Scott Connelly |
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12th of Sep, 2011 by User582160 |
Scott Connelly's Lies Keep Getting Bigger and So Do The Lawsuits The more you research the great Dr. Scott Connelly, the more lies you uncovered. Scott Connelly intentionally withheld information from investors that MET-Rx had been sued by the Federal Trade Commission in the matter entitled Federal Trade Commission v. MET-Rx, USA (USDC, Central District of California). In that suit, it was contended that no scientific data or studies demonstrated that MET-Rx products are safe. In fact, it was alleged that the products contained steroidal compounds.Connelly had falsely represented MET-Rx as being associated with, and endorsed by, the well-respected Cooper Clinic in Dallas, Texas. The Cooper Clinic demanded Connelly cease and desist using its name.Dr. Scott Connelly’s Pattern of PracticeThere is a definite pattern here. Connelly has had more than a few lawsuits filed against him. He has also promised to show proof of, and studies related, to the validity of NBC, the San Francisco Examiner, and failed to do so.By simply entering the last name “Connelly†at it’s evident the good doctor plays dirty. The following is a sample of what you will find: 30-2010-00371616-CU-BC-CJC DEFENDANT Scott Connelly 05/12/2010 BREACH OF CONTRACT/WARRANTY30-2010-00371616-CU-BC-CJC DEFENDANT Scott Connelly 05/12/2010 BREACH OF CONTRACT/WARRANTY779211 DEFENDANT SCOTT CONNELLY 05/15/1997 BREACH OF CONTRACT/WARRANTY00CC01355 MET-RX NUTRITION INC DEFENDANT 01/25/2000 BREACH OF CONTRACT/WARRANTY807216 MET-RX SUBSTRATE TECH INC DEFENDANT 03/24/1999 DECLARATORY RELIEF807216 MET-RX USA INC DEFENDANT 03/24/1999 DECLARATORY RELIEF803993 MET-RX USA INC CROSS DEFENDANT 01/06/1999 BREACH OF CONTRACT/WARRANTY793402 MET-RX USA INC DEFENDANT 04/23/1998 PI/PD – AUTO785993 MET-RX USA INC. DEFENDANT 10/27/1997 BREACH OF CONTRACT/WARRANTY779211 MET-RX USA INC CROSS COMPLAINANT 05/15/1997 BREACH OF CONTRACT/WARRANTY779211 MET-RX USA INC. DEFENDANT 05/15/1997 BREACH OF CONTRACT/WARRANTY771551 MET-RX FOUNDATION FOR HEALTH CROSS – DEFENDANT 11/12/1996 BREACH OF CONTRACT/WARRANTY771551 MET-RX USA INC CROSS – DEFENDANT\ 11/12/1996 BREACH OF CONTRACT/WARRANTY710413 DEFENDANT SCOTT CONNELLY 05/11/1993 MALPRACTICE-MEDICAL626411 DEFENDANT SCOTT CONNELLY M D 06/01/1990 NEGLIGENCE771551 MET-RX USA INC DEFENDANT 11/12/1996 BREACH OF CONTRACT/WARRANTY771551 MET-RX SUBSTRATE TECH INC DEFENDANT 11/12/1996 BREACH OF CONTRACT/WARRANTY771551 MET-RX FOUNDTN FOR HLTH ENHAN PLAINTIFF 11/12/1996 BREACH OF CONTRACT/WARRANTY771551 MET-RX SUBSTRATE TECH INC CROSS – COMPLAINANT 11/12/1996 BREACH OF CONTRACT/WARRANTY771551 MET-RX SUBSTRATE TECH INC CROSS – DEFENDANT 11/12/1996 BREACH OF CONTRACT/WARRANTY771551 MET-RX USA INC CROSS – COMPLAINANT 11/12/1996 BREACH OF CONTRACT/WARRANTY771532 MET-RX USA INC DEFENDANT 11/12/1996 FRAUD770365 MET-RX USA INC DEFENDANT 10/16/1996 CONFIRM ARBITRATION770365 MET-RX SUBSTRATE TECHNOLGY INC DEFENDANT 10/16/1996 CONFIRM ARBITRATION770365 MET-RX INTERNATIONAL LTD DEFENDANT 10/16/1996 CONFIRM ARBITRATIONDr. Scott Connelly’s Cumulative List of Lies The following constitutes a list of many of the representations, which were made by Scott Connelly, that at the time he made them, he knew them to be false. This is not intended to be all-exhaustive and the Plaintiffs continue to investigate and compile the list of concealments and misrepresentations he made, which appear to be false, including but not limited to: His educational background. He discovered the ingredient later named Metamyosyn. He was the creator of the original MET-Rx formula. He had sold his company, MET-Rx for $108 million to Rexall Sundown. He had created a business (MET-Rx) that had gone from $0 to $45 million in its first nine months. The website had a reorder rate above 80% and was generating gross sales greater than $60,000 per month. He had numerous clinical studies that had been conducted related to the efficacy of the specialized ingredients for both sports and medical applications. WGFE (his magic-medical ingredient purported to heal bones and tissue in half the time) was essential to the success of the medical division only obtainable through MGC (Australian partners), when in fact the active ingredient is simply lactoferrin. MGC’s Natraboost was also obtainable only from MGC and was the only patented and proprietary ingredient in the world that could produce rapid recovery after exhaustive activity, based upon a demonstrated study, which was represented as using Natraboost.That efficacy for his research and claims, which demonstrated unprecedented, wound healing and tissue regeneration as part of a rat study purportedly were conducted by he and Dr. Robert Demling. That he identified all of the specialized formulations and their ingredients which together formed the medical composite as being generally regarded as safe (“GRAS STATUS) as defined by the FDA. MET-Rx was the only commercialized protein supplement document by published third party peer review research to yield substantial enhancement of tissue growth and regeneration. He could pledge the exclusive rights to a proprietary screw top protein delivery device to Progenex. That he would not compete with the new company in the area of sports nutrition, medicine or bodybuilding.Through research done both on the message boards and for the article, all of these statements point to Scott Connelly being guilty as charged. |
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