Title Max 125 % interest Rate, It is not 25% fist 3 months and then 14 % after that. A Lie!! Marietta, Georgia |
11th of Dec, 2011 by User809656 |
I borrowed 2000 for my Vehicle from Title Max. I should have just gone to the Bank but it was short notice from the Funeral home and I had to have the money to them within a few hours. So I went to Titlemax for the short loan. They give you an amortization of paying of your loan in 12 months or 16 months. It is really not part of your loan paper work you sign. It is a BS! Looks sort of like a great deal and you only pay 25% the first 3 months and by Law 14 % after that. This is not true at all. It is month to month basis and it stays at 125% interest rate. The trick these people use is you have two ways to make a payment! First way is pay the minimum say at $250.00 dollars. The second way is paying $300 that pays interest and principle. So when you go in to make a payment they tell you it will be $250. Dollars and you make the payment, not thinking about paying on your Principle. That is you first mistake because your $2000. Dollar loan just jumped to $2150.00 dollars payoff. Title max will not ever say anything to you and they are very much annoyed when you want to pay more then what they want you to pay! Don’t fall into this TRAP! If you have a loan go in each week and pay anything on the loan to keep the original loan from jumping to a 125% interest rate to make you owe even more! If you can pay the loan off early DO IT and never GO BACK! These people are Legal Bank Robbers! Until Georgia Legislation gets off their Sorry Ass and Pass a LAW, you are screwed! I paid my Loan off. This is how it looked. I borrowed $2000. Dollars. Next month paid the minimum $225. Dollars, month 2 went in to make Payment and paid $225.00 dollars thinking it was also paying the principle when I asked her what payment was each time. I looked at paperwork and everything looked great, however it was not. I noticed next balance was at $2289.00 dollars and asked about it. They DO NOT LIKE YOU ASKING QUESTIONS ABOUT THE BALANCE. She said you need to pay on Principle too! I just acting nice and said Oh, I thought you were doing that when I asked how much was my payment. THESES PEOPLE ARE NOT WORKING OR HELPING YOU AT YOUR BEST Interest PEOPLE. THEY ARE TRYING IN KEEPING YOU IN A DEEP HOLE AND WILL LET YOU DROWN IN IT! So on my 3rd month I could have paid loan off but wanted to pay towards the principal and paid $350. Dollars to see what the balance would be. My balance was $2118.00. I could not figure out how they came up with this balance but knew something is not right with it. So 4th month went in and paid the balance off. I work for the Government or Attorney General’s Office and know every Representative for Georgia. So I am now going to work on getting a new Law passed to stop this Legal bank Robbery of Georgia People. Thank You Title Max for when I needed a loan for a Funeral but I also think your establishment is nothing more than a bunch of Thieves preying on people who are desperate, looking for ways to feed a family or children in need of funds to get by. I do hope my paper work will help pass a Law and it was what I needed as proof to get this started. ThanksJ The Investigator. Oh to the smart people who want to give their opinion in saying you should have read the paper work, Please unless you have seen this paper work or have experienced it with these people, just keep it to yourself and FO because nobody really cares what you have to say and you are most likely they very same people who work for TtitleMax! Merry Christmas and FO. |
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