Sprint I would like to try to get a class action lawsuit going against Sprint for the bait and switch they have just pulled w/ thier internet custome |
1st of Dec, 2011 by User515480 |
Let me begin by saying that the move to Sprint for my cell phone and actuallinternet service is the worst decision I have ever made as a consumer, I am y very easy to please, the fact that I am going through thr trouble of writing this is a glowing example of how irate I am currently w/ their most recent and it seems almost criminal transgression. Please understand that I have a laundry list of complaints w/ this Sprint. I have been taken advantage of since literally my 1st encounter w/ the company but I will keep it to this particular issue b/c as I said I believe this to be criminal and I have been on ConsumerAffairs.com as well as RipoffReport.com and in a few chatrooms and have found that all the other people that have had this happened to agree. Originally I only wanted to get internet from Sprint b/c I have a lap-top and they sell the internet cards, but I was eventually sucked in to getting my cell phone service w/ them as well, but that's a whole other nightmare. When I signed the 2 year contract for the internet it was for unlimited service, I wanted to be sure I would know exactly how much my bill was so I was explicit about this, I was willing to pay more for that piece of mind. Now fast forward a year into the contract and I receive a text mesg's saying and I quote " Your Sprint account 998945**** is near the spending limit. To avoid service interruption call *3 to make a payment". This is a message I Have never seen before, so I called customer service and told them and the !st person I spoke to tried to fend me off w/ some vanilla generic reason that didn't make much sense, and she really couldn't make sense of it herself so she tried to have me talk w/ a manager who was on a conference call. So she asked if they could call me back w/ 24hrs, I assured her I would be calling them regardless. When I was given the call back I was given a whole lot of "I'm sorry" and "we understand your frustration" but no real justified answer. When pressed she said that they upgraded the service to better suit me and b/c of that I would have to pay more. After some yelling by me over what I assumed was obviously illegal, she began to inform me that "Sprint reserves the right " blah blah blah, which was a answer she kind of had at the ready, which leads me to believe this is what she is instructed to say, I am not taking liberal license here or trying to come to my own conclusions here, I have worked in a call center and know the protocol. By her saying that I have to think that they have protected themselves from any sort of legalities, and the little guy has to swallow it again. That being said I went and did some research and saw how many people have felt as violated as me, so I find it hard to think that our local representative would not be happy w/ this happening to their constituents. When you have this many people who feel like they were misled somewhere along the line they had to be. That is why I think we all need to unite, b/c if there is smoke like this there is fire somewhere. There are lawyers out there that build class action lawsuits for things like this, How do you go about finding that kind of information out? I'm from a rough neighborhood in Queens N.Y. and growing up you learn not to let me people take advantage of you, so I am not about to let Sprint do it to me |
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