemers should be banned from internet.
4000 days ago by Ew.Keen Camper
Hi all thank you so much for all your comments and research on this uwc corp SCAMMERS! Being a stay at home mother with a sick child and haven to leave my job to look after my child I came across an article of a Melissa who shared her story on how to work from home and get an income from it. I am pretty good with computers and thought I have the time and computer skills to make this work.

I too thought this was true and signed up on the link that was given for only $1.92 no mention of any other costs or training packages etc. I received A username and password to a back office programme as well as Amazon associate account. and started reading on website designing and started building my website immediately. Than the following day I received a phone call from a Chris Morcom claiming to be a marketing consultant from uwc and that he will guide me in my website marketing and how to get best out of my website.

Than he tried to sell me a training package for $2000 but I refused than he offered me package deal for 12mnths at once of payment of $999 again told him can't afford it. and than he showed me other websites that are supposedly doing well whom used their training center package, and I kept telling him I can't afford it, he than offered to pay half of deal through marketing coupons and I only had to pay $294 for the training package, He also told me i was doing really well and he knows I'm going to be great as I have been able to do a lot more to my website than most beginners and that's' why I shouldn't give up as most ppl are impatient and give up within a month.

He sounded all too convincing and told me to give him card details, I stupidly gave him my direct debit card details as the 1st card I gave him didn't work, and I felt pressured into giving it to him as my he already uploaded the training package onto my website and told me that its only for 6 month I wont need any training after that with his training package etc. The phone call was litterally an our long of trying to convince me and promise me its all legit and they guarantee I will make sales if I put the effort and passion into it. I was just eager to get off the phone and signed the contract for $294, I would have never known they were scammers if I didn't post a msg on the amazon associates discussion board on how to link ebooks to my website using e center in back office. That's than when a couple of ppl told me amazon don't use back office and that I have been scammed in paying for a companie's traffic and marketing training as amazon affiliate offers it for free.

I have had to block and re order a new bank card and is waiting on a msg back from them as I left one in my back office inbox requesting a phone call back which my husband plans on answering.

Anyway I did a lot of research on them and found out all the below details. I unfortunately live in Ireland and don't think I can do much about it but If anyone wants to file a complaint or take it further in finding them and put a stop to this, I will happily email a detailed report regarding my experience for evidence against them.

BEWARE PEOPPLE, if it's too good to be TRUE, THAN IT'S A SCAM!!

Kind regards E

Registrar URL:
Registrant Name: Registration Private
Registrant Organization: Domains By Proxy, LLC
Name Server: NS1.ATAZUL.COM
Name Server: NS2.ATAZUL.COM
DNSSEC: unsigned

For complete domain details go to:

The data contained in, LLC's WhoIs database,
while believed by the company to be reliable, is provided "as is"
with no guarantee or warranties regarding its accuracy. This
information is provided for the sole purpose of assisting you
in obtaining information about domain name registration records.
3999 days ago by Ew.Keen Camper

I have done hours of research on the above named company and found all their information, on where and when their companies were registered, they have several dissolved companies. Found out who the owners, directors, secretaries are etc. Where they live, marital status, facebook profiles etc, I even saw how recently they bought real estate and the lavishing houses and lives they live on other people's misfortuned scammed money.

i want to do something about this, but don't know where to go from here as I am in Ireland and presume I would have to go to state police in Arizona. They can't get away with this, We work our arses off and have terrible desperate circumstances when we entrust our good faith, money and trust in these so "called companies with only 1 intention to RIPP US OF EVERYTHING WE OWN and leave us in debt to pick up our torn lives! while they live the high life.

I'm NOT BLUFFING when I say I have standard evidential proof who this UWC "DEVIL with his MINIONS" ARE!

Please everyone post this msg on all the scam exposure sites and have someone write to me at [email protected] with a detailed report on how you got scammed by uwc and how much you have lost. Please people we have to stand together, the more evidence pending against them the more proof to catch them. As God is my witness I have all relevant information on there whereabouts and who they are, Just need more proof of scammed victims before I can go further in seeking legal advice or go to state police,

Kind regards
3931 days ago by Nikkienriquez
Hi guys... how long will it take to cancel the website? I am really scared that they'll charge me unwanted amount on my CC. I should have thought about this but as most of you have said, they are really convincing that you wouldn't even have the time to think about it. I don't mind them charging me the $1.95. But any amounts rather than that I would panic

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