Consumer reviews and reports on scam companies, bad products and services
Sweet Paulas Pods
Sweet Paulas Pods Sweet Paulas Poppy Pods Purchased $1049.99 in goods, no product, no tracking number, no response 3 Months After Sale S LAKE TAHOE, C
27th of May, 2011 by User815115
I made two orders from Sweet Paula. The first order was for $180.00 worth of mammoth dried poppy pods. The order arrived 3 weeks late and tracking information showed that it was mailed late. At first I thought it was the fault of USPS, so I did not hesitate to make another order. My second order totaled over $1049.99 worth of dried poppy pods. The entire amount of $1049.99 + shipping was taken from my account, I never received a receipt, I never received a tracking number, and I never received my product. I have made several attempts to contact the seller and the seller's ALIAS that he/she uses. It has been three months since my debit card was charged $1049.99 and I have no recourse to get my money back and the seller refuses to respond. Do NOT be fooled by the ALIAS website listed in this report, it is the SAME person and you will see that when you visit the first website listed. DO NOT order from "Sweet Paula", "", "" or "". They do not list a phone number or address that is not a P.O. Box anywhere in their contact information on either of their sites, emails, or receipts for a reason! It is because if they decide they want to rip you off, all they have to do is not answer your emails. After some research on some poppy pod forums I discovered that "Sweet Paula" is actually an ALIAS itself of an EBAY member who ripped off MANY people in the past and now has made their own site to scam more people. I wish I had read the horror stories before I ordered. I did check this website before I ordered, so I thought I was safe, but I guess I am the first to post here. If you got ripped off too, post about it here as well, it is better to warn others instead of sharing in the forums that search engines can not reach because of a required registration and login!
5018 days ago by Sweetpaulaspods
I am Paula, please email me and tell me your name and your transaction #, I have never once had a scam or rip off report and I have never not send a product or refund~ so please, if this is a real customer~ please email me so we can fix what you think happened~ we always email people all of our customers back and your saying its been 3 months but you say you just ordered on may 27, which was last friday~ it was memorial day so the post office was closed on Monday, but I know I have answered every email~ we were off on Wed and Thurs this week but that was posted on our site~ Im wondering if this is a real person or someone trying to sabotage us! I use to sell on Ebay and I had great feedback~ I always try to fix any problems that happens and I have answered all my emails!! my email is [email protected] and as for, that is my family and they have never ripped anybody off! they work for me and have a small website on the side~ I am really confused? please email or respond on here because I feel like this is very unfair~ i PROMISE YOU IF YOU DID ORDER ON MAY 27TH(WHICH WAS NOT 3 MONTHS AGO) AND YOU CC WENT THROUGH, I WILL EMAIL YOU THE TRACKING # THAT IS SUPPOSE TO BE EMAILED TO YOU BY USPS, CANT HELP IT IF THEY SCREW UP, WHICH IS OFTEN AS WE ALL KNOW! OR IF FOR SOME REASON, IT GOT OVER LOOKED WHICH WOULD VERY VERY UNCOMMON, I WILL REFUND YOU TONIGHT!! BUT I WILL WANT YOU TO UPDATE THIS AND LET THEM KNOW I EITHER SENT IT AND YOU HAVE NOT RECEIVED IT OR I OVERLOOKED IT AND WILL REFUND~ I REALLY WANT A 1ST NAME AND THE STATE YOUR ON CUZ I AM THINKING THIS IS JUST SOMEONE THAT HAS MAYBE NEVER ORDERED THROUGH ME AND THEY TRYING TO GIVE ME A BAD NAME~ALL MY CUSTOMERS KNOW THIS DOES NOT SOUND RIGHT! THANKS, PAULA
4934 days ago by Oldblinddarby
I have used paula on many ocassions, and NEVER has she ripped me off. The post office in tahoe is a little slow and unreliable, thus sometimes her orders will be delayed by a day or two, but only because the post office there is unreliable. She has always come through for me, granted her prices are too high, and that is why I dont shop there, but she is dead honest and always offered the best service of anyone I have dealt with online. I do not know the specifics of the situation here, but I have NEVER had any problems with paula. She even refunded me money that the post office owed me for messing up an order, and granted me store credit just because she felt bad, then she also increased the order size on the order I purchased with my store credit.

