TOPSEOS bestwebdesignagencies.com http://www.bestwebdesignagencies.com/ contacted our firm after ranking us multiple times in their fraudulent ranking |
5th of Nov, 2011 by User128651 |
http://www.bestwebdesignagencies.com/ and Topseos.com has a fraudulent ranking system. They claim to be independently and objectively ranking the best web service providers on the internet. However there is a trick here, they actually sucker companies in by giving a ranking, never based on any real criteria. They start ranking you around 9 or 10 in any given category. Then after a few months they contact you about making a partnership. The partnership consists of paying some kind of a price for a top ranking when a spot is open. But it doesnt end there, they also demand that you pay them a percentage of the total project costs of any leads which come to you through their site. bestwebdesignagencies.com and Topseos.com are complete frauds and our firm as well as many other can attest to this as we have written communications proving how they lie to the users viewing the rankings as if they are only ranking the best providers, when in reality they are only ranking those companies who pay them under the table for the rankings. If there will be any prosecution against bestwebdesignagencies.com or topseos.com we would gladly provide our evidence into such claims. The individuals we dealt with were Andrew Mwangi and Jeev Trika. See this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vVNSH5xT9DU where Jeev explains why Webimax.com has consistently held the top ranking. What he fails to explain is that Webimax pays them on every project they land through their leads as well as a monthly fee to hold the top ranking. This video is a total advertisement for Webimax, which they obviously benefit from. Its shocking these types of unethical business practices are allowed to persist and that no consumer protection agency has taken action against them. Lets hope one does very soon. |
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