Sitesell |
Sitesell Sitebuilsit Utter SCAM Stay away - NO CUSTOMER SUPPORT! No Phone Number No help! Montreal, Quebec |
7th of Mar, 2011 by User204702 |
Back in december we were conned into using site sell by a lady who we were paying to do a website for our company. Little did we know that even though she had collect a payment from us for the web site, that she was collecting a payments from sitesell and their "5 Pillar Affiliate Program". That was her main interst as it transpired. Like lemmings headed to the sea, we contracted for 3 sites abefore we realized the enormity of our mistake. What stared as an issue with emails and the use of white pages turned into a nightmare. There is no support for sitesell, you email them and wait several hours (if you are lucky) for a response which does not help. As it turned out we never got the email isue resolved and sitesell thinks that one email is adequate for a company. Mind you, you can have lots of email addresses but they all have to go to the same place....??? excuse me! We had been with godaddy and were happy with the hosting service so after knashing our teeth for a week we asked for a refund. Then, we found we needed to pay $100 for our web site on a zip file not do that as it is unusable information unless you are with sitesell. We have spent $700 redoing the site which is happily up and running with Gxxxxy. and as for the refund.....6 weeks and still no refund. Lots of emails but no money. SCAM!!!
Dear User204702:
I apologize for the delay in responding. I just found this complaint.
Because you do not state your name, I cannot verify or clarify the details here or what you have posted. I can, however, post based on SiteSell's policies and from logic.
1. It sounds as though you hired a webmaster who prefers to use the Site Build It! platform to create online businesses. This is perfectly legitimate, certainly no less legitimate than webmasters who prefer Go Daddy and then collect affiliate commissions for signing up clients under Go Daddy's platform.
It works that way with countless business models. Inusrance agents get commissions for signing you up with Blue Cross or any other policy they sell. Cabinet installers get a trade discount on cabinets they install and then charge customers retail. Although you use the word "conned" it is, in fact, a perfectly sound business practice and a non-issue.
2. You say there is no support for SiteSell, but that is not true. Our support is email based because SiteSell is an International company. Since I don't know your real name, I cannot verify your support attempts or conversations to determine if there was a quality issue with our support personnel.
I can tell you this: support does respond within a few hours to any ticket that is submitted. If you did not enter the correct email address into the support ticket, you would not have received a response. That is clearly stated when you submit something to support and perfectly logical. Also, if your email provider filters new email addesses, it could have landed in your spam filter. That is also clearly stated when submitting your ticket. Whatever the reason that you did not receive a response, there is something incorrect there and something outside SiteSell's control.
Additionally, let's say you inadvertently entered the incorrect information into your ticket and support was not able to contact you for security reasons. You have free access to the SBI forums and could have made a post asking for help. Any one of hundreds of SBIers would have helped you get your issue with support resolved. I've seen SBIers bend over backwards to help new people with difficult issues and I know you would not have been ignored.
So it is not likely that whatever caused the issue was on SiteSell's end.
3. I don't know what you mean by having on email address for a whole company. You can set up numerous emails in your SBI account, all with different addresses, or you can choose to redirect them to the platform of your choice. I have my sites set up this way, so know personally that this is available.
4. I've never heard of charging to have your site moved. In fact, Support goes out of its way to help anyone who does not wish to be with SBI! Although we try hard to help and fix problems so people are happy, we have no wish to hold on to people who are in the wrong place. So getting your site moved is done efficiently without making you wait. Charging to do it is not a standard practice, so that tells me there was something special involved.
And it's not true that the data is only useful to SiteSell. Other people move their sites effectively. But perhaps you are a beginner and it was over your head technically? If so, it would be the same for just about any web host you moved from.
5. On the refund: We most definitely do honor the refund. That is our policy. However, there is a time limit. It has been extended to 90 days and there are no conditions, no questions asked. But you must be within the time limit, which is openly stated.
Again, I don't know who you are so I cannot state the exact specifics on your situation.
At any rate, I wish you the best of luck in your endeavors.
Denise Taylor
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