If you dont like her prices, dont shop with Paula. But...she has always been honest, straight forward, and easy to reach. Which are all rare traits in a business such as her which is rife with people ripping other people off. As I said, I do not know the specifics of this particular transaction, and it is entirely possible that I am wrong, but as to my numerous dealings with her, she is the most honest and has the best customer service of anyone in her line of work.
4764 days ago by Sweetpaula38
Hi, This is SweetPaula, Thank You for defending our business. its been a tough year in a half for pods, the prices nave gone up om the the online businesses as well.We are trying are hardest to keep in stock for our customers and we are hoping for a good crop this summer=-) the funny thing is. the person that wrote this and another report was not a customer, just an angry relative that is very immature. I actually feel sorry for her=-( Thanks again=-)
4751 days ago by Molovelo is a scam site / is a scam site / is a scam site. The 2nd two are just two different URLs for the same fake made-up or "alias" site of, according to Whois lookup (check for yourself, she wasnt very good at covering her tracks)

Anyways, I placed an order for 25 medium pods that were (and still are listed as) between 2-4" circumference. After not hearing back from the company after the order was made and money taken out of my account for days I got nervous and threatened to file the report im filing right now if they plan on scamming me so immedietely responded and shipped my package out. Big surprise, they're spending money with google adwords right now and are raking in money I'm sure doing what they're doing.

The package arrives and it is 22 pods, 3 of them full on moldy, and over half of them at or less than 1" in circumference. Ive never seen anything like it. I don't know if this is what they ship people (when they actually ship) regularly or if it was an attempt to get revenge for threatening to file a rip-off report if I didnt get a response.

Either way these people are bad bad news. Just in my talking with them it is obvious they are running a scam and are shady characters.

The website is <or> Doing a whois of shows that the website is created by along with Shonny Baldwin (phone# 1.9188125086) and Cody Tinnell (same person?) with an address of 1510 S Desert Palm Pl, Broken Arrow, OK 74012. On the main website's ( whois a person named Joshua Yates shows up with an address 1529 Snow Mountain DR, South Lake Tahoe, California 96150 with the phone number +1.9188125086 and the same email listed as CTinnell@gmail
Very complicated web here but all these people are conspiring to rip you off if you place an order i promise you. Do the research yourself and see.

Anyways in the end I had to file a fraud report against them and I got my money back from my bank's fraud department, thank god. They are not pleasant people to deal with so if you have already made a purchase from / / and arent getting a response or have been shipped similair to what I (and others if you look at fraud reports online) have been shipped then just go straight to your bank. They have a bad reputation already and your fraud department won't have any trouble refunding you on that fact alone while they aribitrate and eventually shut these people down.
4747 days ago by KSnyder
Hi, This is Karissa from
This reply is in response to Molovelo (Corey Jochum). The original post has been proven to be a relative with an ill motive that has never ordered from us.

We are family of sweetpaulaspods which is why we show up as the same business. We help each other out, sure, but we are two separate businesses which handle our customers and businesses differently. We have the same supplier and live in the same town and I design and maintain both websites. was the old url for before we changed names to keep the possibility open to stock other types of pods without much marketing change.

As for Corey Jochum (molovelo)'s complaint, he emailed driedpodcentral AND sweetpaulaspods mutliple times within 5 hours threatening to put a scam report because he hasn't heard from us yet when we were busy filling out the orders for the day and on our website it states to give us 24 hours to reply NOT because we scam but because we do have a life outside of our business and even during business hours we could be busy actually getting orders ready to ship instead of sitting on the computer looking at emails. We do email every customer back within 24 hours and we emailed Corey back BEFORE we shipped out his product. We even called him so he has our number and he never called us back.

