Thomas Dixon & Associates Delois Thomas aka |
20th of Dec, 2011 by User752072 |
Beware of the name Delois Thomas, which is not the owner's real name. She uses it to hide from all of her clients that she has ripped off in the past. Her real name is Roschel Gums Ward. TDA is known for taking payments from consumers or debtors and keeping the money for personal uses. The owners of TDA are Guy Thomas and Roschel Gums. If you use this company for your collections, you will not get the amount of money that is truly owed to you. Also if you are contacted by TDA because you owe a bill do not give them your debit card or credit card information. They will run your card unauthorized. They are known for double charging the consumer's cards back to back, and will not refund your money. If you are a client, do not place your business accounts with them. TDA will steal your money and use it for personal uses, and you will not get paid. This company has changed its name to Thomas Dixon & Associates, due to the fact that the previous company was named clatyon walker gibbs legal processing or Steinberg, Owens & Stern. Which is under investigations for fraud and theft. I worked with TDA for a short period of time, once I witnessed what was going on, I was forced to leave. Just so happened I was able to see the true accounting books and everything was revealed. This is when I found out that TDA was stealing from my company as well. The owners lied to me about the amount of they collected for my company. TDA reported that they collected $155 in 3 months, but the actual amount was for $3289. they were suppose to pay the money back in full, but has not. I advise anyone who is doing business with this company, to stop ASAP!
Beware of the bearer of such news, there coud be a plot a plan behind the statements. Our firm has used Thomas, Dixon, Associate and never have had a single problem with them. We have in trusted them with a great deal of bad checks given to us and yes they did a great job with the recovery. Ms. Delois Thomas aka Roschell never hid her name from us since Delois is her middle name. There people all over the world that dont use there first names. We would highly recommend this company and support them as a whole.
It seems that this is a personal attack, and not truly business related. I advised that the writer of this statement make sure that they have no hidden stones that can be revealed, before trying to trash some one else.
Again we here at Global Touch Enterprise respect the company and shall still business with there firm |
The above filed complaint or statement is made by an ex.employee who goes by the name of Jeffery Wilson, but whose real name is Cletus Sample. Mr Wilson/Sample has been illegally calling himself an Attorney who works with Livingston, Collins, & Wilson. Mr. Wilson/Sample has been contacting Thomas, Dixon Associates clients in an effort to slander their name and then attempting to lure Thomas, Dixon Associates Clients from them. Mr Wilson/Sample has stolen files from TDA by downloading them to a flash drive. Mr. Wilson/Sample has sent out emails with his ficticious Law Firm's name on it... but they have no bar number, no registration with the state, and no tax info showing they even exist. Mr. Wilson/Sample is a thief and a coward. How do I know all of this, because i work with one of the Companies that Mr. Wilson/Sample contacted and tried to get to believe that TDA was scamming us. But what Mr. Wilson/Sample has succeeded in doing is now having multiple criminal cases for theft filed against him by not only TDA (for stealing company client info), but by a couple of TDA's client's for stealing their client info.
Just always be fully aware of what you are reading, use logic and rational. If TDA was such a scam artist wouldn't they have hundreds, if not thusands of complaints from client's and consumers... afterall, they deal with thousands of people on a weekly basis. I, as well as all of TDA's clients stand behind TDA and the wonderful and professional job that they do. And I look forward to the day that this crook Jeffery Wilson/Cletus Sample is convicted of his criminal charges and hopefully sent to prison for a long time |
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