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The police
The police in the sherrifs office in the courthouse and Jill Porter of the public defenders office and Danette L. Padgett the prosecutor as well as Ju
19th of Jun, 2011 by User655683
To Whom It May Concern: I have Been writing, emailing, telling every one that is supposed to care about justice and so far nobody seems to care about the cops that will arrest and charge people with what ever they please threaten them with physical harm mouth of to who ever they please and keeps the community held in fear for their lives. They even have most of the community afraid to open their doors to let air in couse they will walk right in and search telling them your door is open that gives us the right to search. And who will listen when they complain the judge when he is saying I except your guilty plea and moves to the next victim. Then the fear that one or more of your family could even get assaulted by one or more police and then the prosecutor works with the public defender and the police to force people to plead guilty to made up charges and then the Judge who is supposed to be honorable watching the lie by the public defender to their supposed clients to force them to deal most of whom have not even spoken to her until they are broken scared and ready to deal Just to get out and see their loved ones. But the One that they falsely accused charged and convicted are scared to dispute them . for reason that are NOT Expectable to any true American. I seen the police report on my wife because I paid for a copy no one seen them near any building they said they where walking {they meaning my wife and daughter} in a field and came towards them when they pulled in the drive way. My daughter got in the car as the woman who got out of the car was screaming that they should not be their my wife walked over to calm the woman down but told the officer who arrived that she was not acting coherent and as she screamed my daughter slid in the driver seat pulled the car up to where her mother was standing slid back to the passenger seat and told her mother to get in she was getting dangerous. My wife replied that she was going to wait for the police because they had done nothing wrong then the woman said you were going to rob us again like last week their was a man who pulled in, in a black pickup at the same time as the woman but he did not exit his vehicle he stayed in his truck and listened and watched when the first officer arrived he took statements from all parties and searched my wife, daughter and the car and found nothing that was from the property or any form of tool that could even be considered as a burglary tool on or Around them or the car. When the officer called me to come and get the car and my daughter he told me that their was no reason to believe they were doing any thing but what they said their story matched the eye witness in the pickup and the woman who screamed said they came out of the field and was not near the buildings witch was in bad shape any way when I ask why they where arresting my wife he said even though there stories match and the gentle man in the truck said what my wife and daughter said the woman wanted her arrested so his boss said bring her in but it would probably only be a couple of hours and she would be released I said I would be there shortly and said good by as my oldest son and I headed for the door the phone rang again and it was the same officer as before he said I am glad I caught you dont come down here my boss is here and said we have to impound the car I ask why and he said I dont know but he is the boss then he said could you meet me at the station in 20 minutes and explained where it was so I could pick up my daughter and talk to him so I said yes. When I arrived the police had not gotten there yet so I sat down to wait the elevator doors opened and my wife and daughter and a police man stepped of My daughter sat down and the police man said I will be back in a moment to talk to you so I waited about 5 or 10 minutes and he came back out with out my wife he ask me what they were doing in the country I said they had went to clean a friends house my daughter said we did go but they was not home so we took a drive an stopped to walk and talk as well as look for arrow heads and the occasional piece of copper wire discarded from cars the cop said your daughter seined a statement against your wife as did your wife against her saying they were burglarizing and my daughter said I didnt seine anything and we told you we were looking for arrow heads and the cop said well I have a friend with child services so dont dispute it and I got very angry and said Did you just threaten me dont you dare the officer quickly said I have to go turned abruptly to the elevator got on the door Closed and he was gone the officer be hind the window told us we could leave and we went home I ask my daughter what had happened and she said the same thing that the officer who called had said but that when her mother was trying to tell the woman that they was not there to steal anything that she would get louder cuz she was saying the place was robed two or three times before When they released my wife the officer who brought her out said that it was just a trespass warning and that we should not here any more about it but dont go back to the property