There are times when we miscount or mistakenly send a moldy pod. IF THIS HAPPENS SEND THE PRODUCT BACK FOR A FULL REFUND INCLUDING THE COST OF SHIPPING BACK TO US! As soon as we receive the pods we will see that we messed up and send you the CORRECT order with EXTRAS to make up for it OR offer a full refund.. your choice!
Corey Jochum never sent the pods back to us and so we could not offer a refund. We are sorry for the pods you received, but I know for a fact that not ONE was below 2" in circumference because we do not even carry that size. It is possible and a very common mistake to get diameter mixed up with circumference.

We have been very civil and nice to this customer and have kept offering the refund but he wouldn't take it. There is nothing we can do if you do not want to refund. We have only had two customers complain since we started our business one year ago.(Jan 2011) If for any reason people have ordered from us and are NOT happy with their pods PLEASE email us and we will do our best to fix the situation. We have not ever ignored an email from our customers.

As for our personal information, Shonny is SweetPaula and her husband is Josh Yates. Cody Tinnell is her son and I am Cody's girlfriend, Karissa Snyder, and co-owner of
We no longer live in Broken Arrow, OK. 812-5086 was MY personal cell phone number but it is out of order now as I have updated my phone when we moved to South Lake Tahoe.

Whois gets its information from which is our domain and web host server. Joshua Yates is who pays for the websites and Cody and I actually update and design the website so [email protected] is listed as the email so we can receive the "server is down" emails so we can fix it right away.
We are not scammers, we are just a family of poppy pod vendors who help each other out.
If you for some reason believe we are scammers please do not hesitate to email us at [email protected]

Thank you for taking the time to read this,
Karissa Snyder with
4717 days ago by Molovelo
Wow. Didnt realize you responded on this site until just now.

Paula you liar it took you 2+ days to respond to me and you didnt even ship until day 3. Saying it was all within 1 day is an absolute lie. You and I both know what you sent me AND OTHER VICTIMS WITH THE EXACT SAME COMPLAINT (google it, multiple people with identical experience as me) was more than just grossly misleading... but a FULL ON SCAM. I mailed you back the pods and have a tracking number confirming that you received them... yet you will not respond to my emails and now i read that you claim YOU NEVER RECEIVED THEM??? Jesus... Also, the moldy pods happen, i get that... but only to venders who dont care enough to check their product before distributing it. The fact that you are using lies to excuse your mistakes (or worse) is deplorable.

Again, I am not the only one with the exact same complaint. Use google and you will find at least 2 other complaints against you with the EXACT SAME COMPLAINT.

Lying and then calling me a liar is pathetic and more than a little frustrating. You should be ashamed and if I had more time to spread the word I would make sure even more people knew about you. It pisses me off to think that people with a legitimate need for these pods to treat pain put trust in you then get completely screwed, which is happening to a lot of people ordering from you.

And dont pretend that you are selling these pods as ornamental... virtually every single person buying them is either abusing them or using them to treat pain. So sending out bunk orders with moldy pods shows you are more interested in making a buck when people are actually depending on you and their lives are effected by it.

I have since gotten off of pain medication (2 broken legs, 6 months healed) and fortunately do not have a need for these any more. Thank god.

P.S. anybody ordering pods do a whois on the site before you order and make sure it is not one of Paulas sites. When i placed this order a couple months ago she had 3 different sites up all claiming to be run by different people, etc. ... and since i first posted this scam report people have come out of the woodwork complaining of not just receiving bunk orders but having large sums of money taken out of their accounts, receiving nothing, and not being able to get a hold of you again.

4717 days ago by Molovelo
I just read this...

"We have only had two customers complain since we started our business one year ago.(Jan 2011) If for any reason people have ordered from us and are NOT happy with their pods PLEASE email us and we will do our best to fix the situation. We have not ever ignored an email from our customers."

Paula... you have at least 5 visable scam reports against you that I can find on google... one with over a thousand dollars taken out of their account and multiple people with the same experience as me.

