TigerDirect.com Confirmed Order was cancelled without providing alternatives Internet, Internet |
28th of Nov, 2011 by User516756 |
On 11/25/2001 on BlackFriday, I found a tigerDirect.com Ad for a Asus Laptop for $270 (+ Shipping). Considering it was a black Friday and many retailers offering similar prices for laptops of similar configuration, I didn’t doubt the genuineness of either the price or the deal itself. I have placed an order for two laptops and the site let me finish placing the order sent me subsequent purchase confirmation. Order# F7859614 Amount $559.98. After about 5 hours of delay, I received a ‘Sorry note’ indicating the cancellation of my order primarily due to lack of inventory. Meanwhile, assuming that I ordered these laptops, I did not think of shopping anywhere else that day. After getting this ‘sorry note’ I tried shopping elsewhere, but it was too late to find any other comparable deals that were active in the morning. Bottom line, I missed on both because of TigerDirect.com’s inability to deal with online orders effectively. The response I have got from customer service is very poor and they don’t seem to understand the meaning of ‘commitment’ after a customer receives order confirmation. They told me ‘it is common phenomenon for online shoppers to get cancellation notices after sending order confirmation, as there would be hundreds of orders being placed at the same exact time’!!. If it is really true, being an IT professional it sounds so primitive business practice and as far as I know none of the other ‘serious online retailers’ have this issue. The inventory will be locked once an order gets confirmed and notification was sent to the customer. I have seen other retailers at least honor the commitment with some delay in processing the order to get their next batch of inventory. I kindly request you to look into this matter and make them honor their initial promise or replace it with different company's laptop with similar configuration. If they cannot fulfill the order at any cost, please make them do necessary changes to their online shopping process and prevent this from happening in the future to other customers and make them have reliable business practices. |
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