Now I have a bad time with dates but the events I recall very well and it was 2to4 days later a police car pulled up to our house I had just walked out on the porch and sat down it was just about if not 7:00 am my wife was fixing coffee so she could have some with me before going to work the man in the car got out in his street clothes walked up and ask is Penelope Raymer here, I called my wife saying some one to see you as she exited our door the man said turn around your under arrest she complied asking what for and he said 2 degree burglary a another police car pulled up with a uniformed officer as the street clothed officer headed towards his car he said I will be back to search your house when I put her in the car your door is open which gives us the right to search and I said in Russia maybe but not here as he was putting my wife in the back seat the uniform was getting out of his car and ask the other officer what he was doing Saying " We dont have a warrant and your out of uniform" the street clothed officer said woopde do what they gonna do fire me got in his car and drove away and the uniformed officer got back in his car and followed. At nine am Me and my second oldest son was at the sheriffs Office and the female officer be hind the window ask what can I do for you. I said We are here to talk to the sheriff and she said he is very busy so I sat down and said I will wait she walked away for about 5 minutes and when she came back she said come on in buzzed the door and we walked through, their was two police standing their one adjusting his sleeve and he said do you recognize me and I said no he giggled and said to he was the one who arrested my wife I said oh and followed the other officer to the sheriffs office all the way to his office the one officer and one who joined him where trying to get me angry and my son but I was ignoring them as did my son until we sat down to talk to the sheriff,[ if it was even him] the two antagonist where saying things using f**k in them and as I was telling the sheriff about the events what the officer on the phone had said and the officer who was not the same one on the phone had said My son got mad at what the cops where saying and said f**k you so I turned towards my son saying stop and dont pay them any mind I am trying to talk to the sheriff and if you cant hold your tongue then wait for me out side he stood up saying fuck this Ill see you out side and left with the two mouthy officers following him still provoking him I looked at the man behind the desk who now had his head facing down and was giggling then as I was asking the sheriff who was in charge him or the two bad representatives for law enforcement he said nothing just sat there while the two had returned and started with the names aimed at me especially the one who said what they gonna do fire me I looked at the sheriff and after about thirty more seconds stood up and said my apology I thought I was talking too the sheriff not his pussy wife [witch I know was wrong to say] but the two or three that were gathered at the door where getting louder and began to get me up set so I walked to the door that the woman buzzed to come in or go out with I believe a fourth officer that had joined the sport of antagonizing me, thinking it was such fun so I stopped and looked at them and two had slipped on the other side of the wall as I said well I got my nitrol [witch is my heart medicine] so if you truly want a fight then lets rumble the two that were left standing behind stepped back kind of giggling so I said just as I thought all mouth no action I turned grabbed the door that the woman was buzzing but when I turned the knob she had released the button and the door would not open so the three laughed I looked at the woman and said funny the next time I reach and the door does not open I will take that as an assault and you will be my first target she stopped laughing and let me out
Now when I got to the bottom and left the elevator I went to talk to the prosecutor and she said that she would stand by the charges against wife and I said there is nothing in the report that is anything but a trespass warning at best she said well that is what you see good by so I then went to City council office and told them all that had taken place and they told me that they dont control the sheriff or his men and they do not tell the prosecutor who to charge or not to charge they were sorry so I got their names and left now one would think that being such a supposed tourist destination that they would have proper law enforcement and lawyers and judges but I was able to see my wife once after her arrest without a warrant on that Saturday but you have to call to schedule an appointment witch I did it was supposed to be at 7:00pm but by 8:30 I had been waiting by my self from 8:00 until then and one of of the officers left with a grin on his face for what I could not say but when he left a woman came two the window asking if she could help me and I said I was scheduled to see my wife at 7:00pm but they had not called me she looked at the list and said there is no one left n the list but this cancellation what is your name so I told her she said well this is you name but some one marked it canceled probably by mistake well she said some name saying he was gone so they would let me visit and because of the mistake she would see that I got 5 extra minutes and apologized for the delay So I said thank you when they brought my wife out she ask what to do and I said for what when they take you before the judge he will dismiss the charges a blind man can see that you where not burglarizing any place this is the only place that you can walk in a field and get arrested for burglary she said what about Amanda I said she is at home she said that the prosecutor would charge her too if I dont take the deal I said what deal you havent spoken to an attorney yet They have not even arraigned you yet except the day after the arrest when they said you were with a judge in a back room that was private and would not allow me in She said that is because that was where they said If I did not plead guilty they would charge Amanda as well but I told them I would not seine anything until I talked to you so they took me back to jail I said you dont take a plea because when you go to trial the jury will see that the charges have no truth and you will be released she said that they were threatening our family and would stop me from going to trial until you were dead they know you have heart problems I said they have got to give you an att.