Why lie when anybody can check and see...

You might as well just not respond to these scam reports, lol. You spend a lot of energy making completely verifiable false statements and claims.
4717 days ago by Mambo Odette is a terrible company.This company does not allow stuff to be erased unless you pay their lawyer that they have advertised with them. SCAM INFORMER SHOULD BE ERASED FROM THE INTERNET. This Scam Informer website is a fraud!!!

It is so easy for ex and fired employees to slander here. It does not investigate the claims they have on this website!

4717 days ago by Molovelo
to be fair I just wanted to add that upon researching I was only able to find a couple other unique scam reports against you. Of the 5 that I mentioned only 3 are unique and one of them is quite vague.

and also to be fair it has been a little while now since my experience and I havent seen or heard of other people having major issues with this vender like I did. I am going to assume that they are not a scam vendor like I initially assumed based on my experience as people are obviously getting their orders and not complaining and I know they have been doing a decent amount of business.

I am in the process of trying to get these postings removed as their visibility and consequence does seem a bit harsh considering other people in general are not having major issues with Paula's Pods / driedpodcentral, etc.
4717 days ago by Mambo Odette is a terrible company.This company does not allow stuff to be erased unless you pay their lawyer that they have advertised with them. SCAM INFORMER SHOULD BE ERASED FROM THE INTERNET. This Scam Informer website is a fraud!!!

It is so easy for ex and fired employees to slander here. It does not investigate the claims they have on this website!

