Simply The Best Entertainment - STB Entertainment Eric Symons - Steven Leflar - ww.ericsymons.com - www.stevensmusic.biz - STB Entertainment - www.sim |
1st of Apr, 2013 by User526424 |
Steve Leflar, former owner of Star Sounds Productions, was found guilty of multiple lawsuits from ripping off various investors and vendors (musicians & DJs) in 2008. His employee, Eric Symons, would write the contracts, collect the money from the venues and book the work. The money was turned over to Leflar, who pocketed it, and didn't pay the musicians and DJs. When they complained of non-payment, they were ingored by both Symons and Leflar, then ultimately taken to court. Although the musicians won the judgement, Leflar and Symons never paid the debt. Instead, they changed the name of their company to 'Simply The Best Entertainment' and continued doing business. Since Leflar now had a criminal reputation to hide, he made Eric Symons the 'owner' on paper and removed his own name off all paperwork. Symons playes along and advertises that he is and has owned Simply The Best Entertainment since 2010. In 2011, Steve Leflar was forced to testify under oath at a trial in Contra Costa County that he accepted a $75,000 investment from an investor in Star Sounds, and used the money (without the investor's knowledge) to open Simply The Best -- in 2008. (Two years before Symons claims he started the company) Symons is a liar and is covering for Leflar. Symons really has no choice since Leflar still runs the company. Ultimately, the investor was swindled out of his $75,000, as were several other investors and vendors to the tune of over $225,000. A few of the music companies who provided vendors and were ripped off: Associated Entertainment Consultants of Burlingame, Allegra Events of San Francisco, Grapevine Music of Napa, Legendmakers Music of Concord, Sound Affair of Fairfield, Wine Country Entertainment of Napa, etc. Steve Leflar and Eric Symons are dishonest and unethical people and I ask you to avoid them and Simply The Best Entertainment, and take your musical needs elsewhere. Thank you, Robert W |
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