Then the officer said time is up she called the next day and said that I could bring cigarettes and coffee but she would have to share with all the inmates men and woman so I said ok then she said a date that she would be in court so I said I will be there the next day I took two packs of Marlboros and a three pound can of coffee that the officer took and said well we might give her one of these but we will smoke the rest and she can smoke the generic and the coffee we can enjoy wile they drink the generic thank you and he left carrying what I had brought in I just watched as he disappeared I called to schedule a visit the next Saturday and I believe the person I spoke to said they were transferring her to Buffalo that very moment I ask what for they said the rest rooms were not working I ask if they were transferring all the woman and they said no just two or three but they will be transferred back in time for court So for the next 5or6 weeks I was not getting phone calls and with no vehicle could not visit Then I received a call from a priest who said he visited her and that if I could get her meds he would deliver them to Buffalo and the gourds would see that she got them but the pharmacy would not fill them because her Medicaid was temporally suspended while she was incarcerated Plus I was checking when she was supposed to appear in court watching the dockets every day and she was not on the docket then I would ask the lady that made up the dockets and she did not know sow I weighted and continued checking the dockets and the supposed us Marshall would tell me to leave that I had no business there and I would tell him to leave me alone my doings in the courthouse was about my wife and he should concern him self with his so he would go back in the court room and I would leave still finding nothing out but the one court date that she had told me the last time she was able to call was still on my mind so On that day I was there at 9:00am as I was checking the docket and she was not on it I looked in the court room to see if she was in there and The CROOKED U.S. MARSHIAL approached me saying what do you need I said that I was looking to see if my wife was in there she was supposed to be brought from Buffalo for court today, he said as I told you before when she is brought her you will see her and all that was brought today were men she was not with them. And is not here. So I went to the woman that made the dockets and ask why my wife was not on it she said what is here name I told her she typed it in her computer then in 4or 5 seconds she got a weird look on her face and then a few seconds later she said it was rescheduled for the following month on the 17 I ask why had I not been notified and she said that it was my wifes job to notify me I said from jail when she can not talk to anybody she said that is her problem not mine so as I was walking out of her office the crooked U S marshal again approached me saying you need to leave now so I looked at him and said this is a public building and I have as much right to be here as any one get out of my face and go play with your toys he gave me a stern look and I said what you think you want to go farther, you are covering crooked people so go play with them and he stormed in the court room and I walked out the East exit looked up at the smoking Place for the prisoners as I did on every visit but I usually went through the west exit and walked to the side walk north of the courthouse but this time something inside told me to go through the east exit and there was my wife and a police officer she was smoking a cigarette I said hello my love she said baby there taking me to court again please be there then the door opened and the crooked marshal stepped up to the officer with my wife saying something in a whisper so my wife would not here and I yelled I will be in there I walked back in the building looked at the docket again and her name was now on the docket so I walked in to the woman who does them and she looked shocked to see me I said why did you lie to me she ruddily said you cant prove it so leave Witch I did and I then went in the court room. When I walked in the court room I walked to the east side of the room and sat down I did by the way have a neighbor that had accompanied me their and she was staying low profile so as not to draw attention to her self
She was present when the CROOKED U.S. MARSHIAL was making threats so I would not be there when they FORCED my wife to plead guilty to burglary charges that they new was bogus, and she saw when the CROOKED U.S. MARSHIAL slipped back in the room after telling the cop up stairs with my wife that they needed to bring her in so I would not see her or her see me but HE WAS TOO LATE. When they did bring my wife in she was cuffed with 3 or more MEN and was the only female brought in at that time but before she was brought in I saw the public defender talking to the prosecutor both were women and she was telling the prosecutor that all the cases where ready for pleading out as requested. I ask the Blond hared public defender if she was in fact the public defender and she said yes, I said that I needed paper work for my wife to request her services she said what is your wifes name I told her and she said I have her paper work there already I ask if she had spoken to my wife and she said no but she would have time to when they brought her in, then she continued to speak with the prosecutor about an Hawaiian vacation that the two had gone on or was about to go on. *** Now the police report said that the man and woman stated