4595 days ago by Bellecache
This is in reference to what Molovelo stated.
You were right the first time! They DO make excuses, they do lie, Paula & hubby Josh Yates who used to live in Broken Arrow, OK before making enough money to move to resort town USA - South Lake Tahoe, CA.
About a year ago Paula stated on her Twitter page on her site that they would soon be getting a 1-800 number for customer convenience. DID NOT happen.
I started buying from Paula well over 2 years ago. Since then she has messed up more than 4 orders of mine. At first, like you heard, she was quick to respond to your emails and try to make things right.
However, since moving to S. Lake Tahoe, they are not prompt about anything. They've gone from blaming their local post office so that they no longer had to deal with overnighted orders, to blaming the horrible product as well as being sent the wrong order on some unsuspecting employee that they unfortunately and regrettably had to fire.
However, that is not an acceptable excuse. When you hire someone to work for your company, they represent your company and whatever mistakes are made, are the companies owners fault. Period.
Also, they try to convince you that the order of med/lg mix is the same mammoth pods you've been getting all along!
Then they (Paula & Josh) tell you to just send the order back for a FULL REFUND. But it's like pulling teeth to get them to say that they will refund your return shipping costs. HA
So, you have to drive to your post office, stand in line waiting, and then pay to return that awful order. You're nice enough to email the tracking number to them. Then... You guessed it!! More waiting to hear anything back from those two. So you wait some more. Then call your post office to make certain that the shipment made it back to them and then start wondering if you'll ever get reimbursed! And after a full week of nothing,
finally you are left with no choice but to send them an email inquiring as to when you could get your FULL REFUND.?. Not only was Josh RUDE about the whole thing, but he treated me like he did not care, that it's my fault, and did not want me to order from them again! Not a problem. But this is where he showed his true colors...first he wants to know what address i returned it to!!! (after it had been in their post office box waiting to be picked up) Then Josh says that he will pick up box "on way home" and will "issue refund this evening". That was Tuesday July 3rd 2012. when I had not received my reimbursement to my account by Saturday July 7, 2012, I began to worry! so I went to their site and it was "down for maintenance"! So I called the bank and explained everything including how I was treated and they said that they could have the dispute papers ready for my signature by Monday, but that my card and checks would not be any good after that and I'd have to wait a week for a new debit card! So I emailed Josh and Paula back wondering why they had not made good on Josh's promise to issue my full refund the evening of the 3rd. And was forced to give them until Mo day July 9th, 2012. On Sunday July 8th, then Paula sends me an email wanting to know what the problem was. I told her that I had no idea what was going on, and tried to explain having to take pictures of the order that she had sent in error and that I was treated very rudely.
Of course they were trying to pull off the old "Good Cop/Bad Cop" routine with me.
I got a longwinded list of excuses and how they needed to get away and that they do a lot of traveling...blah, blah, blah. I don't care. I just wanted the FULL REFUND as promised a week before!!! Because now they have the product as well as my money! This baloney went on for more than 40 emails!!! I too was called a liar. I never knew who the next character assassination email was coming from...Paula or Josh! they claimed that I was never promised a full refund on July 3rd and that Josh never would have said anything about picking up the returned shipment on his way home!!! Even though I had and still have ALL correspondence to prove that they are the liars! Not me. They still denied it!!
What was the real piece of cake was the excuse that the reason I did not get my refund on July 3rd was because they needed to get away and go to the lake on Friday July 6th!!!
It still took them 5 more days to get my refund issued!!!
Then when I Fi ally did get my refund...they screwed that up as well!! To this day I have not gotten my return shipping costs back as promised! So I emailed them again letting them know that they still owed me my return shipping costs. Next day Josh told ME that I would have to call and ask them!!
You guessed it! I called and spoke to one of their reps...Kyle, he told me that this was not my responsibility to call for Paula & Josh, and secondly if they didn't want to write me a check for shipping costs...that they would have to call and change their refund profile because it was the way Paula & Josh had their account set up so as not to HAVE to reimburse anymore than the original purchase price!!!
So once again, you guessed it...I emailed Josh back explaining what Kyle had related to me about getting my shipping costs refunded, and a day later, when Josh finally responded, he said "I am not doing anything until contacts me and tells me that I have to write you a check!!!
He is a real piece of work! I still do not have my return shipping costs refunded to me as promised. It's not a lot of money, but then I don't have a lot of money and it is the principle of ethics at this point and the way I was treated was totally uncalled for and to be called a liar!!!
I am doing what Kyle recommended and contacting the appropriate agencies to turn them in.
If you like excuses, like being lied to, like being called a liar, like getting wrong orders delaying your orders even further, if you like paying out of your own pocket to return their mistakes...then by all means, continue ordering from Josh & Paula Yates! And thru it all I only stayed with them after they moved because they were from Oklahoma and I just figured that they'd get it together eventually! Unfortunately that did not happen and now they boast about being number one!!! Sorry Paula, but thanks to you forcing me to go out vendor shopping at your demand actually, I did find a great vendor who incidentally is the real number one vendor!!!
Thanks everyone that took the time to read this mess. I hope it helps, if only one person from being victimized by careless ruthless people.
I hope you all have a good one and my prayers go out to those of you in pain!!!
4595 days ago by Bellecache
This is in reference to what Molovelo stated.
You were right the first time! They DO make excuses, they do lie, Paula & hubby Josh Yates who used to live in Broken Arrow, OK before making enough money to move to resort town USA - South Lake Tahoe, CA.
About a year ago Paula stated on her Twitter page on her site that they would soon be getting a 1-800 number for customer convenience. DID NOT happen.
I started buying from Paula well over 2 years ago. Since then she has messed up more than 4 orders of mine. At first, like you heard, she was quick to respond to your emails and try to make things right.
However, since moving to S. Lake Tahoe, they are not prompt about anything. They've gone from blaming their local post office so that they no longer had to deal with overnighted orders, to blaming the horrible product as well as being sent the wrong order on some unsuspecting employee that they unfortunately and regrettably had to fire.
However, that is not an acceptable excuse. When you hire someone to work for your company, they represent your company and whatever mistakes are made, are the companies owners fault. Period.
Also, they try to convince you that the order of med/lg mix is the same mammoth pods you've been getting all along!
Then they (Paula & Josh) tell you to just send the order back for a FULL REFUND. But it's like pulling teeth to get them to say that they will refund your return shipping costs. HA
So, you have to drive to your post office, stand in line waiting, and then pay to return that awful order. You're nice enough to email the tracking number to them. Then... You guessed it!! More waiting to hear anything back from those two. So you wait some more. Then call your post office to make certain that the shipment made it back to them and then start wondering if you'll ever get reimbursed! And after a full week of nothing,
finally you are left with no choice but to send them an email inquiring as to when you could get your FULL REFUND.?. Not only was Josh RUDE about the whole thing, but he treated me like he did not care, that it's my fault, and did not want me to order from them again! Not a problem. But this is where he showed his true colors...first he wants to know what address i returned it to!!! (after it had been in their post office box waiting to be picked up) Then Josh says that he will pick up box "on way home" and will "issue refund this evening". That was Tuesday July 3rd 2012. when I had not received my reimbursement to my account by Saturday July 7, 2012, I began to worry! so I went to their site and it was "down for maintenance"! So I called the bank and explained everything including how I was treated and they said that they could have the dispute papers ready for my signature by Monday, but that my card and checks would not be any good after that and I'd have to wait a week for a new debit card! So I emailed Josh and Paula back wondering why they had not made good on Josh's promise to issue my full refund the evening of the 3rd. And was forced to give them until Mo day July 9th, 2012. On Sunday July 8th, then Paula sends me an email wanting to know what the problem was. I told her that I had no idea what was going on, and tried to explain having to take pictures of the order that she had sent in error and that I was treated very rudely.
Of course they were trying to pull off the old "Good Cop/Bad Cop" routine with me.
I got a longwinded list of excuses and how they needed to get away and that they do a lot of traveling...blah, blah, blah. I don't care. I just wanted the FULL REFUND as promised a week before!!! Because now they have the product as well as my money! This baloney went on for more than 40 emails!!! I too was called a liar. I never knew who the next character assassination email was coming from...Paula or Josh! they claimed that I was never promised a full refund on July 3rd and that Josh never would have said anything about picking up the returned shipment on his way home!!! Even though I had and still have ALL correspondence to prove that they are the liars! Not me. They still denied it!!
What was the real piece of cake was the excuse that the reason I did not get my refund on July 3rd was because they needed to get away and go to the lake on Friday July 6th!!!
It still took them 5 more days to get my refund issued!!!
Then when I Fi ally did get my refund...they screwed that up as well!! To this day I have not gotten my return shipping costs back as promised! So I emailed them again letting them know that they still owed me my return shipping costs. Next day Josh told ME that I would have to call and ask them!!
You guessed it! I called and spoke to one of their reps...Kyle, he told me that this was not my responsibility to call for Paula & Josh, and secondly if they didn't want to write me a check for shipping costs...that they would have to call and change their refund profile because it was the way Paula & Josh had their account set up so as not to HAVE to reimburse anymore than the original purchase price!!!
So once again, you guessed it...I emailed Josh back explaining what Kyle had related to me about getting my shipping costs refunded, and a day later, when Josh finally responded, he said "I am not doing anything until contacts me and tells me that I have to write you a check!!!
He is a real piece of work! I still do not have my return shipping costs refunded to me as promised. It's not a lot of money, but then I don't have a lot of money and it is the principle of ethics at this point and the way I was treated was totally uncalled for and to be called a liar!!!
I am doing what Kyle recommended and contacting the appropriate agencies to turn them in.
If you like excuses, like being lied to, like being called a liar, like getting wrong orders delaying your orders even further, if you like paying out of your own pocket to return their mistakes...then by all means, continue ordering from Josh & Paula Yates! And thru it all I only stayed with them after they moved because they were from Oklahoma and I just figured that they'd get it together eventually! Unfortunately that did not happen and now they boast about being number one!!! Sorry Paula, but thanks to you forcing me to go out vendor shopping at your demand actually, I did find a great vendor who incidentally is the real number one vendor!!!
Thanks everyone that took the time to read this mess. I hope it helps, if only one person from being victimized by careless ruthless people.
I hope you all have a good one and my prayers go out to those of you in pain!!!

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