when questioned that they had arrived at the same time and observed two woman walking and talking in the field away from the buildings when the woman in the car jumped out screaming you dont belong on this property so the 2 woman proceeded to walk towards there car that was parked in the drive way the younger woman got in on the passenger side and closed the door the older woman walked up to the woman who was at that time saying this is the last time any one is going to rob us the gentleman stated to me that the only reason he had came was to keep the yelling woman who is the sister of the owner of the property and was intoxicated and mixing it with her meds from do anything stupid and the woman who owned the property lived out of state but did not want her sister on the property and had ask him to keep an eye on her but that the two woman had tied to calm her down saying that they where not trying to steal anything and she was welcome to search them and the car but that did not calm her down she said last week we was robbed and you are back to complete the job then the younger woman slid in the drivers seat and pulled up to were the older woman was standing, put he car in park slid back to the passengers seat and said come on mom she is starting to get dangerous lets just go but the owners sister said the police are on there way and the older woman looked at the one in the car saying no we will weight for the police we havent done anything wrong. He said that the two was just trying to calm her down but when she mixes her meds and alcohol she just does not stop, the yelling woman just kept saying that they are tying to rob us again so then I searched the two woman and there vehicle and found nothing that was from the property or that would lead me to believe that they was burglarizing there or any ware and there was no sign that they had ever been in the buildings on the property at all then the officer that had two months early brought my wife and daughter to the station added that he had looked around and saw the door on the trailer was opened and appeared to be forced open, that things in side was scattered all around and were the car was parked on the grass there was an Ice chest that was open and dish soap container was leaked inside and the day before it had rained hard and that there were hand prints that proved they had slammed the trunk to get away and the woman who filed the complaint said that the two woman got in the car and tried to run her down to escape, the hand prints on the trunk were freshly made in the dust on the trunk lid and the tracks that went from the Ice chest to the car was made by trying to peal out I would have gotten pictures but the camera was not focusing in right***
When my wife was brought in, there was a man cuffed in front of her and 2 or 3 behind her. The defense att. Looked at the prosecutor who nodded so she grabbed a file and walked over saying Penelope Raymer to witch my wife said yes she dropped the file in front of her opened it handing her a pen as my wife started to read it the att. Said this is what the offer is 250. A month for 5 years and 5 years probation and I said she is not taking a plea she is not guilty the defense att. Spun around with angry look at me and yelled THEY HAVE SIEGND STATEMENTS FROM EYE WITNESS and I said NO THEY DONT LETS SEE THEM couse I have the report write here and no one saw them near any building. The judge Donald G Cheever looked up and listened as she flat lied to my wife and I as to what the evidence was they had. Witch was none but the judge looked at me then at her then pretended that nothing happened the defense att. looked at the prosecutor and she was waving her hand so as not to let any one but the d. att. to see that she was liping the words no we dont the d. att. then said well take to the conference room so I can talk to her and the CROOKED U.S.MARSHIAL took my wife up to the rooms behind the courtroom and as I stood up to go with them she said you are not allowed so I sat back down saying to my wife do not take no plea your not guilty and the jury will see that then I sat there waiting until they returned then when they did my wife was even more upset as she was going past she said I wont get out if I dont sign what should I do at that moment I realized that it was not me that was locked up so I said do what you have to. So she signed the plea witch they had changed the plea deal to 5 years probation and 100 hours community service when judge Donald G. cheever called her name he said I see you have reached a plea has any one in any way cohersed you or threatened you to except this deal she said yes and told how she was told that she would not make it to trial or see her husband with heart problems until he was dead and would not be aloud to talk to family or friends if she did not except the deal this was also told to her by her supposed public defender then the unhonorable judge donald g. cheever who had personally seen them lie to her and yell said Well I except your plea any way but with one stipulation that you and Amanda get professional counseling so they took her back through the door that they had brought her in and I had left the court room very Now webster county has a hold on my wife fore when she gets released from prison for a trafic charge that never happened They say she was driving on a suspended license
and the only thing that any one has to do to see the corruption is look at the police report and the evidence statement used for the conviction on burglary

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